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"Heroes Of Different Worlds" • Kuma Kuma Bear X Tensura

Prologue: Even Bears Go to Another World

In the town of Millela a Girl can be seen Standing in a Clift Fighting a Giant squid or In this world known as a Kraken she wore a Black Bear outfit witch look Out of Place in every once perspective She had A Reddish pink eyes with dark green hair that reaches down to her waist.

She is constantly Firing Magic powerful than the average Fire ball her fire magic had a shape of a bear on it

"If I know that this will cost a lot of mana I should have Change on my White Bear I'm a maiden I can't strip in the middle of a battle"

After a few hours The Sun is starting to Set on the Horizon the girls magic Had stop and the Kraken that the Girl had been fighting had die due to the Heat of the water around it.

"The hot pot strategy is a success"the girl said While collapsing on her back

"YUNA"the girl who is standing A few meters aways from her run toward Yuna who had collapse from Mana exhaustion

"Ahh she's just sleeping.. everything she do was so energetic but when she sleep she's like a normal Girl"She carry the sleeping Yuna back to the town

After a few days Yuna woke up from her sleep

"Ahhh Yuna your awake!"

"Atla-san how long have I been a sleep?"Yuna ask The girl named Atla She is the Guild master in the Town of Millela and she is also the one who carry Yuna back to the Town

"You've been sleeping for two days you know!"she said

"Ehh for real I've been a sleep for that long?"

"You are!,every one in town Are worried about you! But now that you are awake you should be ready"Atla said to Yuna with a grain in her face

"Why?what should I be ready for?"she ask

"Well you should be ready to greet every one You are the Savior of this town after all"


*Time skip*

A festival had been held as a sign of thanks to Yuna who sake the Town from the Kraken.

"Yuna-san here an extra bowl of rice for you"said by the girl who's in around 14-16 year of age

"Ohhhh I been waiting to taste this"Yuna Continue to Eat her fresh cooked sea foods

"Haha I see that you are enjoying you're self Yuna"Atla walk to Yuna's side


"Yuna I have a favour to ask"

"What might that be"Yuna ask

~Yuna's Pov~

Atla-san ask me To Deliver a Letter to Cliff Foschurose he is the Lord of the Town City Called Crimonia the city next to the town of Millela. The only thing that's separating the two place is A Huge Mountain that is impossible to climb

Lucky for me I have my op Bear Equipment that I'm thankful for without this Bear equipment I would have died Due to cold when I first climb the mountain.

"Uhh I don't want to Climb the mountains again......ahhhhh I have an Idea let's Dig a tunnel that will connect the two place If I can dig a tunnel I can Get Ans-san to work at my shop so I can eat Japanese food in Crimonia yoshhh let's get started"

*Time skip*

~3rd pov~

After Yuna dug a Tunnel that connect the town Of Millela and the City of Crimonia Cliff the town of Millela are now Under the Protection of Crimonia and now part of Triform Kingdom

Now we see Yuna Walking around the City of Crimonia

"Ahh Yuna Onee chan"a girl Called out to her

"Ahh Fina whare are you going today?"Yuna ask the girl named Fina

"Ahh I'm just Taking a stroll around the city! What about you Yuna Onee chan"

"Ahh I'm just looking around and I'm planning to go to the Royal capital later to Visit Princess Flora"

"Then Yuna Onee chan be careful there ok I know your strong but Still be careful alright"

"alright I'll see you later Fina Say hi to Shuri for me ok"

"Ok Yuna onne-chan"

After Yuna said her Goodbye to Fina,Yuna Walks toward her house she open a Bear door that is connected to The Royal capital Using Magic

After Yuna visit Princess Flora Yuna headed toward her bear house in the capital to go back home in Crimonia

She open up her Bear portal and about to enter but


A huge explosion happen in the Royal Capital

~Yuna's POV~

"Ahh what happened why is it so dark?"

I tried to move but I feel pain In all over my body

"Aww it hurts"


"What is that voice? Wait whare am I All I can remember is I walk in the bear gate and my Vision Got black why is it so cold?"



"What skill what is that is that the same as my Bear equipment skills?"


"Unique Skill Bear?"



"What is that"



After a few minutes I manage to open my eyes

"Whare am I?"I look around and Saw nothing but a Huge forest

"Whare is this place?"

I look behind me a saw my bear gate I tried to open it but I can't what happened

"Let's see my status"I tried to open my status but I also can't

"What happened?where am I?"

[Report:You are currently in the North side of The Jura Forest]

"Wha....who was that?"

