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Between The Sheets

Domestic Bliss

Domestic Bliss

I had gone years watching by as Vincent had his way with her. His scent would linger on her body like a stain. The rage eats away at me, but it is hard to interfere with the doings of her Lord. Vincent takes his power and position and runs with it! He sends me away on long missions to buy himself time to do his worst deeds to her. I was not stupid, but Vincent would have me killed if I gave him a reason. Today, in particular, I felt the need to attempt to put a stop to some of this. ~

~Her body was so small next to mine in our bed. She snored softly, dreaming of something more peaceful than whatever our lives had become.

"Oh Amoura," I whispered softly, pushing her hair away from her face. A bruise littered the side of her cheek, Vincent must have left that stain on her face at their last "meeting". I let out a low growl, getting out of bed and getting ready. Vincent was good for laying his hands on her, and it was not right. It was never right what he did, and everyone goes silent when he does wrong. At worst, he would send me off again, but he would listen or I would leave a mark on him.

The rain was cold. The air around our apartment complex was still. My boots crunched through leaves on the ground. It was early in the morning, a little past six at least, my hair was still a mess. My beanie Amoura got for me kept it all together though. The town was quiet, a few people got up to start their days, but sleep still clutched at the people. I climbed the many stairs leading up to the palace-type structure. Amoura had to live close to the palace to ensure she was quick if Vincent needed her. I knocked twice on the door. I was nervous, but for Amoura, I would fight for her.

"Aroness?" Emelio answered the door.

"I need to speak with Vincent," He smirked as if aware I would be here.

"Right this way, I assume this is about Amoura earlier?" This bastard loved to watch the abuse he dealt toward Amo.

"You get a hard-on for the fear right Emelio? Sick Shit," My accent cut towards him, I could kill him.

"No, the hard-on was seeing Vincent enjoy her while he sends you off on missions," I growled, slamming him against the wall just as Vincent came down the stairs.

"Boys, Aroness why have you visited me today?" He smirked. Vincent made me sick. I threw Emeilio to the ground.

"I would like to talk to you in private," I locked eyes with him.

"Of course!" He started walking me up the stairs, I followed behind him holding myself back from being aggressive. I did not want him to take my poor choices out on her. He opened the door to his room, closing the door behind us, "Aroness, this is where I stripped Amoura of everything she considered 'private'. I know you are here to talk about how I...left her. I admit I carried a lot of my anger from the day out on her," He sat in a chair, I allowed him to talk and I listened as best I could. I wanted to rip his stomach out of his body, " I could propose Her comfort for a moment, we could say a month? That way none of this has to be taken to a bad place," He smirked, lighting a cigarette and puffing it a few times.

"How?" His eyes wandered my body.

"You, I want your body. You give it all to me," I began to breathe heavily. He enjoyed the rise out of me.

"I have never had sex with...Vincent, what is wrong with you? How is this even close to a fair anything?! I...I, Vincent what the \*\*\*\*? just need to stop what you are doing to her in general! None of this is right, we are not your sex slaves! We protect the community, our species, you...what do you gain?" Who thinks of shit like this? Why?"

"Aroness, it's about your vulnerability. Are you willing to give up your masculinity for her? You love Amoura a lot, I love to test how far you will go. Is she worth it though, Aroness?" I stared at him for a while. Vincent disgusted me, but I could...for her. She is worth it.

"Six months," I was worth more than a month though, I ran my hand through my hair. My chest was pounding. Is this how she felt? Every time? He laughed at me then shook his head.

"You can leave, remember than Aroness," He smirked, those golden eyes peering through my core. He was playing with my head.

"I just want her to be left alone, if you find some satisfaction in using me then so be it. You're fucking sick, and you know this. Man to man," I took off my shirt, I had to gain at least a little of my confidence back. I walked over to him and lit one of his cigarettes on the end table, "At least let me have a drink, but Vincent," I took a few deep puffs. I never smoked until I was changed over, cigarettes weren't even a thing when I was alive as a human, "What do you gain from this?" He looked at me, thinking about everything for a second. For once, Vincent thought before he spoke. Before he answered anything, he poured us both a drink. I finished what I wanted of the cigarette and put it out, pushing my hair from my face afterward.

