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Whispers Of The Devil


When you sleep soundly after completing loads of work at the end of the day
With a hope that things will be better tomorrow than it was today
You check your phone for the last time
Have you ever wondered
If someone else is watching you, too?
Without any knowledge of its presence
It calls your name
And watches you fall asleep
It creeps to you and whispers to you
The things you shouldn't have known
When the curtains flail from the strong dusty wind
And you cuddle up and turn around
You can see its shadow smiling at you
It feeds off your dreams
And drags you to the bottom
Of the endless pit of hopelessness and despair
When you think you've gone far enough
It'll pull you back
Into the void of pain, darkness and revenge
Making you go through the sheer suffering unknown to everyone
It feasts on your screams
And makes you do all the wrong things
It knows your every move, you cannot hide
Trapped in its lies and its games
No matter wherever you go
You cannot escape
The Whispers Of The Devil Inside

Episode 1: THEY DON'T KNOW

18th September, Saturday
3:25 pm
Girls' dormitory
Room 54
The lamps are on and the girls are playing dice games.
The windows are open, but the curtains are closed. The soft cold breeze makes the curtains flail.
It is slightly raining, and the pattering of the raindrops can be heard.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
I've won for once!
Nancy cried as the dice rolled to 6, giving her the winning crown.
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
Gosh Nancy, I won thrice, so I'll let you have this one.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
C'mon Stella! You're just jealous!
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
No I'm not!
Stella sighs and get up. She heads towards the bed, and then glances at Amelia and Nancy.
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
I'm tired now so I'll take a nap, you both can play.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
Don't disturb me Nancy! Let me sleep!
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
The sun hasn't even set yet, you can't sleep!
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Here, here, stop arguing you both.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Let Stella sleep Nancy! She's hasn't slept quite well.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
And she didn't oversleep like you did so cut her some slack.
Amelia gave her earnest smile at Nancy. The little one pouted.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Fine! Since Amy says so, I'll oblige. But I won't take this another time!
The girls laugh. Their little roommate is a notorious but cute one for sure!
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Ugh! Now I'm thirsty after shouting so much!
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Oh dear! Drink some water from that jug, Nancy.
Amelia said, pointing at the porcelain jug on the table.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Hey, there's no water in here Amy!
Nancy shaked the empty jug.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
How come it's empty so fast?? Gosh, just when I was thirsty.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Er.. Nancy, would you please do me a favor....?
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Don't say any further. I'll quickly go get the jugs filled.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
No need to thank me!
Amelia watched as Nancy carried the jug carefully, supporting it with her little body.
The door slammed close as Amelia was left alone, with a sleeping Stella who was sleeping so soundly that her presence could not be felt.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
*sigh* well, I shall get some rest after this as well.
*creak* *creak*
A sudden noise came from the windows.
Amelia, surprised, gets up to check out where the noise was coming from.
She pulls aside the curtains and peeks outside the open windows.
The lush green scenery and the fresh smell of the dew on the grass refreshed her soul.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
What a beautiful creation of nature...
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
But, it seems there'll be a storm anytime now, I might as well close windows.
But as she was about to close them, the windows shut themselves, as if a very powerful force was applied on them.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Amelia's finger was stuck between the window panes.
She was crying, trying to pull up the window pane before her finger gets detached from her body.
But no matter how much she tried, she couldn't pull up the windows she had opened herself a while back.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Stella didn't move a bit.
Amelia tried to pull out her fingers, but they were completely caught in between.
Tears rolled down her hands, she could feel the sheer pain of her finger being torn off.
She wailed. She cried hysterically.
But there was noone to help her.
Facing herself with such a struggle, a sudden cold hand was placed on her shoulder.
Amelia flinched, turning back with a horrified expression.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Oh, Nancy...
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
What happened? I heard you shouting-
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Nancy quickly slided up the window pane. It was a matter of ease.
Amelia pulled out her hands, and looked at Amy with an expressionless face.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Amelia kept quiet.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
No worries, I'll go visit the infirmary later.
She hid her hands behind her back and got back to the game.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Let's pack up now. It'll be time for evening classes soon.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
And you gotta leave fast too, I heard there's a meeting you and Stella need to attend.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Amy, you sure that's fine? Your finger doesn't look quite alright...
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
We can always attend the meeting later.....
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
It's all fine, Nancy.
Amelia gave a meek smile. Nancy sighed and hugged her.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Well, as you say.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
But don't forget to visit the doctor and get the medicines.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Yes, I won't.
Just then, Stella left out a loud groan.
She tossed around the bed for sometime, and then got up to face Amelia and Nancy.
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
Are you serious? I couldn't fall asleep because of so much noise!
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Be good, Stella. Amy just hurt her finger-
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
What?! How?
Stella jumped down the bed and took Amelia's hands into hers.
She examined the wound and looked seriously at her friend.
Stella McCartney
Stella McCartney
It looks bad. You should've been careful.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Sorry ....
Amelia didn't know what else to say.
After receiving a comforting pat and encouraging words from her two dear roommates, she got up to get dressed and go for the evening classes.
Stella and Nancy had to attend meeting for the art club, so they hurried out bidding Amelia goodbye.
After they were all gone, Amelia collapsed on the floor.
She was pale, and her lips were trembling.
She was white from fear, and tears started rolling down her eyes.
She slowly turned towards the window, and watched from afar.
That unknown spirit who caused her yet another misery.
-to be continued-

