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Cold Blooded Duke

Burnt Alive

Count Katana [Riv
Count Katana [Riv's adoptive father]
You are a child who brings misfortune.
Riv’s mother died after giving birth to her. Riv wasn’t as beautiful as her mother. She was an ugly child with dull, dark hair, pale skin like a corpse, and had a flat body with no curves. She was a tall girl who was not cute or shy.
When Riv was 14 years old, there was a request from the royal family to send her as a maid. Her adoptive father was happy to sell her off for money.
At the age of 21, Riv was about to die. She looked around the old rusted dungeon where she was locked up. It seemed that no one would care if she died here.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What went wrong in my life?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I don’t want to die…
Riv had lived desperately, hoping to be free from this place. She had covered her eyes, ears and closed her mouth in case she knew a secret of the royal family. She had disguised herself as ugly for so long that she forgot how she looked.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Marianne… Marianne.
She was locked up here because she knew Princess Marianne’s secret.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Maybe I will really die here…
The current Duchess of Sentoren, Marianne married the Duke of Sentoren. She was the only princess of the royal family, who married the best groom in the country. No one in the palace knew that the young, angelic-looking princess was actually promiscuous and prodigal.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Here she comes…
After a long time, a maid, Elle, appeared holding a torch. Behind Elle, Princess Marianne was standing in a white fur.
Riv couldn’t open her eyes as she was blinded by the torch glowing in front of her eyes. It was because her eyes got used to the darkness of the dungeon for a while now.
As her eyes adjusted to the light, Marianne’s expression became visible in front of her. Marianne was frowning as she feared her coat might get dirty.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Did you reflect on yourself while you were stuck here?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
…Princess Marianne.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Why don’t you pray as usual?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
If I do so then will you save me?
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
I can think about it.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Where did I go wrong, Princess Marianne?
Marianne’s white coat covered her body, so her body’s curves were not visible.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
You are a fool.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Riv, even if everyone in the world knew my secret, you shouldn’t have. I can’t stand it.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Is it because the child’s father is not the Duke of Sentoren?
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
You knew it, Riv.
Princess Marianne, who was standing in front of her, was the Duchess of Sentoren. But Marianne hated her husband and didn’t sleep with him. She had many lovers.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Riv, if you know everything, you must die. You know that right?
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Riv, even if you survive, you will live a miserable life without anyone’s love. So it won’t be bad to die now.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Does he know about the Princess’ pregnancy?
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Marianne’s maid, Elle, seemed to be holding an oil can.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Will you burn me to death? If I were to die, I don’t want to die this way.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
It is all because of you! It’s all because of you that I married this terrible Duke of Sentoren, broke up with my lovers, and got pregnant!
Marianne’s tearful eyes were filled with madness.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Without you, I can be happy.
Marianne took a ring out of her pocket and threw it at Riv. It fell on Riv’s skirt.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv picked up the ring. The ring was thick, rugged, and rusted all over. The gemstone in the center also stood out, so it seemed worthless except for the jewel.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What’s this?
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
It is Duke Sentoren’s heirloom and the late Duchess’ ring.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Riv, take that ugly ring with you when you die. I’ll kill you and be free from the Duke of Sentoren.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Riv, just die.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Princess, sa…save me! Why me?!
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
If you save me, I will do anything.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Cut off my tongue if you’re afraid of rumors. If I can’t talk, I won’t be able to spread rumors.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
You can write.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Well, chop off my hands.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
It’s annoying. It’s comfortable and safe to just killing you.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Just die, Riv.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
As Marianne stepped back, her maid, Elle, poured oil inside and outside Riv’s prison. Dry hay was piled up in front of the cell and oil was sprayed on Riv’s dress. She tried to desperately move away from the oil.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Don’t! Please don’t!
Elle threw away the barrel after emptying it, lit a match, and threw it on the oil spread on the ground. Flames consumed the dry hay quickly, thenexploded into the prison cell.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Sa…Save me! Please! Save me!
