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The Abandoned Wife

Chapter 1

Someone's POV..
I always read those books when I was in High School, about those domineering CEO, and the love Triangle Between his wife and his lover. Always It turned out as my favourite one, I always thought that the female lead is naive, She should move on and finds someone better than that jerK ML.
I spent many hours thinking about their romantic life. Hoping what if It happens with my life. What a romantic life it is. Although I knew it’s a wishful thoughts.. After all, As a daughter of middle class family, There has no way, I can encounter some Billionaire or handsome guy.. My destination would be some farmers From rural or small business owners..
But Miracle does its own way to appear. But Miracle doesn’t know that, We middle class family doesn’t learn to move on easily. We must protect our family. and Its reputation..
On my 22th birthday, my neighbour grandpa arranged a blind date for me, Although I didn’t have time for dating Because I had to help my Dad with his business and my study. I have rejected many boys Because I wasn’t interested..
January 2, at 10am.
I choose my best dress what I bought for my prom, Well, It costed me 300 USD to buy it. And All of the money I had to earn myself. It's hard for my parents to provide extra clothes which cost a lot
I put a winter jacket since It’s cold outside. Applying some make up on what I am totally amateur, I ran to Kitchen..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Mom.. How do I Look like?
I spinned, She scanned me from toe to head and smiles proudly.
Mrs Carlon
Mrs Carlon
Gorgeous..Sweetheart. He Won't able to take his eye away..
I feel my cheek heating up, I look at my favourite dress like a kid again and enters my and my Brothers combined room..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Elijah.. Look! How do I look like?
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Ugly..Don't disturb me now
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Heyy..Dog.. Look at Your sister 💥
I hit his head, Elijah is my younger brother who is 4 years younger than me. He likes to play game most of The time.. Brat
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Sis..Can't you leave me alone?
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Fine..When I will leave my house after wedding.. You stay alone forever
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Thank God, Finally I will have my personal room😑
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Hump, 😒😒
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
I am leaving.. Stupid. Let's see if you cry when I Leave forever
Elijah is one kind of brat who will never show his caring. But Once I had to meet my University classmate in City, I had to leave for three days. Elijah started putting a tantrum when he didn’t find me home. But another regular day, We are like Tom and Jerry
I took my heels Out, I can't wear heels, My ankles hurt. I tried to stand up properly but almost fall..
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
I Don't think a clumsy girl like you can get marriage..
He supported me from behind.. This boy, He was playing why he is here now..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Then You can raise me.
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Woah..Defended 🥺🤧
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
I heard He is a local school teacher.
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Yes. I heard that too
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Should I come with you? What if he is a pervert?
I laugh so hard when I saw him worrying..
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
I am just. Don't want you to take my personal room after marriage Again.. I hate pervert 😒
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
My Sweet brother..
I pinched his cheeks, He didn’t jerk my hands off, Too shock..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Don’t worry I would be fine..
He just nods, Another time, He would say..Whatever.. Just leave.
I tried to walk out, He helps me to walk
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Sis.. Wear those flat. those look good on you.. Heels don't suit you at all
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Are You sure?
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Hmm.. Comfortable first then fashion
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Thank you😘
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
He laughs but I can see him being worried
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
I will be fine.
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Mom, I am leaving
Mrs Carlon
Mrs Carlon
Don't mess up, Try to be more elegant
Elijah Carlen
Elijah Carlen
No..Sis.. Be yourself..
Mrs Carlon
Mrs Carlon
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Bye, Guys..
The more I get older, the more I realised I need someone who will love me. I heard my blind date is a teacher, He is nice and handsome. That's enough
We will have a small house, a small garden, A married life with perfect husband. I will brew him a cup of tea, enjoying the evening together. Our life will be simple, We will raise our kids together. Showing them, Love is more important when it comes to life

