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Doctor Soulmate

About the Story

Title: Doctor Soulmate

Genre: Romance/ General Fiction/Science Fiction

The story will revolve around medicine, hospitals, restaurants, coffee shops, subdivisions, provinces, etc.

I'm not a perfect author, expect grammatical and typographical errors. This is only a product of my imagination and I didn't intend to degrade or offend people and professionals and their culture and traditions especially doctors.

Doctor Soulmate is also available in Wattpad. It was written in Filipino and English language. You may try to read it there 😉 Though it's still ongoing, unedited and raw.

Thank you. 😊

cleasesmarie 💜


DOCTOR SOULMATE is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


Do not distribute, publish, transmit, modify, display or create derivative work in any form or by any means. Please obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Any unauthorized duplication, publication, and distribution of this book and any part thereof is an infringement of the relevant copyright.

Plagiarism is a crime.


Some parts of the story may contain, violence, strong use of language and mature content. Please do not report and be guided accordingly.

Read at your own risk and discretion.


©️ cleasesmarie 2022



From the region called Northeast Asia or East Asia, to the east of the Eurasian continent,surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Okhotsk, the Sea of Japan, and the East China Sea, there's an island country called "the land of the rising sun."

This is where I live for almost 13 years.

From Southeast Asia, on the eastern rim of the Asiatic Mediterranean, bounded in the west by the South China Sea; in the east by the Pacific Ocean; in the south by the Sulu and Celebes Seas; and in the north by the Bashi Channel, there's an archipelago called "the pearl of orient seas".

This is where I came from.

According to Trading Economics global macro models and analysts expectations, population here in Japan is expected to reach 124.90 Million by the end of 2022, and I am one of those millions who are expecting to see one person from the current population of the Philippines which is 115,579,547.

Who the hell is that one person from 115,579,547?

That's the woman who gave birth to me.

I was only eight when we left the Philippines and settled here in Japan for good. They told me I had a photographic memory. I can remember things exactly what it is.

That was a lie!

Because If that's true, why couldn't I remember the face of the woman who carried me in her womb for nine months?

If that's true, why can't I remember the childhood life I had before I stepped on the land of the rising sun?

Why do I feel like there's a space inside of me that needs to be filled?

Whenever I have deep thoughts, I feel like I'm in the middle of the pacific ocean, drowning and slowly dying.

Do I really have a photographic memory or I already lost a memory?

"You're too early,Azi." A baritone voice coming from the living room echoed and that made me stop walking towards the kitchen.

That's my dad. He was lying on the couch and sleeping with his medical gown when I took the way from the second floor down to where I am standing.

Usually, it's almost lunch when he wakes up and I didn't bother to disturb him because I know how tired he is from work.

I looked at his way. He is now sitting on the couch, currently massaging his temporals while his eyes were shut.

The wall clock says it's 8:10 in the morning and I wonder why he woke up early too.

"Good morning,dad." I greeted myself in the sweetest way and continued walking.

"Tell me what's good in the morning,Azi?" He asked in a serious tone. "Is it because of this?"

The danger in his voice managed to stop me from walking for the second time.

With a proud beautiful face, I glanced at him. Only to know that his eyes were looking at my direction already.Tiredness was evident in his lazy posture, he must continue taking his rest.

"Care to explain this,Azora?"He was holding the piece of paper I intentionally left on the center table yesterday.

It's a waiver. Maybe that's the reason why he woke up this early in the morning.

I sighed.

Kyoto University will deploy fresh graduate medicine students to the Philippines for a post-graduate internship that will last for almost four months. That is equivalent to one sem in the Philippines.

It was quite long and exciting.

Well, I am excited to witness the beauty of the pearl of orient seas. It's almost 14 years and I couldn't remember the last scene I had before I went here.

The young version of me is dominating, too active for curiosity. Inquiries were popping out of nowhere, testing the knowledge I have and I think I have to be in there because somehow, I knew the Philippines was the answer to all the questions circling in my head.

"You planned to take a post-graduate internship without asking permission? Is that how a doctor should be? Taking action without consent?" He threw the waiver and it slowly landed on the floor.

