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On the run

Night had fallen. It seemed like hours. The forest is misty and disorienting. All the trees look similar no matter which direction I look. Birch, oak, and evergreens.

How long have I been running?

Her internal thoughts filling her mind. Distracting her. She kept replaying that morning over and over again. Fresh tears streaming down her face when she thought she had long run out.

Mom, you're up early! What's the special occasion?

Her mother gave her a look she didn't remember seeing before as she made her way into the small kitchen. Was

small yet cozy at the same time since it was just the two of them. That look though, made her feel uneasy. As if things would be changing.

Honey sit down, we need to talk.

Oh no. Things were always bad when Mom said these words. Last time had been because of some local kids

getting hurt near me. It had been the first time something, abnormal, had happened with me. I hadn't been allowed back to town since.

I sat down in the worn wooden chair at the table, and waited for her to start talking.

Since you were little I have taught you how to survive. How to use what is available to you.

Dumbfounded at the direction this conversation is taking I just stare at my mother. She looks worn today, with her hair tied back but more hair loose than normal. Waiting for the point where I'm told how something is wrong.

You are older now and there are some things I need to tell you now that you’re older. First, I love you with all my heart and have raised you as I have for a reason. Your father was a very strong man and gave up everything for us. It is why we have been able to live as well as we have all these years.

I can see the sorrow in her eyes, her eyes misty with unshed tears. Not fully understanding what she is talking about but I can see the love and pain in her eyes. Dad has always been a bit of a taboo subject with Mom. Other than the fact that he's gone I don't really know anything about him. I use to ask about him all the time but every time she would start crying and become depressed. So I had stopped asking not wanting to see her cry or act like a husk only going through the motions for days.

Suddenly there's a noise outside, like branches snapping and something falling. I go to check what it is. We live outside of town and never get visitors and that is the only explanation since we have a fence to keep out larger animals that would be capable of making those noises. As I am getting up Mom grabs my hand and I notice she looks panicked. Fear in her eyes but also determination.

Look for the wolves! They can help! I know you don't know what's going on now but no matter what happens next

I need you to run. Run as fast and as hard as you can into the Misty Forest until you find them!

After that she shoved me into a tunnel through a trap door I didn't even know existed It had been under the rug in the hallway. The dark and damp tunnel seemed to go on forever. I ended up at the edge inside  of the Misty Forest. I started running not knowing what would become of my mother but hoping she would be ok. Not knowing what had caused her to be that panicked to send me out alone or to have an escape route planned straight to the Misty Forest for who knows how long. The Misty Forest was an ominous place that many avoided. Those in town thought it

was haunted and brought only death, as so many people trying to prove their bravery, or out of desperation when food was short, would go in but never return.

I stopped to breath. Needing to catch my breath after running for so long. Noticing a creek I walk over and bend down for a drink. The water was crystal clear. I could see all the small rocks with moss on them that made up the


I had been running since morning and was exhausted. Hopefully, the distance I had gone into the forest was enough for me to be able to rest for a little while. Sitting against a large weeping willow tree at the edge of the creek to catch

my breath I ended up dozing off without realizing.

Unknown Territory

As the next leader of the clan I had an enormous amount of responsibility. The old man was getting older and could no longer keep up with everything. He couldn't appear weak as an alpha to the clan though. Thus why I was brought in earlier than expected. Transferring responsibilities to me slowly under the guise of 'preparation'. Truthfully, I had been taught since I was young what the responsibility of the clan leader would entail. How best to deal with certain types of disputes, oversee building new additions required for the clan, safety, and hunting. He wanted to appear strong until he felt I no longer needed his help or I became mated, whichever came first. Then he planned to step down at the first opportune moment and become an official elder instead.


Tonight was a night where all those able to shift and not on guard duty would go out and hunt. We would bring back our kills for the clan. Using everything we could for our daily needs. Furs for new clothes, bones for tools, and meat for eating. Wasting the gifts of the forest was something we avoided as much as possible.