Chapter 2

I hold my purse and get off the cab, Mr Teacher will be nearest restaurant as I was informed, The heart of mine is acting little weird, Maybe for the first time, I am going on blind date. I wonder how he will be look like. Or Will he like me?
Once one of my classmate who had a huge crush on me, told ne that, He liked me Because of my top notch nose and my eyes which can make a person drown in fantasy. My Mom also likes my eyes. They are dreamy and drives a person into a fantasy..
I wonder if he will like my eyes..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Don't sweat like this.. It's going to be normal..
I tried to calm myself down, while heading towards the restaurant, But suddenly, a kid, maybe 3 rushed towards the road following a puppy..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Hey!!! Don't run like this..
I felt my heart shrinking, He didn’t stop and a car from opposite direction coming with full speed..
I swear I am not like a heroine of some novels, I am not Brave or excellent but on that time, My mind became blank and my feets willing to rush towards the boy who still running to cross the road.. The driver horned multiple times, It's understandable that he can't possibly take the brake right away
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Oh God!!!
My arms locks the frightened boy who got frightened when the driver horned, I hugged him tightly to protect him but suddenly I felt a strong pull towards somewhere I don’t know but It was surely warm and safe, the sound of heart pounding, the hot breathe on my head.. I realised, Someone protected Both of us..
You OK? Jay
I feels the grip around my shoulders loosening up, I open the eyes and become stunned when I notice a handsome man hugging the kid, His eyes are soft and worried. Don't know why on That time I wanted those eyes belong to me. Wanted to get attention from his deep and calm Ocean like eyes..
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Papa? Man!! Why do all handsome men have to be married?
Oh..Come to think of marriage, I forgot my Blind date. Damn Shit!!!! Irene!!! You are useless 🫠
I didn’t say anything hurriedly crossed the road but suddenly I heard a calling like.
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
That shouldn’t be me. I am still ****** Mary 🙄. But It's great to have a kid like that little one. I want to have a kid with my husband 😳😌
Anyway, I recheck my dress, seems like I did great listening Elijah to wear flat. Or I couldn’t help the kid..
I entered the restaurant, I noticed lots of people are enjoying their time, I walked towards the table what was booked beforehand.
My eyes open widely when I spotted a handsome is enjoying coffee. He looks calm and attractive.
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Hello. Brian Quest?
I said acting little elegant and soft. Although I am always little soft type..Self-praising😝
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
Yes. Please sit Down
Fck! He isn’t warm. Why is his voice Sounding domineering and arrogant? I hate them. But I need to be calm. Maybe he is trying to act cool😇
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Thank you.
He nods, His eyes are on nothingness. Man! In front of you, Your blind date, at least look at me.. What an unromantic guy🙄
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
So, What's your name?
What did I just here? He doesn’t know my name. Is he really a teacher? That's disappointing..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Irene Carlen
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
I see. What do you do?
He looks like a grumpy old man..Tsk
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Nothing. Just graduated.. Looking for a job
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
If You marry me, You don't have to work
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
I don't like my wife working Out.. I am a teacher and I live on my Reputation. You have to be in home and raise the kids..
This craps got on my nerve, I slammed the table and looked at him with disgust. I couldn’t help but snatched his cold coffee and pouring it on his head
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
What the fck!!
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
I haven’t even looked at your monkey like face properly, You didn’t even know my name, But you are taking decision of my life.
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Who the fck are you to decide what I will do or not?
I hate this type of men. Bighead, Only think themselves as superior. I trembled in anger no in disappointed, I thought as a teacher, He will be understanding but. He is totally jerk
I notice some noises around us. I held my purse and left with a heavy heart. I Don't want to marry a wealthy man but someone who will cherish me. But He neither is rich nor has a great heart. I hate this. Damn!!!
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
What the fck man! That kid from earlier hugged my legs, I looked little uneasy when I noticed my bastard blind date is approaching me.
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
You have a kid.. How rubbish
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
You rubbish and your whole family rubbish 🤬
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
How dare you!!!!!
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Don't hurt my Mama
Oh man. He is my little savior. He bit that jerk's leg When he almost shouted at me. With his facial expression, He looks pissed
Brian Quest
Brian Quest
Get off me, You little bastard
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
My mistake, I might be punched him so hard.. I should run...
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Let's go, Baby. I did something I shouldn’t have done. Today, Mom is going to beat my *** 🥺😭
I ran away far from his sight. I shouldn’t have done something like that.. We country girl are little strong 😞
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Mama!!! Cool!!!😮
Wait a minute!!!! Did I just kidnap a kid?😵‍💫
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
I am not your Mama🫠
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
My heartu!!!🥹
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Mama. Hungry, 🥺
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Oww..Cutie. OK. I will buy you a burger. But You have to take me to your Dad, OK?
I need to send him back what if his handsome father sue me for kidnappings😖
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen

