NovelToon NovelToon

Her Last Love

Breaking Up

Name : Fay Roseline Age : 25 years old Job : Doctor/Health Lecturer Personality : Loving, kind, moody
Name : Moon Welly Age : 26 years old Job : Self Defense Lecturer Personality : Stubborn, temperament
At the restaurant
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*just arrived*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*see her and walk toward her*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Hay babe
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
What do you want to talk about?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Is it that urgent?
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
Sit down
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*take a sit*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Should we order something first?
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
No need
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
I don't have time
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
What do you mean?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Where are you going?
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
Fay, I want us to break up
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
I found someone else
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*can't say anything*
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
I don't love you like we used to anymore
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
You can't do that!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I still love you, babe
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
But I'm not
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
So let's just break up for the best
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Best for whom?!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
We just meet again after 2 weeks
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
And you want to break up so sudden?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Did i do something wrong?
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
*immediately stand up*
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
*come closer to her*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
B..babe, we're still in public
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
*pull her arm a bit hard and squeeze it*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
*whisper* i said i want to break up with you and that's final!
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
*push her arm*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Moon Welly
Moon Welly
Fay notice that some people at the restaurant were staring.
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*immediately leave*
But both of them meet again when their about to crossing the road.
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*wipes my tears*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*went toward the small restaurant*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*buy some alcohols*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Waiter : Sorry miss, we already closed.
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*immediately stand up and walk but still can't walk properly*
After a while
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*already far enough from the restaurant*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*bump into someone*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*step aside and continue walking*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*about to cross the road*
*immediately hold her arm*
That time the cars still passing by with their high speed.
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*still want to cross*
What are you doing?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I wAnt tO go thEreee
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*point to the building across the road*
*oh, drunk girl*
The crossing light is green now.
*let go of her arm*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*crossing the road*
*follow her*
At Fay's apartment
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*can't unlocked the door*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*try again and again*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*flop to the floor*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*sobs* 😭
Shh.. 🤫
*whisper* you can't cry here
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*hic hic*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Your neighbor would dragged me out because they thought i did something bad to you
So don't cry here, okay?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I jUst brOke uP!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
ShE dUmpEd mE!!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Neighbor : *open the door*
Neighbor : Everything alright there?
I'm so sorry, my wife just had her mood swings
Neighbor : Okay, please don't be too loud
Of course, I'm really sorry
Neighbor : *close the door*
*whisper* Miss, you should stop crying now
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*hic hic*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*take off my coat and cover her body*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
ArE yoU aN angEl?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*immediately fall asleep*
*pat pat her cheek*
*she can't sleep here*
*carry her and walk toward my apartment*
The woman's apartment is not far from Fay's apartment.
Minutes later they reached the woman's apartment.


At the apartment
*put her on bed*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*sleep on the couch*
In the morning
Today is the woman's graduation exam. She already prepared everything for it.
*wakes up*
*my exam start today i should get ready*
*freshen up and get ready*
*write a notes for her then leave*
Hours later
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*wakes up*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
My head
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*look around*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Where am i?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*check my clothes*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*still intake and as the last time i wear*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*get out from the bed*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*find the notes*
🗒️ : Notes
🗒️ Hey drunk girl, you can have my foods on the fridge if you want. Suit yourself until you remember your apartment's passcode. 💋Your angel
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*eyes widen*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Is this her lips?!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Wait, am i forgotten my passcode?
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I don't think so
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I'm so hungry
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*open the fridge*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Hmm.. 🤔
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*find a box of cereal on the cupboard*
Fay eats cereal with milk for breakfast.
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*look around*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*find a pair of uniform*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Isn't this for Senior High School?!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
She still in Senior High School?!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
You've gotta be kidding me!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I should really go home now
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*write a notes*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
It's evening
At the woman's apartment
*see the notes*
🗒️ Thank you for helping me, kiddo. I owe you one. - Fay
Kiddo, huh?
Few months later
The woman turns out just about to join the university.
The woman chooses to join Smart Mountain University. She plans to continue her studies at the Department of Psychology.
At Smart Mountain University
When she joins the university, it turns out they already start the lesson for weeks. So the woman will be a new student there.
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Okay class
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Today we got a new student here
*knock knock*
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
You can come in
*walk in*
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Please introduce yourself
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
My name is Ryana Keen.
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Just call me Ry.
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Okay Ry, you can sit on the empty chair behind Alea over there.
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
*point to the empty chair*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Thank you, miss
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
You're welcome
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*walk toward the chair behind Alea*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*put my leg in front of her way*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*pass her feet quietly*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*sit on my chair*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*turn around to talk to her*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*whisper* Hey bitch, did you just ignoring me?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I did, so what?
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
You bitch!
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
*hear that*
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Alea Simon!
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Sorry miss
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Pay attention to the lesson or do you want me to expel you from this class?
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
No miss, I'll be quiet now
Rose Minly
Rose Minly
Good, let's continue the class
Finally time to go home
All of Ry's classmates already leave the classroom.
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*just tidy up my things*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*about to leave*
*put something on my handkerchief to drug Ry*
*walk in the classroom and immediately put my handkerchief on her nose*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Minutes later
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*dragged her to the restroom*
*about to leave*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*immediately grab her wrist*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Not so fast, 'bitch'
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Let go of me!
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Are you scared?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*push her into the stall and lock the handle with a mop from outside*
Good thing Ry was hold her breath when Alea plans to drugged her in the classroom.
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*banging the door*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*kick the door*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*startled and scared*


