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Black Fairy Yuno X Oc (Fairy Tail X Black Clover)

Chapter 1: End and begin


First name:Lana

Last name:Doesn't know

age of death: 18

age in Black Clover:15-16

Birthday: January 28


Likes:books, playing piano, reading, training, The church, all the people at the church, Yuno, Asta, sweets, Julius, and the Captains

Dislikes:Disrespectful people, people that look down on Asta,  people that forget her name, and people that call her girl

Family:None they all died

Rank in Fairy tail:SSS

Rank in Black Clover: Don’t know yet






Magic:The knight, Dragon slayer, and more (the knight is Erza’s magic, and Dragon slayer magic, she has all the elements.)

Things about Lana: she is a very happy girl, but when you make her mad then you’re in big trouble. She gets jealous when other girls are with Yuno especially when they’re clingy, As you know she likes to play piano ,she likes to cook stuff. But when she had too many potatoes she made a garden to cook other things, and she loves to sing (Songs will be from YouTube.)

 love interest:Yuno but they are a couple already.

(Ok people so let’s get to the story)

Lana’s POV

It was a regular day in fairy tail people laughing, fighting, and drinking. Me and Erza just came back from a job. When we entered the guild Natsu came flying at me and yelled “FIGHT ME!!!.” but I blocked him and punched him it the stomach, and he went flying to the wall then I  said “Sorry Natsu but if you want to fight me you have to get stronger.” After that the guild was full of laughter.

I walked to the bar, and Mira walked up to me and said “What can I get for you Lana.” “Umm I wold like the usual please, thank you.” When Mira was getting my drink ready, then I felt a strong magic power coming to the guild.

”What it this magic it’s so strong.” You said as you got ready to reflect the magic. in a flash you hit the attack with your magic then a loud explosion was herd. everyone in the guild came outside.

”What was that noise?.” Asked Mira, then more of the attacks were coming to hit Magnolia. I was about to say something until the attacks stopped, and then a woman’s  voice was heard around Magnolia saying “Hello my name is Kurosu,  I am here to destroy Fairy tail, if you Fairy tail surrender I will stop the attacks that will hit your town if you don’t surrender I will have to destr-.” I cut her off by yelling “LIKE WE’LL SURRENDER TO YOU, WE ARE FAIRY TAIL AND WE’LL FIGHT TILL THE END.!!!!”when I was done yelling we heard Kurosu sighed “fine then you want a fight then die.” She said then all of a sudden black blob things were forming around the town, and the magic was about to hit the buildings.

As the guild was starting to attack the blobs I was deflecting the magic that was hitting the buildings when I was done I saw Natsu and Gray struggling to keep up with the blobs. Then I requiped into Heaven’s wheel armor and hit some blob things to help Natsu and Gray and went up to me and said “You ok?.” I asked with a worried face.

“Yep/Yes.”  Natsu and Gray said “I said it be for you ice pants.” Natsu said then Gray got irritated and said “No flame brain I said it first.” Then they started to argue on who said yes first then I got annoyed and said “ Ice dragon roar.” Then I froze Nastu and Gray.

”Stop fighting or I’ll leave you here to die.” I said with a scary face like Erza.

”Sorry ma’am.” They said at the same time then I unfroze them but before I could go, and fine more people to help.

out of no where a girl with a cloak witch I think is Kurosu she smirk and made a huge magic attack and she released it and it was heading for Natsu at that moment it was like time stopped I ran in front of Natsu I was to slow to deflect the magic and I got hit.

Natsu POV

The girl from earlier appeared and made a magic attack I couldn’t move it was like she was controlling me then when I got ready for the impact I felt nothing, but when I looked I was horrified to see Lana with a hole in her chest blood coming out of her mouth she fell to the floor it looked like she was trying to heal herself but it wasn’t working. I got on my knees, and held her I felt tears coming out of my eyes, but she looked at me and smiled and said.

Lana POV

I was trying to heal my wounds but my magic wasn’t working. But I felt someone holding me when I looked up it was Natsu crying I smiled at him and said “It’s ok Natsu don’t cry if I die then please promise me that you will protect the guild.” When I said that I coughed out blood I could see Natsu and Gray crying ‘At least I die with a smile.’ I thought as I felt myself losing consciousness.

