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The Lost Kingdom

Episode 1

I can't believe what I'm seeing!

This place looks like hell itself.

Since we arrived here, hundreds of years ago, I could never imagine seeing something like this.

Everything is burning, trees, crops, houses, buildings, people, the castle...

Werewolves run fleeing from the fire and killing everything in their path. Vampires who arrived at the beginning of the night, bite those who are still alive.

Some residents, who felt or predicted that something would happen, fled through portals or transportation, others ran to the hills and caves and hid. Everything is destroyed.

I hear a voice calling me,

"grandma, grandma, come... mommy....

She pulls me by the hand and I, who was so absorbed in my thoughts, woke up. I went to my daughter and she was fallen and a burning tree had fallen on her and there was no more way.

My daughter is dead and my six-year-old granddaughter, who is already a strong girl, initiated into magic lessons, now depends on me.

When we came to these lands, it was an inhospitable place, with many mountains, dense forests, and a coastline surrounded by cliffs and cliffs, separating us from the sea.

Many centuries passed in which with hard work, dedication, and magic, we managed to thrive in this place. We built cities, plantations, palaces, the population grew united and in peace, and magic floated over the land.

This is the Kingdom of witches, wizards, and sorcerers.

Supernatural beings populated the world, all had their lands and formed their kingdoms. But some races, not satisfied with their power and territory, began to covet the other kingdoms.

Some of our own, unsatisfied with the government the way it was, betrayed their own people and joined werewolves and vampires, using dark magic. They started attacking us, when they didn't kill, they tried to weaken the humblest, telling them they had no right to be here and that our leaders didn't protect them.

So they tried to dominate us.

But our supreme leaders, magicians descended from ancient Druids, sorcerers possessing millennia-old powers of the original caste, and witches with their magic of different classes, managed to protect us until now, but this time the attack was a true war.

I looked at all that destruction and felt a deep pain in my soul.


I feel a powerful magic, that I haven't felt in a long time, and that can destroy me, penetrating my body and mind, I hear a voice,

"Listen, elder, I'm transferring my magic to you, you will know what to do with it. Open a portal and send your granddaughter through, then cast the spell, we can't take it anymore here, we are weak, after you finish, I will unleash the rest of my power and destroy everything that remains, every animal, person, nature, including us, and we will end it all. Receive it and fulfill your destiny."

I felt such a great power coming into me that I fell to my knees. When I recovered, I took my granddaughter, opened a portal, and passed her through, took a bag of gold coins that I always hide in my clothes and gave it to her.

"Go, my granddaughter, protect yourself and do not trust the wicked men, be careful, never reveal yourself and never say where you're from, make sure to write down everything about our world, don't let this kingdom die within you." I cast a protective spell on her and commanded her to go. I closed the portal and contemplated the forest burning in flames.

I took my wand and began to cast the spell.

Bho bhonn na talmhainn, bho chridhe nadur, bho chumhachd an sgoth, leig le dion falaichte a dhol tron aite seo agus chan urrainn dha duine a dhol agus chan urrainn dha duine a dhol a-steach.


From the depths of the earth, from the heart of nature, from the power of the celestial being, let there be a cloak of concealment over this place and no one can leave and no one can enter.

I cast the power and the magic spread like a mist covering the entire place.

After that, I cast a prophecy.

When everyone forgets

The offspring will be born

Who carries within them the strength

The power and the knowledge

Who will bring back the splendor

Of the bitter earth today

They will come with magic and love

And an entire race will be restored.

When I finished, I saw a huge flash coming from the top of the hill and from where I was, high in the black forest, I could see the destruction reaching everything and everyone, until it reached me...

Centuries later


I finished my studies and graduated with honors. Throughout all these years of training, I learned to practice various types of witchcraft, manipulate elements, fight, speak other languages, and even managed to use a little magic, I believe I must have inherited from my mother's fairy side.

Today I am here in the library of the Blue Moon Pack, looking for a book that I have felt calling out to me. But I have looked everywhere and found nothing, not even a sign. Maybe it is protected by an enchantment, if so, it will only respond to its rightful owner. So if it's mine, as it has been calling me, I suppose it will come to me.

mo leabhar, thig thugam. (My book, come to me)

I waved my wand and saw a light trace, like a hand, through some shelves on my left side, on the top part. It touched a book and it moved out of its place and came to me.

When I held it, I realized it was very old and I had to be very careful. It was wrapped in a leather cover, tied with a leather strap as well. I untied it and opened it. I went to the special stand to support old books, placed it there, and could take a better look. It's not exactly a book, it looks more like a diary.

I opened the first page and luckily I studied Gaelic, now I can understand it well.

There's a name right on the first page.

Belongs to Yasmim Catanach. Year 1708, Ireland.

"Wow! It's really ancient. I will be very careful with you, my treasure. You can count on me to study you, with great care and dedication." I turned to the next page and the title says,

This is the story of the Kingdom of Avila, where witches, wizards, and sorcerers lived in peace, harmony, and prosperity.

So it really existed, or there is a lost Kingdom.