Before she knew it, Marianne and the maid were running away as fast as they could.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Save me! Please!!!
Riv’s cry echoed loudly, but no one came to save her from the burning dungeon.
Riv’s whole body was burning in the fluttering red flame. The pain of being burned alive was terrible. She died very slowly in the flames.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Why did I have to suffer such a painful ending?
Her body was burnt and only her soul remained, but Riv felt the touch of the old ring, which she held in her hand. The stone and the rough surface of the ring felt real. Riv became more distressed.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Why? Why?! Why?! Why did I have to die? What did I do to deserve this?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What went wrong in my life?!
No one could hear her cry even though she cried and kept crying.
It was a long time until Riv noticed an uninvited guest standing next to her.
As she turned her head, she saw a man made of white bones in a ragged black robe.
As she turned her head, she saw a man made of white bones in a ragged black robe. 
He was the messenger of death, a reaper.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I am really dead.
If you could make a wish, what would you wish for?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Do you want to survive or die and go to heaven?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I want to live.
She wanted to live like crazy!


Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I want to live.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I want to survive.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I want to escape from Princess Marianne’s sight and live a happy life.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I don’t want to die like this. I didn’t want to be killed! I want to be alive and happy!
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I didn’t want to live like this! I wanted to be happy!
At that moment, red light poured out of the ruby ring in Riv’s hand.
The red light engulfed her completely.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What is this?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What is happening?
Witch, you can make your wish come true through that ring.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
You can have another chance, but it is temporary.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What do you mean?
You will survive. But you are destined to die again on this day and at this time.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What do you mean by that?
Riv’s soul was sucked into her own body, which was lying dead at that moment. And at that moment, time flew in reverse. Flames reignited around her dead body. Riv struggled fiercely in her flames.
Suddenly, the dungeon was empty. The clock hands in the castle were all turning counter-clockwise.
The sky started turning from night to day without rest. When the went back to half a year ago, the clock stopped turning.
Riv opened her eyes.
The cold morning air swept into the bedroom. Riv found herself lying like a corpse on a hard bed.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Why am I here?
She was burned to death by Marianne’s maid, Elle.
After that, the reaper appeared and gave her a second chance.
Riv also screamed that she wanted to live and not die such a horrible death.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Was it really a dream?
Those moments couldn’t be forgotten.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv found a clear burn mark on the back of her left hand.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
When she opened her fist, she saw a ring emitting a mysterious red light.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Is this the heirloom of the Duke that Marianne hated the most? The ring of the Duchess of Sentoren?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What is this light?
She grew worried while thinking about it. It would be a big deal if anyone saw this ring.
At that moment, as if she was just imagining it, the red glow of the ring disappeared. The stone on the ring turned black. Her bloody palms were also clean, with no trace of a burn mark present.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
How did this happen?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
If Marianne sees this ring here, she might kill me.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What do I do with this?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
No one had touched Riv’s body, because they thought it brought misfortune. Although there were some who criticized her for wearing her mother’s old pendant necklace.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
They won’t touch my necklace.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
How do I find a safer place to hide this ring?
The moment Riv said that the Duke’s ring merged with the pendant and became one.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv fiddled with the thick pendant. In the pendant, the ring was unusually hot.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
How did this happen?
She finally heard a knock on the door.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv, are you awake? Riv?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Coming, just a minute!
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
Riv, are you sick?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Me? No, why?
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
I think you are sweating a lot. Did you see a ghost?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
It’s nothing like that.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
If you are feeling fine, come on. It’s urgent. Princess Marianne is looking for you.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Anna, is this a dream? Didn’t I die?
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
What are you talking about, Riv?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
Let’s go before Princess Marianne gets angry.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Wait, wait!
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Wake up, Riv Katana.
Taking a deep breath, she looked back and belatedly noticed the change in the room.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
The room was much bigger than she remembered, and there was a window at the head of the bed.
Riv went outside and asked Anna.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
When was Princess Marianne’s wedding?
