...Yahallo Minnasan! Wilysha_Purple♡-desu!!...
...Please Check out the light novels, "Classroom of the Elite Volume 1 and 2" first before reading this one. You'll get the story if you read sequencely!...
...Here is the photo! Just check out my works!...
...I'll write the story/novels in different book so that it can prevent confusion of which one should be the first in reading the novel. I've experienced before in Webnovel App, I got confused of which book should I read first. It was totally hard and messed up....
...Now, my point is I don't want you to experience too the same way I did....
...So I hope you'll enjoy this thing I will be doing....
...I am not seeking for attention, I'm contented and happy if someone will just to read this....
...I don't intend to infringe copyrights. For these arts and story are full credited for the rightful author and artist....
...Hope you also support the author by buying the raws in their official site....
...Moreover please don't report....
...Domo arigatou gozaimasu!...
...Enjoy Reading!...
Greek mythology deals abundantly with human frailty. Many of its tales involve hatred and jealousy. Have you ever heard of “The Wings of Icarus”? Allow me to summarize. Long ago, in Ancient Greece, there lived a great inventor named Daedalus. Daedalus was ordered by King Minos to build a great labyrinth in which to imprison the monstrous Minotaur. However, King Minos soon abandoned Daedalus, confining the inventor to a tower alongside his son, Icarus.
In order to escape their prison, Daedalus gathered together the feathers of many birds in order to fashion a large pair of wings. He connected the
larger feathers with thread, and the smaller with wax. Once the wings were completed and the time had come to fly to freedom, Daedalus gave Icarus a warning.
He said, “If you fly too high, the sun will melt the wax holding the wings together. Be careful.” With that warning in mind, Icarus leapt from the tower alongside his father. Together, they gained their freedom. But freedom can be a dangerous thing, and can make a person lose sight of himself. With such boundless freedom before him, Icarus started to get carried away. Perhaps it was inevitable after breaking free from such painful restraints.
Icarus, blissful, forgot his father’s warning and flew higher and higher. The sun burned the false angel wings that his father had constructed, and in the blink of an eye, the wax melted. Eventually, the false wings were completely burned away. Icarus fell into the sea and died. Was Icarus a brave young man who jumped into the sky to gain his freedom? Or was he an arrogant fool who overestimated his abilities and believed that he could reach the sun? Perhaps no one save for his father, Daedalus, will ever know the answer to that.
For some reason, I thought of Icarus’ wings when standing before a certain young boy. Considering what these past few months had brought, I could say that I made the comparison simply because he resembled Icarus.
But I immediately came to realize that the two boys were fundamentally different from one another. This boy possessed neither the bravery nor the arrogance of Icarus.
I had been pushed into a corner. I had no choice but to do it.
Lacking the means to deal with it, I had no choice but to incur this boy’s divine wrath. I had no choice but to conduct myself firmly, turning this boy’s quiet rage toward me. The die cannot be returned once cast. The gamble had already begun.
...*This is the end of the Chapter 1 of Classroom of the Elite, and I can't post it since Mangatoon requires it to reach in 500 words and I'm just filling it right now....
...I did upload right now 'cause I just had a free time accidentally so.... That's all*!...
...I don't intend to infringe copyrights, this story and art are full credited for the rightful author and artist....
...Moreover, please don't report....
The endless summer sea. The infinite blue skies. The perfectly clear air. Here, in the midst of the Pacific Ocean, we didn’t feel the intense midsummer heat, and the gentle sea breeze kissed our bodies. Yes, this really was an oceanic paradise.
“Whoa! This is the beeeeeeesssssst!” shouted Ike Kenji, both hands raised high in the air. His voice echoed across the deck of the luxury liner.
Normally, someone would have grumbled or shouted “shut up” in response. But just for today, no one minded, instead enjoying this moment of bliss. The view from the “special seats” on the deck was exceptionally gorgeous.
“This view is incredible! I’m honestly super moved right now!”
A group of girls led by Karuizawa came out from the ship’s cabin. Karuizawa pointed out to the expansive ocean, wearing a radiant smile.
“Seriously, the scenery here is just amazing!”
Kushida Kikyou was also present among the group of girls. It looked like the extraordinary view had stolen her breath away.
After overcoming numerous hardships, midterms, and the final exam, we had welcomed summer vacation with open arms. The Advanced Nurturing High School had arranged for an extravagant two-week trip—a cruise on a luxury liner.
“Wow, Ken, you must be happy you didn’t get expelled. I mean, if this were a normal trip, it would’ve been impossible for us to go. Hey, how did it feel to be on the verge of expulsion, since you had the lowest score on the final? Come on, tell me. How did it feel?”
