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The Eyes Of Blue

24 years later

Aaaaaa... help... help us!" The screams of the citizens resounded throughout the corners of the city. So many flames and broken glass sprinkled. 

"Bomb! Duar... Dor... Dor... duar." the sound of bomb blasts and the spate of rifle sounds clashing with each other

The sky was so dark, filled with dozens of helicopters that dropped bombs and tear gas accompanied by strong winds, that the residents of downtown did not have time to save themselves. 

Skyscrapers began to collapse as a result of the barrage of bomb rains, and within seconds human remains began to throb both on the highway and in the buildings. Their blood began to flow like a nice

Not only skyscrapers were hit by bomb rain, but government buildings in densely populated areas also received bomb rain. Puffs of black smoke burst at various angles making the closest visibility not visible. Washington was completely paralyzed

The rebellion group this time entered the cypher building and state data. They are trying to retrieve all information about data, both enemy data, American state data and data on countries that still have natural resources wealth. They successfully broke into the American data portal and entered a wide variety of viruses

It can be ascertained that the entire community of downtown Washington is victimized.

In that event at least thousands of people died and dozens more were seriously injured. And some surviving citizens tried to take refuge in the underground station

The sound of alarm sirens was activated throughout the country's security offices. All the military and police forces are busy, they are all set aside to quickly secure state-owned data and help evacuate the dead who are crammed in the streets and various buildings.

"Comrades, the country has been completely paralyzed, the rebellion has reached the centre of the city. Many residents have died, however, some have survived. For now, our team will join Jethro's team, and Doctor Summer's team. Get your gun gear immediately, and don't forget to get a bulletproof jacket and a mask and goggles to avoid puffs of black smoke," Aaron said

"Uncle I'm with ya!" exclaimed Blue

"Blue, this is not going to a recreation area, but an evacuation, I don't want to get into trouble with your father and papa!" retorted Aaron

"Uncle, I am your subordinate, I am working to serve the public anyway. I also know that we are going to go evacuate, not to the tourist attraction. Like it or not, I am your subordinate, and your orders are a task to me!" replied Blue stubbornly

"How about your father and papa...."

"I'm not a kid anymore uncle! you believe in my abilities, so you graduated me to work here don't you?" asked Blue

Aaron just answered him with a nod.

"So, please don't tell me those things again, even if you currently know that I am the daughter of your own best friend. Just think of me as another member of yours, don't privilege me at all. Unless I am the son of a king, maybe you can behave and say something like that to me."

Blue then left Aaron to pick up a gun, mask, bulletproof jacket and goggles.

"Everyone quickly gathered in the yard," Aaron ordered.

All team members gathered in the yard, both Aaron's team, Jethro's team, and Summer's team doctor.

Jethro immediately put on his eyes, afraid that her daughter would join this dangerous mission. Feeling sure that his beloved daughter was not participating in this mission, Jethro turned around and directed his team to immediately get in the police car.

When Jethro was holding his members, Jethro suddenly saw a petite figure he was already familiar with.

"Blue, why did she come along?" he murmured.

Blue directly joined the other members and was ready to wait for orders.

"Hey Blue, you came along? Hmm... if you come along, I'm excited to work," Anthony said

Blue answered him by giving a big, sweetest smile in front of Anthony.

"Oh oh my God... you have such a sweet smile, duh... you are so adorable, I so want to tweet...." Anthony said as he wanted to hold both of Blue's cheeks

"Ahem, Anthony... keep your authority a little bit in front of a woman, and put your hands on Blue's cheeks," Jethro said

"Let's hurry up and you guys line up because it will be divided into groups!" ordered Jethro.

Each of them has already got his group and direction of purpose, as well as Blue, he is in a group with Spencer, Jethro, Mr Gray and also Lance.

"Papa... can't I if I'm not in the same group as you?" asked Blue irritable.

"You choose a group with me, or don't have to leave at all!" said Jethro.

"why is that answer? I can too...."

"Can what? hear girls... it's enough that I lost your mother and separated from you long enough, okay."

Blue sighed, every time he heard an answer from his papa who didn't want to be far away from him even while working

Jethro's team went to the subway, as well as several buildings to rescue the surviving civilians.

In addition to entering the cypher building and state secrets, rebel groups also attacked residents blindly. 

"Very good! Hahahaha, I like this kind of situation. Soon I will be the one who will rule this Country. I will sell all the codes, data and cyphers of the country!" the head of the rebellion murmured. 

He hid in a warehouse and saw all the events carried out by his men using a video monitor. 

"I want you guys to catch all the people who are still in good health, and take them to our base now! look for survivors in buildings to subway stations!" the head of the rebellion ordered in his communication line using earphones already connected to a laptop.

sorry dad!

