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Return Of The Demon Queen

Abandoned empress

Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
After everything, I did for you, I only get suffering
Gong Che
Gong Che
if you don't hurt Yanmei, I will not punish you
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Don't forget Gong Che, without me and my family, you couldn't get the throne
Gong Che
Gong Che
How dare you
Your Majesty, please calm down. I am sure sister didn't mean it
Gong Che
Gong Che
You are very innocent Yanmei, she didn't deserve your kindness
But your Majesty, She is the Empress
Gong Che
Gong Che
I will declare you as my new Empress very soon
But your Majesty I am a humble slave and she is a novel born, her father is the richest man in our kingdom and very powerful
Gong Che
Gong Che
Don't worry I know how to deal with him and he is not very close to his daughter
Gong Che looked at Jiyang Yuyan and smirked
Jiyang Yuyan felt the sharp pain in her heart. She wondered what will her father do if he knew what is happened to her. Will he be angry or sad? No, maybe he doesn't care. He never cared about her or her mother. He only cared about his business
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
My life's biggest mistake is falling in love with you
Gong Che
Gong Che
I never loved you. You are always an opportunity for me to get the throne. I only love Yanmei
Sister, I am sorry. I know you love him but I also fell in love with him.
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
You are horrible Yanmei. After your parent's death, we took you into our family, and I always treated you as my sister but you seduced the I love. You are ungrateful
Gong Che
Gong Che
Shut up. Don't you dare to bully Yanmei again. You deserve this cold Palace
Gong Che
Gong Che
No one cares if die here or not. let's go Yanmei
Gong Che
Gong Che
Gong Che took Yanmei's hand and left
Jiyang Yuyan was left in the cold palace alone. She didn't feel sad anymore. She only felt anger toward Gong Che and Yanmei
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I'll take every happiness from your life. I'll make both of you pay for what you did to me. Gong Che, you took the throne because of me but now I'll make sure you lose the throne
But who will help an abandoned empress to take her revenge?

Return of the Demon Queen

Palace Hall
Your majesty, you hurt sister
Gong Che
Gong Che
I don't care about her. the only person I care about is you, Yanmei
but your majesty, she is not just an empress but her father is very powerful but you still punish her for me
Gong Che
Gong Che
She deserves that punishment. She hurt you. I can't let her do whatever she wants
But your Majesty, she is a noble-born and I am not noble like sister
Gong Che
Gong Che
I promised you, you will be my empress and I always fulfill my promises
But your Majesty, I am worried about you and sister
Gong Che
Gong Che
What do you mean that you are worried about me?
Your Majesty, Her father is very powerful and he helped you to take the throne, and because of it, you make sister empress
if sister says something to her father, I am afraid it'll affect badly on you
I am happy to receive your love, I don't want any status
Gong Che
Gong Che
You have both lived together since you are kids but both of you are so different. You are so innocent and she is evil
Your Majesty, she is my sister and she did everything to me because she loves you very much
Gong Che
Gong Che
I don't care about her or her love
Gong Che
Gong Che
But you are right, we can't let her ruin our future. She'll tell her about everything and we can't let that happen
Gong Che
Gong Che
He is not in the empire now but when he'll come and heard about the empress's condition, he'll not stand still
Then what'll we do?
Gong Che
Gong Che
Don't worry my love
he hugged her and called the maid who was standing near
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Your Majesty?
Gong Che
Gong Che
Prepare dinner and put poison in it and take that to the empress. And make sure she eats it
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Yes, your majesty
She bowed and looked at Yanmei, one last time and leave
But if anyone knows about it
Gong Che
Gong Che
Don't worry, everyone will hear tomorrow that empress suicide in the cold palace
Gong Che
Gong Che
And don't worry, after the empress's death, that I'll take care of that maid. There will be no witnesses, I'll make sure about that
Gong Che hugged Yanmei and she hugged him back and smirked
And she thought that finally, I'll become the empress and that stupid Jitang Yuyan will die miserably
Cold Palace
The enraged empress just wanted revenge on those who betrayed her
She closed her eyes, then that maid came with dinner
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
his Majesty ordered you to eat dinner
Jiyang Yuyan understand that the food was poisoned
She laughed bitterly and murdered
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Until death do us apart?
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Your majesty?
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
You can go, I'll eat it later
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
His Majesty ordered me to make sure you eat this dinner
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Gong Che can't hold it any longer. He desperately wants to give empress's position to his mistress
She looked at the maid and said
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Do you realize that you will die too
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Death is unpredictable your majesty, no one can tell who'll die next
Lan Xiu served Jiyang Yuyan for some time and she can said that Lan Xiu is different than any other palace maid
But it doesn't matter. She knew that Lan Xiu can't help her. No one can help her. No one can go against the emperor and his beloved mistress and future empress
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
We both will die today. Women can't do anything to men in the male dominant society
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
I know one woman who stood against the male dominant society
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I never heard about someone like that
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Your majesty, I served you for long period of time and you always treat me very well
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Still, you give me poised food
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
I am sorry your majesty, I don't have any choice
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I don't blame you. Women are always helpless against men
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Your Majesty, today I'll prove my loyalty to you
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
She gave an ancient book to Yuyan
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
What is it?
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
Answers of all of your questions
Jiyang Yuyan was confused but took the book
Lan Xiu bowed
Lan Xiu
Lan Xiu
I know you will take a good decision, my empress
Lan Xiu left without confirming Yuyan's death
Yuyan read the book. In the book there are several spells and also written about the demon Queen
In the book, there was a powerful woman who can beat the deity but died because of betrayal of her own people
In the book, there was a spell to summon the demon queen but at the cost of human soul
Yuyan created the same circle and read the spell
After finishing the spell Yuyan fainted and when she opened her eyes, she saw a beautiful woman standing there in front of her eyes
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Who are you?
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Mortals are really stupid. You summoned me here and you forget who am I?
Jiyang Yuyan understand that ritual was successful
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Demon Queen??
The other woman smiled and winked
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
One an only

