NovelToon NovelToon

In The Dark


That moment still vividly stay in my mind
at that time
at that place
his impression of me change from wanting to be my friend
to despise me so much
flashback what happened 3 months ago
sheesh.. do you hear.. there's rumours that Jang Hwayoung is a gay
what? that can't be true
look at this.. someone take a picture of him kissing someone
behind the door, I actually can hear their conversation..
it's not true.. I never kiss someone.. but the fact that I'm gay is true
Well what's more you're going to expect from him..he is an omega
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
" this word start to make my head hurt"
why? just because we're male omega, we can't love someone with the same gender as us
male omega is a rare species.. that's why for some people, the thought of male omega is disgusting
in this world, there's only 1% existing of male omega.. and I'm one of them
suddenly, the chatting stop
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
"did they go already?"
I open the door slightly and peek outside just to see Choi Hojin
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Hojin hyung?
Choi Hojin(ml)
Choi Hojin(ml)
that look in his face..
Choi Hojin(ml)
Choi Hojin(ml)
that's it
Choi Hojin(ml)
Choi Hojin(ml)
disgust me..
is the end.. the end of my relationship as friend with him..
Choi Hojin(ml)
Choi Hojin(ml)
I hate a homo like you ❄
I don't know what to do..
I just stand there.. looking at him
the disgusted look he give me..
crumbling my hopes and urges to tell that I like him
after that, My eyes just follow him disappear and at that time..
I feel like tearing up
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*hic.. *hic
~end of this chapter~
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc) •gender: male, omega • an actor • having a secret crush on Hojin for almost 6 years • 25 years old
Choi Hojin(ml)
Choi Hojin(ml)
Choi Hojin (ml) •a homophobic •an actor • 27 years old • gender: male, dominant alpha
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present time
Hwayoung house
the sun shines bright outside
the clock on the table show that it's already 8am by now
suddenly my phone ringing making my sleep disturb
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*pick up the call
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
ekk.. the piercing sounds of this person making me pull my phone away from my ear
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
what's the matter, Hyeri noona
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Hwa!!! Don't you remember, you have shooting today..
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Huh? shooting?
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Don't you remember?
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
get your *** here right now.. already send the address to you
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
*end call
a shooting?? when is that Hyeri noona talk to me about-
wait.. I remember..
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
how can I forgot
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
I get out of my bed fastly and go straight to the bathroom
taking a light bath.. because I know I don't have time for this
after a while, I finish getting ready and drive to the shooting place
30 minutes later, I arrive at the place
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
I run out of my car.. thank god I didn't forget to wear hats and mask
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
"Look like everyone are here already"
then I saw noona figure next to the director
she's continuously apologise to the director
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Noona! *huff*huff
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Oh.. Hwa!
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
I-Im sorry I'm late..
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*bow to the director*
(⬅️take this person for the director)
••'re lucky for now..*annoyed
if you late again.. don't ever think I would hire you..
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*gripping his shirt*
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
I'm so sorry..*bowing
Go.. go..get ready for your part.. I don't have time for this
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Y-yes.. thank you
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
let's go..*pull Hwayoung to the waiting room*
along the way.. I clearly can hear everyone start cursing me
Who the heck he thinks he is?
now we need to working overtime because of this
I swear.. if I knew that he is going to be part of this
I will never join
yeah me too
it's disgusting to be work with him
well who knows how he get to be in crew.. *sinister smile*
maybe he-
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
excuse me❄
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Don't you guys have anything to do rather than blabbering that sh*tty mouths of your ❄
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Noona 😨
Geez... *left from there*
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Let's go
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
waiting room
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Noona, I'm sorry
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
We don't have time for this.. get ready
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
but that doesn't mean I won't lecture you when we get back to the company 😄
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
*pinch Hwayoung cheek*
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
oww 😣
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Now.. now..don't mind what other are you and they don't know anything
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Noona...thank you for being with me.. even-
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
I will always stay by your side.. you know right, you're like my own brother
I feel like tearing up
even though the hardship that happens because of what happened 3 months ago which changes my entire life
Noona always be there for me
~end of this chapter~
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri
Park Hyeri •gender: female, beta •status: married, 2 kid • Hwayoung manager since 3 years ago
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Time past slowly..
the shooting for first part of the drama end late today
Hyeri noona have something to do so she can't accompany me to the company
while walking towards my car
I feel like there's someone following me
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*turn around*
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
"Huh? there's no one.. maybe it's just my feelings"
when I look in front of me, there's lot of people gathering
and once one of them saw me,
all of them run toward me
You! wh*re *throw some egg to Hwa*
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
some of the egg fall on my head.. I try to run away but they start to gather around me and start throwing something to me
I feel helpless.. I can't think of anything but fear
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*trembling, kneeling*
You! because of you, other artists and the industry is being affected
get out of the industry now!!
yes.. get out!
"Get out of the industry!!"
they keep screaming that line, making my head feel like blowing
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*cover his ear*
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*heavy breathing*
I feel like I can't breath
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*one hand holding his throat*
Excuse me!
everyone shift their eyes to the person.. but I still trembling there
Oh.. isn't it Jungwan?
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
Leave him alone.. can't you?!
*mumbling* why would he step in.. this is unusual of Snow prince to interfere in other matters
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
Take them away from here❄
with that Jungwan tell 3 of his bodyguard to kick the group of people away
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
*huff.. ughh
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
Hey.. Hwa.. you okay?😰 *patting Hwa shoulder*
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
I-I'm okay.. don't worry..
walking to my car with heavy steps
Jungwan insists that his bodyguard will drive me home
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
it's okay.. Jung
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
how can it's be okay😟.. you're not in the state to do something now..
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
Leo.. take him
yes sir
getting in the passenger seat, Leo(Jungwan bodyguard) start to drive
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
call me if you get home
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Jang Hwayoung(mc)
Hmm.. I know *slightly smile
we goes more far away from Jungwan
but I still can see his figure.. on the roadside
when Hwa already goes away
a car park near a tree start to drive away
but the driver seems to speak something
You're still the same, huh..
~end of this chapter~
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan
Kim Jungwan •25 years old •gender:male,beta •friend with Hwa since 2years ago •single
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