Sir... help me... I saw a bomb in the room of the employees. In addition, several employees were immediately trapped by the rebel herd," said one employee who was seriously injured. The feet and hands are full of blood. 

"Where are the employees who were arrested?" asked Blue moving quickly to answer the employee's panic

"Inside the hall." 

"Alright I'll go inside," Blue replied. 

Blue! Didn't you hear that there was a bomb in there? I'm the only one who came in with the bomb disposal," Aaron said.

"It's okay, I'll also go in with the bomb defuser," Blue retorted

"Still it's dangerous for you," Jethro insisted he was not allowing his daughter to save the employees. 

Father... please believe me! I went in with the bomb defusers, and there were a few people there who were arrested, I want to save him!" Blue insisted on keeping the employees. 

"Well I'll come inside, accompany you," Jethro said. 

The two teams immediately went to the rescue of the employees who could not get out of the office building because they were trapped by several rebels. The two teams began to move from the ground floor to the 20th floor. On each floor, employees were sekap and guarded by at least 30 rebel members. 

"There are so many guards, besides that, this building seems to have escaped the rain of bombs," Spencer said.

"Have you forgotten, if there are some bombs installed in this building? So even though this building escaped the attack of the bomb rain, it still received a bomb shipment from the insurgents," Aaron said

"Aaron... don't you want to contact the rest of the rescue team?" asked Spencer

"I'll ask them first, if anyone is done with their task, then I'll order them to this building," Aaron replied

At a time when the others were still looking at the situation and conditions Blue began to move on his own according to his instincts, attacking the guards from the ground floor. Blue walked so seductively approaching the guards.

"Excuse me, am I okay to ask where the toilet is?" asked Blue

"Who are you?" the rebel member asked in a snapping voice

"Hey, don't be so rude with women, I'm just asking," Blue replied.

The two guards whispered to each other then looked towards Blue. And a few minutes later, they gave the direction to the toilet.

"You can go straight, then turn right."

"Okay, Thank You."

Blue went towards the location of the toilet that had been pointed out by the two guards. Blue realized that as they whispered, they wanted to trap Blue. However, Blue will still be in their trap.

While walking towards the toilet, the two guards contacted their friends saying there was prey and ready to be gilded.

Arriving at the toilet, Blue immediately hid in the Janitor's room and took a mop stick as his weapon. And the guard was not only two people, but it grew to 30 people.

"Jethro where's Blue?" asked Spencer

"She's in ... Blue..., oh my God where is she?" Jethro felt a sense of confusion because he didn't see where Blue had gone.

"Jethro look at why so many of the guards are heading for the toilet. where is Blue? is Blue in that toilet?" asked Aaron

"I don't know, Blue were... let's follow them, I'm sure Blue is there too," Jethro said.

Jethro, Aaron, and Spencer moved forward following the 30-man guard from behind and suddenly...

"Buk.. ... buk... Duk." the sound of the fistfight sounded very loud

With a wing Chun Kung Fu move, Blue attacked the thirty members by himself. Using a mop stick and a bucket, Blue was able to beat thirty men by himself without anyone's help.

"Aaarrgghhh." many people were complaining of pain, as a result of being hit by a barrage of kicks and blows.

"Prang." the sound of the fistfight switched with the sound of broken glass.

Jethro, Aaron and Spencer immediately moved towards the origin of the sound of broken glass and immediately called the other members to go inside to catch the guards who had lost the fight with Blue.

All members of the rebellion on the ground floor were successfully captured. Blue went to the side door with one member of theirs. 

Come with me!" exclaimed Blue, pulling his hand away. 

"Blue what are you doing?" asked Spencer

Blue just kept silent and kept pulling one of the members of the rebellion group to the side door. Everyone just looked from a distance. 

The atmosphere looked quiet, Blue immediately unmasked the members he brought. With just one hand and a kick, the face of the rebellious members was visible. 

A man with a handsome face. Eyebrows are thick, lips are thin, brown skin, high nose. The man was about to get angry with Blue, however, not so because he saw The Beautiful Blue face. 

Blue was cold to the man who kept staring at her beautiful face. 

The side door opened with just one kick of Blue. And there was a caravan car coming. When the car came, Blue immediately slipped to the back of the car. 

The car thought that the members of its plot had already succeeded in bringing in the employees who had been arrested. 

"Where are the employees?" asked his friend who drove a caravan car

The man didn't answer her just shaking his head. 

What do you mean just shaking your head!" he asked irritably

Suddenly, Blue from the direction of the top of the hood of the car directly punched and kicked directly in the face of the caravan driver. 

"Bak buk bak buk." Immediately, the Caravan driver and the passengers beside him were immediately unable to move because Blue had been pegged at the bloodstream. 

"Hurry up and open the car," Blue ordered the male members of their gang. 

another rescue

"I am willing to be your captive, whatever you want, I will do," said the man. 