Tonight there were quite a few deer, which wasn’t rare especially with it being the end of spring. Hunting in small groups to cover more distance for better chance of having enough for everyone to eat for awhile.  The Elders of the clan and myself to lead the various groups to ensure the best cooperation. I knew of a creek that many animals would go to for water. I planned to head my group there in hopes of a bigger catch.

Sniffing the air for a scent I smell something tantalizing and can't help but move towards it.


I wake up with a start. Hearing something. Noticing a difference in the air I feel as if there is predator nearby. Knowing running would only draw their attention I get up slowly. Take a quick drink of water to help my thirst in case I need to run. Before I can even move past the creek I see it. There's a wolf. My first thought is, is this the wolf Mom mentioned? Then I wonder how a simple wolf could help me. Shaking my head and looking again there is no longer a wolf standing there but a man.

Even from this distance I can tell how delicious he looks. Bronzed skin from many hours in the sun, dark brown hair with just the right amount of length to run your fingers through, piercing blue eyes, muscular like you would imagine Ares, the god of war to be. He had to be at least 6 foot tall. Caught up in checking him out I don't realize he is steadily moving towards me. Not until he is standing right in front of me. He seems stunned but I doubt as stunned as me. The last thing I thought to find when I ran for my life into this forest was a ***** Ares man.

To make sure he is real and not just a figment of my exhausted mind, I slowly stretch my hand out to touch him. Feeling as if there is an electric current pulling me in the entire time. Instead of simply poking him to feel if he is a real man of flesh I suddenly find myself running my hands through his hair. Mesmerized at the feel and that he is actually flesh and blood real.

She is running her fingers through my hair and I can't stop myself. I didn't think this was how I would find her. As some unknown woman while on a hunt. Once I realized who she was I couldn’t help but move closer and closer. Then she touched me and I couldn’t stop myself any longer.


Forgetting everything but her I kiss her. Her soft lips and tantalizing smell pulling me in deeper. She seems stunned for a second before kissing me back. Which stuns me. I half expected this woman to slap me for kissing her suddenly. Instead she's not just running her fingers through my hair but slightly pulling while doing so and actually kissing me back. Pushing her supple body against me in the process.


This greek god is kissing me and tastes divine. I am half wondering if he really is a god at this point. I can't help but run my fingers through his soft silky hair at this point. Deepening the kiss best I can with my nonexistent knowledge. I can tell we are both enjoying ourselves as with him being ***** I can easily feel his hard on. Pressing against my stomach. I feel hot. Like liquid fire is running through me.

I hear a noise in the background and it surprises me. A jolt of energy runs through me and expands out. Sending an explosion with it. Three wolves are knocked to the ground but ***** Ares is still standing. Staring at me in shock.


The little minx seems to have just sent some kind of energy wave out and knocked out the rest of my party. Which is almost as surprising as the fact that I had completely forgotten about them due to our passionate kiss. I was excruciatingly rock hard from the kiss.

With the current situation it seemed I would be suffering from blue balls for awhile. With my clansmen injured and still waking up from that jolt, and this woman in the forest we would all need to return home. Without food.

My father wouldn't be happy about that. Hopefully this woman's shocking existence would help alleviate some of that anger. For now though, he needed to convince her to go with him.

This isn't the safest of places to be taking a rest anyway. Especially since she isn't from here. "Since you have injured my men and seem to be lost, why not go back to my village with me?"

"Your village? Your men? Those are wolves! Not men!"

"Listen, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Either way you will be going with me. Now do you wish to walk yourself or be carried like luggage?"


Left with no option but to go with him I nod in defeat. Noticing that the wolves that had been knocked down are now ***** men I stare in shock. Since when are wolves able to change into men?! Could this group of beings be what my mother meant? It would make more sense than finding an actual wolf for help. Then how did she know of them? My mind swirling with questions, for them and my mother who can no longer answer, I follow. Hoping that at least some of this will make sense eventually. I am starving and exhausted. I had only eaten a few bites when I could while running. There hadn't been time for breakfast. I needed rest and food to replenish my strength after running so hard for so long. I was leery of the other wolves but for some reason I felt safe with The Ares.

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