Even though Yamauchi Haruki was insulting him, Sudou Ken was far from being in a foul mood. In fact, he howled with laughter in response, sounding more like the baying of a lone wolf than a high schooler.
“With my skills, there was nothing to worry about. Didn’t I tell you I’d prove myself, and it’d be easy?”
We had faced oblivion just a short while ago, but this trip completely blew those feelings away. Perhaps the blue seas had washed away our everyday troubles.
“I never dreamed that high schoolers could go on such a luxurious cruise. And it’s for two whole weeks. Two weeks! When my mom and dad hear about this, they’re gonna be so shocked they’ll wet themselves!”
As Sudou had bluntly stated, this was certainly no ordinary trip. At our government-sponsored school, there was absolutely no need for us to pay for tuition or other miscellaneous expenses—which, of course, included this trip. We received the best of special treatment. The cruise liner and its facilities were of the highest possible quality. This ship was fully equipped with everything from prestigious restaurants to a theater, and even an upscale spa. On my own, this would probably have cost me about 100,000 yen, even in the off season.
Our trip, which promised the pinnacle of luxury, had finally started today. According to the schedule, we would spend our first week staying at a fancy summer lodge on a deserted island. After that, we would enjoy the cruise ship for another week.
At 5 AM today, the first-year students had boarded buses and departed for Tokyo Bay. The passenger ships departed from the port once the students arrived. After eating breakfast in the lounge, students were permitted to move freely throughout the entire vessel. Best of all, we were able to use any of the ship’s facilities free of charge. For those of us who’d suffered daily due to a lack of points, this ship was heaven-sent.
Suddenly, Kushida turned toward me. I could tell that something was on her mind. With the vast ocean and the endless blue sky behind her, Kushida looked even more radiant than usual. Even though I didn’t want it to, my heart started to pound. Could it be…?
“Huh? Come to think of it, I wonder where Horikita-san is? Weren’t you two together?” Kushida asked.
Apparently I wasn’t even allowed to indulge in a mere fantasy. Kushida had Horikita on her mind.
“Who knows? I’m not her keeper.” I didn’t recall seeing her after breakfast.
“She probably doesn’t enjoy traveling, so maybe she’s in her room?”
“Around noon, we can go onto the island’s private beach and swim around as much as we want. I can’t wait!”
Apparently, the school owned a small island to the south. Our destination.
“Attention, students. Please assemble on the deck. You will be able to see the island soon. This is a good time to take in some rather significant scenery.”
This rather strange announcement issued from the ship’s PA. Kushida and the others didn’t seem to mind, looking forward to what was to come. The island appeared on the horizon a few minutes after several students had gathered. Ike let out a gleeful cry.
Other students noticed, and began assembling on the deck. After a crowd had gathered, some particularly domineering boys showed up and began pushing us out of the way in order to get the best position.
“Hey, you’re in the way. Move it, you defects.”
One of the boys tried to intimidate me, and shoved my shoulder. In a panic, I quickly grabbed onto the deck’s railing to keep from falling. The students laughed scornfully.
“Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?!”
Sudou immediately responded in kind, trying to intimidate them right back. Kushida, looking worried, came to my side. I suppose men who require girls for backup probably look pretty pathetic.
“You do understand how this school is structured, right? Class D doesn’t get any human rights. Defects like you are just that—defective—so you should submit. We’re all in Class A over here.”
The students from Class D departed from the bow of the ship as if we’d been chased out. Sudou looked displeased, but managed to restrain himself. A fistfight didn’t break out, evidence that he was perhaps growing up. Or perhaps he simply understood Class D’s weak position here. Although the situation was unfair, we didn’t need any unnecessary trouble, so it was best to ignore it.
“Oh, hey, you’re all here. Huh? What’s the matter?”
Hirata Yousuke, Class D’s leader, called out to me. It was the last day of the first semester. The cabin assignments for the trip were decided. I hadn’t expected to be called over to hang out with Ike and Sudou and the others; their group was already big enough as it was. Just when it seemed like I would be isolated, though, I was saved by the appearance of my hero, Hirata Man.
“Hey, Hirata, how far have you gotten with Karuizawa?” Ike asked
Hirata, who didn’t seem to be heading over to Karuizawa’s side. “Why don’t you try and be flirtier with her, since we’re on this long-awaited trip?”
“We just kind of take things at our own pace.” Hirata’s cell phone rang.
“Oh, sorry, Miyake-kun looks like he’s having trouble. I’ll be going now.”
Fiddling with his phone, Hirata returned to the cabins. Popular people were the busiest of all.
