NovelToon NovelToon

A Different Future

Goku's arrival

Goku opened his eyes as soon as he crashed to the ground on an unknown planet,

he could hear some gibberish alien language being spoken.

he looked up seeing pink aliens hovering over him but became spooked when Goku moved and jumped an inch away from him.

Goku was in pain but managed to smile,"a little help here" Goku asked the aliens.

carefully they came to his side again returning the smile happily. They could feel that this strangers heart is pure and decided to help him until he's fit enough to return home.

The people of yardrat are so friendly and we're amazed with Gokus monstrous appetite,

they gave him their robe to wear and wanted to teach him a teqnique that will give him the opportunity to travel back to his planet to tell his family he's alright since his ship is beyond repair,but it takes 2 years to master.


After spending less than a year on the planet Yardrat the sky started to darken,Goku looked up alarmed and could hear the roar of porunga,

"The one who is called son Goku must return to Earth"

"What? No I haven't perfected the instant transmission yet" Goku said trying to protest but the wish has been made,he had to go.

Goku looked at his hands that started to glow,

"Goku wait!" The Yardrats pleaded disheartened, "Please don't go"

"There is nothing I can do" my friends are calling me home" Goku said.

his new allies surrounded him and formed a group hug,mourning that he had to go so soon,

"Don't be saddened friends,we might meet again, Visit me on the planet that is called Earth" Goku said and a white sparkling light surrounded him and faded from then planet.

They looked up at the sky, "Goku! They all called out to him.

"Please come back soon." They all had this hope that maybe if they find the exact location of Earth they'll see him again.


Goku had to get used to the atmosphere again and when he looked around he could hear everyone cheer, It was such a delight seeing Gohan again. Krillin was among the living as well,Thanks to him he has defeated Freeza.

"Goku-sa!" Chi-Chi ran up to him,she had missed him so much.

Goku smiled as Chi-Chi glomped him crying into his shoulder,

"I'm back babe," Goku said rubbing her tears away.

"Yes" It felt like we were centuries apart,I'm so thrilled that you are alive" Chi-Chi said.

Gokus comrades all patted his shoulder,and Gohan jumped Goku.

He caught his son in reflex, "wow hey there little man" Goku said retuning the affection.

"I missed you too" Goku said cradling. "I missed all of you,"

Laying foot on the Earth again is like he's being embraced by her as her lost son.

this is his home that will always be in his heart.

"Welcome home buddy" all of them said.

A burdened heart

Within 2 years after Goku's return a new deadly virus spreadded Ginger town and within 3 months a whole epidemic broke out.

People were dying even more than any desire breakout in history.

The Z gang started hearing about it and remained clear from the population.

Goku and Gohan asked If Bulma and Vegeta wanted to temporarily move in with them since the virus hasn't spread to Mount Paozu.

Bulma has been working around the clock,dripping a serum into a bottle carefully,There have been reports that many people are succumbing to this strange rare disease.

shes been living with them for a while but days seemed like minutes to her.

The other Z warriors have been informed about it,Krillin remained at the turtle hermit residence and Piccolo remained at kames lookout.

Gohan also avoided contact with people as much as he could,there was no need to go to the city since food can easily be gathered from the forest.

she heard the door rang and had a look in the security camera, It was her friends.

Bulma smiled and carefully padded to the door while holding onto her large stomach.

Her lab door opened allowing the Saiyans in wanted to show them the cure she has been working on.

"It's still not done but this could slow down the virus from reaching the heart" Bulma said. "All I need to do is test it on my self to see if taking the serum is worth it"

"But what about you Bulma?" Gohan asked.

"Ill be fine,besides If I do get effected by the heart virus then the baby will send stemcells to cease the heart condition and since he's half Saiyan the stemcells are stronger"

"and like any other Virus,It strikes women less harder" Bulma said.

Goku and Gohan looked at eachother and then back at her, they had no idea about that.

"But Bulma you don't have to test the syrum on yourself, we can help with that" Gohan continiued.

"What if it has bad effects on you and the baby,?"

"Thanks for the concern Gohan but I only need a sample of my blood." to test the strum and when it does work we will never have to worry about this wretched virus again" Bulma smiled.

