NovelToon NovelToon

My Love From The Book


"Mystery".....something that is not understood nor can it be explained.... it's something beyond understanding intricate plot that can draw someone's curiosity so much that the person engaged with it can loose his mind trying to figure out the "mystery" behind it
To get absorbed by the mystery and the struggle ensuing to satisfy one's enjoy the sense of achievement that comes from trying to figure out bits and pieces of the plot... to predict the get a satisfying end that can soothe one's heart and soul with peace
But, are all the plots able to satify your curious heart? can all the plots heal your soul with a peaceful ending?
not all plots and endings are like that...some might leave you unsatisfied or some might leave you heartbroken....and some of them are even able to leave a hole in your heart with that might not heal forever, afterall the curiosity and attention someone exerts in that story can make you feel connected much so that you start grieving for them
*hic* *hic* 😢
how? can they do this? 😢
I was so happy just a few moments ago and then this happens? why? 😭
why did they have to die? 😭 *clutching the book close to his chest crying*
how can the author do this? 😭 why did they have to die?
Cherry...a cute and innocent novel enthusiast fond of reading romantic and mystery novels...his whole room is filled with various book and mangas not to mention his subscription to web-toons....he's a story loving maniac
The boy was grieving the deaths of his favorite characters from a mysterious novel he had gotten his hands on last week.
*hic hic* 😢 *waah* 😭
If I knew the end would be like this *sniff* 😢 I.. I wouldn't have bought this book...after all the time and emotions I spent on this book.... why? 😭 just why? 😭
Sniffing his cute red button nose...the boy started remembering the time he came across this book and the plot and characters he loved so much but everything ended up getting destroyed..... the worst part? reason unknown!!
An old mysterious book he got from an old library downtown...the book caught his attention from it's title and the curious cat bought the book excitedly even though it was looking very old and weary
Old is gold, they say! 😉
I'm sure it'll be interesting 😆 *squeals*
The boy with a lot of excitement and enthusiasm went to his home and opened the book decorated with a portrait of "sunflowers" (light and brightness)....quite ironical to it's name and content, I must say!
oh look! sunflowers.. so cute 😄 that means the story inside must be lovely and heartwarming too!
but why is it called mysterious love? 🤔.....let's just find it out!
Oh! how he wished it was true, but ironically the story was filled with pain sadness and sorrow instead!
what the hell! 😢 why is it like that? why is he suffering so much? is it a base for the plot? but it's too much!
His eyes are empty and emotionless 😢 when will he get the warmth he deserves?
The boy wiped his tears consoling himself that the suffering is just temporary...soon his fate will change and someone will come and rescue him from his cold lonely and locked heart but no! the suffering continued...and "he" continued to endure all the pain and loneliness he got
what the hell? *angry* why is the villain acting like that! isn't it enough bullying the already broken fl...why does he have to suffer so much!
That's right! the sufferings and sadness was all written about the "fl" of the story...highlighting the pain and wounds he got since childhood.... "he" is the "fl/mc" of the book, a beautiful male with long white-silver hair and deep blue sapphire that makes you want to drown in them....a true definition of shining beautiful brightness.
Theo, an orphan, a commoner with unspecefied second gender who suffered since childhood but turned out to be someone who possess "high level magical attributes, a genius mage who made his way to the top of the magic tower with his own ability and became the master of magic tower
A lonely character who continued to suffer until his adulthood until a prince with golden hairs shining like the sun and rose quartz eyes came into his life like a knight in shining armor saving him from all his misery
Celius leonhardt, a dominant alpha and the crown prince of the Helios kingdom. A huge kingdom with a blessing bestowed upon by the sun god himself to keep the kingdom shining brightly forever. A brave and courageous prince having all the capabilities of a good ruler...a true definition of bright burning sun spreading even warmth everywhere.
