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1- A man with a mission

..... Running sounds, a nice weather, youths chatting....

~A groupe of two girls and two guys sitting in the roof of edgard highschool and having lunch...

"Hey don't you think reed is a little weird ?!" Asked a girl named luna.

"He's indeed weird i never see him talk with people and he's part of the go home club"

Responded a guy named kane.

" well he's even running during lunch time "

Said a guy named samuel.

" that's not good, he shouldn't waste his youth going hard about things he should enjoy himself a little more ".

Replied a girl named mia.

Kane : enough about him, where do you think we should go today?.

Luna : karaoke sounds good

Samuel : why don't we go to the arcade or something......





Reed while jugging : survive (pant), rise (pant),Go (pant). And with this i'm done with lunchtime training.

Reed sitting on the grass in the stadium : well,

Maybe my classmates will think I'm weird and all, but everyone in this world has a mission just like bees making honey and trees giving fruits, i want to be a president that's my end goal.

" hi there it's a rare sigh seeing you resting you either read books or train whenever i look at you " said a girl named Evelyn.

Reed : and why would you look at me?!!

Evelyn : (blushing) i just look at you coincidentally it's not like i keep looking at you or anything.

Reed : well, i don't really like wasting my time

Evelyn : and why is that ? Why do you push yourself everyday ?!

Reed : it's nothing special really...

Evelyn : even so i want to know ( loudly )

Reed : why would you care about that?!, we don't even know each other that well.

Evelyn : that's harsh ( loudly ), it's our second year together !!, Don't tell me you don't even know my name ?!

Reed : well of course i don't know, I'm a self centered person after all.

Evelyn : what ?!, how could you say that ?

Reed : ( smiling gently ) I'm just kidding of course i know you Evelyn, the queen bee with unparalleled beauty, a gold like long hair and blue eyes...

Evelyn : ( Embarrassed ) stop stop stooop, why are you saying that so nonchalantly?!

Reed : I'm just stating the facts you know !

Evelyn : you still didn't tell me why do you push yourself so much ?

Reed : ( sigh ) fine, as most of the people i have a goal i want to achieve, and I'm doing this for my subgoal.

Evelyn : (smiling) wow, you already marked what you wanna do huh, that's amazing i don't even know what i wanna do with my life.

Reed : that's good too, that means you have endless possibilities, don't rush it take your time and eventually it will come to you.

Evelyn : thank you reed, do you..(stuttering) Do you want to go somewhere after school ?

Reed : sorry i can't do that, i have a part time job.

Evelyn : i see, than maybe next time..

Reed :....., it's time for afternoon classes, so we gotta go.




9 Pm at a narrow alley..

Reed : I'm tired, even i want to live a normal life but..., well.. it's my share of life gotta accepte it as it is haha...

Reed : "huh, who's that, he doesn't look good"

Says reed after noticing a man laying in the ground.

Reed : hey, old man hey, are you okay ?!

" finally found you please take this " says the old man while giving a grey dice to reed.

Reed : what ?, what's this ?, that's not important we gotta take you to the hospital immediately !

The old man : ( smiling ) I'm glad you turned out to be a kind soul, but please just leave me and run please before he comes he.. re

~ the old man passes right in front of reed ~

Reed : what's happening ?!!, seeing another person die in front of me ?!, why do i have to go through this hell again ?! ( panting ).

~ the grey dice shines brightly as it enters reed left hand and a dice tattoo appears in reed's hand~

Reed : what is this ?! It hurts..., i gotta stay calm and be stoic, let's reassess the situation,

This man here is already dead let's call the cops anonymously and then head home quickly.

~ Reed calling the cops in a cabin and then rushes home as he enter..

" reed you are a little late today did something happen ?" says a disabled woman sitting in a wheeling chair.

Reed : sorry aurora, there were more customers than usual.

Aurora : well, as long as you are okay everything is okay, the kids are sleeping and i left you some food at the table..., reed you know I'm your big sister you can tell me anytime if there's something bothering you, you always work hard for us and I'm grateful for that but don't push yourself too hard, okay?

Reed : thank you sis, but everything is okay really you don't have to worry about me.

Aurora : is that so, than I'm going to sleep good night.

Reed {monologue} : because of an unfortunate accident my sister lost her husband and became disabled, while having two little kids and no parents I'm her only person she can rely on, she's been working from home but that's nowhere near enough so i have to work two different jobs to help us get by, (sigh) i have to deliver news paper at 5 Am and wake up at 3 so i can train my body and brain.

~ reed eating his food and readying to take a bath ~

Reed : and now that I'm totally calm, what is this tattoo ? And what happened to the dice that the old man gave me,.... i hope he will have a proper funeral.

~ at the place of the old man, the police have gathered ~

" so what do you think of this detective samson ?" asked a man with a blue suit.

" they are absolutely involved with this, owen "

Responded a man wearing a black suit.



. To be continued


Owen : you mean the dreamcatchers huh?

Samson : well, from the look of the wound, he was hit by some sort of heat weapon, as you see the burn marks in his belly, and what's more the dice tatto in his left hand (sigh) huuuuh, this dice wars are always a pain.

Owen : but now we have someone who's holding two dices ?!

Samson : not necessarily

Owen : what do you mean ?!

Samson : look around you, this guy here was holding one of the seven dices, but he lost with only one hit, that means he didn't fight back, and of course the attack didn't happen here he somehow escaped.

Owen : wait, so that means someone other than the attacker took the dice from him.

Samson : think owen think, if you see someone laying in the ground what would you do ?

Owen : i would rush to help him !

Samson : exactly, someone rushed to help and then he either took the dice willingly wich is unlikely or this guy gave it to him.

Owen : !!, so now we have someone unrelated to the dreamcatchers ?