Goku had faith in his friend but still he could feel trouble ahead,and it's not the virus that sets his vigilant senses off.


6 months has passed,and the virus has reached all the way to the east district of Mount Paozu,Chi-Chi has fallen victim and passed away before the antidote to slow down the infection effectively has been created.

It started from feeling fatigue and sleeping long hours to horrible pain and trouble breathing,. Goku was heartbroken but Chi-Chi left them behind with a smile having her loved ones holding her hands.

She was not afraid of death,and said she'll wait for them at the other side before breathing her last,

Gohan grieved for his mother but still found comfort because she didn't die alone,

The dragon couldn't bring Chi-Chi back because it's a natural cause,it brought Goku in a deep depression,what If he infected her without knowing?"

The virus remained in the cities only,how could this have happened?"

Gohan found Goku at Chi-Chis grave in a meditating position,wondering is she could hear him talking to her in thoughts.

"Dad"? Gohan said carefully touching his shoulder.

Tears rolled down Gokus face and placed a hand on Gohans smaller one.

Gohan teared up with joy,this is the first reaction he got from his Father in days.

He didn't eat nor slept well after the dragon mentioned Chi-Chi can't return to the and hasn't spoken a word ever since it was like his spirit was gone.

"Dad I'm sorry about mother," Gohan said starting to cry.

Goku stood up turning around and embraced Gohan,they cradled each other as they stood infront of her grave, a sun ray shined upon them and both looked up.

They sensed Chi-Chis ki for a split second,bringing them comfort all the way from the afterlife.

If only Goku could be with her now but he can't leave a Gohan behind,together they will find a way to save more victims.

When Bulma's baby was due she didn't make it,due to the blood loss and no medical equipment dicreases her health,leaving a baby boy behind,

The baby was sick and very weak and Goku feared that he might not make it.

They called him Trunks,the name Bulma picked for him,it was an strange name but it suits the small boy well.

But Goku's suspicion has finally got confirmed,3 days later close to west city 2 deadly androids attacked the city turning the city into a mass grave within seconds.

It was very hard to leave Trunks behind by himself but he couldn't let his friends fight alone,The Z warriors were ready but got killed before they could lay a hand on them.

Goku grieved when he couldn't save his fallen comrades, Gohan turned into a Super Saiyan seeing Piccolo and krillin die.

He nearly escaped the horrid battle,His Father was deeply injured and at the brink of death,adrenaline went through Gohan as managed to carry Goku back despite being in a critical condition as well.

Seeing the corpse of Piccolo and Krillin haunts him,why didn't he turn into a Super Saiyan sooner!? Maybe he could have saved them. Tears mixed with blood dripped down his face,hopefully they can contact the Nameks in the future,

Gohan brought Goku back he placed him on the bed and his hand darted towards the senzu bean bag.

Gohan crunched it shoving it in,Gohan anxiously waited for a gulp and all the horrible wounds over his face arms and the broken bones underneath his Gi healed within seconds.

The pained expression on Goku's face faded opening his eyes.

The first thing he saw was Gohan making his face wet with waterfalls of tears.

"Daddy" Gohan said grabbing ontop him," I'm ok kiddo" Goku said patting his back as he cried into Goku's shoulder.

"I'm so glad I got you back home in time!"

Krillin Piccolo everyone theyre dead!" Gohan said through sobs.

Goku held on to Gohan, "I know im hurt too," Goku said feeling a lump in his throat thinking about Krillins death.

" But we will bring them back Gohan" Goku said pushing him back and Gohan noticed that his Fathers eyes were lights teared up.

"But planet Namek is light years a way" Gohan said.

"I know but I can reach them with instant transmission" Goku said.

"Im not fully in control of it,but the Yardrats taught me a lot and maybe I can perfect it myself" Goku said.

"You mean the ppl who patched you up after Freeza?" Gohan said.


"But it will take time before I master it" Goku said a bit disheartened.

Goku grabbed a senzu bean and lifted Gohans chin up brushing a tear away with his thumb,

"Here have this" Goku said feeding the senzu bean to Gohan.

"Oh Gosh where is the baby" Goku said almost forgetting about him.

"He was asleep when I left him in the crib" Gohan said and padded after his Father.

Trunks didn't move much but he was alive thank goodness.

