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Through Trenches And Spaces

Chapter I: Prologue

The year of 2133. A military Junta has finally took control of Concordia, and with the might of their industry, created weapons of war to dominate the galaxy. After that, Tsardom of Planet Borodov fallen under the Junta, and their Tsar killed not long after. Seeing all democracy ceased to exist, few Junta commanders mutinied, alongside some of the navy, and spaceships got stolen.

Inside the planet of Lunica, peace lasted for over half a millennia. But now, it seems that it would ended shortly. Grand Countess of Lunica Emilia II, organized an alliance effort with the mutinied Junta navy and army officers to defend her planet from the potential invaders coming to destroy it. She also contacted Earth Nations, consisted of only several nations that are now unified or conquered, becoming a larger ones. Emilia's intentions are to secure food provisions, and also preparing a wartime economy to prevent inflation and famine. And with that, it is now ready. Conscription letters were sent to homes. And eventually came to the home of a young man named Ralph Juliann Thälmann.

He lived alone after both his parents died, and he wanted an adventure. As soon as that letter arrived, he joyfully left his home that located in a small fishing town of Meldeberg. "Name's Ralph, sir. I'm reporting." Said Ralph to the recruitment officer at Molodin, the Capital of Lunica. "Yes. Ralph Juliann Thälmann. Serial code NA-000F2U/MLDBG. I've heard about you from a local newspaper years ago. Now, welcome aboard, and proceeds to the army base for your basic training." Said the officer.

Ralph proceeds without any more words.

At the same time, a fleet of mutinied navy arrived at Lunica. Cloud pierced, as the giant heavy spaceship descended from the skies. Touching the tarmac of the biggest Lunican Airbase, the Bennett Air Force Base. Outside, dressed in royal outfit, Emilia and her ministers are waiting for their new allies. Not long, the door opened. From inside, a man stepped out. Still using Junta Army uniform, it's General Zee. Without talking, he bowed to The Countess. "Let us fight alongside you, Countess." Said the General. But to his surprise, Emilia responded, "General, you could destroy our planet and launch an invasion. But you offered an alliance?" In which Zee answered, "Freedom and democracy's fate is now on your hand, Your Highness. You are one of the few planet to not bowed before the Junta. With this alliance, we offered protection for Lunica, and also we need your help to bring back the federation."

"Follow me, Gentlemen." Said the Countess as she led the officers into the palace for a dinner.

Few weeks later, Ralph finished his fast paced conscript training and given the rank of private. Now in full uniform, he went back to his hometown on his bicycle. On the road, gentle wind moving around his helmet's ventilation, he felt peace and calm. Not long, he arrived at the cliff overlooking the ocean, the place that he usually hang out alone to write his diaries and ate his ration during a day off. Standing on the cliff, he light his cigarette from his pocket while looking at the setting sun. "I feel like this quiet and peace won't last. Something or someone will come to us."

Ralph was right. Danger is indeed coming. In Concordia, a fleet of 10 battleships, 20 troop carriers, and countless heavy cruisers are being refueled and armed for the upcoming invasion. Back at Lunica, the codebreakers of the Royal Lunican Intelligence Bureau received repeated codes. "Operation Starfell" being mentioned multiple times, but they can't figure out the operation's goal. Late at night, Railey was running to the Countess' Chamber with the code. She is Emilia's trusted aide. "Countess! Wake up! The code is here!" while gently waking up the countess who's now sleeping on her bed. She then continues after Emilia has been woken up, "Operation Starfell. I'm certain that this is the invasion of Lunica. Your highness, what's your opinion?" then she asked. "I agree. Right now, the Junta will care only one thing. Since it's only us that isn't yet under the sphere of influence, this being the invasion of Lunica is a certain. Have Admiral Solema be informed immediately under my command."