Promise to fulfill her wish

Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I don't believe you are really here
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
I can slap you to prove that I am here
Demon Queen was teasing and yuyan bowed
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I want you to take revenge for me
Demon Queen looked at Yuyan dumbfounded
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Do you think that I am a jinny?
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I was Empress but my husband and best friend betrayed me and put me in this cold place
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Why did you believe in them in the first place
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Humans are liers. You should not believe in other humans
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I know that I did foolishness but if I reborn again, I'll never believe in anyone
before demon Queen can ask anything Yuyan said
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
if you fulfill my wish, I'll help you to reborn
Now she got demon queen's full attention
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
she smirked
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
How can you do that?
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
First promise me
Demon Queen thought there was no problem to promise this foolish girl
She was dead for 1000 years and she wants to be reborn again
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Do you want me to reborn as your daughter?
She asked curiously
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
First promise me
Demon queen sighed
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Ok I promise
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
if you help me to reborn, I'll fulfill your wish
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
btw what is your wish?
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Do you want me to give your cheater husband and his mistress a painful death
She smirked. It's been a long time since she did something fun
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
No, death is easy for them
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I want them to suffer the pain I feel
That was more fun. Demon Queen agree
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
ok I promise
before she said anything more Yuyan stab herself with broken glass
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
what the hell
She went to Yuyan's lifeless body
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
Stupid human. You kill yourself. now how can you fulfill your promise
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
now I don't have to fulfill my promise too
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
otherwise, that'll be troublesome
before she can say or do anything, she feels uneasy
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
what's happening? Why do I feel uneasy
She fainted and when she opened her eyes, she felt a sharp pain in her stomach
when she looked at her stomach, it was bleeding
Her eyes wide and she murmured
Demon Queen
Demon Queen
how can I bleed and feel pain?
she looked at her image in the mirror
She was shocked
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Why do I look like that stupid human?
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
wait, this is not my body.
she looked at her hands, her clothes
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
That girl sacrifices herself so that I can be reborn
She sighed
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
now I have to fulfill your last wish stupid girl
When she tried to stand up, she felt pain again
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
stupid girl. There are so many ways to kill yourself and you have to choose the painful way
she touched her wounds and murmured some spells and she recover
she looked at her surrounding
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
can't blame her to kill herself. Who wants to live here
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
her cheater husband and his mistress must hate her very much
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
But if I have to make them pay, I have to get out of this place
when she peeked outside, there were lots of guards
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I can't get out of here from that gate
she smirked
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
how can I forget that I am the demon queen
She said some spells and teleport herself
When she opened her eyes, she saw a Palace
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
I must say mortals love to show off their wealth
Then she saw the most beautiful face and she blinked
She lived a long life but she never saw anyone as good-looking as him
He was bathing. His eyes were closed. And she murmured
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
What a beauty
hearing her voice, he opened his eyes and looked at her
His eyes were wide
Gong Jue
Gong Jue
what are you doing here?
Jiyang Yuyan
Jiyang Yuyan
don't mind me. I'll not disturb you. You can bath

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