Goku carefully picked him up,he moved but remained asleep,it was almost time for his dinner and Goku prepared him something.

He had to get used to it again,he only done it a few times when a Gohan was a baby.

and always leaves cleaning diapers to Gohan since he can't get over the smell.


The Earth became more cold relying on the open fire and heaters to create a warm space for Trunks.,Goku and Gohan battled the androids whenever they could and made sure they reach the hideout without being tracked down.

So far it worked but,they couldn't afford getting hurt or get one of them killed since Trunks is always left alone,and because of that they decide to train under gravity hopefully their bodies will be strong enough to enter the Hyperbolic time chamber,

Its a dangerous zone,and there is no guarantee that they'll come out alive but it's the only last resort they have.

Goku gave Trunks the Orange Gi off his back,and made sure it's little feet were folded into it.

,Winter time was gentle but for a premature little baby it was freezing,the poor thing only had tiny trousers and a thin blouse on.

gently Goku picked him up from the craddle and kept him close.

Gohan arrived back home with some supplies to make it through the week,before Bulma died she was busy repairing a radio and thanks to that they can predict where the androids will be next,

"Dad I got some things for us and the little one" Gohan whispered coming to their side,

Goku smiled happy that Gohan returned home,Goku pulled his son's head closer to him,affectionatly resting his forehead against against Gohan's.

greeting him in silence,"Hey Dad" Gohan greeted caressing his scalp aswell and moved away to see little Trunks neatly tucked away in his Father's arm.

Gohan moved his finger over the soft lavender spikes and stroked his rosy cheek,

Trunks moved in response waking up,Gohan alowed the child to grab onto his finger.

Trunks eyed Gohan attentive and he gave him his first smile.

"Dad!..he smiled" Gohan said "he smiled at me"

"Hey little guy" Gohan said acknowleding and Goku looked down happy at the baby aswell.

a loud bang startled both of them,immediately kept their guard up to defend the baby from the intruder,

some recently washed pots and pans fell down to the ground because one of Bulma's cats leaped over the stove,

both sighed in relief but Trunks didn't calm down, frightened he whimpered and cradling him didn't help.

"Trunks..shh don't be scared" Goku said fatherly adjusting the Gi around him and placed him against his chest.

Trunks piped down after letting out a whail,Goku's heartbeat comforted him feeling safe once more,

Goku wandered back to the living room with Gohan skipping after him,as they sat down next to eachother,Trunks fell asleep,Gohan watched Trunks suckle his little thumb.

He feels so safe with Goku,and he sleeps until the next morning many times when It's Goku's turn to look after him,

and rarely acts fuzzy.

but not with Gohan,he Often he wakes up multiple times at night demanding to be picked up and only remains content if he's not placed back in the crib,

It's exhausting dealing with an infant who needs so much attention from you but Gohan is willing to do so to help his Father,and there were also some cute bonding moments between Trunks and Gohan,and that made the not so fun stuff like making a bottle worth it.

"Dad, He's so small and..I so saddened that he has to grow up in a world like this.."

"No innocent soul deserves this,at times I stay up until dawn worrying about him because if he gets sick then we might not have enough resources to help him" Gohan said.

Goku looked down at the baby,who felt content laying against Him,Trunks eyes rolls back and forth like the little kiddo is trying to remain awake.

Goku held on to the scalp giving Trunks a gentle squeeze,Gohans words stroked a nerve,this baby is innocent and will never know what peace is and there is no day that goes by that he doesn't believe he's to blame for all of this,he let Gero go and now this happened.

But never again,no villain shall be spared.

"Gohan this world is hostile but Trunks has us,"

"He still has a family he can come home to,and no android or any other threat can take that away from him."

Gohan looked at his father,regaining his composure.

Goku smiled at him, "And you have me" Goku said warm.

"Your father will always protect you,no matter where I am"

Goku placed a firm hand on Gohans shoulder, "Together we will set this world free"

Gohan nodded and manage do to smile too,he felt hope in his heart,Hopefully the androids can be defeated before Trunks is old enough to understand what's going on.

"I hope so" Gohan said nodding a bit.

"We will Gohan, Please Trust me" Goku said.

"I do,I always have" Gohan said,

"Gohan you can start training without me," Goku spoke up,"I'll join you after I fed him".