But....what about the infamous villain then? who is he?
but...even though the villian harassed theo, I can't seem to hate him...afterall, everything he did was only to get the love of his fiancé...he just wanted a little bit of affection from his bethrot that he wasn't able to get even after years of being engaged with the crown prince 😔
Even if he is the the villain, he worked so hard to become a suitable future queen only to get his dreams and aspirations crushed to dust 😔 he suffered too
The infamous villain of the novel...a heartless and cruel omega who loved to bully others and order them around with his status and position as the duchy's heir and crown prince's fiancee...a malicious flower present only to spread his poison to others and make them suffer unimaginable pain
lucian von einzbern, a male omega, the heir and only beloved child of the grand duke, Sir blake von einzbern. He's spoiled and rotten enough to see others below him as mearly just trash. An arrogant and conceited omega born to be a villain with his raven black hair emanating dark evil aura and blood red eyes expressing a cruel bloodthirst...a typical definition of dark cruel and evil villain
I don't know whom to blame at this point....all of them seem correct in their position *sighs* 😔
that's right! it's all that stupid shitty author's fault to make a story like this! argh! ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
so annoying! 😤 why did all of them have to suffer so much! and what's with this end!! 😠
everyone died!?!! are you fcking kidding me? (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
how did they die!? atleast mention that or why they died!? ┻━┻ ︵ヽ(`Д´)ノ︵ ┻━┻
the whole kingdom got wiped out in a single night and no one knows the reason? this is the ending? 😠 what a shitty author and what a shitty ending!! 😤
what happened to the ml? mc? villain?
argh!! so frustrating!! (╯°□°)╯︵(\ .o.)\
Bloody novel 😤 I spent so much energy and emotions in this for the whole week and this is the ending you give me! argh! 😤😩
*goes to his bed and flops on it covering himself up with a blanket*.........*pouts sadly* meanie! how can I get over such a sad ending!
*sniffs and sleeps after a while* mnn~ 😪
to be continued
guess who
guess who
heyo~ 😏 welcome to my harem babies 😌
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guess who
sooo... I couldn't control myself cuz my imagination was overflowing... so here it is my honeycombs...a new story 😉
guess who
guess who
I gave a long first chapter to get you all to get you hooked... happy reading 😘
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guess who
and and and....who wilk be the ml for the villain in my I said, I won't reveal it until I want to... or there won't be any fun in mystery you see 😏
guess who
guess who
so try all you can to guess the ml this time around in a new beginning 😉
guess who
guess who
muah~ 😘 bye bye 👋


Cherry slept half heartedly remembering the heart wrenching plot of the sunflower novel "The mysterious love", a sad and painful story contradictory to it's sunflower appearance and mysterious indeed...throughout the whole plot cherry couldn't seem to understand the mystery behind main character of the book "Theo"
An emotionless guy with no happiness only suffering, pain and loneliness reflected in his eyes...throughout the entirety of the book he seemed mysterious...cherry couldn't seem to understand that and his curiosity wasn't satisfied towards the end either as the whole kingdom perished in a single night no one knows how and why...a book with mysteries and plot holes circulating throughout it's entirety......this is the book "the mysterious love" with mysterious plot and mysterious characters and......a mysterious author
what is inside it though...shall we find it out? or a sneak peek maybe?
Theo, a beautiful orphan abandoned at birth by his parents in front of "the selene orphanage", suffered from hunger and abuse from a very young age at the hands of the cruel orphanage lady who takes out the frustration of her failed marriage on the little kids of the orphanage
He was forced to starve and got beaten everyday by the orphanage workers...he lost all of his innocence and cheerfulness at the tender age of just 5...because of his trauma and suffering his second gender wasn't awakened too but still he was considered an omega because of his outstanding and fabulous beauty....shining brightly even when bruised
Theo endured all the mistreatment he received at the orphanage for he had no other option...he became an emotionless and cold child withdrawn from the society...a little rebellious if I must say so myself...he used to protect the other kids while himself enduring the pain for 8 years until one day his mana got awakened and he went out of control because of the overflowing mana almost killing each and every being he despised so much
This shook everyone and he was summoned to the imperial capital when the royal family got news of this incident
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
*looks at the royal family with expressionless face and empty eyes*
King Augustus leonhardt
King Augustus leonhardt
*stares at theo*
King Augustus leonhardt
King Augustus leonhardt
what's your name? *cold dignified aura*
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
King Augustus leonhardt
King Augustus leonhardt
do you know what happened at the orphanage? do you know what you did?
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
Queen Elisa leonhardt
Queen Elisa leonhardt
why did you do that?