[Answer:I'm your Unique Skill Great sage]

"what since when did I get that skill?"

[Answer:The Voice of the world had Gifted The individual Yuna The Unique Skill Great sage]

"Voice of the World?Any way can I see my status Great Sage?

[Displaying status Success]


NAME: Yuna

Age: 16

Race: Human

Gender: Famale



Black and White Bear Dress(Effect:None)

Black Bear's Glove(Effect:None)

Black Bear's Shoe(Effect:None)

White Bear's Shoe(Effect:None)

Bear Underwear(Effect:None)

Unique Skills:

Great Sage,Bear

Extra skill:

Perfect memory


Pain Resistance,Elemental Resistance


Elemental magic,Bear Magic

---------Status End--------

"Wow why did my equipment lost it's abilities"

[Answer:the Voice of the World Had Remove all of the effect of masters equipment due to the equipment didn't belong to this world]

"To this World What do you mean by that?"

[Answer in short Master Had died and got reincarnated here in This world]

"Then why does I still had my equipment with me and Wait I die?when?how?"

[Analysis suggest that master Die during the Transfer Using The Bear Portal Therefore When Master enter the portal all of masters Equipment got drag in Space transfer in this world]

"No then I will not be able to see them again Fina,Shuri,Terumina-san,Atla-san everyone in my world no no no no this is not happening"

After I cry for an hour I strength my self and ask great sage

"Hey Great Sage does Magic exists here"


"Then is there any Magic related to Space or something?"

[Answer:Not Found]

"What do you mean by that"

[Answer: Higher Administrator Is interfering in accessing Information about Spatial magic]

"Any way let's talk about that later is thare any nearby town or city here?"

[Report:There's a City Called Rimuru Just up ahead]

"City?Rimuru? Is this a country by chance?"

[Answer:Rimuru is the name of the Capital of The Jura Tempest Federation]

"Jura Tempest Federation I never heard of that, well let's get to this country for now and hope to find a way to Return to my world"


Unknown to Yuna someone is watching her From afar a certain man with Dark blue hair and dark skin the man had One Horn in his forehead,The is watching her from afar ever since he detected an space Anomaly.

"Rimuru sama I had found the place whare Space anomaly Had been detected and i spotted an girl Wearing some short of wearied animal outfit"

"Understood Souei Can you Bring her to me?"

"It's an Easy Task Rimuru sama"

"Good I'll be waiting at my office"


The man then proceed to take our little bear to the Strongest being the the Universe.


Ahh so guy this is a new fan fiction I'm experimenting And I will be Changing a lot of Things in this Fan fiction for example Yuna's Age How her Equipment looks like and more.

Ch 1:The Bear meets The Slime

(......) Thinking

[......] Ciel and Great Sage Talking

"....." Speaking


~Rimuru's Pov~

It's been 5 years since the Great Tenma War The World is now at peace, Rebuilding are still on going since the damage was too large.

After the defeat of Velda and The World destroying dragon Multiple Walpurgis had been held To Discuss about The Fantom King Feldway that Manage to escape.

*A/N:Yes in this AU Feldway manage to Escape And Dagruel dint betrayed the Octagram*

The Octagram search for him or any trace that He might left behind but we found none.

And now I'm in my office doing my Paperwork until

[Master I have detected an Space Anomaly in the northern Part on The forest]

(Is it a Danger Ciel-san?)

[It is not a Danger master But It seems that it's some short of a Portal]


"You call Rimuru sama"

"I want you to go to the northern part of the forest I have detected an space Anomaly report to me what you have found"

"I will investigate at one Rimuru sama"Souei then instantly disappear

"Wait if that's a portal then there's might be someone Coming out of it right"

[Yes there seems to be a calamity level individual that had come out of the Portal]

"Calamity huh that's the first time. I hope it's not one of those guys that try to Conquer this planet and further more how did they Breach the Barrier?"

Yes after the war multiple People from the difference world manage to enter the Cardinal world and declaring that they will conquer the planet but they are too weak and got defeated in an instant.

After those incident Rimuru Ask Ciel to Create a Barrier that will prevent spatial magic that the trespassers from another planet use to enter this planet.

After 30minutes Souei Gives a report on the individual that sims to be a girl wearing a weird animal outfit.I ask him to Bring Her to me.

~3rd Pov~

After walking for a few Minutes Yuna reach a Road That are well maintained

"Wow This road are like the once in Japan but better "

She keep walking on the road until she saw a Group of Hobgoblin raiding a Huge wolf

Seeing those Yuna immediately Took a battle stance but the Group just wave at her and approach her

"Hello I haven't seen you around here are you new here?"