With that, the message was forwarded to Admiral Solema. The message travelled fast, and in no time, reached the heaviest ship in Lunican Navy, The Petra. She was the only three of the serviceable heavy cruisers, built almost 10 years ago just enough to fend off pirates. Armed with adequate quick firing 300mm triple mounted plasma cannons mounted two on the bow, and one on the stern, it can deal with another heavy cruisers, but not battleship like The Betelgeuse. The Admiral received the orders. "Fine. I'll do it." said Solema. Together with light cruiser Gabir and destroyer Damius, they sailed into empty space, to the nearest asteroid belt. "Coast is clear Admiral. What's your order now?" asked Falami, Admiral Solema's subordinate. "We'll wait here. This is the gateway to Lunica." Said the Admiral. Not long, Petra's radar detected incoming warship. "Admiral! We have incoming unidentified warship coming straight at us!" shouted the radar operator. And as Solema looked with his telescope, it was indeed true. A black silhouette, slowly approaching Lunican Inner Space. "What should we do, Admiral?" Asked Falami.

"Load the guns. Rotate them straight at the target." Said Solema.

"Yes sir! All guns, load! Armour-Piercing!"

The guns are slowly rotating. The crew, with the assistance of an autoloader system, slammed one round; Each for for every gun barrel.

"Shall we fire warning shots first, Admiral?" Asked Falami.

"There'll be no warning shot. No hesitation, I'm certain that they are enemies."

"But sir-"

"Falami, this is an order. We don't want mutinies while we are at war, right?"

Falami disagreed, but since it's an order, he orders the gunner to fire full salvo. After a long time, Petra finally fired her guns. Not long, the shells struck the unknown cruiser, turning off their targeting system, and effectively disarming their main batteries. But it kept charging forward. And one of her secondary gun fired and hit Petra's hull, causing a minor tremor inside the ship. In this undeclared war, Solema acted alone. He has no fear of court martial, nor death sentence. He will protect his native homeland at all costs.

Solema then contacted Molodin back. In his message he says, "We've engaged the enemy near inner asteroid belt. It's true that they sent a recon fleet to spy on our navy. I will stand firm, should the main invasion fleet arrived. Solema out.". After it was delivered directly to Emilia, she replied back, "Your actions are against my protocol, Admiral Solema. But since we've confirmed that invasion is imminent, you'll be not charged for this one time insubordination. Safe sails, Admiral."

Meanwhile, Zee is preparing for his first duty. Zee is a complicated man, coming from an orphanage before joining the Marine Corps at the age of 15. After he escaped the Junta, he hid himself in Japan, Earth due to his connection with the IJA and IJN, whom he was given an asylum, and dated a local girl there. He swore to himself upon becoming a General, "I'm tired of killing. I will always bring my enemies alive." as he loaded many rubber bullets to his personal pistol. During his time in the Marines, he lost one of his leg, and also his heart after being shot by a sniper during Operation Payback, a military intervention made by the United Nations to restore order in the newly annexed North Korea, after it collapsed and united with The South. But his medals won't matter now because it's all has been revoked by the newly established Junta Government due to his high treason. Now alone in his quarters inside the Betelgeuse, he wrote his memoirs after done loading his pistol. He then wrote to his only friend in the IJN, Admiral Daizou via internet, "My dear friend, I'm in sorrow. This war, is completely unnecessary. But the Junta cannot be stopped by simply a word." wrote him to his datapad.

Chapter II: Operation Starfell

The clock's ticking to midnight. It was silent on the city of Molodin, but inside the Army HQ, all is busy. The codebreakers especially, and the secret service. Spies are being sent to Concordia to gather intels, some are even in the Junta Army, acting as moles. One of the mole, reported back. "It's true. It was estimated that within 48 hours, the Junta Navy will start shelling Lunican homeland. Battleship Orion will be included in this fight."

Battleship Orion is the Junta's biggest asset. She is a Betelgeuse-Class Heavy Battleship, making her essentially the same as now Lunican Navy owned Betelgeuse. Now, the assembly of the navy starts. Under Zee, there are going to be 1 Battleship, 3 Battlecruisers, 10 Light Cruisers, and 10 Destroyers. And under Solema, there are going to be 2 Cruisers, 2 Light Carriers, and 15 Destroyers. The small Lunican Navy threw every ship available, and things are dire knowing that project supercarrier XR-101 hasn't been completed yet.