"Yes Father" Gohan said.

"Avoid the androids at all costs you hear?" Do not face them alone"Goku said strict.

"I won't do anything stupid,I made a promise that we'll defeat the androids together."

"And that dream will come true" Goku said determined.


Night time came making their surroundings feel like they are in a freezer.

Trunks temperature was low,he started to become sick Goku and Gohan feared for his wellbeing, Even with Goku's Gi around him near the small heater didn't do much for him.

Trunks didn't move much and remained with his eye sight closed.

"Dad he's scaring me" Gohan said becoming upset,

"Gohan he just needs to be kept warm," Goku said picking him up,hoping that cradling and rubbing his tiny hands will keep him warm a bit longer.

"What If we wake up one day and find him dead?" Gohan said.

"Gohan stop it!" Goku said angry unintentionally, "Hes not going to die!" Goku said..

But Gohan tried to fight his tears away,not knowing what to believe,

"oh Gohan," I promise he's going to make it,I'll make sure of it,"

"Now calm down and stay strong for the little one" Goku said. Gohan nodded staying next to his Father,.They both looked at the bundle,he moved slightly now that Gokus warmth made him come to his senses.

" Hold him for me" Goku said to Gohan.

Goku removed his shirt tying it around Trunks, and let him rest against his chest,his face felt so cold but being pressed against Gokus frame Kept the temperature steady Atleast for now.

"Dad what about you?" Gohan said,

"I'll be fine, it's him I'm worried about" Goku said. Gohan pushed the heater towards his Fathers back,and kept his arm around His Fathers back to provide him warmth too.

Goku was the first one to wake up,he was sitting on the ground,With a large towel around him,

he looked down in his arms but Trunks was missing, Goku became alarmed right away and Gohan wasn't beside him either.

Goku pushed the towel off him and started looking for them, "Dad I made you breakfast." Gohan said poking out of the dining room, Goku came inside looking around

"Where is Trunks?" Goku asked dismissing any food offered to him,

"He's in his crib," Gohan said pointing at the cradle he placed in the kitchen.

Goku looked in and Trunks was awake wrapped in Gokus clothing like a caterpillar.

"Hey you're feeling better?" Goku said rubbing his cheek with his thumb.

Trunks Coeed at him in acknowledgment reaching his hands to him.

Goku smiled, "Can I borrow this little one?" Goku said taking his blue shirt to put it back on and carefully lifted Trunks out of the bed,.

"You gave us a scare,Trunks-kun, I'm so happy you feel better" Goku said looking down at him,Gohan smiled coming to Gokus side.

Trunks yawned and continiued resting holding onto Gokus shirt in a loose fist.

"Dad you were right all along,I feel a bit stupid for doubting you" Gohan said also takin a moment to look at the tiny baby.

"A human baby would have died that night,But Trunks isn't" Goku said.

"Have faith in him Gohan," He will make a difference" Goku said.

"I believe you Father,I always have" Gohan said.

Nightmares never last forever,one day we'll wake up without them


Another day has come, the blood red sun was visible over the sky,

Android 17 and 18 smiled demonically at their so called pest purge. Heaps of people died and burned alive because of their ki blasts.

Android 18 looked around "well looks like one pest survived" she grinned and pointed to a man who drawled his gun at them.

He fired a shot but Android 17s head only moved slightly to the side when the bullet connected,

The bullet fell off him and 17 drawled his gun too.

"It would have been better if you played dead old man" 17 said and shot him in the face with glee.

"I'm bored now" 18 complained, Where is Goku and that rat of his?"

"I'm ready for another warm up" 18 said letting her eyes glow,

"Well lure them out of their hiding place but remember sis don't kill them or it will spill all the fun" 17 said.

"Yeah yeah I heard you," 18 filed towards a different town to shoot as much people as they can.

Goku waited until until the bottle was ready to fill,and Gohan arrived at the underground hideout,

"Dad?" Gohan beamed,

"I'm here" Goku yelled back.

"Dad hey I got something to keep us warm for the night," Gohan said, showing bags of folded comforters warm sweaters socks.

and in the other bag was canned food along with delicious meals and treats that you can't find in the forests.