Samson : well, i hope that's the case owen, there's another fearsome possibility that even i don't want to think about.

Owen : !!, even you sir ?!

Samson : anyway, i have a feeling that something is starting and it will change the world as we know it...



~ reed rubbing the tatto in his left hand ~

Reed : well..., nothing will happen even if i over think about it i should just sleep...

~ reed waking up at 3 am and starting his day with a drilling, work out, training in differents kind of martial arts and finishes with a meditation ~

Reed : time for a shower and get going to deliver the newspaper...

~ reed heading to his job, a cold weather, and an empty road ~

Reed : woahh, it's still night time and it's chilly, i like it...

" don't you wanna live a better life " said a strange voice.

Reed : that startled me, where did that voice come from ?!

" down here " responded the strange voice.

Reed : woahh, i have finally gone crazy, because I'm hearing my hand talking to me !!

" easy kid " responded the voice.

Reed : who are you ?!, are you by any chance the dice ?!

The dice : that's right kid, but more accurately I'm the soul that reside inside the dice.

Reed : the soul of what, are you a ghost ?!

The dice : (sigh) huuuuh, listen here kid, my name is apollon.

Reed : apollon ?!, isn't that the god of the music or something ?!

Apollon : yeah, something like that.

Reed : what's that ?!, don't try to sound vague with me, what's happening ?!, and did you know the old man from yesterday ?

Apollon : we can talk about that later kid, but now you have to know some things about the situation you are in, first of all if you don't eat the dreams from other people than you will eventually run out of soulpower and you will be eaten by the dice and that's me..

Reed : wait wait, what do you mean by eating dreams from others ?!

Apollon : it's a simple task, you just have to touch a person head, then enter his conscious and take his dream.

Reed : you mean taking people's dream ?!, you think I'm gonna do that ?!, people work hard to achieve a dream and you want me to steal that from them ?!! ( irritated ).

Apollon : easy there kid, you can choose to either take dreams from others or just let me eat you, and you don't have to worry, even after their dreams being taken they can continue their lives normally.

Reed : (sigh) okay, i understand.

Apollon : I'm surprised, you accepted that easily, i think we're gonna make a good team.

Reed : and when is it gonna end ?

Apollon : it's going to end when you collect all the dices.

Reed : there's more like you ?!

Apollon : there's only seven dices, but every one can share it's power with multiple people.

Reed : wait, so other dice owners may come after me to collect mine isn't that right ?

Apollon : you are quick to catch on kid, and not only that there's an organisation backed by several governments its purpose is to stop dice wars and preserve world peace.

Reed : great, isn't better to go to them ?

Apollon : of course you can do that but i assure you that they aren't friendly.

Reed : aaaah, look at the time I'm late i have to start delivering.

Apollon : ah, one thing you need to know, every dice has it's unique power and it grows whenever you steal a dream.

Reed : …, well, you should shut up and don't talk to me when people are around.

Apollon : you don't have to worry about that, i i can talk inside your head, you are the one who talks loudly.

Reed : you are quite mean you know that ?

Apollon : i hear that a lot.



To be continued.

Atom manipulation

~ reed after finishing his job and heading to school ~

Reed : so, let me summarise this, you are one of seven dices named apollon and there's an organisation looking for you, and every dice has a unique power that can be shared, did i get that right ?

Apollon : yeah, that's the gist of things.

Reed : and there's a war going on between dice holders and it won't end until one holder collect all the dices together ?

Apollon : that's right.

Reed : so there's no point in forming an alliance with a dice holder, but you say that there's an organisation looking for the dices ?, so what's the name of that organisation and how did you come to know about them ?

Apollon : it's name is "AdA", and of course i met them when i was with the previous holder.

Reed : ok, and that's bring us to the important question, what's your unique power and what's your rank comparing to the other dices ?

Apollon : well..., there's something else you have to know kid.

Reed : more surprises ?!

Apollon : what you have in your hand is the grey dice and it's a fusion between two dices.

Reed : ?!, how so ?

Apollon : i'm the white dice, and the other one is the black dice, no one has ever used the black dice as its powers are unknown.

Reed : so, for now i can only use the white dice's power ?

Apollon : that's right, as for my powers it's called " Atom manipulation " and it varies from holder to holder so you can say I'm quite down in the ranking...

Reed : but wait !, that means there's six dices me included ?

Apollon : haha, that's right kid and you're the only one who knows that information.

Reed : that's an advantage, but there's something bothering me..

Apollon : what is it ?

Reed : dices usually have only six sides so that means the black and the white dices are one as that gives the grey, so how is it that you don't know anything about the black dice ?

Apollon : i don't know, it's always been like this...

Reed (monologue) : i won't buy it, he's definitely hiding things from me...

Apollon (monologue) : like i would tell you everything, be a good kid and play your rule.

Reed : so..., what do you mean by atom manipulation ?!

Apollon : just like the name suggests, you can construct things from your own soul power but unfortunately you have a very weak soul power so you can't use it until you eat some dreams kid, eat dreams and everyone can be happy.

Reed : haaaa, okay i understand so i can't test it until i go eat someone's dreams ?

Apollon : yeah, but don't worry kid..., !! i sense someone with the dice powers nearby.

Reed : !!, where ?, is it a dice holder ?

Apollon : no but it's an underling of a dice holde, don't worry he won't sense me, only the holders has the ability to sense each other.

Reed : okay, then let's go and say hi

Apollon : aren't you afraid ?!

Reed : fear only exist whan we allow it Apollon, and i want to gather more information.

~ reed as he comes close to the school gate he comes across a middle aged man ~

Reed : teacher ?! Collin teacher ?

Collin : reed austin ?, you are a little late aren't you ?

Reed : yeah, I'm sorry teacher.

Apollon : reed, it's him, it's the one i sensed.



. To be continued

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