"This is too dire. We are going to be impossibly outnumbered in this fight. Some of our fighters are even too old." Said Commander-in-chief Lord Rigelis Emil Mathias von Marthersteim. "I'll tell you milord, I served in their army. Maybe their sheer number can certainly defeated us, but their power is exactly the thing that came at a cost. The ships are barely armed. Even torpedoes are scarce and some unreliable to detonate. Lunica's factories can rival their factories. Remember, without the Romano Company, Betelgeuse and Orion cannot even run because their engines are produced here." Said Zee, optimistic about the strength of their own navy.

Inside the Army base, all soldiers were awakened. Ralph wakes up, lining alongside other soldiers. Captain Cole Phillips addressed the soldiers. "Attention soldiers! Keep your eyes open tonight. Our spies confirmed a fleet of invasion force is on their way to invade us. As you all might know, our army isn't that large when compared to our foes. I've received a letter from General Reynhard, that the entire 4th Royal Rifles Battalion must move to Lünestadt, the soon will be the first landing zone. Pack your gears up, gentlemen, we're going to evacuate the civvies."

"Sir Yes Sir!" Shouted every soldier, including Ralph.

Captain Cole is the Captain of L Corps. Although playful, he can be serious when it came to fighting. Everyone in the base knew Captain Cole from his brightly red "lucky ribbon" tightened to the left side of his helmet. As Ralph prepares to exit with his kit, Cole approaches Ralph, "You are the best recruit yet, kid. This night, we are gonna prove that fighting on Lunican soil is their worst decision ever. The whole of Lunica depends on you. Make me proud, son." Captain Cole then tapped on Ralph's shoulder. He then proceeded into an army truck, heading towards Lünestadt. A convoy of tanks, trucks, and busses for evacuate the civilians are ready.

As they arrived, the civilians are already lined up. With the busses, they will be relocated to the Royal Bunker of Molodin, built in just 1 year to shield all Lunicans from war and natural disaster. Lunican Army, consisted of 2 Battalions the 4th and 18th, now occupying the city, and trapped the city with barbed wires, mines, and grenade traps. A militia is also formed, mostly Lunican Army retirees that were the inhabitants of the city.

At midnight, it really happened. As the Betelgeuse and the main fleet left the orbit, they encountered hostile warships that started firing at them. Admiral Deitz, the commander of The Betelgeuse, ordered to open fire at the Orion. "All ships, this is Admiral Deitz, concentrate all fire at the Orion!" Shouted Deitz. Though small, Lunican Escort Carriers put up a fight. From their hangars 10 Radiata-Class Bombers armed with AP bombs. Betelgeuse meanwhile, launched also their fighters from the small hangars. ShVaK fighter-interceptors, the same type being used the Junta, were launched. Though a General, Zee joined the fight inside one of the fighter. "Saunder-One, you copy?" Asked Zee. "We're on your tail, General Zee. Preparing to engage."

"Here they come." Said Zee.

A swarm of fighters. Using his skills, Zee quickly moved behind one of the enemy fighter, before releasing plasma machine gun fire at the target. The plane then exploded, but instead of popping the pilot's emergency space bag, he left him alive to be retrieved by the Junta rescue ship. "You didn't shot his balloon sir, why?" Asked Saunder-One. "He's no harm to us anymore. Let him be." Answered Zee.

On the ground, what can be seen as meteors are actually pods. Launched with high speed from a troop carrier, it contained 20 soldiers each, and landed shortly after at the outskirts of Lünestadt. "They are here! Men! Open fire!" Said an unknown Lunican soldier. With their sheer number and weaponry, they pushed inwards. Captain Cole, quickly rallied his men to an intersection. There, a machine gun nest quickly erected at the second floor of a building. Junta soldiers poured in, and were ambushed, delaying their push. As a machine gunner, Ralph put down a suppressing fire. But the Junta are well positioned, and in a moment of battle, managed to blast Ralph with a grenade launcher, disabling his machine gun nest. With his broken bones, Ralph crawled, before discovered by Captain Cole, who quickly called a paramedic. The battle was over for Ralph.

"Hold firm, lads! Tanks are on the way!" Shouted Cole, who called the tanks to the location. 1 hour later, Lunican tanks arrived. With the Junta's casualties mounting, they retreated. Those who didn't retreat were shot by tank cannon. It was the first battle won by the Lunicans. As he breathe the fresh air of victory, Cole opened his can of liquorice candy as he didn't smoke, unlike the majority of the Lunican soldiers. "There, that should teach 'em." commented Cole.