I blinked my eyes. I sneaked in in the library yesterday and I stamped the waiver with his signature.

Okay,I was about to ask him regarding the internship but I know him very well. I am free to go wherever the country I want except the Philippines. He won't let me step my feet in there.

I heaved a sigh and led the way towards the couch across from him. Dad is frowning. I am afraid his eyebrows might turn into a universal one.

"Dad it's just a training,an internship." I said,trying to convince him that it's totally alright.

"Yeah!Post-graduate training in the Philippines! Are you kidding me,Azora Keon?"

He called me Azora a few minutes ago and now, he just called me Azora Keon. It's a sign of danger and I can see the imaginary fire with electric current coming out from his fierce eyes.

"Dad, I want to experience various kinds of environments. I believe it can help me to upgrade the quality of education I had experience with."

"Azora Keon! Did you hear yourself?" Dad gave me death glare and I can't help but to gulp not just once. " We have the best hospitals and doctors here and you don't have to go abroad to get the quality education because you had it already! All you have to do now is to prove that you are qualified and you deserve to be called a Doctor!"

Dad is always like this whenever I mention our home country. I have watched many vlogs on YouTube wherein the content is about the Philippines. I can say it's really a beautiful country.

A lot of tourist spots with wonderful and hospitable local citizens are already given. The Philippines may be a small country but the beautiful and historical scenery there screams paradise.

Dad didn't care about the tourist spots though. The story behind his separation with mom is unclear but I think that's the reason why he despises the 7,641 islands of the Philippines so much and if only eyes could kill then I am dead by now. It's funny to think that the cause of death is just a death glare.

He's really a badass Doctor.

"That's why I am going abroad to get out from safety nets and prove to you that I am a qualified Doctor not only here in Japan but also to other countries."

"You can get out of the safety nets but don't try to go overboard. No one will save you there,Azora."

"There are dolphins in the ocean,Dad. They can save me from sharks."

Daddy breaks the intensity of his gaze. I can hear his heavy breath from here. He didn't speak and he just stared the waiver he threw.

Did I hit a nerve?

I smile a bit. I'll use the chance to win his favor.

I badly wanted to meet the woman whom I shared with umbilical cords.She's the main reason why I grabbed the rare opportunity of being an intern in another country.Meeting her would be the happiest time in my life for sure and I hope that will happen.

I hope dad will let me.

"Dad, I will never fail you.I promise. Babalik ako.(1)"

I know he understands the last two words I've said.I saw him close his eyes and sigh heavily. He knew I was so eager to meet my mom and he's afraid I might escape from him. He's been thinking that if I found her,I wouldn't be coming back.


"Fine." He cut me off before he stands up.

I shook my head nonchalantly. He's still wearing his medical gown. Due to exhaustion, he wasn't able to go upstairs and sleep in his kingsize bed. He just slept on the couch without even taking up his dinner for sure.

I feel guilty for some reason. Daddy is always on duty and coming home only happens once in a blue moon. Instead of giving him a headache, I must take care of him,right?

"Where are you going dad?" I asked when I noticed he was already walking towards the kitchen.

"Kitchen?" He said, confused. " I will cook for breakfast."

"May I cook instead? Pagod ka. Puyat pa. Baka masunog ang bahay.(2)"

"Don't speak in Filipino, Azora. It's annoying."

"Then why are you speaking the language sometimes?"

Dad is a pure japanese but he understands tagalog and he learned how to speak the language. He also knows how to speak English that's why we're talking in English.

But of course, he won't admit that he's also a filipino by heart. He was cooking filipino dishes and that's solid evidence that he also misses the culture.

"Rest and sleep, Dad. You look like a zombie."I shoo him away.

He didn't protest so I did the cooking and I immediately went upstairs after I cooked. Dad declined his breakfast but I insisted.He needs it. I am glad he ate before he hit the hay.

Father is a well-known Doctor here in Japan and he never commits into a relationship since then. He took the role of being a mother and a father at the same time. He's strict and overprotective especially when it comes to my suitors, you know.