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
.....I don't know *straight emotionless face* I was angry at them for beating me everyday and then something happened....I don't know how it happened but they all got injured *empty eyes*
Queen Elisa leonhardt
Queen Elisa leonhardt
what!? *shocked* did they beat you?
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
.......*nods* they beat us and starve us.....
Queen Elisa leonhardt
Queen Elisa leonhardt
King Augustus leonhardt
King Augustus leonhardt
Theo told them everything they did to the orphanage children and also the embezzelement of the support funds provided by the royal family to the orphanage not to mention his high aptitude for magic...king was delighted to see a young mage with such high aptitude for magic and sent him to the duchy in the north to polish his magic skills because theo could be useful for the kingdom in future
At this point of time the crown prince was already engaged to the villain lucian for over a year but he was utterly disgusted by the boy's high self esteem and arrogant nature not to mention his selfishness, a dark raven full of poison while theo seemed like a fresh morning dew with his beautiful appearance and quite gentle attitude....the young rose quartz eyes were very mesmerized by theo's beauty and quite nature... much better than the arrogant loud nobel who sees others as dust
little celius
little celius
*badump* 😳 he is so beautiful and cute *whispers to himself while peeking at theo from behind the pillar*
little celius
little celius
I wish he was my bethrot instead 😗
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
*just standing in the middle of the hall listening to the king and queen announce the punishment to the orphanage owner and workers*
Theo was then sent to the north duchy, the large and influential city of the einzbern's, to get taken under the care of the grand duke who can help him polish his skills and magic...theo thought he might've escaped the hell but that was only the continuation of his nightmare
Theo was thoroughly bullied by the one and only heir of the duchy, lucian von einzbern in jealousy for trying to take his place in the duchy...theo didn't retort neither did he lament over his suffering, he continued to endure the harassment, ofcourse he got saved by the crown prince who started visiting his fiancee more as soon as theo moved in and got angry at lucian for treating theo like a maid, looking at him with heart piercing scornful eyes filled with disgust and hatred
little lucian
little lucian
💔 (why? why is he like that with me only? what did I do? 😞 I'm his fiancee yet he is looking at the commoner with soft eyes not me)
Theo (mc/fl)
Theo (mc/fl)
little lucian
little lucian
it's all because of him right? 😠
little celius
little celius
tsk *ignored lucian and took theo with him to treat his wound*
little lucian
little lucian
Heartbroken and blinded by jealousy he started bullying theo even more which continued for years....even when they entered the royal school...Lucian used to bully and spread rumors about theo even going as far as to push him down the stairs and bully him physically while theo just kept quite not saying anything while the prince continued to protect his morning dew until the villain finally got what he deserved.....his condemnation at the graduation party where prince broke off his engagement with lucian presenting all the evidences to the emperor
Lucian got devastated and mad with hatred and jealousy seeing theo getting engaged to the prince instead while his future was ruined in front of his eyes.... he looked at theo and saw him looking at him... again with empty eyes or maybe a hint of pity and sadness? he couldn't take it anymore and finally exploded with malice which led him to attack theo in his bed that night....theo was saved because of his quick response and defence using magic but lucian was ruined and locked up in the dungeon for his evil deeds and assasination attempt on the crown princess theo....his family fell into ruins and got demoted to commoners while lucian was sentenced to death
but, some days after the announcement, the whole kingdom got wiped out somehow and no one knows the reason............the end
*sniffs* how cruel...everyone just suffered and died and no one knows why......let's not think about it *sniffs*😤 I'm going to sleep and forget about it... yeah... let's sleep 😴
"The end"
cherry slept after a while thinking about the end and making a note to forget about it not wanting to have anything to do with it.......... but he forgot one thing....that every ending is the starting of a new beginning
to be continued
guess who
guess who
yo! how was it babies? what do you think about the original plot and characters of the book? I wrote it just like how it was expressed in the book
guess who
guess who
and what do you think will be the new plot of my story 😏
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guess who
well feel free to leave your thoughts like and comment and subscribe to my story babies 😗
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guess who
and I certainly won't mind some love from you all... you know what I mean 😏 (I just felt like I did a drug deal with this sentence of mine 😅)
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guess who
and yes! it's our cherry who's will transmigrate into the book and later his cherry popped ✨🌚
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guess who
um..ahem! I mean...👀 I'm really very very innocent ok? don't look at me like that 👀 😤
guess who
guess who


cherry had a very good sleep last night....he woke up stretching his arms and legs with half closed eyes yawning cutely while being still half asleep
*stretches his body* umhh 😣 haah..what a good sleep 😪
maybe because I wasn't up all night reading that sh!t 😪 *mumbling to himself*
cherry always stayed up late at night reading one or the other stories and he had lost his sleep with the current book which left him crying and dissapointed
water 😪
he looked around the room finding his water bottle since his throat was dry making his voice sound weird and childish.......... hmm? childish?...... oh well... maybe it's because of the dry throat right?