"Aroness, everything you see around you, is mine. The people, the existence, it operates on my beckoning call. I do it, because before Aroness, I had nothing, and now I have everything!" Oh boy. I took a hefty drink, the rum, I'm assuming, burned at my chest.

"I hate you. Everything against you and all that, but Vincent I do not understand how you are who you are,"

"And Aroness, I accept all that hate, I know you hate me," He raised his glass to me and we drank some more. The fear soon faded away.

"Let's get this done, I already want to shower," I walked over to the bed and finished stripping down. I was all his as he wanted me. Vincent looked me over for a bit before walking into a closet next to the bed.

"Six months is your deal, and this is not to be spoken about. I want you on the bed, lay on your stomach," I nodded my head in agreement. How would this feel? In all my time, I never thought of a male. For her, I kept her smile in my mind through it all. I stripped and laid on the bed as he wanted me. I heard him rummaging around for things, I stayed focused on the ending. Soon, the sting of some whip scorched across my back.

"\*\*\*\*," I buried my face into the bedding, it burned. Each one tore through my skin, "What the \*\*\*\* is that?" I kept my body still though, we were trained not to flinch. Flinching shows weakness.

"You have a lot of mouth on you Aroness, I'm hoping to break a little of that in you," I felt like I wanted to pass out. He enjoyed seeing the pain, he was a fucking sadist. He undid his pants, dropping them to the floor and getting on the bed behind me, "Are you ready Aroness?" He raised my hips to a nice arch.

"Yes," He pushed inside of me. I felt like I could throw up, I buried my face again. He was deep and girthy, my chest couldn't heave out a breath, "You're not fitting," I groaned out through the agony. I could feel myself sweating, my body wanted to give.

"It'll ease up. You're being so good for me," A blush heated up my cheeks. I was embarrassed to be seen as this small.

It did get easier over time, I couldn't help but let out a moan. He started hitting this spot I could have never known about. "Vincent, what are you doing?" I gripped at the sheets, my thighs were quivering as he went deeper. I was broken to him after I came, something inside of me gave to the pleasure that overcame my body. Vincent disgusted me, but he was overwhelming my body with ecstasy.

"Hitting your spot, and it's working, you just made a mess on my bed. Good thing I have cleaners for this sort of thing," He slapped my \*\*\* like I was his slut or something. I felt smaller than I was at that moment. He kept going, stretching me and clawing at my already raw back. I was sensitive, shaking, and at his mercy.

"Please, I need a break," I was tired and sore. I lost track of the time and I still wanted to be back before Amoura woke up.

"I'm almost done with you," Done? He pushed me into the bed, using all his might. I yelled out, I couldn't tell if this hurt or pleased me at this point. I just yelled out in whatever was gonna help get some of this out!

"Vincent...I can't anymore..." My body just gave, it was warm being came inside. I was turned on. I loved it. I loved how he treated me. I loved not having to be dominant. I hated it was him. I was left a mess, he threw me a towel from the bedside table. I had never felt like this in my life.

I got up and cleared my throat, cleaning myself off with the towel before putting my clothes back on.

"We don't speak of this, right Aroness?" I looked over at him sternly.

"Of course not, sir," He chuckled like he won something from me, "But if you lie, if I see a mark or smell you on her...I'll kill you. I do not care what happens to me," That caught his attention. He locked eyes with me.

"You should get back to Amoura, she'll be waking up soon," He raised a glass of a new drink. I gave him the finger as I walked out. The rain had stopped, but the air was just as chilly. The walk home always feels shorter than the walk to a destination. Amoura was still asleep. I showered, washing away the filthy feeling I was left with, and so many questions. I dried off and crawled back in bed with her. I was already healing, my body ached though.

"Aro?" Amo snuggled up against me. I pulled her closer and petted her hair.


"I love you," I got her in a good hug. One day, Vincent will get what he deserves in all of this, but for now, she has peace. I was left with so many questions about myself though. I loved her with all my life had to offer.

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