Maybe the saddest feeling of having an overprotective father is the feeling of a prisoner.  I know he's protecting me from all possible dangers but I wanted to find my mom.

I will only rest my case if I find her.



"Babalik ako" : I'll come back.

"Pagod ka. Puyat pa. Baka masunog ang bahay.": You're tired and sleepless. You might burn our house.

Translation may vary but it's still accurate.😁


Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

You may hit the like button, subscribe and follow my account. Kamsahamnida! ☺️


Note: This is a mangatoon version, unedited and raw. It might be different to the Wattpad version but still, it's my original work.


©️Cleasesmarie 2022

Chapter 01


A complete and happy family can turned every simple things into an extraordinary moments.No one would replace the happiness inside of a bright home.Somehow, I felt jealous to other people who has a complete family.

Maybe no one is at fault when I was raised by a single dad--I was raised by a badass doctor who's financially stable.

Material things,  I can get those. Honestly,Dad's financial status was enough to bribe St.Andrew for the internship. He can make things possible through the power of money.

But of course, he won't do that. He never do that. He's a traditional one. He believes success would be sweeter if you work hard for it. That's what I am doing anyway. I  am working hard to get his full trust because I know he still thinks that I would run away if I found mom.

Japanese life isn't boring though. I grew up just like the normal college students out there. I graduated with latin honor next to Haku and still, it didn't level Dad's standard.So, I have to finish the internship with good remarks. Passed the board exam or maybe topped the board.

I kissed away the thoughts and roamed around my eyes. This two-storey house is empty without a family. This is gonna be lifeless without me. I wish Dad wouldn't feel alone and lonely.

Alone and lonely. It hurts me.

I gripped the handle of the pink traveling bag I used. The three idiots were waiting for me outside and I must stop the dramatic exit so I could leave this house with peace of mind.

"Hey!Hideaki called me. I mean Doctor Hiroshi Hideaki called me." I informed the three: Kiaria, Hikaru and Kohaku.

A sweet smile drew on Kiaria's face upon seeing me. She is wearing a beautiful dress that highlights her white skin. Her round face, short hair and bangs was perfectly matched in her round and yet squinty eyes.

She's gorgeous and she's my cousin by the way.

While Doctor Hiroshi Hideaki is a professor at Kyoto University. He's the president and the head of general surgeons in Kyoto Medical Hospital. Doctor Hideaki will be sending us to the Philippines for one-term post graduate training at St. Andrew Memorial Hospital.

"What did he say?" Haku asked, he's my childhood sweetheart.

For your information,Haku is related to Dr. Hiroshi Hideaki.

I gazed at him. "He said we have to travel on our own."

"Why didn't he tell me that?"

Haku's handsome face is fascinating. I feel a bit dazed while looking at him. Still, Haku has an effect on me. Maybe because we're ex-lovers? Yes, we're ex-couples. Our relationship didn't work because our dad was against it. So we stayed as best friends.

I shrugged and Karu's loud voice dominated. "You mean the said Doctor from the Philippines won't fetch us?"

Hikaru is a distant friend of mine since I was in highschool. Our closeness started when we both entered Kyoto University. Hikaru has a mouth full of talk and he's a kind of Mr. Congeniality.He's also good looking with his long and messy hair.

"That's what Dr. Hideaki said."

"Why? What happened?" Haku  snorted, disappointment is written on his face.

"Emergency?" I shrugged for the second time.

The president of Saint Andrew Memorial Hospital sent us a guide--someone who will pick us up but unfortunately, the doctor has something to deal with. Meaning, we're not their priority.

"So, how can we travel without a guide then?" Karu asked.

"You can tour us, Azi." Aria winked and I almost  dropped my jaw.

Aria knows that filipino blood is running through my veins. Haku and Karu know that too but seriously, she's not disappointed nor afraid of our trip?

While me? I am nervous and a bit disappointed. I lived in the Philippines before but it's like it was my first time to be there since it was a long time ago.

"Right, you'll be our tour guide." Haku agreed as he snaked his arm around my shoulder.