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
Riv? Are you still half asleep? Princess Marianne has not reached the age of marriage yet. What are you talking about?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Well, will she be the right age to marry next year?
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
There are not many days left for it. What’s wrong, Riv?
Riv travelled back eight months in time.
Which meant that her death was also eight months away from now.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
Don’t be stupid, Riv. Princess Marianne’s marriage doesn’t make any difference in our lives.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Anna, I want to leave this palace.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
It’s not just you, Riv. There are many people who want to leave the palace. Why do you ask?
Anna checked the time and grabbed Riv by her sleeve.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
If you are any slower, you’ll hear Princess Marianne’s nagging. Hurry up!
They walked quickly towards Marianne’s powder room. They arrived a few minutes later and took deep breaths.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Thanks for taking care of me, Anna.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
It’s just that I will be scolded if I don’t bring Miss Katana.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Thank you.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
You are behaving a little weird today, Riv.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Because I died and came back to life.


Anna seemed to think that Riv was telling a bad joke.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I guess you’re still half-asleep. Don’t ever say that in front of Princess Marianne.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
I know.
Maid Anna
Maid Anna
The princess is in the silver room. I need to go to the dressing room for a bit.
Anna disappeared to get Marianne’s hat while Riv headed to Marianne’s drawing-room, more commonly referred to as the silver room.
Maid Elle
Maid Elle
Princess, Miss Katana is here.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Let her in.
Marianne raised her doll-like face to stare at Riv.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
You’re so late, Riv.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Why did you even bother coming? My mood was ruined waiting for you.
Marianne loathed even being in contact with Riv.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
If I touch you, your misfortune will spread to me.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
I don’t think it’ll be fun to order the knights to beat you down.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
So, how should I punish you?
At that moment, Marianne’s arms tightened suffocatingly. The small dog in her arms howled and squirmed, almost scratching her.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Marianne leaped off the sofa and threw the dog to the floor.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
You ruined my dress! Damn-!
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
He doesn’t even recognize his master. Do you know how expensive this dress is? This damn hybrid mutt!
Angrily, Marianne lifted the hem of her dress and kicked at the dog with her pointed heels.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Get lost.
Princess Marianne
Princess Marianne
Nanny, nanny, maids! Get this thing out of my room right now!
Maid Elle
Maid Elle
Princess Marianne, please calm down!
The little dog had stopped moving a long time ago.
That dog was just another one of the numerous animals killed by Marianne.
Later that evening, Riv built a grave for the dog in the corner of the royal garden.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I hope you’re resting well in heaven.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I have to get out of this palace somehow.
How could she change her destiny?
If she did something she hadn’t done before, she would be able to twist her fate, no matter how small the change.
Thinking hard, Riv realized she had never met or spoken to Duke Sentoren.
Riv was Marianne’s maid, but she hadn’t been present during the couple’s wedding.
Should she meet Duke Sentoren?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
But what kind of a man is he?
All she knew was that he was Princess Marianne’s older fiancé and a soldier who had succeeded the old Duke Sentoren in his late 20s.
She didn’t know for sure about his tastes or appearance, and his rumors, while interesting, were hardly a reliable source of information.
However, Riv did know that Princess Marianne loathed Duke Sentoren, her husband.
It was a terrible, poisonous hatred – one that burned as hot as the fire Riv had died by before.
In Riv’s memory, there was no such thing as Marianne and Duke Sentoren having a normal marital life. It was also doubtful whether they had even met after the wedding.
Duke Sentoren had been living separated from Marianne for more than half a year.
Marianne continued to live in the palace after her wedding to Duke Sentoren.
He did not meet Marianne, as though the wedding had never happened. He never even came to the palace to see her.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[Perhaps he’s been in the Southern territory the whole time.]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[Why did he marry Marianne?]
Marianne was pregnant with the child of one of her lovers.
Even after Riv’s death, it was unlikely, no, impossible, that Marianne stayed faithfully by Duke Sentoren’s side.
Marianne hadn’t wanted to marry him.