"You left the hide out?" Goku said a bit serious,

"Sorry I..I didn't want to wake you," Gohan said."And there was no report that the androids are close to the area I went"

"Some looters gave all of this after I helped them to a safer area" Gohan said hoping his humble deed will calm Goku down.

"Okay" Goku huffed, dismissing it. He wanted to scold Gohan because what if he was asleep and the androids got a hold of him? But he didn't want to ruin Gohans high spirited mood,he was only trying to be helpful.

"What did you got?" Goku said cheerful,

All sorts of stuff, like candy baby, formulas, even onanments,

I also found you a Gi that looks similar to the torn ones you got" Gohan said he wanted to grab it for his Father,

"Look" Gohan said. it looked indeed similar, a the fabric was thicker and the organge had a lighter colour.

"as an early Xmas present" Gohan said.

"Thanks," Goku said placing them on the table folded.

"I didn't get anything for you," Goku said.

"It's ok, you and Trunks are my present." Gohan said.

But then an fuzzy cry came from the crib, "Oh shit the milk!" Goku whined and hurried to the bottle,it became a bit cold but maybe Trunks will still drink it.

Gohan already picked an annoyed Trunks from his craddle and Trunks became quiet as soon as the bottle was in his sight.

"Yaa" Trunks cooed. And relaxed in Gokus embrace. "You want to give him his bottle?" Goku asked."I feel like gravity training for a bit" Goku said.

"of course Dad I'll have a seat" Gohan said and Goku left Trunks with Gohan on the couch.

"I'll help you unpack later, and take good care of him" Goku said leaving with a capsule.

An apocalyptic world

Warm water poured over Goku's sore muscles,

He held onto a needle and kept it close to the injury he received during gravity training and started to sew.

Goku hissed lightly in pain as the needle struggled to get inside the skin,after another try Goku could successfully sew the wound shut. He he focused on the chest wound doing the same thing there.

The blood flushed down over the floor as it mixes with the water. He didn't want to use a senzu bean for this because there aren't many left,it conserned Goku and wants to make sure they'll always have enough until the androids are gone.

Goku stepped out of the bathroom pulling his shirt down,and traveled to the capsule case, He activated one capsule letting it fall on the ground,the smoke cleared and an unfishied pod appeared.

This was Bulmas invention, a time machine,her Father worked on it and she tried to continiue it after he died from the Heart virus.

It has his dream to create the first time machine to make bad decisions in history undone like wars ect,Goku wished he was intelligent enough to finish it because now it's needed more than ever,.

Goku placed his hand on the word "Hope" that has been written by Bulma herself.

he thought about her and everyone he Lost within a someone can finish this to save Atleast that timeline.


Goku looked around when he heard Gohans voice enter his thoughts.

"Gohan!" Goku said outloud, "What's going on?"

"The androids have attacked pepper town I'm going to give them hell" Gohan said.

"What?!" No!" Don't confront them alone" Goku said and broke out of the window flying as fast as he could to the doomed city,

"Gohan where are you!" Goku scolded through the mindlink, "I told you not to face them when I'm not with you!"

"I know Father..I'm sorry," Gohan said slowing down allowing Goku to catch up.

Gohan saw Goku appear from the woods after seconds,he was angry but also relieved that Gohan came to his senses.

"Hurry we might be able to save a handful of people," Goku said and raced towards the horizon,the last time they arrived to battle the androids the whole town was murdered out,but this time it won't.

Android 17 and 18 were having fun running over civilians with a car,their eyes lit up with glee and started making fun of the people being tossed over the windshield.

"Oh look more people" 18 pointed jolly towards a crowd standing in their way,

17 grinned and sped up running into the fleeing humans,

"Haha this is just like bowling but a lot more fun" 17 said.

17 spotted a mother with her sons and daughters paralyze during in fear and he went right at them,

"You are wild!" 18 said, feeling amused but also slightly bad for these poor unfortunate souls,she preferred a painless death for children but what 17 say goes.

Two figures appeared infront of the family and 17 felt his amusement fizzle out.

Goku gritted his teeth blasting the car away with a large beam,

"Get out of here" Goku turned around, "Now!"

"Thank you" the mother said, "We are in your debt" and all of them seemed shelter.