"It's almost 14 years since I got there. I like one direction but I'm not good at directions. One direction is all I could see." I said with a wide smile."We might lose."

"You're so corny."

Haku pinched the cute nose I have. I checked it quickly 'cause it hurts a little. It feels like he broke the septum of my precious nose.

I glared at him and he laughed at my reaction.

Haku stopped laughing when Aria pulled him away from me and she settled herself beside me. Karu is in silent mode while watching us. He'll probably share his thoughts later on.

"I know you can still remember everything, Azi. You have a photographic memory, remember?" Aria protested.

That's what they believed but I am not convinced. And I hated myself for not remembering anything that happened in the Philippines. I can't even think of what mom would look like.

Disappointment is now painted on my face.

"I can't tour you, guys. Aside from Google Maps, we also need a guide,a human guide.This trip is not a joke."

"'s not really a joke. It's a requirement for taking the licensure examination." Haku argued.

"I know that. But the surgeon ditched us. So, what are we gonna do now?"

"I know the surgeon didn't do it on purpose."Karu snapped."We're already adults and we have to travel on our own like Dr. Hideaki said. You know, traveling is just a piece of cake. "

"Is the surgeon a friend of yours? Why are you suddenly at his side, huh?" Aria fought back and the war between Karu and her just started.

I rolled my eyes at them.

Haku helped me carry my luggage. He's doing it as a friend but I can't stop admiring him. How can I stop it anyway? He's intelligent,handsome and a gentleman. With his simple gesture, he can make girls drool.

I am drooling now,I guess. I'm one of the girls.

"Come on guys! We might miss our flight."he said and things went fine.


"Do you wanna go to the comfort room." Aria whispered then she poked my elbow.

Aside from Aria who's stealing the chance to rest in a state of sleep, there's a couple from the other side of the plane, arguing about something. They are fighting like they're the only people here and it causes an abrasive situation.

Flight attendants should at least assist or warn those couples so we could take our peaceful nap.

"Nope. I want to snooze." I answered lazily.


Aria stood up and motioned her head in the right direction. I think she was asking for permission and I just nod at her to send her away.

When she finally took her way to the lavatory, I put the earphones in my ears before I rested my head on the head rest and closed my eyes.

I will take a brief sleep even if it's hard for me to achieve it in this airplane.

After several minutes, someone poked my right cheek in a very nice way. What a timing huh?

"Kohaku?" I uttered when I opened my eyes.

I gazed on the chair where he was sitting and he's not in there.Haku is here in front of me for real and the annoyance that was devouring my whole body just faded away.

No doubt.I'm still affected by his presence.

"Haku, what are you--"

"Come with me!" he almost shouts.

Haku pulled me up causing the gadget and earphones to fall on Aria's chair.

What the ****!Why on earth is he taking me?

Despite the questions in my mind, I hurriedly walked. Nevermind the people in the aisle because we're in a rush and guess what, we reached Aria's place before I knew it. I just found myself standing in front of her.

"Hey! What's wrong?" I finally asked Aria. I am calm. Of course, I shouldn't be panicking.

"Where's Hikaru?" Aria asked too.

I arched my eyebrows. It was me who's in front of her and she's looking for someone else?

How dare you cousin!

"Kare wa nete imasu. Nani ga oki teru?(1)".I snorted in Japanese.

A tremor rose in my chest as Haku approached a cubicle with the other passengers while Aria stood next to me. She seems worried and scared, I guess.

Aria pointed out the first cubicle where Haku's currently standing."There's a person inside that cubicle."


"I think that person needs help. We have to open the door."

"Can't that person open the door?"

"Azi, he was trapped and wasn't able to open the door by himself." She held my hands. "Azi, we need you here." She said using a sweet tone.

"What kind of help do you need from me? Can't the guys here do that?"


I averted my eyes and glanced at the cubicle she pointed at earlier. It seems that someone prompted me to come closer so I walked towards that place, leaving Aria's frustrated expression.

Haku and the other passengers moved away, giving me a space in front of the cubicle. My eyes widened when I heard a woman's struggling voice.