(wait We can understand each other?)

[Answer:It is because of the sub skill All Language compression of the Unique Skill Great Sage]

(ahh so that's why')

"Ahh yess I'm new here"

"Then I'll have to tell you about the rules our nation"

After a 15minutes The hobgoblin finished stating all the rules and went back on Patrolling

"They didn't even Care about my Appearance is bear outfit common here?"

Before Yuna can short out her thoughts a man With Dark blue hair,dark skin and had a single horn on his forehead appears behind him.

"Apologize miss but I have been sent to take you to our master"

"Master?"Yuna ask

"Yes our master The King of Jura

Tempest Federation"the man said Leaving Yuna shock

~Yuna's Pov~

"Yes our master The King of Jura Tempest Federation"

"W.w.what I dint do anything"I dint do anything what Did I do for the leader of this nation that cought his interest

(Wait don't tell me he want a slave no this is not the my world maybe I did something)see me panicking the man spoke up.

"Don't worry miss.."

"Yuna"I introduce my name

"Don't Worry miss Yuna Our leader only wants to talk to you"

"Then will you guide me to your leader"

"Then follow me"

(This is bad I want to run away but my sense is telling me that if I run I'm dead)

(Hey Great Sage if I Fight this guy will I win?)

[Answer:The individual in front of master is five times stronger that the Current master so Wining is impossible]

(Heee his five time stronger than me!,hey Great Sage Use appraisal on him)

[Report:Status Error the individual is blocking the use of appraisal]

"ehh"I had to apologize to him since he knew that I'm trying to appraise him

"Ummm So..sorry"I said to the man

"Don't worry Miss Yuna It common for people to use Appraisal on someone"

After that we continue to walk Toward the city, what Suprise me is the size of it it much bigger than the royal Capital back in my world.

And once we enter I can see All short of Food and a Japanese stayle building

(Ohhhhhh there's a Ramen shop there) I better go there later at all cost

After a while of walking I saw many Race that dint exist back in my world And I saw that his city is full of smile that indicates that the leader of this nation is a good guy but i also saw a few damage build while walking

"Umm mister..."

"Souei no Need for formality"he said his name to me

"Ahh So I noticed a few damage building why is that?"

"Ahh those Damage are Due to the Great war that Happen 5 years ago"

(Great war what is that?)

[Answer:the Great war is a battle between the Angles and The Race on this planet that happen every 500 year]

"I see I see"

"Miss Yuna we had Arive"


After arriving at a white Castle Bigger than the royal caster back in my world and it's much more beautiful than any Building that I have seen so far

*A/N:Yup Rimuru build a Castle Since In this AU Rimuru accept the love of The Girls yes Girls but I will not state who they are*

After Entering I was lead to a reception room that had multiple furniture that looks expensive

I was told to wait here and a Maid enter and bring me a slice of cake and a tea witch I enjoy eating.

"I wish I could eat this back in my world"

"Well you could eat as much as you can"

I heard a voice in the door and saw a Person that had a Silver-bluish hair, Golden eyes that can see almost anything she had A beautiful face

"Nice to Meet you I'm Rimuru Tempest I'm not a bad Slime"


~Rimuru's Pov~


(Huh did she actually get that joke)

I walk toward her an sit on the sofa Opposite to her

"Let's start with an introduction, once again I'm Rimuru Tempest the King of this nation"I extend my hand offering a hand shake

"Ahh I'm Yuna nice to meet you your highness"she grab my hand and give me a hand shake

"Ahh no need for formality I can see that you are having trouble"I said while giving her a smile I look to her and she is a bit red

"Ahh then if that alright"she then get back to her sit

"Let's Get to the point alright"she then nood at my words

"Are you a Japanese?"I ask her, she just look at me in the eye and look at me with shock

"Yes I am And by your joke earlier your also a Japanese?"she ask me with stars in her eyes

"Yes I am but I'm a bit different"

"Different what do you mean by that?"

"Well I'm one of those reincarnator"

"Does that mean you died in earth"

"Yah I died there and Got Reincarnated as a slime here"I change my self in my slime form To show here witch shock her I transform back to my Human form after

"Wow I dint know slimes can do that"

"Well I'm a bit spacial,well can you Talk About your self and the world you came from,from what I can see you Died there and Reincarnated here"

After that she told me what happened to her and she want to find a way to Return back to her world.