Because of his fracture, Ralph was transferred into the biggest field hospital of the army. And due to Lunica's advanced medical technology, managed to recover in just 4 days.

Now back at the front with his first wound badge, he felt proud. The Lunican Army, after the small skirmish, decided to dig a trench that circles the city of Lünestadt. Captain Cole ordered Ralph to be his message officer, after hearing about Ralph's condition. Instead of fighting, Ralph is now inside Captain Cole's office, giving orders to artillery on behalf of Captain Cole orders. "You're doing a good job, Ralph. I wish I have more soldier like you." Praised Cole. "Why thank you, sir. I'm just doing my duties as a soldier." Answered Ralph. "By the way Ralph son, you want some liquorice candies? I brought an extra can today. I want to give it to Captain Theodore of the 18th Shock Troops, but he is far to be found since we are assigned to different sector. So, this one's for you." Cole then handed over his candies to Ralph. As a thank, Ralph offered his cigarettes, but Cole declined. "Sorry son, I don't smoke. No need for a payback. Because... One technical reason. When Ralph asked the reason, Cole only smiled.

Fast forward to few weeks, Ralph started to get bored of his job. Wandering the office, Ralph found Cole pistol. A hammerless pistol with engravings and match barrel, it is unusual for an officer. Suddenly, Cole came back to his dugout office. "What are you doing with my gun?" asked Captain Cole. "Nothing sir. Just curious. What a beautiful firearm you got there, sir." Cole then walked, and started to inspect his pistol. "Beautiful, isn't she? You might be wondering, isn't the issued pistol for officers is the 9mm LA-19? That doesn't apply for me. This isn't an army issue. It was a gift. Ah, long ago before I became a Captain. Before this, I served with the Lunican State Police. I received the pistol, and something important for me around that time. This girl I have... Chambered in 45 Auto. I ever heard a quote from a man long ago, he said that, '9mm kills the body, but 45 kills the soul.' I will always carry this gun with me, son. She's my company." Said Cole. "Wanna hear a lie, Ralph son?" Asked Cole. "Yes sir." Then Cole told Ralph, "I overheard some of the POW conversation. They are convinced that due to their sheer power, the war will be over in just 2 months. And looking at their situation, I can say that they are being lied to. I mean c'mon Ralph son, Molodin is even still untouched. How can they advance so far if they can't even capture a city from us?" Said Cole jokingly.

Their conversation was cut short, and suddenly there's a charge attack. The Junta managed to advance beyond the forward trench, and now advancing to the command rear trench. "Take your rifle, son. You'll see some action today." Said Cole while at the same time loading his pistol and cocking it. Seeing Junta officer outside, he stared at him. The Junta officer had not cleared his holster before a bullet fairly pierced his uniform, and Captain Cole's aim was deadly with his pistol on his hip. "Show's over son, better keep moving or we'll lose this lovely office." said Cole after holstering his pistol back. Despite the dire situation, Cole kept his cool, walking the trenches like nothing was happened nowhere. When he sees an enemy, he did the same thing that he did to that officer. "I guess being a veteran cop really did taught him something." Ralph said to himself.

Unable to regain control, the forward trench fell. Now, the enemies are closer. But despite the dangers still, Cole always calm. Even refused to evacuate to even far command trench and stated that, "I spent time decorating this office for days! I can't just leave my masterpiece!" to a Lieutenant Colonel. Over time, Cole is becoming closer with Ralph, and became good friends. And now, he opened up his secrets to Ralph. "You know Ralph son, why I always energetic each day, like I always on caffeine? It is because... My heart." Said Cole. "What heart, sir?" asked Ralph. "You know, I'm not always full of energy and able to lead men to the battle. Ever heard of General Zee? He's also the recipient of this newfound tech. You see, I was born with an inherited heart disease. When he, back then Captain Zee was shot in heart, the scientists used his body to create a revival device, to keep him alive. An artificial heart. When my colleagues saw that it was a success, they decided to give me the device. And it worked well ever since. Chasing bandits were becoming much easier thanks to the heart they gave me." Cole explained everything to Ralph. Now Ralph understands why Cole don't smoke, not because he don't want to, but because that could be possibly dangerous for his artificial heart. Ralph also realized that Cole is shorter than most senior officers despite being 29 years old.

