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World Suckers

Episode 1

My name is Serena and I am a sorceress from the Planet Maginu, on a mission to save my people who have been captured by leaches.

I ran to the very edges of that planet, weaving and making my way around the arid mountains, with their red earth. Sparse forests were confined to specific areas. I climbed another mountain via a rocky area and perched myself at the summit, looking all around me. I could see the spots that seemed lived-in, as there was a strange circle around them. I ran towards the closest circle. It was a difficult journey, with explosions occurring on the ground as if from geyser, only these spewed fire rather than water as I passed. I had to stay alert to dodge the holes made by these explosions; it was a highly unstable planet and as such, it was the perfect place to hold prisoners for forced labor.

I reached the circle that I had spotted from above and it was indeed large, indicating a spaceship had once landed there and likely there was an underground mine. I search for an entrance and found it at the only point on the circle that was attached to the mountain, the entrance of a cave. Looking around, I didn't see any sentinels or security cameras. The wretched captors were so confident they didn't believe anyone could reach their hideout to save the prisoners.

I crept inside the cave, hugging the wall and using the shadows for cover. I moved deeper into it, and sounds reached my ears - the clanging of machines, groans, and screams. It was a true horror. When I reached the end of the cave floor, it dropped off into a nearly impossible cliffface. Down below, I saw the horror that all those who'd been abducted were enduring.

One side of the cave bottom was filled with mining machines. The red earth was rich in a valuable material they sold on the black market. The prisoners were there, in rags, emaciated, and working as slaves under the watchful eyes of harsh taskmasters who would whip them mercilessly.

On the other side were cages, where other prisoners were held. The rest was the worst part of all – the captors were feeding on the prisoners, who screamed as they were eaten alive. In the center of the cavern was an abnormal fire pit. It wasn't fueled by logwood, but rather, it was a hole in the ground from which fire erupted, similar to the surface explosions. The fire appeared to be the result of an underground element that sparked explosions upon contact -- an element present within the planet's interior.

As a result, no one dared to land or dwell there, except these greedy mercenary traders who used the planet as their main source of raw material and exploited others to do the work they were supposed to do. I observed every detail of that sinister hole and planned my next move. Quick actions wouldn't be feasible, I would approach this cautiously and slowly to not raise suspicion among the prisoners and prevent them from being caught before liberating them all.

So, I waited for the right moment, when they took a break for rest. They only rested for a few hours and I took advantage of this time. First, I ensured all the prisoners got some water. They looked at me suspiciously as I did this but said nothing. I just gave them all a drink. In the remaining water, I added a pure essence which would contaminate the rest of the water. Surely the first thing they would do when they woke up, was drink the water. Even simply touching that water would make them succumb to the essence I added.

I went to one of the smaller cells and there he was, the man I was trying to find; an old friend and a powerful man, reduced to skin and bone, battered, beaten, and wounded. But he was alive. It was him I would release first - I unlocked his cell and helped him out. I helped him to his feet, ready to fight.

I opened the cells one by one and instructed the prisoners to take the path I had marked when I came down. It was a tough and steep climb, but not impossible. During this time, my friend Willow and I went to the excavation area and planted several explosive charges. I only brought a bar of a powerful explosive composition. Just a few disseminated pieces and a specific sound would trigger a massive explosion. With the fire nearby, there wouldn't be any need for a detonator as the fire would act as one, burning everything and causing an explosion in the nearby toxic storage cavern.

After planting the explosives, we ascended to find the released prisoners waiting outside. I showed them the way; we were to turn right, climb and navigate a couple of mountains before we would reach the departure point from the planet. Our journey began, and I was surprised to see them move swiftly - their physiology didn't require constant feeding and they could last a long time without food. The water had revitalized them, so they moved fairly quickly, almost running. We reached the departure spot after a few hours and heard the cave explode behind us. There wasn't even enough time for the captors to communicate with others - they must've died before the explosion.

Upon arriving at the departure point, I immediately activated the portal device and began guiding them through, one at a time. With only Willow and myself left to cross, something went wrong. I spotted a spaceship approaching and starting to fire, the portal began to close unexpectedly. I reached for Willow but was unsuccessful. My arm was halfway through the portal, with me on one side and him on the other. I yelled and urged him to grasp my hand but he couldn't hear me. I felt his calloused hand grip mine, and then I pulled, but the portal was already shut. Neither of us could cross the barrier.

Just then, one of our companions arrived and managed to open a small breach in the portal. With that, I managed to pull Willow through, catching a glimpse of the queen bee of those creatures outside the arriving spaceship, too far away to reach us before we shut the portal. She glared at me with hate, arrogance, and madness, and in that moment I knew I had made a formidable enemy.

After we crossed, many of the rescued were met by their families as we arrived near the military district. The impertinent, red-haired young woman who came to my rescue earlier stormed up to me and started a verbal onslaught. I didn't understand all of her rant but one thing was clear:

"You incompetent, where is Willow?"