Time skip

Lana POV

I started to wake up to the sound of baby’s crying ‘Why are babies crying.?’ I though as I opened my eyes I looked at my hands it was like baby hands ‘Wait I’m a baby, who are these two, and where am I thought I di-.’ I was cut off from my thoughts when a man came out off no where, and took us into a church and he made a fire and gave us a blanket and the two boys stoped crying and the man smiled and said.

Fathers POV

i looked at the three babies and said “Welcome to the church.” I smiled at the three babies as I looked at them “Are you three siblings? same age so possibly triplets. Nope their nether this one is sweet and well behaved, this one well he’s a bit spirited, and this one is quite cute and they don’t look a thing a like.” When I was done talking I looked at their names “Yuno hmm ok know for this little spirite-.” I was cut off when a baby kicked me in the face “Oww a bit to spirited.” I said with blood running down my nose. I stoped, and smiled when I saw his name “Asta not a bad name.” When I was done reading Asta’s name I looked at the baby girl ‘Know for this little cute one.’ When I was looking at her name. She looked at me and smiled I smiled back at her and looked at the shirt a saw her name it said Lana on it “Well Lana aren’t you a good girl.” I said to her she giggled and smiled.

Lana POV

 ‘Great I have to be a baby well I guess this is better then being dead.’ I thought when I looked at the man he said “Well Lana aren’t you a good girl.” When he said that I couldn’t help but giggle and smile ‘If only you meet me and Natsu together.’ Well I guess this is my new life, Yuno and Asta get ready for a crazy life.

Chapter 2: Grimoire

Lana's POV

Time Skip 15 years

'it's been 15 years since I was reborn into this world I have a lover, a family , and a annoying As-.' I was cut off when a certain Gray haired boy started yelling "ONE DAY I'LL BECOME THE WIZARD KING AND MAKE YOU HAPPY SO PLEASE MARRY ME!!!!."I chuckled and walk over to the church where Asta was I signed, and said "leave Sister Lily alone Asta give it a break she doesn't like yo-." I was cut off again when Asta was yelling at Sister Lily "Please marry me I won't give up I will make you happy.!" Sister Lily was holding her hands out, and said to Asta "I'm A nun so. Sorry Asta." Sister Lily said when I looked at Asta he fell backwards.




"I'M NOT DONE YET.!!!." Asta keep on yelling I looked at Sister Lily she looked annoyed and yelled "Water creation magic:Holy fist of love.!!!"after that I laughed at Asta, and Sister Lily looked worried and said "I'm sorry Asta! I used my Grimoire without thinking ." She said As I went up to Asta, and healed him he jumped up "Lana please marry m-." He was cut off by a huge gust do wind I giggled, and waved "Bye Asta."

Then a black haired boy walked  to me from behind and hugged my waist I smirked  "Hi Yuno how are you.?" I asked he didn't respond I chuckled "It's ok to be jealous I'm only yours." I whispered the last part in his ear he blushed, I giggled.

I saw Asta walking back to the church "Hi Asta how was your walk.?" I asked Asta looked annoyed he walked in front of Yuno and started to yell

"Yuno why are you getting in the way.?" He asked "Why you're noisy, short, restless, and immature." When he finished talking I fell to the floor dying of laughter "HAHAHA Yuno you just said all the things about Asta." "Hey that's not true and how could you say that to the person you grew up with for 15 years, you handsome jerk.!!" Asta keep on yelling Yuno just ignored him, and went to Sister Lily " Do you need some help.?" Asked Yuno , Sister Lily smiled  " Thank you Yuno." "STOP IGNORING ME." Astra keep on yelling, I got annoyed with Asta's yelling so I walked up to him "Stop yelling or you know what will happen next." I put my hand in his shoulder, and smiled and put some ice on Asta's shoulder.

"Yes ma'am." Asta said trembling a little

"By the way Asta Sister Lily is a woman of cloth, and you can't marry your only 15." Yuno said then Asta said "Then what about you and Lana you can't marry her your 15 like me." He said sounding like he won some argument "No Asta I proposed to Lana and she said yes."

