NovelToon NovelToon

My Possessive Hubby

Episode 1 : Fortune Teller

A Shop
Inside The Shop
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Um Fay 😐 ( Looking At Fayanna )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Please explain to us why we're here ? 😑
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
We're here to get our fortune's read by Madam Rika 😄 ( Looks At Them )
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
Fay you can't be serious 😐 ( Looking At Her )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Come on you guy's it'll be fun 😟
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
And plus I hear all her predictions come true 😟
Gisele and Nicole : Yeah we're not buying it 😒
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Seriously 😟
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
You agree with me right Amelia ? 😟 ( Looks At Amelia )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Hmmmm 🤔 ( Looking Around And Thinking )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Oh no she's thinking , nothing good comes out from her when she's thinking 😰 ( Looking At Amelia )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Yeah I agree we should give it a try ( Soft Gentle Tone While Looking At Them )
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
You're kidding right 😐 ( Looking At Amelia )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
I knew it 🤦‍♀️
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Oh thank you , thank you , thank you 😄 ( Goes And Hugs Amelia )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Hey take it easy your welcome 🥰 ( Hugs Her Back )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
God you two are so gullible 🤦‍♀️ ( Looks At Them )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Fine we'll do it but the second you two find out it's nothing but a scam you better not complain (눈_눈)
Fayanna and Amelia : Yes we promise 😄 ( Breaks The Hug )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Oh there she comes 😃 ( Looks At Madam Rika )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Hi Madam Rika it's me again 😄
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Ms.Fasono good to see you again ( Casual Tone With A Gentle Smile While Walking In )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
And I see you brought more companions with you ( Casual Tone While Looking At Everyone )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
These are my best friends , Amelia , Gisele and Nicole 😄
Amelia , Gisele and Nicole : Hello ( Polite Tone )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Hello to you all too ( Casual Tone )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
And I'm guessing your all here for me to read your fortunes right , I charge $300.00 a reading per person ( Casual Tone )
Amelia and Nicole : THREE HUNDRED DOLLARS ? !!!! 🤯🤯
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Fayanna (눈_눈)
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Ahahaha 😅 ( Nervous )
They all reluctantly paid the $300.00 and begun their psychic readings
The Fortune Reading Room
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Well what does my fortune say ( Curious Tone )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
In all my years as a fortune teller I've never seen such bad and good luck before 🤯
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
W......what ?! 😰
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
An unforseen betrayal and heartbreak and someone that will completely change your life appearing shortly afterwards ( Casual Tone )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Heartbreak ?! Betrayal ?! 😰
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
By who ? And who's this person that'll appear and change my life ?! 😰
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Madam Rika ( A Fortune Teller )
Dear I only tell fortune's but as to who's in it , is solely for you to find out ( Casual Tone )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
( Uneasy ) 😰
After their psychic readings they all left the shop
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
See I told you all that she's nothing but a quack 💢 ( Walking )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Guy's I think Gisele is mad at me 😣 ( Walking )
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
You should expect that after having us deal with that damn psychic (눈_눈) ( Walking )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Sorry 😣 ( Walking )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
*In Mind* Gisele's right , heartbreak , betrayal and a fateful encounter ? Why should I believe in a complete strangers words anyway ? ( Unbother While Walking )
Ting ( Amelia's Phone )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Hmmm ? ( Stops And Looks At Her Phone )
Roman Branson ( FL
Roman Branson ( FL's Boyfriend )
Hey I know it's really sudden but , let's break up 🗨📱
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Huh ?! 😢 ( Shocked And Starts Crying )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
To Be Continued👉👉👉
Hello lovely readers and welcome to the first episode of " My Possessive Hubby " 🥳🎉
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
And we're glad you all enjoyed it 😄
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Yeah , except for the part where you and Fay made us visit that quack of a psychic 😒 ( Looks At Amelia And Fayanna )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Ahahaha 😅
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
We said we were sorry 😣
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
I know 😖
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
Anyway with that said 😅
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
We hope all of you will continue to stick around and support story 🥰
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Yeah because there'll lot's more surprises in the future of the story 😄
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
If the surprises are anything like what we dealt with that quack of a psychic I'll end you right here and now Fayanna 👿💢 ( Looks At Fayanna )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Huh ?! 😶
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Oh boy 😅
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Just please be sure to support the story ok everyone 😅
And please remember to.............😄
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
And also..........🥰
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
For more updates on the chat story 😄
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
So we can be able to see you in the next episode 😁
And like the description said , this chat story will be updated every Thursday and Friday 💁‍♀️
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Because the author will have three other chat stories working on beside this one so be sure to read those to 🥰
Ok that's all for now cuties , see you in the next episode , bye-bye 😘 🖐

