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[Detective Carolina Morris]

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A person entered in the meeting room very angrily.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
What in the world is happening? *Sits angrily*
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Chief actually....
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
What chief??
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
People are dying one by one and you all are sitting here like statues.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Chief, we are trying our best to find the criminal.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Then where is the result??
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
If you all are gonna work like this then I have to call special detective to investigate and find the criminal.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
And I've already made my mind.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
But chief we are really close to the criminal.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
No excuses, you both will work with detective Carolina Morris from tomorrow, understand?
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Yes chief.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Yes chief.
Both at the same time.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
She is arriving by next flight and soon she'll be here.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Got it chief.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Meeting dismissed.
The chief leaves after telling his decision.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Detective Carolina Morris, right?
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Okay. Let's see who is she.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Let's go to the airport to receive her.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Both leaves for airport.
"At the airport"
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
*Waiting with the name board*
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Where the hell is she?
*Notice them* Chief didn't told me that he is sending someone to receive me.
*Walk towards them*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Hello, I'm Carolina Morris.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Oh hello miss.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Hello miss.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Did chief send you both to receive me?
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Actually no, we both just...😅
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
It's alright.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
I'm coming mam....*Dragging a very heavy bag*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
I'm also coming...*Dragging another heavy bag*
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Who are they?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Issac is my assistant and Luke...
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Shut up!! He is my another assistant.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Oh okay miss.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Where's the car?
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
This way miss...
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
They get out of the airport and gets in the car.
Dean drives to the main headquarter.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
You're Dean Watson and you're Calvin Anderson, right?
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Yes miss.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
I see. Chief told me that you both will work with me.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Yes miss. We are glad to work with you.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Issac, show me the file.
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Sure mam.
Issac takes out a file from a bag and gives her.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
So there are total 3 murders in the city.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Yes miss. All of them are so similar to each other.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
I see. Any evidence or any clue?
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
No miss. We never found anything on the crime spot.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
*Driving* That's really strange. How can a person kill someone without leaving any clue or evidence?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Kinda interesting.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Yes. All the dead bodies were found on watery place, At beach, swimming pool and lake.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Oh yeah. We didn't notice that.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
But the interesting thing is that, these places are really crowded. Why would the criminal leave the dead bodies at crowded places?
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Simple mam, to spread fear.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Correct. *Gives him file*
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Wow that was smart.
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
I am smart. *Proud himself*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Alright, enough talking. Let's talk at the headquarter.
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Okay mam.
To be continued....
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[Another Murder]

"At the headquarter"
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
It's really nice seeing you here.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Likewise chief.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
So Calvin and Dean will work with you and lead to the all murders.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Okay chief.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
I'm sure that you can find out the real criminal.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
I will try my best chief.
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
Mr. Jacob Evans [Chief]
See you working. And Dean will give you your flat keys and car keys.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Okay chief.
The chief leaves.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
*Gives her car & flat's key* Here miss...
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Takes* Thanks.
She put the keys in her pocket.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
So let's start the work.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Yes miss.
Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
Mam, can we get fresh up first?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Um it's okay. We'll focus on work first...
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Let's take a break. Only 30 minutes.
Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
Thank you mam.
Both quickly went to fresh up.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Sits on chair & checking the file*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
💭 The criminal didn't left any clue or evidence, so smart, huh. I see.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
💭 All the post mortem report says that these three victims were murdered in a same way, by knife.
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
What is she thinking? *Whisper*
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
No idea. *Whisper back*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
💭 No blood stains near the dead bodies or on the all way, like he freezes them after murdering.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
💭 The criminal is so intelligent. But the question is, why he is murdering people without any reason?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Let me see the victims profiles.
She opened another file in which the victim's profile and about them is written.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
What is this...?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
They were police officers?
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Yes miss.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
That's why chief told me to handle this case.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Yes miss.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
It's getting more interesting.
Suddenly someone entered in hurriedly.
Adriel [Police officer]
Adriel [Police officer]
*Running towards Dean* Sir sir sir sir sir sir sir sir!!!!
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Whoa whoa. What happen man? Why are you in so hurry?
Adriel [Police officer]
Adriel [Police officer]
A dead body is found near the city stadium!!
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
All at the same time.
To be continued....

[The Note & The Girl]

"Outside the city stadium"
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Oh shit...*Turn face after seeing dead body*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Gross!! *Turn too*
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Not here man...
Calvin Anderson
Calvin Anderson
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Awww this man...*Walk away from him*
Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Luke, you too?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
I'll bring water for you two.
Luke Morgan
Luke Morgan
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Walk towards dead body* Damn...
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Here you go!! *Pass them bottle of water*
They catch and drink and clean their face and mouth.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
*Walk towards dead body* Holy shit...
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Bend down* It's seems different from last three case.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Yeah. It was shot by gun.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Notice something in the dead body's hand* Huh?
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
A note? *Notice too*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Let me see.
Issac wore the gloves & took the note from the dead body's hand.
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
It's totally mess in blood.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Keep it.
Issac put it in the evidences polythene.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Send the dead body for post mortem.
Dean Watson
Dean Watson
Okay miss.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Issac, give me the note.
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Here mam...*Gives*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Send me all the details after investing this area. *Put the note in pocket*
Issac Martin
Issac Martin
Got it mam.
Carolina walk towards the parking & then towards her car.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*About to open the door of car*
*Suddenly bumped into her* Oh I'm sorry.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
It's alright.
*Walk away* Thanks.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Hey you. This area is under investigation.
Okay mam. I'll stay away from here.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Good. *Sits in the car*
*Look at the note* Perfect.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Huh? The note? *Check pocket*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
The girl...
Carolina quickly come out from the car and saw her another side of the parking.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Hey!!! Stop right there!!!
*Smirk* *Run*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
You!!! *Run behind her*
*Run out from the parking*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Damnit!!! *Runs faster*
*Jump off from a car*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Too energetic, huh? *Jumps too*
The girl runs out on the street and then towards a under construction building.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Take a short cut* Fu*k this girl is too fast!!
*Keep running*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Block her infront of* Stop it!!!
*Stops* *Smirk*
*Runs backward*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
You...*Runs again behind her*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Caught her collar & pull her back* Give it to me!!
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Punch on her belly*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Runs inside the under construction building*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Stop it you b¡tch!! *Runs behind her*
*Running upstairs*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Behind her* I said stop!!!
*Smirk* *Runs faster*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Pick up the piece of brick while running*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Threw on her leg*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
What the hell is she? *Keep running behind her*
Finally they reached on the top of the building.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Enough running!! Give it to me!! *Huff huff*
You want it? *Smirk*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Walk towards her* Give it to me...
*Jumps off the building*
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Looks down* Where the hell she disappear??
Carolina didn't see where she goes after jumping from the building.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
*Check pocket* This note?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
How the hell it come in my pocket?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
That girl...? Who was she?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Her face was covered. Why did she snatched the note and then again put in my pocket?
Carolina opens the polythene and then the note.
Welcome miss Carolina Morris. -Unknown.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Is it from the criminal?
"Carolina's flat"
Note : There is a building where all the special detectives stay with full tightly security. The building is pretty modern and have luxurious facilities.
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
The post mortem report will take time. And the note...
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
And the girl...
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Are they interconnected somehow?
Carolina Morris
Carolina Morris
Everything about these cases is so strange.
To be continued....
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