"Ok then I challenge you to a fight, who ever wins will be Lana's love.!!" He declared but I interrupted and said "Sorry Asta but I love Yuno, and he has my love you have my love too, but in a brother and sisterly bond." I said with a smile "Well then Yuno fight m-." "No." Yuno says plainly " Well then let's see who can do the most push ups." Astra said, but me and Yuno just ignored him I was washing more clothes, and Yuno was drying the clothes.

All the kids started to complement Yuno with his wind magic I looked at Asta, he looked a little jealous "I bet you can't do sit ups as fast as me." "Asta's funny." Arlu said, "So what's the big deal idiot." Nash said unimpressed.

Yuno started to use his magic to do more chorus "Thank you Yuno." Sister Lily said Asta was running with a axe in his hand "Then leave the chopping to me." Then Yuno used the wind to chop the wood I looked at Asta and said " you shouldn't run with a weapon someone will get hurt." Then Nash went up to Asta and said "I still can't believe that you guys are the same age."

I went up to Asta and tried to comfort him he looked down in the dumps when the kids at the church would say things like that to him I feel bad for him because he doesn't have magic"It's ok Asta I believe in you and when we get our grimoires you will have your magic." I said to him trying to cheer him up.

"YUNO AND LANA IS THE HOPE OF THIS CHURCH!!." Father said yelling then I saw Asta crunch into a ball me and Sister Lily were trying to cheer him up " Maybe when you get you Grimoire you will have your magic." Sister Lily said with a smile then Asta went to Sister Lily's face, and said "You think so." Asta said with stars in his eyes I rolled my eyes and mumbled "How come when I said that he was still sad."

I'LL GET THE GREATEST GRIMOIRE, JOIN THE MAGIC KNIGHTS, BECOME THE WIZARD KING, AND RENOVATE THIS UGLY SHABBY CHURCH!!." Astra said with determination in his eyes and said "there's the Natsu I know." "Umm who's Natsu Lana." Astra asked 'Shoot did I say Natsu think of something Lana.' I yelled in my head I forced a smile and said "Umm he's a person I read in my book he’s like you." I say and laughed awkwardly "Ok Lana." Asta said believing you 'he bought that crap.' I said in my head.

Nash walked pass me and Asta and said"Only those of Noble birth, like Aristocrats and Royalty have a chance to be the Wizard King." "All of us have a chance on becoming the Wizard King." Asta said to Nash "We're peasants and orphans there's no way." Nash said

"I'LL SHOW YOU ONE DAY DANG IT!!." Astra yelled running to the woods I was going to go after him until someone held me back “It’s ok he’s my rival he’ll be ok.” Yuno said “You really don’t like it when I have my attention on Asta.” I chuckled he was as red as Erza’s hair “Wow Yuno I thought you were cool but you can’t even hide a blush and you know you are jealous when my attentions on Asta.”

“…” Yano was quite and he walked away I waved “Bye Yuno don’t over heat and pass out.” I said

Time skip to Grimoire day

Lana POV

“Welcome to the ceremony young ones, today for your future you will be granted faith, hope, and love  ” The old man said (I don’t know his name) every one in the tower looked up the see the old man “I am head of this Grimoire tower well let’s see is the future wizard king among us.” Old man said then I zoned out for a little bit the I hear the old man yelling “Grimoire conferment.” Then there was a light everywhere grimoires were flying into peoples hand’s. when my Grimoire was flying at me I caught it, and looked at my Grimoire Yano walked up to me “that’s a nice Grimoire.” Yuno  said when I looked at Asta he was the only the one who didn’t have a Grimoire.

“Umm a Grimoire didn’t come my way.” Asta said he looked the the old man “try again next year.” He said everyone started to laugh at Asta “What the hell is up with that it’s actually amazing The low born really do know how to amaze us.” He said I glared at him and walked up to him he looked at me “ hi cutie do you wan-.” Be for he could say anything I punched him in the stomach he flew to the wall hitting “Don’t look down on my family.” And when I looked at everyone I yelled “ AND LET ME MAKE MYSELF CLEAR IF ANY OF YOU HURT THE KIDS AT THE CHURCH THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO DEAL WITH ME GOT THAT.” nobody said a word after that until a bright light was seen I looked at the light it was a Grimoire, and it flew to Yuno he had a four leaf clover everyone started to cheer for Yuno.