Days went by. And his relationship with Cole grew and grew. Other days, Cole taught Ralph how to interrogate, breaking out of handcuffs, spying, and be a good police officer. Cole also jokingly said, "When I died someday, please take her (his pistol) with you, son.".

The story inside the trenches continues

Chapter III: That Lucky Old Tower

"So you want to join the army, Cole? How about taking this nearly bankrupt favorite café that we always go in?" In a café in Molodin, Cole and Theodore are discussing while playing a card game. "Not enough adventure is the reason, Theo. After receiving this heart, I feel more alive than ever. I just want to put it into a good use. Thanks to Captain Zee, this thing's now exist. I guess Humans and Lunicans are indeed the same after all."

Theodore puffed his cigarette. "please do not in front of me, please." responded Cole. "I'm sorry, I will finish this thing outside I'll also gotta go, army called." said Theodore as he left Cole alone inside the silent café. After he gave the tab to the barista, Cole also left. That day was a rainy day, and Cole's dark red coat and fedora are becoming wet as he walked, back to the police station. "Evening Cole. Thing's been busy today, but even without you, we are doing just fine." Greeted the receptionist at the station. "Yes. Have you heard about the incoming war?" asked Cole to the receptionist. "Yes sir, I heard you planned to join the army. Is that true?" answered and asked the receptionist. "Yes. I will. Soon I will file my resign papers."

The time changed back to the war.

2 months since the start of the war, it changed Lunica's appearance. Lush forests and swamps were all turned to a blasted wasteland, filled with rotting bodies and stained with blood. Captain Cole, after received the new orders from the HQ, addressed Ralph. "Ralph son. I think you should go back to the front. I can feel your fighting heart rotten inside you because you haven't yet joined the fun alongside the others after that bone-shattering experience, right?" Asked Captain Cole.

"Well yes I should, sir. How about yours?" Asked Ralph back.

"Like I have an organic heart to begin with, son." Said Cole jokingly to Ralph.

Then Cole explained the mission to Ralph. "This mission will be thrilling son, I'll tell ya. An assault on a military radio tower not far from here. We need to take back what's ours, son."

Ralph asked, "What's the importance of that tower, Cap Cole?"

"That tower is a message transmitter for the navy. Yes, I've been there when I was still an officer. Some blockheads decided that it'll awesome to include C-4 explosives alongside firecrackers when that thing just opened to public. This pistol on my hip was the witness." said Cole, explaining the bombing during the opening ceremony. "I watched that on the news back then. I was still like 15. Hey, I did saw police officers dressed in red." said Ralph.

"That was me. I'm no longer a normal officer during the bombing. A secret police. Our job is to kill, interrogate, and generally crack every baddie's head open, both psychologically and quite literally with bullets. We are loyal to the crown sole, answering only to the monarch." Cole explained. Then he continues while getting up and picking up his army coat, "I'll tell the men. Ralph, grab your rifle. I'll make sure that you won't missed this one."

Lunican Navy Communications Tower. It was built during the short reign of Otto II, shortly before he died of illness and replaced with Emilia I. During the start of Operation Starfell, it fell to the Junta Army, cutting direct communications between the Lunican Army HQ and Lunican Navy. Tasked by Zee, Captain Cole, Captain Theodore, and several other companies had to re-capture the tower, and activate it under Lunican control. Because of his experience on a plane, Ralph alongside Captain Cole were tasked in a reconnaissance mission to survey the enemy strength inside a high flying power aircraft. Now dressed in Lunican Air Service uniforms, Ralph and Cole were escorted by a kettenkrad into the hangar. Inside, there's one of a kind plane. "It's beautiful." commented Ralph on the recon plane."

"It's a Romano DA-71-C, son. Our most sophisticated atmospheric aircraft yet, made for long range recon. It has no guns, but the camera is state of the art. During my time in the secret police corps, they actually included flying this plane in my training. I'm glad I can fly inside this beauty again." As he walked inside the cockpit. Then he continues, "It was a joyous and glorious day ever in my life. Never again I got the chance to fly inside after I quitted the police corps entirely."