"Kiita koto ga arimasu ka?(2)" Haku asked in a worried tone because of my expression."Azi..."

I motioned my hand, informing him to be quiet so I could figure out if my assumptions were true.

Haku's watching me and I feel a bit nervous but the stares of the people gives me a kind of distraction and I prevent myself from gazing at them.

I am not into crowds. Strangers make me uneasy and uncomfortable especially if I am at the center of attraction. I am afraid of criticism and a judgmental look.

After confirming that my suspicion was correct, I turned to Haku and Aria who were looking at me intently.

Seriously huh? They don't have to look at me using the legendary hawk eyes.

"Kyūbikuru no naka ni josei ga ite, watashi wa. Kanojo wa itami ga aru to omou. (3)" I said while I'm still in position.

Haku and Aria's eyes widened at what I have said. I'm not the best Doctor but I'm sure about it. A woman is in the cubicle, struggling and hurting.

"Are you sure?" Aria asked me and I noded as an answer.

"Aria!Hikari ni itte,-me o samashite kudasai. Kare no enjo ga hitsuyōdesu.(4)"

Aria pressed her chest. She's clueless like Kohaku. I know it's hard to believe but I'm really sure that there's a woman inside that fucking cubicle. My Instinct never fails.

" But how did you know that---"

"Haku please...just trust me okay." I cut him off as I stand in firm."Oh wait!Did you not trust me until now? I'm a little hurt."

"Come on,Azi! I do trust you."


Haku sighed and then nodded so I turned back to my cousin who was staring at us like an idiot.

"Aria! Please go to Hikaru."

"Uh, okay."

Aria left while Haku came to me, he looked me in the eye before bringing his right ear to the cubicle door. He pressed his palms against his face as if he was listening carefully.

I imitated Haku's position, but I put my left ear to the door, facing him. He immediately looked away. We are now listening in silence while looking in different directions.

In Japanese culture, staring is considered rude that's why we didn't attempt to stare at each other.And it's kinda awkward whenever we are close together.

My heart beat faster when he suddenly brought his face closer to mine. I slightly moved my head back so we could have enough distance from each other.

He used to do that even if it's in public. I know we're best friends but it's not right for me.

"How did you know that a woman is here?" He pointed at the door.

I closed my eyes and felt his warm breath. His good scent still hasn't changed.

"Azi...I'm asking you." He nagged which made me open my eyes but I closed it again when the warm air coming from his mouth touched my skin.

"Azi..."he warned, I could sense his seriousness that's why I stand straight.

"Haku...I don't have time to explain. Let's just do our best to open this damn door." I replied calmly as I gazed at the door.


Haku straightened his stance as well. He clapped his both hands in the air as if he was removing dust. He's quite sensitive when it comes to things like this.

Well, that's Kohaku Hideaki. But I don't really know if he's sensitive or he was just conscious about cleanliness.

Uh! Nevermind.

We tried to open the door but we still couldn't open it. Haku and I tried to open it again a few times but nothing has changed. This is getting a little annoying.

"Azi that's enough." He stopped me when I was about to try my luck."Let's just wait for help."

I blinked at what he said and was a little annoyed. "Wait for help? Haku, we're a doctor and we don't wait for help. We're the ones who help."

"I know. I guess you misunderstood what I mean."he defended.

"Alright! I don't want to argue." I just sighed and didn't say a word again.

I have to admit, I didn't really like what he said but I don't want Haku and I to fight just because of that. It's not the right time to be insensitive.

"Let's just talk to the woman." I suddenly suggested and he frowned.

Haku is really handsome even if he frowns.There are men who are really handsome no matter what expression their face has.

But what is the problem with this man? He was looking at me like I did something wrong.

"Nani?" I glared at him.

"I..I am not fluent in english as you are, Azi."he pouted.


I felt all my annoyance fly into the air because of the deliciousness of his lips. It was too adorable to resist. I have tasted it before and I want to have it again.

Wait! What am I thinking?