Willow had always been a hulky, hairy, and handsome male. I didn't blame her for not recognizing him, but there was no need for her to be rude to me. I made a hand gesture and silenced her rant. She lunged at me with her claws out, intending to claw me up, something she couldn't accomplish because I know how to defend myself well. However, it wasn't necessary; Willow stepped in front of me, lifted the redhead onto his shoulders, and marched her home. I smiled as I released the silence spell and heard the sound of Willow's palm landing on the young woman's round posterior.

Episode 2


Our planet is not large; in fact, it's one of the smallest in our system. We orbit a young star that is dimming each day, resulting in nights that are longer than the days. However, as nocturnal beings, this poses no issue for us. We follow a 36-hour cycle due to the planet's rotation, with only six hours of daylight. We arrived near dawn, and the people were already preparing for sleep.

The planet is nearly fully inhabited, except for the forests and lakes, which remain untouched. The cities consist of low-lying houses made of clay and stone, giving the planet an earthy hue. We don't paint our homes, as we prefer everything natural; hence, many live in cave dwellings built into hillside slopes.

Our people are hardworking. We grow all our food and breed animals for slaughter, without detriment to the wild creatures in the forest. We fish in the lakes, but we also farm fish and restock the lakes, ensuring a never-ending food supply. Our population resembles locusts, moving in swarms and reproducing so extensively that we had to implement birth control.

We are mostly slim, with long, sturdy arms and legs. The females have small breasts, slender waists, and wide hips, equipped with a robust reproductive system, hence the numerous offspring. The males are straight-backed, with firm chests and rigid muscles, strong enough to dominate any female. Abductors use remote restraint weapons to capture our men, an act of great cowardice since the men have no chance to defend themselves.

I live in the planet's only castle, perched atop a cliff. Behind it lies a limestone precipice. It belonged to my family, the oldest of our kind, nearly all wiped out by invaders, leaving behind only me and an uncle who lives on the opposite side of the planet. With a large family, the castle is essentially deserted since I inhabit it alone and see no point in keeping the entire place operational.

Ascending the hill on my floating device (simply a foothold that levitates with magic), I reach home effortlessly. Climbing the stairs, passing through the tall doors, I cross the grand vestibule, bypassing the hall to reach the inner garden. Here lies a spring encircled by a low wall, forming a large tub in which I bathe. Water flows over one side through a channel, cascading down rocks to form a thin, long waterfall that dissipates mid-air, lacking the force to reach the ground.

Bathing creates bubbles with the natural herb-infused gel I use to cleanse my body, amusing the children who live around the castle. This is the highlight of my day, a moment to strip everything away and let the water cleanse me. The rescue operation brings me contentment; no one was harmed, and despite the rescued suffering, the swift operation prevented severe debilitation, save for those consumed, of course.

The abductors belong to a ferocious species of Glabro, a blend of human and wolf. Tall and powerful, with razor-sharp teeth, they consume whatever they consider edible. Their planet, shrouded in forests, is ideal for living but lacks sufficient minerals and food for everyone. Their extravagant houses, divided into many rooms, can accommodate large families and guests who visit. They are beautiful, with their wolf form hidden, and among them, females are strong and respected.

Feeling relaxed, clean, and fragrant after the bath, I can hear the children's delight at playing with bubbles. I step out of the water, drying myself with a towel that's always there, and don a robe hanging from a wall hook when I hear the most unwelcome voice — at least to me.

"Can't you let me be at peace, even after a rescue, Gordom?" I ask.

"Calm down, princess. I know you're unhurt, and everything went smoothly. Obviously, I wouldn't miss this chance," he replies.

"It's getting light, and I want to rest. Please, leave, Gordom."

"It won't take long, I promise."

As usual, he's quick, but the damage is done. That's the trouble with our people, or rather, with our females. We're not respected, we can't refuse—it's the law. After a female's first estrus, the male who mates with her gains exclusive rights over her, permitted at least once every full moon to copulate until she conceives. Only then can they 'mate' (as they call a permanent union).

Legend has it, and I can't confirm its veracity since I've never witnessed it, that a male can claim a female if he recognizes her as his destined mate, based on a hormonal match that promises healthy offspring. Some say that destined females reproduce solely with their males. Perhaps that's true for me, since that fool has yet to impregnate me.

"If only I could rid myself of you…"

"Don't be that way, princess. I've always treated you kindly, never been violent, and I take care of your safety and well-being," he says. What folly, as if I can't look after myself.

But he persists, drawing near, pulling at my robe, making me face a pillar to brace my hands while he readies himself. He's adept at arousing me, playing with my nipples and clitoris. He penetrates only when he's sure I'm ready, fully and powerfully. I brace myself to not fall; thankfully, he's quick to finish.

Afterward, his seed trickles down my legs, and he looks displeased, questioning, "Why can't you hold my seed? It always runs down your legs. Maybe that's why it doesn't take."

I head toward the bath to cleanse myself once more, but he stops me.

"Stay like this, maybe some is still inside and will take. I'll consult the healer about your condition," he grumbles, readjusting his trousers and storming off.

Without a second thought, I wash away the remnants of his unwanted act. I thank the Creator every time his seed fails to take hold; I couldn't bear having him inside me whenever he wishes, not just on full moons.

