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star light base 2038

The sky was clear and the sun was up high,  the once peaceful base was now chaotic. People were running around panicking not knowing where to hide or run to .

Blood spurted around like rain and everybody was trying to protect their tinny life without success .It was a zombie raid and the base was doomed,  cause the number of most  zombies were higher than the number of  human survivals and most  zombies also  had higher level from level 12 and above, and had already developed ability to think and understand like a normal human beings .

Somewhere a bit far from the raid, there was a young woman who was thirty years old standing near a white coated doctor in a laboratory ,who was still in haste of mixing some substance in a test tubes, after few minutes the doctor stopped and gave a test tube filled with a dark blue substance to the woman named Su yan .

" Su yan,  that is it,  but i'm not sure if it's going to work " said the doctor looking at the girl with a worried gaze.

" It doesn't matter now doctor  Huang ,  it's better to die trying " said the girl and took the test tube and drank the dark blue substance in it  .

Then suddenly the door outside burst open and a handsome man whose face was cold as ice entered the laboratory .

" How is the situation outside? " asked su yan looking at the man 

" Its over, we are outnumbered by powerful zombies ,  i don't think we can survive, most of the ability user have died and other have turned into zombies  and there are alot level 12 zombies controlled by the zombie kings , did you succeed in making it " said the man expressionless asking doctor huang .

"I already drink it and  it didn't work " said Su yan throwing the test tube away , that was a test tube contain potion that was supposed to give a person ability to travel through time,  so that they can go into the past to save humanity,  cause this was the last base standing and it was now at raided by powerful zombies.

" So the possibility of survival. ..." asked doctor Huang .

" It's zero, " said the man looking at Su yan .

" Ooh,  i guess its time " said Su yan as she smiled bitterly  taking out a bomb remote from her space .

" I'd rather die than turn into a monster" said su yan seriously, cause she knew the whole building was installed with explosions  strong enough to turn the small laboratory they were in into pieces  by just clicking the remote . 

" Su yan " called the handsome  man and held her hand subconsciously,  su yan tried to release her hand from the man but the man held her .

" yanyan,  i love you " said the man looking Su yan in the eyes .

" You. ....." Su yan was so shocked to hear Fu chen's sudden  confession .

" I always wanted to tell you this many times but you were always so cold and distant to everybody,  i don't want to die without confessing my love to you, although it's too late now " said Fu chen smiling at her .

" Fu chen. .." said Su yan not knowing what to say,  cause it was not that she didn't like him, but her heart turned so cold after she was tricked and sold into a ***** house by her stepmother and stepsister in early days of apocalypse  , and later on she was saved by Fu Chen and managed to escape her prison, and later on managed to join Fu Chen group of six,

her heart became cold and although she was so thankful to Fu Chen and liked him,  she knew she couldn't be with him,  knowing well that she was just a dirty loose woman .

Then suddenly the door burst open and two level 12 zombies entered 

" Human, human, delicious humans " said one of the zombies standing at the entrance looking at them like they were its delicious meal .

Fu chen pressed  the switch from Su Yans hands to activate the bombs and pulled Su yan in his arm.

Su yan felt herself enveloped by a warm hug from a man whom she liked, but dared not exploit due to the things that happened to her in the past .

Then suddenly there were  sounds of explosions and the small laboratory exploded into pieces,  even those high level zombies who were inside and some who were near the building were  torn apart by the explosion .

Up in the sky there was a man wearing a dark robe looking down at the destroyed laboratory, then after a few seconds the man started to laugh out loud like a maniac .

" Finally, finally,  the evil cultivators won and destroyed all human race,  now this world will be  own by  devil cultivators only, at last, i'm the king of the world " said the man as he continue to laugh like a maniac.

Then suddenly he saw a white light appeared on the ruins and rushed up the sky in a flash, and a crack appeared on the sky and the light passed though and the crack on the sky disappeared like it was never there , like everything was an illusion. 

The man was stunned abit and couldn't react in time till the crack disappeared in the sky .

" Damn you Su long,  it doesn't matter how many times your descendant is reborn or receives the memories of the future,  I will still keep on destroying him or her again and again in every reincarnation " shouted the man to the sky .

Cause he knew thousands of years ago there was only one man in a Su clan who was able to bend the will of heaven and enter the circle of reincarnation after death, and can travel  through space and time at will. 

