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Mafia's Possession


All around, there was chaos, flames, and gunfire happening.
Everyone was hiding in one another's tents while screaming and running around. 
A few drug traffickers were there aiming to make a trade. But then they unexpectedly ran into trouble and began fighting. It was planned in advance for one group to attack the other dealer group. The other team was unaware of how readily they would fall into their trap.
[Gun shooting]
They opened fire for around thirty minutes. Some people involved in this violence were shot, and others continued to fire at one another.
Max activated his Bluetooth earpiece and attempted to make contact with Jellal.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Can you hear me, Jellal? Jellal?
But Jella didn't respond Max's call.
Max was hiding behind a tree but an unexpected gunshot hit the tree bark.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max swore and moved back into position to fire at the opponents.
On the other side.
Inside a bush, a boy was lying on the mud. He simply was unable to hold his gun. He almost lost a lot of blood, which made him feel woozy. When he attempted to save a girl, he got shot in the other arm.
Hey, keep your eyes open. I contacted the police, and they will arrive at any moment. Hold on, please.
As soon as Jellal heard her voice, he opened his eyes and a girl's face appeared in front of him. On her lap, his head was resting.
Jellal could see her face clearly, and it was stained with blood.
He attempted to speak but was unable to do so. Again, that unknown girl spoke up.
Do you want to say something?
Jellal simply gasped while trying to press his lips together. That girl locked her gaze on Jellal for some minutes, but after thinking about something, she opened up her water bottle and asked.
Do you want to drink water?
Jellal made a small head movement. She took his gesture as a yes. She then put a small bit of water in his mouth. But he was unable to swallow; he coughed, and the remaining water rolled from his mouth. The girl took the water into her mouth when she understood he couldn't even drink.
Then she reached out and touched his mouth with her. She gave him mouth-to-mouth water.
Jella's eyes were wide open, and he was observing her features. He simply pictured her in his head before slowly closing his eyes.
Jella POV.
If I survive this time, we will definitely meet, girl. You owe me one thing.


3 years later.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Jellal, James hasn't given us any updates. What should we do next?
A man calmly said as he blew the cigarette's smoke.
Jellal Francisco
Jellal Francisco
You are aware of our method in this case.
Name: Jellal Francisco. Age: 23 Features: Brown eyes, a diamond-shaped face, a 6'3" height, broad shoulders, and a hot figure. Profession: Killing, drug dealing, property jacking, money heists, drug supplying, controlling the government Characteristics: ruthless, callous, courageous, and remorseless.  Strengths: Able to handle anything dangerous, proficient in shooting, and proficient in boxing. He is a really good defender. He has extensive experience in trafficking, kidnappings, and murder. He is smart and competent at tackling any hazardous circumstance.
Name: Max[ Jellal's right hand] Features: Dark brown eyes, a 6'1" height, broad shoulders, and a hot figure.  Strengths: Proficient in shooting, and proficient in boxing and expert in manipulating people.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Okay, we're heading there now.
Jellal Francisco
Jellal Francisco
Jellal abruptly urged Max to halt. He tossed the cigarette and made a U-turn. 
Jellal Francisco
Jellal Francisco
I can manage the port on my own.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
What? It's impossible, Jellal.
But Jellal disregarded him and spoke just before leaving the factory.
Jellal Francisco
Jellal Francisco
Not to worry. I won't attack his port all by myself; I'm not a fool.
Max narrowed his eyes and repeated himself.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
So why can't I go?
Jellal raised his hand and waved, then left the factory without answering max.
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max [Right hand of Jellal]
Max summoned him.
He let out a sigh as soon as he understood that Jellal wouldn't hear him. So, he concentrated on his work.
On the other hand,
After 5 hours
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
Sir, everything is in order here. We are ready to board the girls.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
I'm just waiting for your order.
Don't wait any longer. Quickly, make everything clear.
Keep your eyes open as well.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
Sure, sir.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
This time, Jellal won't block our deal from us.
Do not let up; we have not boarded them yet.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
Sure, sir. Later, I'll inform you.
Bruce felt a touch on his head as he hung up the phone, like a pistol had been handled.
Bruce's eyes grew wider. His heart began to beat so quickly. He had never imagined how this possibly be.
Bruce gritted his teeth and said.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
This is our port, Jellal. We also have some regulations in our realm.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
You can't do this.
Jellal abruptly pressed the trigger and remarked.
Jellal Francisco
Jellal Francisco
I am free to do whatever I want. I'll own the whole port.
He then shot Bruce's leg as he spoke.
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce [ James right hand]
Bruce struggled to move while whimpering in pain.
Scenario 1.
The sound of a gunshot frightened every girl in the cabin.


Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
Oh my God, what's going on over there?
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
They'll kill us.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
I want to live, not die.
She sobbed out while speaking.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
Me too.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
I don't want to die here.
A girl abruptly rose to her feet and said.
Nowmim Hazel
Nowmim Hazel
Girls, don't worry. We'll be alright.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
Alright? How? Do you not understand that we are going to Dubai?
That girl lowered her gaze and said while whimpering. 
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
After that, I'm not sure where we'll board.
About 15 or 17 girls were hostages in that cabin. The gang mistreated some of them. They were sold here in a variety of ways, including by their boyfriend, friends, or their trusted one.
Nuhazt was among them. She was just duped by a woman and was stuck here. Nuzhat's eyes suddenly grew narrower, and she spoke.
Nowmim Hazel
Nowmim Hazel
Just trust me, nothing will happen to us.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
Please don't give us false hope, girl.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
As well, you are aware of her future. They're going to sell us.
Nuzhat opened her mouth to speak. But all of a sudden, another girl began to cry.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
I want to go home.
Nuzhat walked up to her and held her hand to comfort her. That girl appeared to be 15 or 16.
Nowmim Hazel
Nowmim Hazel
Hey, everything will be OK. The police will save us, I tell you.
That young child gave a slight head nod. Nuzhat drew the girl near to her and grabbed her by the arm. She thought that the small girl would feel more at ease if she gave her a hug.
Another gunshot was suddenly heard, but this time it was so close to their door. Everyone was alarmed and startled. That little child whispered and whimpered, clutching Nuzhat close.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
I do not want to go. I want to see my mom.
Nuzhat gripped her firmly. But suddenly the door burst open, and seven or eight mask-clad men entered the room. and they were all carrying guns.
As soon as everyone saw them, they screamed with fear. They simply pointed the gun towards the women. After that, they observed a man in a mask enter the room with a rifle.
He entered and took a leisurely step-up to them. That guy was taller than the others. He appeared to be more muscular compared to everyone else and had noticeable veins on his arms.
He looked around at everyone and then abruptly said, in a disdainful tone.
Jellal Francisco
Jellal Francisco
Take the girls on a ship now.
When those girls heard, they began to fear. They clung to one another firmly.
When Jellal noticed that they were not going on their own, he signaled to his men to force everyone.
Jellal's man
Hey, there's no time for us to watch you cry.
As he clutched a girl's arm, a man spoke.
Abducted Girl
Abducted Girl
No, please.
He began to drag her without caring. But suddenly, they overheard a girl's voice.

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