“What’s his deal? We’re on a trip, but he’s worried about his classmates?”
“Karuizawa is Karuizawa, though. I guess lately she and Hirata haven’t been very flirty with each other… Do you think that maybe they’ve broken up? If that’s the case, that really sucks. It’ll mean more rivals to get to Kushida-chan!”
It was certainly true that Hirata and his girlfriend seemed less close now than when they’d started dating. But they didn’t appear to have had a fight, and the situation hadn’t gotten tense. They seemed to get along well whenever I saw them talking.
“I’ve decided, Haruki. I…will confess my feelings to Kushida-chan on this trip!” Ike proclaimed.
“A-are you serious? If she rejects you, it’s gonna be crazy awkward, though. You gonna be okay?”
“This is just my own selfish reasoning. Kushida-chan is really cute, right? That’s why most of the boys want to ask her out. But she’s just on a whole other level, so no one can get the courage to confess to her. That means she’s not used to being confessed to, right? I think Kushida-chan’s heart could be shaken by my declaration of love. It’s like, you know, not entirely hopeless.”
“I see. So, you’ve already made up your mind.”
Normally Yamauchi would have gotten fired up and opposed Ike, but this time he didn’t. Instead, he looked out over the deck as if searching for something.
“What’s the matter?” Ike asked.
“Ah, nothing really,” Yamauchi responded absent-mindedly. In the end, he never brought up the subject of Kushida.
“Hey, hey, Kushida-chan. Can I talk to you for a minute?” Ike asked.
“Hmm? What is it?”
Ike immediately approached Kushida, who had been looking at the sea. This was obviously a suspicious move.
“So, it’s like this… It’s been about four months since we met, right? So…I was wondering if it might be okay for me to call you by your first name now. I mean, it makes me feel like we’re strangers when I call you by your last name.”
“Come to think of it, I guess you and Yamauchi have been calling each other by your first names for a while now, huh?” Kushida said.
“So… I can’t, huh? C-call you Kikyou-chan, I mean?”
In response to Ike’s inquiry, Kushida simply smiled.
“Of course it’s okay for you to call me that. Should I call you Kanji-kun, then?”
“Whooooaaaaa! Kikyou-chaaaaaaan!” Ike cried out and posed like he was reaching out to heaven, kind of like the guy on the poster for the movie Platoon. Kushida chuckled.
“First names, huh? Hey, speaking of, I wonder what Horikita’s first name is? Huh?” Sudou asked me as if I was the one who’d know.
“Tomiko. Horikita Tomiko.”
“Tomiko, huh? That’s a cute name. Just like I’d expect. It feels perfect for her.”
“Oh, sorry, I was wrong. It’s Suzune.”
“Hey, don’t make mistakes like that! Suzune, huh? It feels like Tomiko, but it’s 100 times better.”
In the end, even if Horikita’s first name were Sadako or Sam or whatever, he probably would have felt it was perfect.
“I’m going to call her by her first name during our summer vacation, too. Suzune. Suzune…”
Well, it seemed the boys wanted to bridge the gap between themselves and the girls. It should be noted that none of the guys called me by my first name, and I didn’t call them by theirs.
“Oh, hey. Let me practice with you, Ayanokouji. Practice saying Suzune’s name, I mean.”
“Practice? What do you mean, practice? That’s not a normal thing to do.”
It was pointless to practice saying someone’s name unless you were saying it to the person in question. Sudou glared at me intently. He wasn’t planning to make me his imaginary Horikita, was he? It was probably because he was imagining me as someone of the opposite sex, but the look in his eyes really creeped me out. In my mind, I started breathing heavily.
“Hey, Horikita, do you have a minute? There’s something I want to talk to you about…” Sudou murmured.
“I’m not Horikita.” Disgusted, I averted my eyes.
“You freakin’ moron! It’s practice! I don’t wanna do it, either, but I got to practice, you know? It’s like I have to practice basketball if I want to get good. In either case, I need to take my shot.”
I really didn’t want to listen to this, but I didn’t have much of a choice. I had to grin and bear it.
“Horikita. Isn’t it weird that we talk to each other like we’re strangers? We’ve known each other for a while now. Other people are calling each other by their first names. Isn’t it time we did, too?”
I wanted to hit Sudou on the head, but I tried to endure it like an adult.
“Say something! Why aren’t you practicing?!”
“What do you want me to say?”
“Answer like how Horikita would. You’ve known her for a long time, so you’d know how she’d answer, right?”
We had only known each other for four months, so I wouldn’t necessarily know that. Even so, Sudou had asked me to play his imaginary Horikita. I clenched my fist in a somewhat threatening manner.