Yuno held the Grimore up High and declared “ I will be come the Wizard king.” Then everyone started to cheer again. Then Asta walked up to Yuno “ Just you wait, I’ll catch up to you right away.” It was quite for a few seconds then everyone started to laugh even harder at Asta the Before.

Then Yuno walked past Asta “Ridiculous.” Yuno said leaving the tower.

Time skip

The Sun was setting, and I was getting worried that was until I was Yuno and Asta walking to the church I ran up to them and tackled them into a hug “ I was worried about you guys.” I said when I was done hugging them I looked up at them Asta had a big smile on his face and pulled out something.

” Look Lana I got a Grimoire.” His eyes sparked I had a big smile “ Good job Asta a knew you would get one.” I said Then we smelled food “Let’s go eat.” I said

“I got a Grimoire now I can do the magic knight exam now let’s eat and for the next 6 months we will train for the magic knights exam.!!!” Asta yells and we went to eat.

Chapter 3: Training

Lana POV

Well we have 6 months to train for the magic knight exam. Yuno and Asta are training like crazy but not as crazy as me when I lived in Fairy tail. I was walking to the forest and I made some clones of my friends and I was going to fight them. I made clones of Nastu, Gray, Erza, and Laxus. That was the order I was going to fight them in.

“Nice to see some old faces.” I said to myself I got into a fighting stance I requiped into Erza’s Flame empress armor and I ran to Nastu and swung my sword at him, he dodged it and yelled “Fire Dragon Roar.!” I made a water shield when the fire and water collided it made steam, And the clone Nastu was looking for me in a flash I behind him and put the blade against his neck. Then the clone disappeared “One down 3 to go.”

Time skip

3rd POV

 While Lana was training she didn’t know that someone was watching her the whole time.

Lana was now fighting Laxus, he ran at Lana with a smirk then he disappeared. Lana was keeping her guard up she was trying to find him.

”It’s been awhile since I used this.” I smiled then a bright light started to spread around her body “.White drive.” Lana said. The person watching her was shock “What is this strong magic.” The mysterious person said.

Clone Laxus made a big magic attack it was a ball of lightning. As Lana was getting ready she smirked ,and was gone she flashed she was in front of clone Laxus she flicked him and he flew to the tree Laxus launched at Lana, he hit her with his attack, but Lana dodged the magic attack.

Lana yelled “WHITE DRAGON SECRET ART: RAGING LIGHT.!!!” The attack hit Laxus and burned some parts of the forest “Oops I think I over did it.” Lana said awkwardly, then she smelled a new scent she looked at the bush, and shot fire at is the bush burned to reveal a man.

Lana POV

“Please if you’re trying to do a disguise try making it believable.” I said the man sighed, and transforms in the wizard king I bowed “Sorry wizard king I didn’t think it would be you.” “Please don’t be so formal call me Julius.” He said putting his hands out.

“Anyways why are you out here.” I asked looking at him, he smiled and said “Umm I just wanted a break for a day I was walking in the and I saw a light and when I went to look and I saw you.” “ Julius can I ask a request for the Magic’s knight exam.” I asked Julius looked at me and smiled like a kid “Sure what is it.” “ Can I choose two Captains for the magic knight exam.” I looked at him he was thinking for a moment.

”You can but why and if you do you have to tell me who are the two you will choose.” Julius said “Well because 1. I want to help more and use my magic and 2. Because I want to see two people grow up. And the two squads are Black Bulls and Golden Dawn.” I said Julius looked at me in and laughed “You Who is the weakest in the strongest squads.” He said I smiled “Yep.” I said with a smile he nodded his head and gave me a thumbs up “Ok so you chose two squads but if you want to join they both have to race there hands and you have to say only one because I don’t want any of the people wondering why you can join two is that ok.?” “Yes.” I said the sun was starting to set I looked at him “Well is was nice meeting you Julius but I have to go.” I said “Please Lana come visit me anytime you are always welcome.” He said I waved and went to the church.