Episode 3

I, Gordom of Vitri, have attained the female I’ve always desired as a companion, ever since I was a cub. In truth, she isn’t yet mine; I merely hold the right of being the first, but she has never conceived. My seed spills out. She does not retain, and I do not understand why. I’m on my way to the healer’s home, in the herbaceous village, to inquire about her issue.

I knocked on the door and a young one opened it and ran out. I entered and proceeded to the consultation room, where he was always to be found. He was a mature male, well-groomed and mated, his female had given him many offspring; he was fortunate indeed.

"What brings you here this time, Gordom?" he asked with a half-smile and his hair, starting to grey, falling to the sides of his face.

"You know I have taken Serena as my female, but throughout these years, she has never conceived, so we cannot mate. I suspect the issue lies within her body, which does not absorb my seeds."

"How do you know she does not absorb your seeds?"

"Because it always spills out, as soon as I withdraw from her."

"Sit down, I need you to answer some questions."

I sat down across his desk and paid attention.

"Do you prepare your female for copulation?"

"Yes, so she feels no pain and is unharmed," I replied, of course, taking such care.

"Does she take pleasure alongside you?" A peculiar question indeed.

"Meaning?" I did not comprehend.

"Do you enjoy releasing your seeds within her?"

"Yes, it is very pleasurable."

"Have you ever sensed if she feels the same?" The healer's expression showed annoyance.

"Are you upset, healer? Why?"

"You truly do not comprehend, do you? I pity Serena, enduring you all these years," he said, his words unsettling me.

"Why say this? I've always been good to her." I noticed his face turn to dismay at my words.

"I will explain what is flawed in your copulation. Females feel, much like us. For copulation to result in fertilization, both must be in harmony, for just as the apex of a male's pleasure culminates in ejaculating his semen, that of a female results in muscular contractions within her vagina which can capture and retain the seed inside. Do you grasp this?"

"I believe so. You’re saying Serena does not tighten her muscles, is that it?" Perhaps exercises or herbal tea could aid.

However, the healer stared at me with distaste, rising from his chair to study a wall chart depicting the anatomy of a female. After a silent moment, he turned to begin his explanation.

"Serena has no issues; I've examined her multiple times and can guarantee her perfection. The problem lies with you. You fail to pleasure your female to the point of her having an orgasm. Poor Serena, enduring your presence without any enjoyment. It must be torment with each advance you make to claim your right. This law is a curse upon our females."

His words did not sit well with me. Serena, not only devoid of pleasure, did not welcome my approach? This couldn't be! I was her first, I introduced her to the sexual life; how could she not find joy with me?

"I find that hard to believe, healer. All these years I've been with her, caring for her, warding off other males, and she's never enjoyed me?"

"Perhaps instead of protecting her, you've prevented her from discovering her true companion."

"No, I am her companion!" I rose angrily, almost tipping over the chair and stormed towards the door.

"Wait, Gordom. You can change this situation," the healer called.

"How?" I questioned, turning back to him.

"Learn to pleasure your female. Some females accept payment to teach. Seek out Madame Vernon at the Yellow House; she can teach you."

I turned and left without saying farewell. This was absurd; I was gentle, I loved my female, but now I couldn't be with her until the next moon. Cursed law, I would have to wait. Perhaps it was wise to seek Madame Vernon.

I headed to the main street where personal services were offered, searched for the Yellow House, and knocked. Before the door opened, I heard the voice of the one I vowed to never seek out.

"Make it clear, my hours are over."

"It's me, Gordom."

The door swung open swiftly, and the beautiful female with flowing red hair greeted me with a smile.

"To what do I owe the honor of your visit, dear Gordom?"

"The healer sent me. I need to learn how to bring my female to climax and have her retain my seed," I stated, ensuring she understood my presence wasn't about her, but for my female.

"The first lesson is on the house; never let a female think, if you desire her, that you prefer someone else," she retorted.

"I don't want sex, just to learn," I hoped she understood.

"Foolish man, come inside, and I'll show you how to treat a female."

I entered to find the place decorated to evoke sensuality and, after passing red beaded curtains, we entered a chamber with a huge round bed at the center, decked with a red sheet and mirrors everywhere, even on the ceiling.

"Why all the mirrors?" I inquired, curious.

"Some clients enjoy viewing from every angle. Let's start; have a seat in the chair."

The red chair faced the bed and I sat down, watching her stand on the bed and disrobe.

"First, you must understand the anatomy of a female thoroughly. That will be your second lesson. Have you mated this moon?"


"So we have plenty of time for you to become adept at pleasuring a female," she said, as though I desired anyone but Serena.

"I only want to please Serena; she's my female."

"Alright, alpha male. Let's begin. Just watch and pay close attention to everything I show you. Even to my voice; do not let your libido get the better of you."

"What do you mean?" I frowned. Did she think I'd become aroused by her?

"Control yourself and focus on the lessons. Understood? I won't repeat myself. Look at me, observe my breasts, nipples, waist, pubic area; pay attention to every spot I touch with my hand."

She was naked, touching herself, and inexplicably, my member began to respond. She continued, and I noticed her body's reaction to her own touch, which only intensified my arousal. It seemed these lessons would indeed prove to be a challenge.

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