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Mattheo X Y/N

Chapter 1.

"Students, please welcome Y/n Potter! She is the sister of Harry Potter, and she's in the 6th year. Please be nice," Professor Albus Dumbledore said. You walk into the Great Hall, and make your way to the sorting hat. The Slytherin table bursts into murmurs and whispers, some saying they are so going to despise you, others saying you're fine. You sit on the stool, "SLYTHERIN" The sorting hat shouts. You smirk, and make your way to the Slytherin table. Coincidently, you sit beside Mattheo Riddle, son of The Dark Lord. "Hi, I'm Mattheo... Riddle." He says, reluctantly. "Hi? I guess you already know my name," you chuckle. Mattheo smiles, "So, Harry Potter's sister,huh?" "Yup. Bet everyone's going to ask me how I'm in Slytherin," You say, with a small smile. "Hey, at least you already have a friend, me!" Mattheo smiles. "Really? Well, that's fast." You chuckle. You could've sworn he blushed a few times, but you two kept on chatting and chatting. The great feast appears, and Mattheo recommends you some good food. Chuckles and laughter were the most common things in your conversation. He smiled a lot. Which you liked. Mattheo made you look around for different people, turns out, he had interesting facts for everyone. "What about me? What's an interesting fact about me?" You ask him. "Hmmm... your very pretty." He says. You laugh, "Are you serious?" He nods, "If I were Harry, I would be falling for my own sister." You laughed, thinking it was all a joke. " You want to know a fact about me?" Mattheo asks. You nod. "I would like to **** you." He whispers. "W-what. Did you just-?" You stammer, a tomato red face appearing. He nods, smiling. You punch his shoulder playfully, laughing. "Seriously though, you, Y/n Potter, are very pretty." He says. You smile, and he smiles back. You thought him liking you was just a joke, so you put that thought away. The Great Hall was filled with chatter and laughter. Harry was at the Gryffindor table, but still had a good view of you two chatting and laughing. He grit his teeth, Riddle was bad news, and he needed to get you, his sister, away from him! Whatever, he would let you enjoy your first day in Hogwarts. You two had very interesting experiences in different households. " I remember being feared in school, you know, 'cos my dad's 'he who shall not be named', so I told them that I hated him, but that just led them to pick on me, so not the best High school experience, or middle school either," Mattheo says. "Well, my brother went to Hogwarts way before me, so i had to go to normal school, and kids asked me what it was like to have dead parents, and I said that they should value their parents, but they probably wouldn't, as they were rich, spoiled kids." You say. Mattheo laughs. Eventually everyone has to go back to their dorms, and you and Mattheo parted, "Goodnight Riddle," You laugh. "Goodnight Potter," He winks.