Everything that exists, if it is hidden, can be found and I will find it, or my name is:

Pedro Bener, son of Dereck and Lizandra Bener, grandson of werewolves, witches, angels, and fairies!

Episode 2

I carefully grabbed the diary, placed it inside another open book, and hid on the second floor behind the bookshelves. I want to read in peace, and when my mom realizes I'm missing, she'll disturb my life by sending my sister after me.

I begin reading and realize that I've stumbled upon a great find, an unsolved mystery. I'm almost at the end, and I've discovered that the Lost Kingdom was nearly extinct, but a protection was placed upon it.

Perhaps there's also a concealment spell. Knowing where it is, I can open a portal with invasive magic and test this protection. If I can't enter, I'll ask for Aurora's help.

We all studied and trained our abilities separately.

Aurora went to the Fairy Kingdom.

I went to Agnek's castle, a very old and powerful wizard who always lived alone due to his lack of trust in anyone. Aliene, the queen of fairies and Agnek's friend, asked him to train me.

As for Vini, he had to go far away. His ability of vocal causality caused a lot of trouble and damage to my parents, as without control, it can destroy and kill any place or living being within seconds. Only my parents know where he is. His safety is very important as he is a naturally evolved Alpha, as well as a magic-filled hybrid, the extent of which nobody knows. I don't know when we'll see him again, as now we've reached what humans would call adulthood, twenty-one years old, although we've lived much less.

Returning to my book, it narrates the tragic story of the power struggle in the Kingdom of Avila, but the narrator left before everything was sealed and destroyed.

When I was in Agnek's castle, I read many books in his library, and some books written in Gaelic told, as if it were a legend, the same story, but from the perspective of those who survived the chaos of war.

They say there's a prophecy about a heir who will be able to open a portal and enter the Lost Kingdom. When this happens, those who survived and are in hiding, along with their descendants, will return, and the race of witches, wizards, and sorcerers will be restored.

It's already dark, so I put the book in the same place since the last entry mentions a continuation in another diary. I'll look into that tomorrow, as I already hear Aurora's footsteps coming to find me.

I leave the library just as she arrives.

"Hey sister, did you come to call me for dinner?" I embrace her, already heading towards home.

"As always, right? I don't understand why I, the supreme of three races, have to be a messenger for my brother, the wizard."

"For three reasons, young lady: first, because I'm the older one, second, because you still don't have a companion, and third, because you haven't assumed your place as the supreme."

"That's not fair, why do women always have to have a man bossing them around?" She stopped, stomped her foot on the ground, crossed her arms, and spoke angrily before pouting.

"Don't twist things, Aurora. It's not about bossing you around, it's about taking care of you. It's you women who are responsible for the continuation of supernatural beings, and with the permission for intermingling of races, extraordinary beings have been born and they can be dangerous. We just want our females to be alive and protected." We continued walking.

"Don't even start with that. Your speech is so sexist and prejudiced. It calls us weak, incapable, and only good for breeding."

"You're wrong again, it's also for pleasure!" I said and ran away, knowing she'll probably hit me.

"Ewww, you disgusting freak! Come here, and you'll see the pleasure I'll give you."

I see my mom on the porch, and just one look at her face tells me that Aurora is preparing some magic. Mom furrows her brow and gets ready, but dad arrives and speaks before her.

"Don't you dare, Aurora. Stop your magic now, or I'll send you to Agnek's castle for a month."

"Ah, dad..."

I look back and see her lowering her arms and the pink mist disappearing.

What Aurora doesn't know is that Agnek is probably her companion, as I overheard a conversation between him and my parents, who thought it was best to leave it alone since she's still young and he's not interested.

That's what I can't tolerate, I'm already an adult and they still treat me like a baby.

We reached the balcony and mom came to hug her.

"But you're still my baby, very mischievous of course, but my baby. Come here in mommy's lap, baby." Mom continues to hug her and pulls her inside.

"Wow mom, even you? You should be on my side!"

"But I am on your side, and your brother's, and your father's, and Vini's, even though they are far away and also Jeneffer..."

She moves away from mom, heading to the dining room, with stiff steps.

"No one understands me in this house..."

I turn to my father and ask:

"Why is it so difficult to find a partner, dad?" He looks at me seriously and thoughtfully.

"I believe it is to be prepared and also, the encounter happens at the right moment for the execution of the divine purpose."

"How about fewer difficult questions and more unity during meals?"

We arrived at the dining room and Aurora was already engaged in a fun chat with our youngest sister, Jeneffer. She is already a beautiful teenager. Her appearance is gentle and reassuring, only she can calm the tensions in this family. She is a beautiful fairy. Contrary to what dad expected.


Pedro returned home, anyone who looks at him sees a simple, cheerful young man who loves being in the library reading. No one imagines what his intentions are, or that beneath the simple appearance he shows, dwells a powerful and visionary wizard. His appearance is not what it seems, as he hides behind a fragile disguise.

Right now, he wants to discover the Kingdom of Avila, not only to have his own space, but also to give something special to his sister. Aurora also hides her true appearance, but for different reasons.