"Well I can help you to return back to your world but it will take some time So I need you to stay in my country for now since I can't let a walking calamity like you roam around unattended"

"Wait what do you mean Calamity?"she ask with a big question mark in her head

"Ahh it's how we rank an individual base on their Magicule amount on you world Magicule is equal to Mana I think"

"I see I can stay her but I don't had any place to go and I don't have any money with me"

"Ahh don't work about that you can stay here in the castle and I'll provide you with your need while you are her, I'll take a look about the bear gate that you spoke and try to find the location of your previous world"

"Thank you so much"

"By the way are going to go around waring those Bear outfit? Judging from it that's an equipment that lost it's abilities"

"Ahh well I don't have any clothes with me"

"I'll ask someone to make a new clothes for you and if you want I can try to restore some of the faction of that equipment for you"

"Really!!!then please do"she jump in front of me

After that I Ask The Goblin Maid that works for the castle To show her to the guest Room and I also ask Shuna to make a new Clothes for her


(Say Ciel how come she is that strong when she's just a human)

[Master She sims to have two hero Eggs within her self]

(Wait two does that mean when she awaken she will be as strong as Chloe?)

[She will be stronger that the newly awakened Demon Lord but not as strong as Chloe Since her hero egg are given to her by a God She wont be able to be as strong as Chloe who obtain a hero egg by hard work]

(I see have you find anything else?)

[Yes Her equipment sims to lose its ability due to the Voice of the World removing a substance that dint belong to this world.Further research is needed to determine what substance it is]

(Alright then can we do something about her returning to her world?)

[We need some short of Iteams or trace of magic that belongs to the world she came from to find the exact location of the planet]

(If that the case let's see tht bear gate she talks about)

I teleported to the northern part of the Forest an there i Found a gate that had Bear design on it I then use Azathoth to absorb the Gate

(Ciel analyze this please)

[Analysis complete it sims that this game is power by magic that connect two different places and it sims that there a remnant of Magic power that belongs to this world that Damage this Gate]

(What you mean that there's someone from that world the Originated from here?)


(Then can you Find the Coordinates of Yuna's world Using this Gate)

[Yes but it will take a few Months to analyze it]


If Ciel said that there's someone from that world that Came from here then it might be him but what is he doing in that world if what Yuna Said is true then what's the point on going to the world.

Ch 2: Training And Food Enjoyment

~Yuna's Pov~

It's been 3days Since I Come to this world or more specifically Reincarnated to this world Rimuru-san Help me a lot.

Currently I'm heading towards the Training grounds in tempest since I've been taking a sword Lesson with Hakuro -san. how did I end up Training with Hakuro-san? Well it goes like this

*Flash Back*

After I left The room with the maid. I was Shown the room that I will be using And to my suprises it too big for a single person everything had been prepared for me there's even a sets of clothes in the closet

"Well I better take off this Bear outfit for now since It lost it's effect and I need to give it to Rimuru-san later for him to fix it"

I then take off my Bear outfit and put on a White Dress that in the closet and I had to say It's So comfortable to ware.

After I finish changing my Clothes I head out of the room I also ask The maid that guide me to my room if there's a place whare I can practice New Skills and she said that I can Use the training grounds on The East Side of the castle.

On my way there I saw Rimuru-san who is Carrying a Katana That Emit Purple aura But I only manage to see it Because of Great Sage.

(Hey Great Sage what Kind of sword is that?)

[Answer:it is a Legendary Sword]

(Wow that's a Legendary Sword no wonder it had that kind of Aura Around it)

While I was look at Rimuru-san sword he Notice me and walks toward me.

"Heyy Yuna Whare are you Going?"he ask me

"Ahh I was planning on going to the Training grounds to try The skills that I aquired"

"Ohh what a coincidence I was also going to the training ground to Do my Daily Training, want to go there with me?"he ask

"Then I'll be tagging along"

"Great let's get moving"he said while giving me a smile

"Seriously that smile should be illegal"I said to my self

"Hmm did you say something?"

"Ahh no it's nothing"I said

After we Arive at the training ground we saw Multiple people and Monster training

What cought my attention is a White hair old man with Two Horns on his head who are fight Multiple Hobgoblin all at once.

After he Defeated those Hobgoblin he notice Us And walks towards us

"Rimuru-sama It's nice to see you here again I hope that you are ready for your lesson"

After he spoke that I can see Rimuru-san body Twitch and a few Sweet can be seen on his forehead.after that Rimuru-san introduce me to the old man.