"Don't be stupid, what's your name?" asked Blue 


"Ahmad should be a wise man and fight unrighteousness. Why are you even dealing with untruth? You weird." 

"That's right... I... me...." 

"Ah long time, quickly open the door, Hey Morgan, Zee! Come here quickly." Blue is cold when he finds out a man named Ahmad is trying to seduce her. 

Morgan and Zee went straight to where Blue was standing.

"What's the matter? Did he do anything brazen to you?" asked Zee

"No... I just want you guys to check this car, even if you need to take it to the base. Oh yes, another one, also take this man with you guys," Blue said

Hey... can't I just go with you, I don't want to go with them!" Ahmad exclaimed

Blue approached Jethro, Aaron and Spencer who were busy bringing out the guards who were suspected to be members of the rebellion.

"Boss, please help us at the underground station," Timothy said in a phone call.

"What's the matter in the underground station?" asked Jethro

"Some underground stations have been bombarded because the survivors are partly hiding in underground stations. And the current conditions are very difficult for us to evacuate, there are some who we suspect to be members of the rebellion who are also victims in the underground station. his legs were crushed by the ruins of the building," Timothy reported

"Well, I'll be there, you just send the location," Jethro ordered

Without saying a word, Blue, Aaron, and Spencer went straight to follow Jethro's pace to the other locations.

On the way to the underground station, Jethro and Aaron had scolded Blue, who was judged to have acted too bravely when fighting the guards alone.

"Blue... why don't you wait for the right moment first when fighting the guards!" exclaimed Jethro

"Wait until when, Pa? until the situation is safe and calm that until there should be a falling victim first and then I move? I can't be like that," Blue replied

"But you are too desperate! they could have raped you first and hurt you," Aaron continued

"Well, I'm going to retrain with dad and improve my kung fu knowledge," Blue replied lightly

"Oh my God, my daughter! you won't be so stubborn like that, kid!  And you could..."

"Papa... uncle Aaron, thank you for your concern, I know that you are very, very worried about me. However, I also can't just stay idle and wait until the situation is safe. It's safe and quiet that doesn't necessarily happen something, surely they have also prepared another rotten plan," Blue replied

"Never mind Jethro, I think your daughter is just like her mother, always reckless and stubborn," Aaron said.

About 500m of mileage via car vehicle, a distance not too far from the first evacuation site. The four of them arrived at the second location, which is the underground station. Dozens of police cars thronged the streets of Edinburgh 98 and a yellow-lined police line was posted as well as several red flags posted on the face of the road.

Timothy, Anthony, Emy and J waited outside the station, and each was holding a gun.

"What's this all about?" asked Aaron

"We heard an explosion inside the underground station, and after we checked it turned out that the station was in the explosion, all access to the underground station was closed. And according to Timmy, there are hundreds of people trapped in it," said J.

"Is that Timmy?" asked Jethro

"Right Boss and some of the people I think are members of the rebellion, maybe they intend to kill themselves, boss," Timmy replied

"Have you checked the next underground railway line is also closed?" asked Blue

"Hmm... I haven't checked it out yet," Timmy replied.

"It's good that you check and we can save them from there, maybe by sending a train," Blue suggested.

All eyes fell on Blue and looked at each other.

"Oh my God, why didn't we think about it from earlier, yes, it's been almost an hour, we're trying to break into this wall using this dozer car," J said.

"Then there are only two, some are waiting here, and some are helping him from there," Jethro said.

"Timmy, which station is still safe, and the straights of these railroad tracks?" asked Jethro.

Timmy immediately checked the rail line passed by the train from the seventh Avenue station to the next station.

"The next station is the Eight Avenue station. And according to observations from my computer, the line is safe and no insurgents have been on guard yet."

"Good, let's move there," Blue suggested.

"Well, I'll call the rest of the team to guard the station here, and keep trying to work on digging the ruins of the building!" ordered Jethro.

"Aaarrrggghhh... help me, my leg hurts so much," someone shouted from inside.

Blue walked closer to the origin of the voice that kept screaming for help.

"Blue... what are you doing?" shouted Jethro

"Boss, whoever is going to the next station? Anthony asked

"Just ask Aaron," Jethro replied

"Alright, Anthony, Timmy, and Spencer quickly you come with me towards the next station. Let J, Emy, Blue and Jethro be here," Aaron said.

Whether like having a premonition and intuition or a sixth sense, Blue asked the officer to start transporting the ruins of the building from the right.

"Officer... don't start from the left, for I hear his voice he is behind this ruin. You'd better start it from the right," Blue suggested.

"Good miss." the officers followed Blue's direction by beginning to lift the wreckage from the right.

Ruin after ruin was successfully lifted by Dozer. After the debris was removed, officers immediately confirmed that no more buildings would collapse.

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