“I’m one step ahead on the path to adulthood. You want me to practice this with you instead of Horikita? Feel free to practice by yourself.”
Ike jumped in to substitute for me instead. Sudou seemed kind of weird when he started talking.
“Horikita…is it okay for me to call you by your first name now?”
“Huh? Well, you’re not exactly a hottie, are you, Sudou-kun? And you don’t seem to have any money, so, like, you’re not my type at all, are you? Or it’s, like, sorry, sorry, but no thanks, you know?!”
Despite looking nothing like one, Ike was trying to play the part of a gyaru high school girl. Sudou put him in a chokehold until he writhed in agony on the deck. Those guys always seemed so energetic. I felt exhausted just looking at them. Still, they did look pretty funny.
A little while later, the crowd started getting riled up and making noise. The students’ enthusiasm increased by leaps and bounds as we sailed closer and the island became clearer.
I’d thought that the ship would have gone directly to the island, but for some reason we passed the pier and started circling around. The island, on loan from the government, had a surface area of about 0.5 square kilometers. The highest point of the island reached 230 meters. In comparison to Japan’s total area, the island was tiny, but when seen by one hundred-odd people on a cruise ship, it looked unbelievably massive.
Eventually, the boat made a complete pass around the island. The ship continued to circle without changing speed, barely making a splash as it
moved almost unnaturally fast through the water.
“Such a mysterious sight! It’s so moving! Don’t you think so, Ayanokouji-kun?” Kushida gushed.
“O-oh. Yeah, I guess.”
As I looked at Kushida, whose eyes sparkled as she looked at the deserted island, my heart started to pound. Kushida really was cute. I wanted to protect her smile, and her childlike mannerisms.
An announcement came over the PA speakers. “We will disembark in thirty minutes. Please assemble on the deck. All students should have changed into their jerseys. Make sure to check your designated bag and your luggage, and do not forget your cell phone. Please keep all other personal items in your room. There is a possibility that you will not be able to visit the bathroom for some time, so please do so now.”
Apparently, the private beach was near. Ike and the others went to change in high spirits. I started heading toward my group’s room, too. There, I put on the jersey that I used for gym class, returned to the ship’s deck, and waited until we reached the island. As the island drew closer and closer, the first-years’ enthusiasm reached its peak.
“We will disembark now, beginning with the students from Class A. Cell phones are prohibited on the island. Please hand your phone to your homeroom teacher as you leave.”
Following the loudspeaker’s command, the students went down the stairs in an orderly fashion.
“Come on. Hurry up! Even though we’re wearing thin clothes, we’re all sweating!”
There was no place to hide from the sun on the ship’s deck. No surprise that people were complaining. The Class D students waited on standby in the heat. Horikita finally joined us. At first glance, it didn’t appear as though anything had changed, but there was a slight difference—something felt out of place. Even Horikita, normally so meticulous, was concerned about her appearance. Right now, though, her hair was disheveled.
She seemed a bit cold, unconsciously rubbing her arms as we waited to disembark and set foot on the island.
“What were you doing until now?” I asked.
“I was just reading a book in my room. For Whom the Bell Tolls. You wouldn’t know it.”
Hey, come on now, I thought. That book was arguably one of Ernest Hemingway’s definitive works, an unquestioned masterpiece. I’d long been impressed by Horikita’s hobby of reading such acclaimed books. But I had to wonder what her priorities were, since she was reading while on a luxurious cruise. In such a case, I found it a little suspicious that she would shut herself off in her room to read.
She wasn’t saying anything, and it would be silly to investigate further. Best just to drop it.
“I’m anxious about what’s coming, but since we’re prohibited from bringing personal items along there’s nothing I can really do,” she grumbled, seemingly dissatisfied.
Unusual for someone headed to the beach to say.
Disembarking took longer than I thought it would, probably because the teachers guarded the students on both sides as they got off the ship and checked their luggage.
“Hey. Does it seem like they’re being strangely cautious right now? On their guard? I mean, they didn’t even confiscate our cell phones during the final. They’re really cracking down on the personal items.”
“It certainly seems that way. I mean, if we’re just playing in the ocean, I can’t imagine they’d need to go this far.”
Speaking of unnatural, there was a helicopter parked on the stern of the boat. While it was true that some things were bothering me, I was probably overthinking it. If students did bring their cell phones to the beach, someone’s phone might get wet and break. And they probably didn’t want personal items because they were worried about people polluting the beach with garbage. And if someone suddenly got ill, the helicopter was there for dispatch, right?
Soon, it would be our turn to be examined and get off the ramp. I had yet to realize that this place was going to be the boundary between heaven
and hell.
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