Many people were envious of him but couldn't do a thing cause,  Su long was so powerful,  and he was the first and last person to reach the level of half deity, which was impossible for cultivators to achieve and managed to destroy all the devil cultivators clan , and sealed him in an ancient tomb for thousand of years in an eternal slumber .

But he managed to wake up due to greedy human beings who managed to find a hidden tomb and opened it, and unlocked the seal which was used to keep him in eternal slumber. 

That was when he started his plan on changing and destroying the world by releasing the dark energy to the world and turned many people into mindless killers who feed on humans, and now he has already succeeded in defeating the whole world. 

The man smiled wickedly looking at the sky.


city D 2025

The younger and delicate version of Su yan was sleeping on her bed peaceful, then suddenly a white light appeared from nowhere and entered in Su yans body between her eyebrow, making the sleeping su yan groan a little,  and her peaceful face started frowning,  and it was like she was having a nightmare .

Then after a few minutes su yans bracelet disappeared and there was a tatoo left on her body.

Then suddenly the sleeping su yan opened her eyes and started looking around and seeing a familiar surroundings made her feel happy 

( I was reborn again before the apocalypse, is it because of Doctor Huang's strange liquid ? ) thought su yan with a smile looking around the familiar room .

" But it doesn't matter now all that matters is that, im back " said su yan with a smile on her face and  she took her phone from the table near the bed 

su yan looked at the calendar from her phone it was Monday  27/9/2025 

It was two days before the apocalypse started .

Then suddenly there was a knock on the door which awakened her from her daze .

" Come in " said su yan and after a few seconds the door opened and a little  cute boy who was 6 yrs old entered the room looking at her. 

" Big sister,  it's time for breakfast,  aren't you going to school today ?"

" Su jin " called su yan with a small voice and she could feel her eyes start to water .

" Big sister, are you sick ? " asked the little boy, worriedly walking toward her and putting his tiny hand on her forehead .

" No no come here let big sister give you a hug " said su yan and su jin moved in her sisters embrace obediently .

Su jin hugged her little brother , in her last life her little brother died in early time of apocalypse while he was still in school,  he was bitten by his friend who turned into zombie to death 

Because when she arrived in kindergarten his little brother's intestine was being devoured by a zombie,  she managed to kill the zombie who was devouring her little brother,  but it was too late to save him .

She blamed herself for not saving her little brother early .

" Big sister " called su jin who was in his sister's embrace .

" I'm sorry,  it's just my big sister who had a bad sad dream, " said Su Yan, releasing her little brother from the hug .

"Oooh it's okay dont cry, " said Su Jin as he wiped his sister's tears. 

" Okay " said Su Yan, smiling a little,  because she was so happy that she was back again and his brother was still alive .

( this time i will protect you,  i won't let you die at all )

" It's time for breakfast, " said Su Jin .

" Ooh okay,  i will be down stairs in a minute "

" Okay " said the boy and left su yans  bedroom. 

Su  yan got out of the bathroom and after she cleaned herself she wore dark pants and a dark shirt and headed down stairs .

When she arrived in the dining room,  all eyes were on her , when she saw her stepmother and sister sitting there,  she could feel anger raising in her heart,  cause it was these two who made her life miserable in apocalypse , but she dismissed it,  cause for now she couldn't care at all , as long as they dont do anything funny,  she might let them live their life without trouble .

although su yan hated them, that she wanted to kill them but they didn't do anything yet  and she already had her revenge on them in her previous life 

su yan  sat near her little brother su jin 

" Sister yan, aren't you going to school today ?" asked su lin. 

" No I'm not, " said Su Yue and quietly started eating her breakfast .

" Are you not feeling well? " asked her stepmother .

" I just don't feel like going to school, '' said Su Yan expressionlessly.

" It's not good to skip classes " said her father su jimo .

" I know " said su yan shortly and continued eating .

" I will be going on a business trip today  and I will be back in a week " said her dad, wiping his lips clean with a napkin. 

" Dad, I need some money, " said Su Yan .

" How much? " asked su jimo, wiping his mouth. 

" 500,000 "

" Five hundred thousands,  so much money,  what do you want to buy with so much money? " asked her step mother. 

" Okay " said her dad and took his phone and sent her money in her Account .

" Honey,  can you also give me some money? " said Su Yan's stepmother ( Chen Ai ).