It was Marianne’s father, Philip II, who pushed ahead with and insisted upon the marriage.
The marriage was also to cover up Marianne’s promiscuous scandal.
What did Duke Sentoren think when he followed the orders? Did he really love Marianne? Or did he agree to the marriage for power?
Marianne and Duke Sentoren never bothered with such a pretense.
Though Marianne had a high status and wealth, Duke Sentoren also possessed lots of money and land, more than anyone could even need.
The Duke also had many older brothers, so even if Marianne married him, he would not be able to succeed the throne.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[Then why?]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[Why did Duke Sentoren agree to get married like this?]
If his marriage to Marianne didn’t take place, then maybe she wouldn’t be killed horribly by Marianne’s hands.
She might learn something if she met Duke Sentoren in person.
Riv was in charge of Marianne’s life as a whole and took care of her little messes, but that was all.
She never had the chance to meet the Duke before her death, for she had never been allowed in public.
In fact, Riv looked ugly and was thrown aside by her birth family, so no one would care if she disappeared suddenly.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[I’m sure everyone thinks it’s no problem to get rid of me at any time.]
Even as a maid of the Princess, Riv was unable to attend the royal family’s official marriage ceremony and could only peek at the banquet from afar.
Despite being Marianne’s maid, she wasn’t allowed anywhere near the banquet hall.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[So, how should I proceed from here?]
If she couldn’t meet Duke Sentoren in public, then where could she?
She kept pondering on this problem. Riv locked herself in her room to brainstorm, even skipping dinner to do so.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[What should I do now?]
Riv fiddled with her mother’s pendant, curled up in bed.
She caressed the protruding part of the ruby ring.
The burn scar on the back of her left hand was throbbing.
Riv began to sift through the facts one by one.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I’m not dead now, but I will die in the near future.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Should I stop Marianne from getting married or getting pregnant?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
What should I do with my future?
Riv, who was agonizing over many problems, whispered to the pendant while fiddling with it.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Come out, ring.
The old gemstone ring popped out of the pendant.
Riv recalled the blood-colored gemstone emitting a crimson glow like a ruby, so she decided to call it a ruby ring.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
But is this ring really an heirloom?
The death reaper had given this to Riv, so surely it must be important.
It had also called her a witch.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[Am I a witch?]
The ruby Ring had also been with Riv when she died. Even after she came back to life, she was carrying it along with her.
What if this ring is a magic tool that only works with witch’s blood? What if she really was a witch?
Everything the reaper said was, indeed, truths about what brought her back to life.
She didn’t want to die by Marianne’s hands.
Therefore – she must change the future.
Riv was murdered after learning of Marianne’s pregnancy.
How about interfering with Marianne’s pregnancy?
Marianne’s pregnancy was a distant future.
Rather, the marriage between Princess Marianne and Duke Sentoren was closer.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
[Can I stop their marriage?]
What if she met with Duke Sentoren and exposed Marianne’s private life?
Would the marriage still take place? What if Duke Sentoren knew about Marianne’s promiscuity and scandals?
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
More than that, I’m sure I have to escape from Marianne’s side.
Riv decided to devise a way to escape from the palace and find a way to contact Duke Sentoren.
However, she was not allowed to attend official royal ceremonies for now, which would impede her plans.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
I have been to Duke Sentoren’s mansion before.
That would be around the time of Princess Marianne’s coming-of-age ceremony.
Where else could she encounter Duke Sentoren?
She’d been ordered to go to Duke Sentoren’s mansion, but he was not home. It would be too late to contact the Duke then.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
The hunt before Princess Marianne’s birthday?
The king had gone hunting in the woods behind the Ailte Palace with his aristocratic subjects, including Duke Sentoren.
That day, the king had also held an elaborate dinner banquet open to everyone. What if she sought out Duke Sentoren at the banquet?
Riv tried to figure out a way to meet him.
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
Riv Katana/ Olivia [FL]
The hunt was definitely around this time.
What could she do with this knowledge?

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