Name : Rose Minly Age : 25 years old Job : Psychology Lecturer Personality : Loving, humble
Name : Ryana Keen Age : 18 years old Job : Psychology Student Personality : Calm, cold, caring, strong, bold, childish
Ry immediately leave the restroom.
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*about to walk back to my class to get my bag*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*bump into someone*
*almost fall*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*hold her waist*
They freeze for a moment, look into each other's eyes.
After realizing it
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*help her to stand up*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I'm so sorry
???'s okay
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*leave her and walk toward my class*
*turn around*
She looked familiar
Where did i meet her?
I really need to pee
*walk in to the restroom*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
H..hey, can you help me open this damn door?
Who the hell did this to you?
*put away the mop and open the door*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Just someone
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*look at her*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Thank you, Miss Fay
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
You're welcome
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
I should go home now
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Thank you again, Miss Fay
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Alright alright
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Is that girl who bump into me did this?
Next morning
At Smart Mountain University
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*walk in the classroom*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*turn around and see her*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*sit on my chair*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*i will make sure you can't go home today*
After finish some classes.
In a hall that usually so empty and no one will passed by.
Man 1 : *blocking the path of Ry*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Excuse me
Man 1 : *put my hand on the wall to block her again*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
What do you want?
Man 1 : I want to know what did you do to my sister?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Who? Sister?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Who is your sister?
Man 1 : Are you really asking me that?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Do i look like i care?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Now, back off!
Man 1 : How dare you?!
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I said..
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Man 1 : *grab her collar*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*appear behind Man 1*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*see her*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Alea is your sister, huh?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I'll make sure she deserves more than yesterday
Man 1 : You really like to bluff, right?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I was never bluffing like you
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*notice someone is coming behind me*
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
*throw golf ball to Ry's head*
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*immediately push Man 1 and cover the person who just came*
The person who just came is Miss Fay.
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*look at who did that*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Alea Simon
Alea Simon
M..miss Fay
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
What have you done?!
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*look at Ry*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Are you okay?
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Hay, drunk girl
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Glad to meet you here
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*see blood flowing from her head*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Your head is bleeding!
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I guess I'm not an angel anymore
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*lose balance*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*put her arm around my shoulders*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*help her to walk toward my office*
Miss Fay's office is in the infirmary.
At the infirmary
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*lay her on the bed*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*turn her body towards me*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
*treat her wound*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
I thought you were the troublemaker
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I'm not
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*put my arm around her*
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
What are you doing?!
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Let me be..
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Just for a bit
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
*fall asleep*
It's already dark
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
Hey, wake up
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
You should go home
Ryana Keen (Ry)
Ryana Keen (Ry)
I'm still dizzy
Fay Roseline
Fay Roseline
You can't stay here

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