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Romance Of A Robot With An Angel


character introduction and below given picture are NOT MINE
hi I am Jack and your male lead my half body is robotic
I was found in a dumpster when I was 1 year old by my Godfather Dr.edward i have a sister and I am a army gernal now of haeiden Kingdom i formed an agency of assassination named as SHADOW ROBOT people i can't kill are killed by SHADOW ROBOT
Dr Edward
Dr Edward
Dr Edward
Dr Edward
i am Edward and am a doctor/scientist i am 45 i am Godfather of Jack my proud and nations gernal i have a daughter Dora (cold and kind .. expert in science normal human)
Dora(ml sister)
Dora(ml sister)
Dora(ml sister)
Dora(ml sister)
hi I am Dora and i am 25 years old my dad is Edward and Jack is my brother i am a Book worm(sweet and kind like dad expert in sciencenormal human)
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
hi I am darcy and i am an angel i am 19 years old i have brother emerald he i a king yes we are. belong to royal family of Angola (sweet , cute, kind and lovely)
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
hi I am emerald or you can say King emerald of Kingdom Angola i am 27 years old i have a sister darcy our parents died early when I was a teenager from then out grandpa ( father of my father) has taken care of us
Ella (fl bodygard/friend/Bella twin sis)
Ella (fl bodygard/friend/Bella twin sis)
i am Ella i am friend of our fl darcy and am bodygard of her (very tough and dangerous fighter known as bloody butterfly 🦋) ooooh and Bella is my twin sis and i am a strength fairy
Ella (fl bodygard/friend/Bella twin sis)
Ella (fl bodygard/friend/Bella twin sis)
Bella(fl bodygard/friend/Ella twin sis)
Bella(fl bodygard/friend/Ella twin sis)
i am Bella friend and body guard of Darcy Ella is my twin sis (magic fairry)
Ella (fl bodygard/friend/Bella twin sis)
Ella (fl bodygard/friend/Bella twin sis)
Carie (fl bestie)
Carie (fl bestie)
Carie (fl bestie)
Carie (fl bestie)
Carie (fl bestie)
Carie (fl bestie)
i am Carie bestie of Darcy i am a fariy and work a. gernal an orphan
jade(ml friend)
jade(ml friend)
jade(ml friend)
jade(ml friend)
hi I am jade i am a cub of a tiger whom human experimented, which resulted in me i am friend of Jack he is my boss (shadow Robot)
Harry (ML friend)
Harry (ML friend)
Harry (ML friend)
Harry (ML friend)
hi I am Harry i am a friend of Jack and he is also my boss ^⁠_⁠^ i am not good with weapon but i am best with computers (also a Hacker)
Albert (emerald bestie)
Albert (emerald bestie)
Albert (emerald bestie)
Albert (emerald bestie)
Albert (emerald bestie)
Albert (emerald bestie)
i am albert i am dark knight (a type of bodygard of royal family which rarely shows itself to public) of king and he is also my kindergarden bestie
other characters will be introduced as they appear in novel
hope you guys like it 😜😜