" What for ?" asked su jimo glaring at her 

" Um. ...i . .."

" I will be going now " said su jimo and left the dining room. 

Su yan looked at her dads back as he left , in her last life, apocalypse hit when her dad was still in a business trip and was stuck in a far away land and when he managed to return he was already a powerful ability user, he was back to search for his family 

it was a time which her stepmother had already sold her in a ***** house and told her father that she was dead 

and when su yue was saved and returned for revenge and killed her step mother and sister,  her father never interfered and let her kill them 

but this time she wont let herself be stuck in the same fate. 

She refrained from telling her dad to stay,  because she wanted her stepmother and sister to be helpless and alone to suffer in the apocalypse.

" Why do you need such an amount of money? " asked her stepmother with anger in her voice .

( this man cares alot about this slut and gave her such a huge amount of money without even blinking or asking what it was for ) thought su yans stepmother .

" For fun " said su yan as she wipe her mouth with a napkin .

" You. .." said Chen Ai with anger because she could feel that Su Yan was ignoring her. 

" I'm full,  i better get going, hey get up i will escort you to school today " said su yan telling her little brother amd left the dining room .

" I'm going too, '' said Su Jin as he also left the dining room. 

" That b**ch " cursed su yans stepmother .

" Why didn't you also ask for money from your dad ?" said Chen Ai, asking her daughter Su Lin .

" Don't you remember I asked dad 400000 a few days ago,  if I ask for more he won't give it to me, " said Su Lin .

" That sl**t has changed a lot,  she is treating me like air today,  and where do you think she is going ?" asked Chen ai. 

" Mom let her be,  her academic results are not good to start with and now she is starting to slack off,  im sure she will be the last one in this month test,  and after i get good result than her,  dad will give me  more than that 500000 as present and we can buy anything we want " said su lin smiling widely .

" You only think about money,  you must study hard and surpass that bitch,  and when your dad sees how capable you are and how useless that bitch is ,  he will give you a share in his company , which is worth more than a million,  " said Chen ai, telling her daughter .

" Do you think so, mom? " asked  su lin.

" Of Course my dear,  you just have to study hard and make me proud "

" Okay  mom i will be  going to  school now " said su jin and left in a hurry 

" Okay, go ahead, " said Chen Ai, smiling.


city D 2025

Su Jin and Su Yan got into the car and the driver started driving them toward Su jin school .

" You've changed a lot, sister, " said Su Jin, looking at her big sister with a curious gaze .

" Really ?, " asked Su yan raising an eyebrow at her little brother .

" Yeah,  you even want to escort me to school today "

" Oooh so you don't want to do so? '' sai su yan with a small smile .

" What ? , no no not at all "

" I want to take you somewhere tomorrow morning  " said Su yan .

" Tomorrow ? , but i have to go to school tomorrow " said Su jin .

" I will call your teacher telling her you will be having a day off "

" Oooh okay " said Su jin smiling 

after the driver arrived at Su jin school,  su jin entered his school happily .

" Miss su,  where should I drive you ?"

" Take to xxxx supermarket " said Su yan  to the driver .After few minutes they arrived at the supermarket 

" Don't wait for me,  you can go back home " said Su yan as she got out of the car. 

" Okay miss Su " said the driver and left .

Su yan arrived at the supermarket and started buying cloth suitable for apocalypse which were long pants and sport wear for her and her little brother to use,  she also bought some coats, boots, three sleeping bags and backpacks for her and her little brother and didn't forget to buy base ball bats, and knives .

She bought some daily necessities , and also bought some packets of instant noodles, canned food and catons of water and she rented an empty apartment in which its surrounding had low population of people, she paid a month worth rent   and stored all the things she bought in it and didn't forget to buy a big mattress.

She returned home at evening and it was already time for dinner and everybody was having dinner,  and without saying a thing she sat down and started having dinner while sitting near her little brother.

After the meal she just stood up and left the dinning and headed directly to her bedroom to rest,  cause she was so tired and she still have a long day tomorrow cause tomorrow was the day apocalypse hit in her previous life 

she entered her room and locked the door behind her and went directly to the bathroom to bath .

After she finished bathing she used a towel to dry her body and when she was drying her body with a towel she managed to see a mark around  her hand which looked like a bracelet she used to wear in her last life .