Goku and Gohan focused his attention towards the androids,

"Oh you fuckers are in trouble now" 18 taunted, "You ruined his favorite shirt"

she snickered and pointed at his torn black shirt.

"That was my favorite shirt morons" 17 said ignoring 18 taunting him.

"Gohan leave this to me" Goku said charging towards the androids,they looked at Goku's power up and made themselves ready to fight.

the androids fired at him and Goku leaped up into the air and let his Golden Aura roar,

Gohan watched on from a safe distance and wondered if he should step in but so far his father managed to hold them off.

their fists collided creating thundering blows in the sky.

Goku picked android 17 away making him clash against the wall like a pinball.

17 got on his feet and attacked Goku from behind while he was fighting off 18,

Android 18 kept attacking him with barrage of assaults making it hard for him to get out,but he couldn't give up,These machines never tire but neither will he,

His energy might be limited ever more as a Supersaiyan but his determination is what's keeps him on his feet.

17 got bored of 18 having all the fun so he tried to locate some hiding people and maybe he can blast that little runt of his too,17 spotted people hiding and decided to blast all of them,Gohan braced for impact since 17 was near him,

Goku looked behind his shoulder as he tried to fight 18 off, "Damnit!" Goku hissed,

"Those people are innocent!" Goku yelled at 18 and furiously swung at her,

18 caught his fist, "Really?" Its humans who created us,the ones you dearly try to protect" 18 said manipulating.

"You really are as stupid as you look" 18 said laughing and stabbed him with her ki blast, Goku seemed to be stunned but woke up when he heard ppl cry in dispair and knows that it won't no be long until he has found Gohan.

Adrenaline shot him like lightning,his hair went golden again,he grabbed 18's hand that was wrapped around his throat, She looked at him in shock when he ripped her arm off,

She was an android but it still hurt,she cried and Goku responded with a headbutt to the face,he placed his hand on her heart blasting her away,

Through his dispair Goku managed to teleport himself with instant transmission,17s Ki blast went right through defenseless people and Goku caught the blast for them it hit him against the torso,

Goku landed on the ground and smoke came from his body.

Gohan came from hiding when he heard his Father scream, a jolly 17 started to kicking him in the chest wounds,

"Look at the mighty Goku grovel at my feet" 17 said.

"Give me a minute alone with him" 18 said furious, grabbing Goku by the collar.

She levitated into the air with him, Goku looked down seeing the destruction of Pepper town.

Androids 18 eyes started to become red, ready to blast his head off.

Gohan cried seeing his father this way.

Gohan couldn't not take it anymore, Goku gritted his teeth begging Gohan to stay put through the mindlink but Gohan rather die than turn his back on his Father.

Gohan charged from behind 17 looked up and Gohan punched him in the face, he grabbed him by the scarf and tossed him over his head toward 18,she dismissively moved to the side so that 17 won't clash against her.

"Gohan" Goku weakly whimpered,he tried to get up and aid him, there is no way he could be a challenge for them both.

Gohan turned around when 18 crept behind him and she was too late with her counter attack, Gohan stomped her in the gut with his foot,and caught her fist in a swift reflex,

"Masenko!" Gohan beamed but it only pushed Android 18 away for a few inches.

Gohan acrobatically let himself fall on the ground as the androids gained their composure.

Gohan stood infront of Goku, both android smirked ready to bast both of them to their oblivion,

"Say hello to this" Gohan said holding his hands infront of his face creating an universal Solar flare.

" What the hell" Android 17 said but closed his eyes too late. they all squirmed and cursed in pain while rubbing their face.

the time was right to escape,this maneuver will last less than the original solar flare and Gohan mentally thanked his deceased friends for teaching them that technique.

" Cmon let's go" Gohan said aiding his injured Father.


Goku reached for his back lifting his Gi over his head,the wounds in the front of his body were deeper than he thought,he could barely feel the pain during their battle and the previous stitches were also torn open.

Gohan could be heard pitter pattering in another room and hurried to hand Goku the senzu bean bag.

"No Gohan" Goku said. "My injuries aren't that bad,"

"I just need to get them cleaned up" Goku said standing up with effort.

Gohan helped him letting Goku lean on him as they moved to a table near the bandages and other stored items.