What Pedro doesn't know is that his companion is in this hidden Kingdom and only he can find her.

Episode 3


Amidst the war, with so many cries and explosions, the fire engulfing the entire forest that groaned with such misfortune, the Supreme Sorcerer of the Kingdom of Avila makes a difficult decision.

"Zohar, take all the women, children, and youth to the underground caves, lock the exits, and give the key to Elder Aldera. Take whatever supplies are left in the castle and put them there for them, enter and lock the door. I only trust you to help them when it's all over."


Zohar was obedient and when it was all over, they spent months inside the underground caves of the castle. Fortunately, the Supreme, prepared for the possibility of war or anything else that would put his people at risk, had made those installations, with water coming from the waterfall, passing through pipes, forming a small lake and exiting the other side, flowing out through the rocks by the seaside.

When they came out, they saw the destruction of the kingdom, the castle was completely destroyed on the upper part, but there were still some usable parts, it would require work. Nature was already showing signs of life there and everyone was allowed to go out and look around the castle's surroundings.

Some families had hidden in caves in the rocks and were there looking at the ruins, they joined the people from the palace and talked about what could be done.

More than three centuries passed and nature recovered. The families restructured themselves, planted the seeds kept by the Supreme, and shared everything without discrimination.

The sorcerers restored part of the castle for the Supreme's families to live in, and in the underground cave, the witches set up their alcoves, potions, spells, and any material they could extract from nature to aid in their preparations. They were treated and placed there, along with the ancient scrolls and surviving books.

During all this time, no one managed to enter and no one managed to leave. However, some witches knew the resident of the neighboring castle, at the border of the Kingdom, Lord Agnek, an ancient, legendary, and very powerful witch, and they sent rough writings to him, telling him about what had happened and the prophecy that prevented them from leaving. They didn't know if he received them, since magic did not pass through the protection, so they only threw the writings, rolled up and tied to stones, as far as possible, in the hope that he would find them.

Elder Aldera had already passed away, but she passed on her teachings to all the young ones and her magic was passed down to her daughter, who in turn passed it on to her daughter, who passed it on to her daughter. Now her great-great-granddaughter is the current elder, and her daughter will take her place.

Her granddaughter is already being instructed in the arts of magic and in the manipulation of herbs for healing. She is fifteen years old and her powers are already noticeable. When her mother departs and passes on all the magic accumulated by generations of witches, she will likely be the Supreme Witch.


I enter the dark forest once again. No one comes here, afraid because of the ghostly appearance it acquired after everything was burned and destroyed. But the forest is so powerful that I can't resist going in to see if there is any magic left.

I immerse myself amidst the trees and notice that it's not dark, but even if it were, my eyes can see in the dark. Mom told me that my father had a wolf part, but he was an omega and being a witch, he couldn't transform. It was too risky to be a half-werewolf living in the city of witches. When I was born, Mom noticed through my eyes that I inherited features of a FAOLADH from my father.

These creatures were naturally guardians of children and excellent protectors and healers, but over time and through hunting for enslavement, they became uncontrolled and eventually their wild nature dominated their peaceful human side, making them ruthless. That's why they are abhorred by other races, and after the war that nearly decimated our people, they are hated by many here.

As I venture further into the forest, I feel a subtle but distinct magical fluctuation, I hear a very soft whisper and feel vibrations coming from the trees.

I go to an immense trunk, almost in the middle of the forest. Its branches are all twisted and burned, but it seems to vibrate. I approach it closer and lean my ear against the trunk, staying there for a while, feeling the vibration and listening to the voice whisper to me.

"Kir, Kir, we are enchanted, my child. We can only return to our original forms when the heir mentioned in the prophecy arrives. It won't be long, we can already feel his magic. As he searches for us, his magic grows closer to us. Wait, Kir, your destiny was determined many years ago and you will play a vital role in the restoration of our kingdom. Now, go Kir, goooo."

I leave with a nagging feeling, what a strange story. The heir of the prophecy, but what prophecy? At least I was able to confirm what I had suspected, she has magic, and according to what they said, she could soon return to normal.


I feel something calling me back to the library. It's already morning, so I get ready and head downstairs. In the kitchen, breakfast is being prepared. I grab a slice of orange cake and an apple, then turn to leave.

"Wait a minute, young man, sit down and have a proper breakfast or your mother will cast one of her ridiculous spells on me, which would ruin my day. Here, eat."

She places a glass of orange juice, a cup of coffee, bacon with eggs, and toast in front of me. It's a feast, but surprisingly, I'm not hungry! I eat everything and wrap the cake in a napkin, taking it along with the apple for when I get hungry later.

I arrive at the library and head to the history section. I grab my wand and cast the same spell, causing a book to come from the last shelf on the right. I hold it and see that it continues the first diary. I proceed in the same way as before and find a hiding spot to read.

This one provides more details about the witch's life and also explains how the books ended up here. Wow, she's my great-grandmother. Interesting, considering how long wolves live, my father must have known her. I'll ask him, but not right now, only after unraveling the whole mystery.

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