The bracelet was her mothers favorite,  she was given by his father su jimo as a token of their love 

su yue really loved the bracelet cause it reminds her of her dead mother 

( when did this tattoo appeared ?) thought Su yan and started to caressing the mark and suddenly she found herself in unfamiliar place and the air was so good and relaxing 

there were a small house made of wood,  and water steam nearby 

the water was clear that you can see the ground .

Su yan was astonished by the beautiful  surrounding .

she went directly to the wooden house ,  the wooden house had four rooms and one sitting room ,  when she open the first room she found that it was a bedroom with only a wooden bed on it, and on top of the bed there was piece of paper on it, and when she touched the paper,  the paper disappear into a thin air and suddenly a handsome man appeared,  the man was like an immortal,  he was handsome beyond imagination 

su yue took a step back a little creating more space between them .

" So your the su descendant " asked the man. 

" You are ?" asked Su yan curiously when she sensed that the man doesn't have any evil intention .

" Im su chen,  the creator of the mini space " said Su chen sitting on the bed looking at her .

" Um. ...I don't mean to intrude. ..i. .." said su yan. 

" It's okay,  since you have managed to get here, that means the bracelet artifact has accepted you as its owner,  and you can use this space as you want because . Only the blood of a dying descendant can activate the bracelet artifact  and the descendant will get a second chance to live again and access to space, so that means you have already experienced death " said the man expressionlessly.

" Yeah something like that,  so this means this whole place is own by me now right ?" said Su yan raising an eyebrow .

" Yes,  i'm only a half soul without a physical body,  and i will be staying here guiding you in cultivation, until i manage to find my other half soul,  which should also be someone from Su family " said the man. 

" Oooh,  okay,  so how will you be able to find your other half soul or something "

" I can sense it when your near it "

" But  in few days it's going to be apocalypse "

" What is the apocalypse ?" asked Su chen curiously?.


" It means the end of the world,  and people will start going crazy and eating others peoples flesh " said Su yan 

" End of the world ? that should be caused by dark energy that corrupt people mind and makes them bloody thirsty,  the only person capable of releasing that kind of energy is only him, long zao " said Su chen frowning.

" So you mean this is a man made disaster " asked Su yan curiously .

" Nope it is a devil made disaster,  long zao is a devil cultivator who is obsessed with ruling the world , a thousand years ago i locked him in a far away tomb in and put him in eternal slumber but it seems someone broke the tomb formation and awaken him "

" No there is a way to stop him from turning people into those mindless creatures " asked Su yan .

" The only way is by killing him and all those mindless creatures will cease to exist " said Su chen expressionlessly.  

" So, why did you lock him instead of killing him ?"

" I was already dying,  cause i used all that i had to destroy all the evil cultivators and he was to strong for me to destroy in my current state so i used my remaining energy to sealed  him in a tomb in an eternal slumber,  but now after many years it seems the seal i put on the tomb have weaken,  and somebody must have found the tomb and awaken him "said Su chen getting up from bed .

" Come with me " said Su chen and walked outside the wooden house,  when she arrived she saw Su che standing beside the stream of water .

" You should drink it, it will be so beneficial in your cultivation  " said Su chen pointing at the water stream  

and Su yan bend down and drank the water from the stream,  then suddenly she started feeling heat rising from her body and started feeling pain all over her body and her face flushed red .

" Damn it,  why didn't you warn me about the pain " said Su yan while gritting her teeth from the pain she was feeling .

" Ooh i forgot,  it seems i have been in slumber for a long time and i have forgotten many things "

" You. ...." said Su yan with a flushed face and fainted .

Su chen just sat a bit far from Su yan leg crossed and started meditating

after a long time of torment Su yan managed to wake up,  she found herself covered by dark substance and she was stinking too bad,  which made her pinch  her nose .

" It's good you are aware how stinky you smell " said Su chen,  who was sitting not too far from her 

" How long was I unconscious? " asked su yan .

" Two days to be exact " said su chen.

" What ?, that long? i have to go out  " said Su yan .

" A day in here is equal to five or six hours outside " said Su chen looking at Su yan .

" Yes but i still have to go out,  uuum how do i go out " said Su yan .

" You have to use you thought and think about the outside where. ..... ." said Su chen and before he could finish Su yan disappeared from his sight .

" So impatient " said Su chen and closed his eyes again and continued to meditate.

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