Episode 2: I SEE THEM

I can see it.
I can see it all.
Those, who once existed just like normal beings.
They still do.
But you cannot see them, you feel them.
Creeping through your bones, trappings you into their dark games and playing with your life.
You will still have no idea.
But I do. I see them, all over the place, all the time.
Art and Craft Club, 9:45 pm
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
Hey y'all!! Let's finish this all up and have some snacks!!
Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis
Juliette here!! Guys I've changed the water, and got new brushes, do we need anything else?
Peter Dante
Peter Dante
Nothing for now. Julie, come and help me with this portrait.
Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis
Yes, coming!
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
You don't know...
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
Are you okay, Amy?
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Oh yes, I'm alright.
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
Great! Then help me smudge this part, I'll get the new colors from Jeff.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
They don't know.
Does Julie know that the spirit of that old woman I last saw at the canteen is sitting beside her and staring at her menacingly?
No she doesn't.
Does Anna know that the three spirits of the triplets in the neighborhood who passed away last month, are hovering around her, following her places, waiting for the perfect moment to sting her and suck her energy?
No she doesn't know.
Does Peter know why he's feeling so irritated and agitated? All because some weak spirits are biting down his soul to get energy.
He doesn't know.
None of them do except me.
Because if they knew, they wouldn't have been so carefree.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
I wish I could be carefree like them....
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Why me?
Why me.
The question I never got an answer to.
Or maybe because there's nobody to answer it.
Why do I deserve this? I don't like the feeling of being watched upon all the time.
I don't like to freak out everytime and people looking at me like I'm a lunatic.
I don't want to be confused between what's real in this world and what isn't.
They can only get the smell of rotten meat. Why am I the only one who can see the source of the smell?
I don't like those pitiful eyes, I don't like those nasty remarks. I don't like these ugly scars and wounds.
I am tired of fighting against them.
It's nasty. It's disgusting and dangerous. I don't like it.
But I can't complain.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
I'm feeling nauseous.....
My head is aching terribly.
Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis
Ehhh.... Amy? You don't look fine.
Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis
Wanna head back to your room?
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
She didn't look fine since the moment she got here.
Anastasia Anderson
Anastasia Anderson
I think it's better if you take her back to her home, Julie. Or maybe call Stella or Nancy to get her.
Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis
It's alright. I'd better not inconvenience them.
Juliette Lewis
Juliette Lewis
Come here, Amy. Let's get you back to your room.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Thank you all..... Sorry for being such a douchbag...
Peter Dante
Peter Dante
Hey, it's alright! We're club members and... friends! Go and take rest, I'll let you know of the progress later.
I smiled and left with Julie.
I reached my room safely. Thanks to Julie's talkative nature, I could distract myself in a while.
I sighed before entering the room.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
It's been a long day... get a hold of yourself Amelia.
I entered and found Stella and Nancy sleeping. They must've been tired.
I moved the clothes from the couch into the bucket. They'll have to be sent for cleaning tomorrow.
I sat down on the floor by the bed and stared blankly at the wall.
My mind is a mess.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
That was childish of me.... I shouldn't have left like that..
But there's no point in repenting.
I've lost everyone and everything. I don't want to lose anything anymore.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Can I ever smile from my heart?
I glanced at Nancy and Stella.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
I wish I was and lovely as bright as them...
I suddenly had a realisation.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
No Amelia, you shouldn't be like this.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Happiness is not something you can ask for being in your position.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Don't be greedy. Yes, being like this itself makes me happy.
Unknowingly, tears ran out my eyes.
My heart ached, my mind was blank, my head was paining, and I felt chills all over.
The more I will cry, the more I will end up exposing by weakness, my pain.
But I can't stop it. I want to cry and cry until I have no tears left to cry out.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
I stopped crying at once.
I looked up at Nancy, and stared at her without a word.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Goodness, why are you crying?!
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
It's nothing, Nancy... I was just having mood swings...
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Don't lie! I know there must be something going on!
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Did someone bully you or something?
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
No, noone did...
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Hold up! Where were you all this while? I was waiting for you!
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
I was at the club...
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Oh, so they thought they could get away by putting all the workload on you!
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
That must be it! That must be why you're crying!
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
No, Nancy.. It's not...
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Don't cry, Amy. I am here for you. Stella is there for you.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
We are all supporting and rooting for you!
Nancy hugged me tightly into her warm embrace.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
You're not alone! So don't be afraid...!
I don't know why, but those simple words touched my hearts.
I couldn't help but cry more, while Nancy patted my back.
"No she'll create some mess at the club tomorrow"
"She'll try to get Anna give me a week holiday by threatening her that she'll complain about the club head for being unjust"
None of those thoughts came to my mind.
I could close my eyes peacefully, and think of nothing else.
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Well, you will never know, but the fact that I am not alone is what's terrifying.
Nancy Marchand
Nancy Marchand
Huh? How is that?
Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart
Nevermind, it's complicated.
Nancy didn't ask any more questions.
I finally fell asleep leaning onto her.
-to be continued-

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