Chapter 2

Within your first week at Hogwarts, you and Mattheo quickly became inseparable. Wherever he went, you went, and vice versa. It was ridiculous, but you found it fun. "Good morning Potter." Mattheo smiles. "Why, good morning Riddle." You chuckle. You guys had potions class, but you "coincidently" bumped into Harry. You tell Mattheo to go ahead first. You two say bye to each other, then turn to Harry. "What's up Harry?" You ask. "Stay away from Riddle, he's bad news." Harry said. "How would you know? You've barely talked to him." You say defensively. " He fucking beat me up, y/n. He used to be a bully, and he's a playboy. So please, just stay the hell away from him." Harry pleaded. You just turned away and headed to class. "Well, what was that about?" Mattheo asked. "Just Harry being an over-protective brother." You reply. He chuckles, and class continues. The bell rings as a sign for lunch, and the two of you race to be the first at the table. "**** YOU'RE FAST" Mattheo shouts. "TOO BAD RIDDLE!!" You shout back. When you finally reach the Great Hall, you sit at the Slytherin table. After a literal 7 minutes, he finally enters. You burst into a fit of giggles when you see him. He approaches you. "How the **** are you so fast." He says, breathlessly. You laugh, "Hey, I was in track team in high school." You two munch on food, drink, and of course, chat and chat. "Hey, my brother mentioned that you used to be a bully. And that you beat him up. That true?" You asked. He sighed,"Don't hate me, but, yeah." "W-wow. Why? I mean, seriously? Why bully people when you want them to think you are different from your father?" "Well, he was just... beatable, I guess." He said,"And plus, I wanted to know why my father targeted him specifically." "Well, well, Mattheo Riddle can actually beat people up." You say, amused. He laughs, and you gotta admit, he was kinda cute like that. Nope, screw cute, he was hot. Wait, what? Were you actually developing feelings for him? Nope. Nope. You could not have feelings for him! His voice broke your train of thoughts. "Y/n? You're staring..." Mattheo said. "Huh? Oh, sorry." You say, embarrassed. "O.M.G. Does Y/n Potter find me attractive?" He gasps mockingly. "I do not!" You laugh defensively, punching his shoulder playfully. "Okay, okay!" He laughed. "Slytherin table! Please keep your voices down!" Professor Dumbledore shouted. You two looked at each other and laughed- softly of, course. You decided to smuggle snacks for the next class, because you were probably going to get detention. Due to stupid *** "Professor Umbridge". You looked at Mattheo, and he definitely understood. You both smuggled a few snacks into your bags, and laughed at how ridiculous you two were. He was your partner in crime, and that was ridiculous. Well, you two were ridiculous. Soon, lunch ended, and off to Umbridge's class you two went.

Chapter 3

"Class, turn to page 45." Professor Umbridge said. You raise your hand. "Yes, Ms. Potter?"She said." Can I go to the washroom?" You asked. "You should've gone during lunch." She replied. "Well forgive me, I forgot to write my bladder schedule for today." You shoot back. Mattheo laughs, and so does the rest of the class. "Ms. Potter, you might be sibling of Harry Potter, but I am still a teacher-" She was cut off by you. "-And so, you have detention to learn what respect is or whatever. Blah blah. Very predictable, professor." You say. "Anyone wanna join me?" Half the class raises their hands, one of them being Mattheo, of course. "Fine. You all have detention." She says, annoyed. "Why thank you professor." You say, smirking.

-In Detention-

"That was RIDICULOUS y/n! Gosh this is so much better than that stupid *** class!" Ron says. "I know! Anyone want snacks?" You ask. You and Mattheo then distribute snacks that you smuggled. You all share stories and laugh. You had a really good time. Wayyy more than Umbridge's class. "Oh, Oh! Let's come up with ways to prank Umbridge!" Harry suggests. "Ooooh! We can dye all her clothes to black!!" Ron suggests. "Nah, how about we send her a chocolate box, but inside are frogs, roaches and lizards!" Mattheo suggests. A sudden outburst from Harry shocked you,"Oh shut up Riddle, you always want your suggestion to be picked. Let others have their chance." "So what? Your the Chosen One, but you don't even show it. Hell, you're not as durable as the Chosen One should be." Mattheo argues back. "Mattheo Riddle! You will shut up because that is MY brother you're talking to! No matter what, you are NOT allowed to talk to people like that! Do you understand?!" You yell at him. He nods, frightened by you. "Good. Now BOTH of you will apologize to each other." You demand. They both apologize to each other. You smile. "Jesus sis, since when did you get so demanding and stern?" Harry asks. "Since a long time ago, but you wouldn't know, you were probably having the time of your life here at Hogwarts." You say sarcastically. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." Was all he said. "So y/n, you're new here, mind telling us what human school was like?" Hermoine swiftly changes the subject. You tell you stories, and smiled and laughed a lot. So did everyone else. "Oh, oh! I remember having a crush! He was awful now that I recall, but well, my taste was terrible back then." You recall. "Tell us more." Mattheo says. "Jealous much, Riddle?" Harry challenged. "Ok, his name was Tristan. He was really ugly, lol. But I found him attractive at the time. We had fun together, until one day, I FINALLY realized that he was UGLY." You say, laughing. You continue telling stories about your Middle and High School experiences, and how it was to have foster parents. Soon, detention ended, and so did school. "See yall!" You say before going into your dorm.

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