episode 1

every Sunday I will give you 7new episode 🤗🤗🤗🤗 this rule will be applied from next Sunday
( )is action
""is thinking
##is information
(bam; door opens loudly)a soldier come in hastily
army Soldier
army Soldier
Sir, Kingdom Angola attacked on us 3 mins ago our bases are wiped out by them every officers are waiting for you in the discussion room
(sitting on a chair with a cup of coffee)if you come next time without knocking i will fire you ❄️❄️
now get the hell out of my face ❄️❄️❄️(shout)
Jack gets out of his room and goes to discussion room
( tap tap tap tap ) door opens everyone stands up sir (salute)🕴️🕴️🕴️
what's going on why are they attacking us now they have signed the peace'treaty with us don't they know they will have to compansate us
sir sources have given us information that rebels of their kingdom has abducted half weapons of their army and these are rebels who attacked us their royals have not done anything
"that's why I hate royals they don't do anything from birth to death we commeners have to suffer from all the cruelty of world to get were we are now"
ok take all the Vikings and attack them from air they will not get any chance and comondoss you will attack the rest of them after Vikings
on the other side
in flower field Darcy and emerald were enjoying their day
because their grandpa wasn't their
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
hey Darcy don't run my cutie sister you will get hurt
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
ok brother emerald i will not run (stops in the middle of flower field)
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
oh my beautiful sister when will you grow up you are already 19
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
brother emerald when will my wings come Carie has gotten her wings she can fly when will I fly brother 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
ooh ohh don't be sad when you will get 20 years old you will definitely have wings then you can fly as much as you want ok now come it's lunch time eat something first ok
##yes they are faries but in this when they are born they don't have wings when they turn 19 thay get wings and soul weapon (weapon like hammer , dagger, swords etc) or soul power (like fire, water , earth , Healer etc) but only one. and royal family will get 1 soul'beast ##
royal officers
royal officers
your highness 🧎 their is a problem
darcy goes to dinning room
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
what is it?
royal officers
royal officers
sir the weapon rebels robbed from us they are using them to attack Kingdom haiedon
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
oh my fairness! ok give their gernal a word from me that we are sorry and if he needs any help we will be great full to help them but we have only half of our wepons now
royal officers
royal officers
ok your highness (goes from there)
emerald goes to dinning room
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
what's up sister why didn't you eat anything
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
brother emerald i want to eat with you
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
ok ok let's eat
3 days later
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
we are getting some guests tomorrow get everything ready in the royal mansion
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
grandpa!💃💃💃(Darcy runs to Walter) when did you come home!! i have missed you so much
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
watch your steps lady you will get hurt and i have arrived now
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
good morning grandpa who is coming???
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
good morning dear it's gernal Jack
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
who is he brother emerald??
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
but why? (ignoring Darcy)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
to show our sincerety to them
In kingdom haiedon one day after attack
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
sorry for your loss gernal I sincerely apologise to you we didn't know they will attack you
we have lost thousand of soldiers you are only sorry
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
no we will show you our sincerety practically too you can demand anything
i don't want anything i only want to investigate this matter personally in your country
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
..........(thinking) ok but our 1 person will be with you in your investigation
flashback ends
thanks for reading 💝💝 and these pictures are not mine guys
author (sara)
author (sara)
author (sara)
author (sara)
your cute author
author (sara)
author (sara)
bye bye

episode 3

author (sara)
author (sara)
hi guys how are you? shall we start? ok !! let's get into the story
royal butler
royal butler
sir (to grandpa Walter)gernal Jack has arrived at airport shall i prepare car 🚗 for you??
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
no i am not going emerald and Darcy will be going with Albert
royal butler
royal butler
ok sir (bows)
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
grandpa why are you sending Darcy with me??
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
you know she is Princess and what power hold Princess in our family for generations
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
but grandpa she has not avaken her power she will be in danger
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
Walter Williams (fl grandpa)
exactly if you don't take her with you people will think that and then she will be in greater danger then now
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
ok as you wish ☁️☁️"whatever i can't go against you"☁️☁️
ten minute later
emerald and darcy arrived at airport
Jack was walking towards them
while as Darcy was admiring his beauty
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
don't mind sparrow pretty please
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
☁️☁️""ooh my god how is he so beautiful 😍 he is looking like a Greek god is he cruel and cold gernal Jack which brother emerald talked about i don't think so ""☁️☁️
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
was everything ok on your way here?
yes ❄️❄️ everything was good
you know it's rude to stare at your guest (to Darcy)
mmm king emerald who is this young lady besides you??
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
(nudge to darcy) ooh sorry for my forgetfulness this young lady is my sister princess darcy
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
ohh sorry 🥺🥺for my rude behaviour gernal Jack
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
these flowers are for you 💐💐
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
ohh thank you princess darcy
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
your welcome gernal Jack
royal butler
royal butler
sir shall we carry your luggage to the car
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
shall we take you to mansion or office
it's better to take a rest first from a long journey
emerald (fl bro)
emerald (fl bro)
okay (to butler) take us to castle
royal butler
royal butler
yes your highness
they arrived at royal mansion
darcy (fl)
darcy (fl)
bye bye 💕💕 see you in next episode

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