With his training, Cole carefully turn on the engines. Gently, he moved the plane out from the hangar, and into the runway. "Tell me Ralph, is it your first time flying?" Asked Cole. "No. I flew trainer Romano Type T once during the training. Why?" Answered Ralph, then he asked back. "Then this is gonna be your first, and the best flying experience ever in your life. Now allow me." Cole then activated the radio tower communication system and he says, "This is Radiata Prime. I repeat, this is Radiata Prime, requesting takeoff, proceeding the mission."

"Radiata Prime this is air control tower, you're cleared for takeoff. Safe flight, Cole." Said the operator.

"You know him?!" Asked Ralph to Cole.

"Best luck to you, Mike. See you at the usual café I'll treat you when the mission succeeded!" Said Cole to the operator before cutting the connections off. Then Cole answered Ralph's question. "Mike Kertzstein, one of my friend. He's the air control operator now at Bennett Airbase. I can recognize his voice anywhere. Me, Theodore, Mike, and Kurt were like close friends before the war. I first met him even before I joined the police force. I once worked as a barista in Molodin. Met Mike and Kurt. They're regular customers back then. Can't believe they are all joined the army now. Kurt is now a naval officer, from what I heard. Serving inside the largest Lunican warship, commanded by Admiral Solema himself." Said Cole while calmly flying the plane high up in the air. Not long, they've reached Lunica's border between space and land. Ralph was fascinated. He never flew this high before. As they're approaching the tower, Cole said, "Ralph, try to get a good picture of the tower from here."

Ralph shoot, then shoot, then shoot some pictures of the tower. After it all finished, they headed home, back to Bennett Airbase. "Liquorice mint, Ralph?" offered Cole. Ralph then carefully inserted the candy through the gap in his helmet near his neck. "Well, that was quick." Commented Ralph on the mission.

"It's just a photograph mission, what do you really expect Ralph? A dogfight? Then Ralph, maybe I don't have a heart, but I'm still keeping my brain intact, you know? Remember when I said no weapons aboard this plane?" said Cole jokingly mocked Ralph.

Upon the landing, they were waited by General Zee and some of his staff. Exiting the cockpit, they saluted the General. Seeing Cole, Zee said, "You there, yes you. I want to speak with you."

"At once General. How may I be in service?" asked Cole. The general replied, "How's your heart? isn't it great to have one?" while smiled at Cole. "Never been any greater, sir. Thank you. Your sacrifice saved me. You did gave me a new life."

Cole cried. Zee in turn, hugged Cole. "Now, it is your responsibility to use it to your advantage. In fact, I've chosen you. You're a police officer. You are the spearhead of the Lunican society." Zee then cheered Cole up.

Cole reminded himself of that time. After being woken up from the surgery, Cole notices a box besides his bed. When he opened it, he was filled with joy and excitement. It was a special service pistol given to him by an anonymous donor. When Theodore came in into Cole's room and when Cole asks him, "Who sent me this pistol?" Theodore just answered, "No clue. Your donor, probably."

Time flies. It's been almost 5-6 years for Cole. From his humble beginnings as a police officer, and into the military shortly afterwards.

From Lunican Army war room, Zee explained the attack plan to take the communication tower back.

"Gentlemen, the efficiency of this war is now depends on that lucky old tower. Taking back that tower is now a priority, as our navy ships above are now left without orders. We have almost 500.000 men in our disposal. The enemies got 650.000. With such limited amount of grunts, we cannot simply win the battle, but we must limit casualties as their manpower can be used in another upcoming battle. In terms of mechanised, armoured, and motorized divisions, we have plenty. We cannot use our airpower. As their AA gun emplacements are too many. But if we disable them, we can gain air superiority." Zee then opened the hologram file of every available infantry division:

"In terms of manpower, we have the famous 18th Blue Devils Battalion, 4th Lunican Rifles Guard Battalion, 1st Molodin Regimental Combat Group, and 10th Melberc Armoured Column. Captain Theodore Ignis and Captain Cole Norman Phillips will lead the attack on the tower."

"War will be longer than expected. But soon, peace in our time."

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