Chapter 3

Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Both of us are looking at the baking foods areas, literally drooling over the cupcakes and donuts. Mom gave me 200 dollars to spend. It's huge for me though.. But after seeing the prices of those cakes, I felt sad that I can't afford them. I need to give the money back to Mom
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Mama! I want those🤤
This brat isn’t my son but I can't help but feeling so happy to hear him calling me Mama..How cutely he calls me Mama🥰
But Seems like I have to starve🤧. I hold his hand and face him
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Only one, OK?
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
I want one, two, five.
He shows me his fingers. Wants to eat five one. I already used 20 dollars to come here in City with cab. If It was in my village I would use my neighbour uncle's van..🤧
Seems like I have to use Mom's Money. Poor me.
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
OK.. Only two cupcakes and I will buy you Ice cream
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Really? 🥹
Damn.. Stop being so cute. My kindest and purest heart won't able to make it to home😵‍💫
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Yes. Let's go.
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Yay!!! I love Mama😘
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
What a strange feelings 🥰😌
I hold his tiny finger, He stands on his toe to order the foods
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Auntie.. I want this, this and This for Mama..😁
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
No. Baby.. I won’t eat.
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
But Jay wants to eat with Mama🥺
How cute 😍
Please, Don't reject this cute request 🥹
This brat is really something. He can make anyone cooing him with his cute attitudes. Seems like I can't avoid destruction in my home tonight.
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
I exhales sharply, Jay, the little sly pulls my finger towards him
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
What happened?
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Mama Carry🥺
Heh!! I can't carry a child. They’re troublesome,😐
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Ug!! Don't call me Mama😫
I said it little louder, All of the customers are looking at me strangely, I am damn sure they are thinking I don't like my own kid 🫡😑
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Fine Fine.. Little sly. Let's go
In defeated sigh, I hold him up and goes to an empty seat, I help him to seat before I Feel to need to use washroom
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Mama needs to go to Washroom. I will tell Aunt over there to give you your favourite food, OK?
Jay Milestones
Jay Milestones
OK. Jay will be good boy😁
He is really cute, His mother must be so beautiful. I told the worker to see him until I come back from washroom. I feel bad to leave him alone but I can't possibly take him inside the restroom, 🫠
After five minutes..
I wiping my hands, entered the serving area but my heart felt stopping when I didn’t find Jay. Even those cupcakes are untouched..
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Jay. ‌‌!!! Jay!!! Where are you?
My heart shrunk, Could it be someone else take him away.. I go to The worker angrily. I can't forgive them if anything happens to him
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
Hey!! Where is my son?😡
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
I told you look after him..How could you-
I couldn’t help but crying louder. An unknown strange feelings are hitting my heart so hard. What if something happens to him, I won’t able to forgive myself
Ma'am! Calm Down. It's your husband who took him away. Your son recognised him and left
Irere Carlen
Irere Carlen
His father found him. What a relief but why am I feeling so sad?
You can take the cupcakes you bought. Seems like your husband is little strict. He didn’t let your son eating them
So He couldn’t eat them.What a jerk dad!! I nod and holds the pack, She packed the cupcakes.
I paid and left for home. Another storm is waiting for me. Maybe Everyone already got to know that I beat my blind Date😑

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