{A/N:don't ask me how does Rimuru Sweet if his a slime Well let's just say that it's a figure of speech}

"Ahh by the way This Is Yuna she will be staying here for a few months dude to some circumstances, and Yuna This is my Sword Instructor Hakuro"

"Nice to meet you Yuna-sama"Hakuro said in a polite manner

"It's nice to meat you to Hakuro-sama"

"Ahh there's no need for formality, Yuna-sama is a Guest of Rimuru-sama after all"

After that Hakuro-san and Rimuru-san stand in The middle of the Training ground all of the People In the Training ground stop on what they are doing to make way for The two.

"I wonder why they stop?"I ask to my self and in the very next moment Rimuru-san and Hakuro-san move in a speed that I had trouble Catching up with my eyes

"How Powerful are they? And how can Hakuro-san move like that his an old man right?"

[Answer:The individual Hakuro is a Fair Oni a Spiritual being that had an Long life span or can even be called an immortal]

(I see)

I thought that I was strong back in my world but I'm nothing compared to the monster Here After a few minutes The Match end With Rimuru-san Wining in a slight margin.

The two then Walk back to whare I'm standing

"It's nice to manage to be able to win again you Hakuro while using only my sword technique"said by Rimuru-san

"Wait you've been holding back all along Rimuru-san?" I ask him

"Yes I Am it's not a sword match if I use Any magic or my skills right"He said

It got me shock that his been holding back all along

"Would you like to learn Swordsmanship too Yuna-sama?"Hakuro-san ask me

I agree and the we spar with each others and He said that I'm Better than Rimuru-san when he first started training his swordsmanship skills but It all ended with my lost

"You had a good Potential Yuna-sama you certainly know how to use a sword but you're movement still needs improvement"

*Flash back end*

After that I keep on Training with Hakuro San together with Rimuru San I also Give my bear equipment to Rimuru San to Restore it's function.

And after our Training both of us eat to the cafeteria

"I wonder what's on the menu today"Rimuru said

"I hope there's Ramen today"

"You certainly love japanese foods are you?"Rimuru said

"Well I haven't eaten japanese foods ever since I came to my previous world and I've been craving for more japanese foods ever since"


~Rimuru's Pov~

Today Yuna and me are Going to the Cafeteria to Eat after our Training with Hakuro in the past few days I manage to Lear a few things about Yuna.

She is a cheerful girl, Caring and she also had some similarities To Me but what suprises me is her Growth It's only been Two days but she manage to Learn Sword technique that will Take A few months for a normal people to learn.

But her loved for Japanese foods Are The first thing that I know about her I mean on the day she Arive she immediately goes to a Ramen shop that she saw when she entered the City

"Ohh Rimuru-san Ramen is on the menu today"

"Ohh good for you?"

She immediately ordered a Tonkotsu ramen With gyoza and rice to go with the ramen while I ordered the Fried Tempura.

After we got our order we went to an empty seat And started eating.both of us had the same Look on our Face While eating

""ITS SO GOOD"" both of us Said at the same time with stars on our Eyes


Back in Yuna's world The entire Royal Capital had been in chaos,Ellelaura a closet aid of the king and also friend of Yuna are still On shock unable to comprehend what had happen she had happen for them all they saw was a Pilar of light and followed by an explosion.

She already sent an investigation team on the area and she found out that Yuna's place had been The Center of the magic Exposition.

After she had learn that she formed a Search team to find Yuna But she can't be found the same is happening in the City of Crimonia whare Cliff Also form a Search Team to Find Yuna Only to be meat with the same results.

"Ellelaura-sama we had been searching the entire kingdom For two days but we still can't find her,if I might say She might be got cought up with That magic explosion"

"Are you saying the she's dead?"Ellelaura Yells at the Investigator

"Well based on what we gather so far many people said the they saw the Bear missy walking toward her house before the explosion happen"

Ellelaura still can believe what she just heard but it might also be a possibility She the proceed to report to the King

While Fina and the others are still worry about Yuna.

Unknow to them They are being watch by Two individual

"My Lord We had Killed that Hero what are our next move?"

"We will wait for now I still don't have my Full powers But once I've recover we can use The guardian beast of this world To Attack the Cardinal world"

"What about the Gods of this world"

"Well leave them for now but Once our plan is ready will Take their power and Kill them"

The two then Slowly disappear and no trace can be seen left behind.


So if you guys are wondering what are the Guardian best here let me say that it's Just the sealed Beast from The Kuma Kuma Bear Web Novel like the Hydra and Targui a giant turtle and I'll also add some New Monster for the story.

Another notice is that I will be delaying some of the Chapter from my other Fan fiction book because of So Issues Regarding my Computer.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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