hmm? where did the bottle go I'm thirsty 😪 all I see is decorations and expensive things 😪.........
*snapped open his eyes* 😶
cherry looked around to find himself in a large luxurious room with expensive furnitures and show cases
👀 😶 wh..what the? 😦 I kidnapped? 😦
I'm kidnapped? 😨😱
cherry was panicking really bad....waking up in an unknown room especially the one that feels suspicious like this is just pure terror
He was really scared and tried to get out of the bed to run away only to fall down face first on the ground
ouch! 😢 *sniffs* wh...what's happening? the bed suddenly felt so did I fall down I'm not that short 😢
cherry wasn't that tall but he wasn't short either, he had a perfectly average height but now he felt like he was so short in that room....not to mention the height of the tall bed when he tried to run away making him fall face first on the ground
*hic* *hic* mumma 😢 I'm scared 😭
His brain had stopped working at this point, his heart was racing a thousand miles in fear his legs trembling and eyes shedding tears non stop....getting kidnapped from home is scary as hell especially when you seem a lot smaller than the surroundings........until his eyes fell on the huge mirror in the room
*thump* *thump* huh? wh...what?
what the? 😦
What he saw was an image of a small boy with luscious black hairs and ruby red eyes shining brightly in the morning sun with an innocent face and lovely eyes......a child so beautiful one could've easily mistaken him as a black haired beauty
wh..who? *shocked to see the reflection move the same as him*
Cherry goes towards the mirror and sticks to it keeping his hand on the mirror, looking at the reflection move the same as him....he couldn't believe his eyes as realization came upon him
no can't be... I..I'm not this child right? how? how can I become this boy....what happened to myself then? 😢
Just as he was about to think further, the door of the room opened revealing a maid
(wh..what do I do? am I supposed to stand like this?)
*stands in attention position seeing the maid*
maid mia
maid mia
young master 😦 what happened? why are you crying? did you get hurt?
um... I... uh...
(should I pretend I have a memory loss?)
who? *looks at her with doe eyes*
maid mia
maid mia
*shocked and heartstruck at the same time* (what happened to young master? 😱 why is he looking cute today 💘🤧)
maid mia
maid mia
wait...young master... you.. don't know me?
*shakes his head* who are you?
maid mia
maid mia
💘 I... I'm your personal maid young master, mia
oh....soo....I'm mia? *points at himself*
isn't it a bit girly for a boy 🙁
maid mia
maid mia
what? no!! 😱 I'm mia!! young master lucian what happened to you?
maid mia
maid mia
are you ok?
oh... yeah I'm ok.... wait....what did you just call me? 😶
little lucian
little lucian
lu.. lu... lucian? 😦
maid mia
maid mia
young masyer? what happened to you? you don't even know your own name? (it's understandable he might not remember the name of a lowly maid such as myself but...not remembering your own name...don't tell me... he has amnesia 😱)
little lucian
little lucian
ca..can you tell me my name please? 😦 *asking with quivering lips*
maid mia
maid mia
young master 😦 are the young master of the einzbern duchy...the only child of sir blake von einzbern, the grand duke of the kingdom of helios
maid mia
maid mia
you are lucian von einzbern 😟
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
little lucian
AAAHHHHHH 😱😱 I'm that villain!! 😱
little lucian
little lucian
no way 😵 *faints*
maid mia
maid mia
young master! 😧
to be continued
guess who
guess who
tell me if you like it...should it have been more funny? or... I made it a little realistic like how a normal person would react in that situation?
guess who
guess who
is it ok though? 🤔 should I change it?
guess who
guess who
oh well...share your feedback...I'll see if I can make modifications 😅
guess who
guess who
👋 😘

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