On my way to the church I ran into Yuno he was walking and using his wind magic to hold up some wood “Hi Yun how was training.” I asked he looked at me and said “It was good.” Then Asta was Running by us and yelled “Training doesn’t stop until I get to the church.!” Asta Yelled running past us then all of a sudden Yuni started to run I ran after them to and joined them in there little race all three of us pasted the gate of the church and the two of them are panting “Well who got their first.” Asta asked “It was a close call but I think Yano and Lana were first.” Nash said Asta looked annoyed “Really we’re you really watching All right the let’s see whos fist into the church.” Then Asta ran to the door but Yuno blue Asta to the sky “Looks like I wi-.” He was cut off by me “Sorry but I win.” I said inside the church Yano looked down to see his feed frozen.

“I didn’t expect Yuma to be so childish.” Rekka said “He must of snapped from all the training. But we’ll have fire wood for years” Nash said

Time skip to 6 months dinner time

“Wow,” all the Kids said plus Asta said with his mouth watering “Well now that Yuno, Lana, And Asta are going to the capital I might as well send them in Style.” Father said “ It’s quite a feast Father went to a bunch of different towns and got as many pop potatoes and Lana made pig.” Sister Lily said “Ohh Father.” Asta said “It’s not just for you I honestly made for Lana and Yuno.” “Father.!!!” Asta said sadly.

“It’s true Yuno and Lana might make it into the magic knights but you.” “FATHER.” “Listen it’s a tough exam there’s no shame in failing… it’s not like anyone expects you to pass.” He said smiling like a creep “I think he will pass.” I said “See Lana believes in me.” Asta was telling Farher, then Father said “ listen this will always be you home.” Father said the Asta pointed to me and Yuno “You’re going to say that to them to right about how they can always come back.” Asta said Father looked back and said “Yes well they’ll be fine.” “Hey know you might not think that I can do it but I’m going to be the wizard King then I’ll come back for Lana And sister Lily.” Asta said then water, ice, and wind punched Asta to the wall Yuno gave a death glare at Asta then hugged Lana protectively. The sister Lily was saying what kind a pop potatoes we have. Then we all started to eat.

Time skip to the next day

“Take care you three.” Father said I was hugging all the kids “Yuno, Lana you will write to us right.” Rekka asked “of course we will.” I said “Please come back soon ok.”Horo said “You’re so cute I’m gonna miss you all.” I cried “Don’t worry Asta will be back.” Nash said like he didn’t care but deep down he will really miss him.

”Come on Nash.” “But listen if some chance some very small chance you get into the magic knights then I’ll start believing dreams can really come true and some day I will be come a magic knight.” Nash said with determination Yuno started to walk away “Come on Asta let’s get going.” Yuno said I was waving and now we start our Journey.

Time skip to the capital

When we got to the capital Asta was looking around amazed like a 5 year old “I have to go do some things I’ll meet you at the place for the exam.” I said ‘I might as well say hi to Julius.’ I I said in my head “ok be safe.” Yano said giving me a kiss on my four head. I had a small blush and Yano saw and chuckled “That’s pay back from the church.” He whispered. I waved and said “Bye.” And teleport to Julius.

Time skip

When I went to Julius he was just sitting on a chair looking bored but when he saw me his eye’s lit up.

”Hi Lana nice to see you again.” Julius said and he got off his chair to hug me “Hi Julius it’s been 6 months.” I said he stopped hugging me and he looked excited “Can you show me more of you magic the armor one.” “Umm ok how many do you want to see.” “4.” He replied, I requiped into the Black wing armor Julius looked like a 5 year old kid with his eye’s sparkling “What’s that one called.” He asked “it’s call black wing armor.” “That’s so cool what’s the next one.” He said “Well here are one of my favorites.” Now I was in the Ataraxia Armor “this one is one of my top 10.” I said with a smile “Wow that’s so cool.” “Ok so this next one is a very special one.” I requiped into the Arma Dura Fairy “Why is this so special.?” Julius asked “Well this is the last armor my friend taught me before she left.” I sad a little sad I felt some tears coming out of my eyes but I wiped them “Anyway this is the last on.” I requiped into the Nakagami Armor “This is my 3rd strongest armors.” I said with pride    “ Isn’t that a little revealing.” Julius asked “I don’t think so.” I said I looked at the time “Well ok thank you for showing me some of your armors and I informed the captains they said it was ok but only if they both race there hands you better get going.” Julius said “Ok bye I’ll visit when I can.” I said leaving the room “time to to go to that.” I said

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