Character Introduction

Amelia Brooks FL Nickname : Melia Age : 24 Year's Old Nationality : Chinese born and raised in Country E , Phoenix City Favorite Foods : Sweets Food , Sea Food and Baked Foods Family : Has 4 siblings ( 2 Sisters and 2 Brothers ) and is the 4th child in her family ☆The Brooks Family ranks #2 of being one of the most richest families in Phoenix City ☆Amelia is treated poorly in her own family and even her younger sister gets treated way better than her Personality : Kind , Care , Loving , Understanding , Smart , Hot Tempered When Provoked , Strong Minded Loves her friend's like they were her real sisters and loved and cared for her now ex boyfriend very much before he broke up with her
Fayanna Fasano FL's Bff Nickname : Fay Age : 24 Year's Old Nationality : Chinese born and raised in Country E , Phoenix City Favorite Foods : Stew Food and Baked Foods Family : Has 2 siblings and is the 2nd child in her family ☆The Fasano Family ranks #4th of being one of themost richest families in Phoenix City ☆Fayanna love's her family and friend's as most as they all love her and she a great relationship with her family especially her siblings Personality : Kind , Care , Loving , Slightly Clumsy , Smart , Hot Tempered When Provoked Loves her friend's like they were her real sisters
Gisele Greyson FL's Bff Nickname : GiGi Age : 24 Year's Old Nationality : Chinese born and raised in Country E , Phoenix City Favorite Foods : Western Styles Food And European cuisine Family : Has 1 siblings and is the 2nd child in her family ☆The Greyson Family ranks #5th of being one of themost richest families in Phoenix City ☆Gisele love's her family and friend's as most as they all love her and she a great relationship with her family especially her siblings Personality : Kind , Care , Loving , Hates Liars , Smart , Hot Tempered When Angered Loves her friend's like they were her real sisters
Nicole Fournière FL's Bff Nickname : Nicki Age : 24 Year's Old Nationality : Chinese born and raised in Country E , Phoenix City Favorite Foods : Baked Foods Family : Has 3 siblings and is the 1st child in her family , she's the oldest child and is the Heir to the Fournière Family ☆The Fournière Family ranks #6th of being one of themost richest families in Phoenix City ☆Nicole love's her family and friend's as most as they all love her and she a great relationship with her family especially her siblings Personality : Kind , Care , Loving , A Reasonable Person , Smart , Hot Tempered When Provoked Loves her friend's like they were her real sisters
Madam Rika ⊙A Fortune Teller Her predictions and readings have always been 100 percent accurate ever since she became a for fortune teller She's mysterious and keeps to herself so no one in Phoenix City really knows much able and her origins