Goku cleaned and sewed most of his injuries and let Gohan maintain the wounds over his back,Gohan felt his Father flinch occasionally when the needle won't budge and tried to cause less pain.

Gohan placed a large bandage on his open knee,

"Are you allright?" Goku asked looking at the dark blue bruise the gash on Gohans face caused.

"Yes, besides that I have no injuries" Gohan said assuring moving some hair away to look at the large bruise he got from head butting 18.

After the bandaging was done Gohan placed a towel around Goku,storing the remaining bandages away,soon they will have to look for more,maybe there are medical equipments they can borrow from abandoned hospitals.

"Thanks," Goku said placing the towel over his neck to keep his hands free from holding it in place.

The place was awfully quiet to Goku and thought about the baby right away.

"Gohan get Trunks for me" Goku said when getting up still seems to be hard. It worried him that Trunks is so silent.

Gohan hurried to his crib almost forgetting about him too.

Trunks cheeks were bright red and something didn't seem right, he made odd hiccup sounds and Gohan rushed to his Father.

"Dad Trunks is sick" Gohan said almost in tears.

Goku became alarmed, "Bring him here" Goku said and could feel he's feverish.

Despite being in pain Goku managed to get up and scanned Trunks with a heart monitor,he held the device close to Trunks heart and the lights went from green to orange,

"Oh no," Goku said disheartened.

"Dad?" Gohan said saddened."Please just say that everything is going to be all right" Gohan grabbed onto his father's boxer shorts.

Goku grabbed onto Trunks cradling him holding the baby close to his face. He could feel the soft struggled breathing against his cheek.

"He's infected with the heart virus" Goku said.

Time froze on Gohan,he couldn't utter a word,instead he just looked at his Father placing Trunks close to his chest caressing the small head in comfort.

Goku went to where they storend the antidote and mixed it with the baby formula hopefully Trunks will drink it.

Trunks wasn't hungry and refused to drink,Goku let him sleep on his arm for a moment and tried again,he managed to let some milk slide in,Trunks coughed a bit but then he caught the hint that Goku wanted him to drink.

He drank only half of the bottle and his eyes rolled into the back of his head sleeping soundless.

Gohan carefully came to Goku's side,his face seems less red now and hopefully this will Be better.

"How could this have happened?" Gohan said upset.

"We never went outside with him,Atleast not further than the front yard"

"No but we did go outside,battling the androids, It must have exposed us to the infected areas." Goku said grabbing onto the heart monitor device and held it inches away from Gohans heart.

the light went from green to orange,and then Goku brought the device to his own heart but the light remained on green,

Much to Goku's surprise the virus didn't attack his heart.

Gohan looked at the green bulb,and started to feel guilty assuming it was him who infected the baby,he always played with him more than Goku.

Gohan encountered looters who gave him free stuff for saving them from the androids in the nick of time,

"how could I have have been so stupid?"

"Gohan,this is not your fault," Goku said.

"It sure feel like it" Gohan said wiping his face from the tears that keeps coming down.

"Gohan, the light is still on orange which means the virus hasn't attacked the heart yet"

"But it will eventually Dad,If Trunks dies then I can't live with myself anymore" Gohan said disheartened.

"Gohan that's enough,beating yourself over this won't make Trunks better," Goku said placing Trunks against his shoulder.

"We have the antidote and I promise you all of us will not die not until the androids are defeated" Goku said firm but gentle,

Gohan looked up feeling his father's hand ruffle his spikes,

Goku brought his hand to Gohans cheek rubbing the incoming tears away and Gohan managed to smile a bit,His Fathers predictions never came out differently.

and knows that his Father always speaks the truth,

Goku carefully placed Trunks on the sofa and used the towel around his shoulders as as blanket for Trunks, it had Goku's scent all over it so Trunks assumes he's with his caregiver and remained content.

"Come" Goku said beckoning Gohan welcoming.

Gohan came to his Father and Goku placed his son his knees,Gohan hugged his father around his back,trying not to touch his injuries.

Goku had his hands full with a little baby but wants him to know that Gohan has him to look after him too,It feels so strange,ever since Trunks has been born Goku feels like Bulma gave him a second son,and to honor his friend he will make sure that Trunks will avenge her.

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