I rolled my eyes on that thought but I saw his wide smile while gazing at me. I focused my attention on the cubicle door to hide my hot cheeks.

"Miss? Are you okay right there?" I asked the woman.

I took a few seconds before she was able to deliver her answer."No...I can't...I can't stand up."

See? I am correct. There's a woman inside of the cubicle.

"Okay, please relax and please know that we will do our best to save you." I said in a calm way but she suddenly burst out in tears.

Haku's mouth fell open and he looked at me evilly. He seemed frustrated by the woman crying but I just rolled my eyes at him.

"What?I didn't do anything."

"You made her cry Azi."

What's wrong with him?His tone sounds accusing and I must protest but before I manage to speak,Haku and I both turned to the source of the two voices echoed in the whole place.

It came from Karu and Aria which were both fast approaching,they were holding our medical kits. I raised my eyebrows because I didn't tell Aria to get my kit.

"Why did you bring my kit?"

Aria's painting but I want to know why she brought it. She looked at Karu like he had the answer but Haku replied.

"I asked for it Azi. Just in case we need it."

"For what?"

"Emergency. Right?"

I was in daze, a bit confused when the flight attendants arrived.

"What's going on?" The flight attendant number one asked Haku.

"Are you okay sir?" The flight attendant number 2 asked.

Oh fool! He is not the victim. We're about to have a heart attack here and then they've even managed to flirt.

"No! I mean I'm fine. I am not the victim."Haku shyly answered.

"Oh! I'm sorry sir!" She touched Haku's biceps and that made me gasped irritatedly."Where's the victim sir?"

She's still touching Haku and she was so close. If it's a teleseries, I won't watch it.

You see guys, they're flirting with my Kohaku and I wanna kick their big fat *** right now!

I cleared my throats to break the moment between the three of them but Haku spoke so I was the one who had been kicked out of the picture.

The two flight attendants approached the cubicle and opened the door where the woman was trapped. After opening the door, we saw the woman lying next to the bowl.

I'm right!

The woman is in pain. Her left leg was bent while the right one was in a straight position. Her lower clothes were stained by blood.

She was crying while holding her stomach so we were all even more surprised because she was pregnant and it looked looked like she was about to give birth.

Adrenaline  rush attack!

I immediately approached the woman and caressed her belly. I don't care if that makes me rude. The most important thing to do as of the moment is to make sure that this pregnant woman is safe.

"Haku! Hikaru! Aria! What are you doing there?" I snorted.

They seem to have come to their senses and entered in a panic. Haku fell at the patient's feet. Hikaru and Aria were in the upper part while the flight attendants were just in the doorway because it was already crowded inside. It can't accommodate us since the lavatory was too small.

"H--help me.." the woman uttered and held my arm as she closed her eyes and cried silently.

"Hush...don't worry about it. We'll help you. We'll save you and your baby." I said confidently and she nodded at me.

"Haku...we should transfer her to a finier and wider place."I suggested, it's more on yell because I'm panicking and I should relax, right?

I motioned my head,informing Aria to come out and she did it. I was about to help Haku from lifting the pregnant woman when Karu went ahead of me.

I just pulled myself up and went out first to give way to them. The two men who were watching also helped with the lifting and when they got the woman out of the bathroom a man suddenly stopped us.


Yayyy! Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it!

You may hit the like button, vote and subscribe. You may also follow my account. It will motivate me to write more.

Thank you so much. ☺️



(1) "Kare wa nete imasu. Nani ga oki teru?" : He's sleeping. What's going on here?

(2)"Kiita koto ga arimasu ka?": Did you hear something?

(3) "Kyūbikuru no naka ni josei ga ite, watashi wa. Kanojo wa itami ga aru to omou." : There's a woman inside the cubicle and I think she's in pain.

(4)"Aria!Hikari ni itte,-me o samashite kudasai. Kare no enjo ga hitsuyōdesu.":Aria! Please go to Hikaru and wake him up. We need his assistance.


Note: This is a mangatoon version, unedited and raw. The Wattpad version might be different but it's still my original work.

©️ Cleasesmarie 2022

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