Episode 2

After learning what happened to Amelia , her friends took her to Fayanna's house to console her
Fayanna's House
The Living Room
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Hic....hic.......what did I do wrong ? 😭 ( Crying )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Did I do or say something that offended him ? 😭
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
No Meila I'm sure you didn't 😰
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Yeah so don't think like that 😰
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
I'm gonna kill him 👿
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
Gisele , now isn't the time for this ( Serious Tone While Looking At Her )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Are you kidding me Nicole ? 😡 ( Looks At Her )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
He literally just broke Amelia's heart for no reason 😡
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
And he did it through text , THROUGH TEXT !!! 😡
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Gisele does have a point ( Casual Tone )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Only a jerk would do something so dirty like that ( Serious Tone )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
( Silently Crying )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
( See's Amelia )
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
Melia........😟 ( Feeling Sorry For Her )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Did you try calling or texting him back Amelia ? 😟 ( Looks At Her )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Of course I have but I'm not getting through to him 😢 ( Wiping Her Eyes While Looking At Fayanna )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Tsk 💢
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
I'm betting he blocked you 💢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )! 😢
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
Gisele ( Unhappy Tone While Looking At Her )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
What Nicole ? 😡 ( Looks At Her )
Gisele Greyson ( FL
Gisele Greyson ( FL's Bff )
Sugar coating it for her or putting it nicely isn't going to help her get through this 😡
Nicole Fournière ( FL
Nicole Fournière ( FL's Bff )
I know but..........( Helpless Tone )
Fayanna Fasano  ( FL
Fayanna Fasano ( FL's Bff )
Gisele , Nicole please don't argue with each other 😟
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Fayanna's right 😢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
This situation is for me to handle and deal with so please don't fight with each other ok 😢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
I'll......find a way to handle this ( Heartbroken Tone )
Gisele , Nicole and Fayanna : Mmm 😥 ( Looks At Each Other )
After getting her emotions together Amelia parted with her friends and went home to the Brooks Family house
But little did she know the surprise she was about to get
The Brooks Family House
The Living Room
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
The preparations for our engagement ceremony is finally finished and I can't wait for when it's finally held ( Excited Tone While Looking At Someone )
Roman Branson ( FL
Roman Branson ( FL's Ex )
Me too , I can't wait for everyone to know how much I love you ( Affectionate Sweet Tone While Looking At Her )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
( Feeling Touched )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Oh Roman........( Affectionate Tone )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
( Goes And Kisses Him )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Roman Branson ( FL
Roman Branson ( FL's Ex )
( Kisses Her Back )
Roman Branson ( FL
Roman Branson ( FL's Ex )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
( Enters The Living Room And Saw Them )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
( Beyond Shocked And Teary Eyes )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )😢 ( Static Tone )
Francisca and Roman broke their kiss and looked at Amelia
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Oh I see your back home.......Amelia ( Smiles Maliciously )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Huh ? 😢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Roman Branson ( FL
Roman Branson ( FL's Ex )
Oh yeah I almost forgot you live here as well 🙄
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Ha , I was wondering why your car was parked outside the house Roman and now I see why 😢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Not only did you broke up with me through text and now your here with my older sister 😢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
But why Roman , why ? What did I do to you for you to hurt me like this ? 😢
Roman Branson ( FL
Roman Branson ( FL's Ex )
Tsk , so annoying 💢
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Huh ?! 😢 ( Shocked )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Pfft hahahaha 😂 ( Laughing Wickedly )
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Don't tell me you still don't get it Amelia 😏
Francisca Brooks ( FL
Francisca Brooks ( FL's Sis )
Roman never loved you , he was only using you 😈
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
( Shocked Speechless While Completely Devastated )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Francisca Brooks FL's Older Sis Nickname : CiCi Age : 26 Year's Old Nationality : Chinese born and raised in Country E , Phoenix City Favorite Foods : Nothing Particular Family : Has 4 siblings ( 2 Sisters and 2 Brothers ) and is the 2nd child in her family ☆Has a great a with her parents and other siblings except Amelia ☆Treats Amelia badly and poorly along with the rest on their family because they hate her because their parents didn't want her in the first place Personality : Bitchy , Arrogant , Demanding , Ignorant , Smart , Hot Tempered , Social Status Climber
Roman Branson FL's Ex Nickname : RoRo Age : 26 Year's Old Nationality : Chinese born and raised in Country E , Phoenix City Favorite Foods : Nothing Particular Family : Has 1 siblings ( Brothers ) and is the 1st child in his family ☆The Heir to the Branson Family ☆His family ranks #1st of being one of the most richest families in Phoenix City Personality : Cold Towards Strangers , Arrogant , Ruthless , Ignorant , Smart , Hot Tempered , Kind And Care Towards Those His Close To
To Be Continued👉👉👉
And we hope you all are enjoying the story 🥰
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
And we hope you all are enjoying the story 🥰
And if your really loving the story then please.........😄
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
Amelia Brooks ( FL )
And also..........😄
So we can see you in the next episode , bye-bye 👋😘

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