Ever since the beginning of time war has been waging between the wolf clans. All of them having one single motive "to obtain the moonstone". After several decades of war, a treaty was drawn up to unite the clans but the shadow pack refused and isolated itself seeking revenge. One night the Shadow Pack attacked the Hall of Peace and tried to steal the moonstone but on that night the moonstone disappeared forever. Invisible boundaries grew between the packs and all of them forgot each other.
It is rumored that on the third blue moon the golden wolf shall be born and they shall unite the packs once more bringing peace to the land.
My lungs burned as I ran as fast as my legs could take me, I was running for several days from a group of rogues who had been tracking me. For three days I have been hiding after being outlawed by my own pack I had been roaming these forests until these wolves found me. Judging by their look they were rogues.
Great now I've got a bunch of rouges on my tail, I ran for my life deeper into the forest trying my best to not leave an obvious trail Since I was outnumbered 1 to 3 I shifted quickly and resumed my sprinting through the jungle stopping every once in a while, I was beginning to tire down. My life had become nothing more than a game running all the time, hiding from predators. Ironic really a predator running with their tail between their legs.
Now all I can do is run. Just as the thought crossed my mind my paw got stuck in a hunters trap. Another problem, fear began to gnaw my insides, death dancing before my eyes..................... first being outlawed and now this I love my life thought tears began to threaten to spill through my eyes, blood loss began to make me light-headed. The rouges surrounded me snapping their jaws snarling, I whimpered clenching my eyes close trying to block it all out. My heart hammered faster in my chest, my lungs began to constrict.
If I was to die I wouldn't die like this I hadn't escaped just to die at the hand of these lowly beings. Who do they think they are?. Strengthening my resolve I growled at them not wanting to go down without a fight. My paw was stuck but thankfully there were no broken bones. I snapped and snarled at the nearest wolf. The night began to fall my deepest fear began to gnaw at the back of my mind, was I going to survive??????.
NO, We can't die like this I've always fought please don't give up on me Stellar.
"I'm sorry Y/N I can't fight any longer," said my poor tired wolf she was losing energy and fast she hadn't hunted for several days. I knew I had to shift back again or my wolf might just die from the loss of energy. I was just too tired to continue being strong for both of us. Suddenly a blinding light filled the whole forest. The wolves whimpered and left. I myself unconsciously let out a whimper, the light encompassing my whole body. The trap on my paw disappeared but through my pain and the blinding, I didn't realize that until I tried to run into the forest away from the light. I quickly got over my shock and began nursing my poor paw.
"Y/N we choose you, go deeper into the forest and find him " a voice echoed through the forest
Wait for what ?!? chosen for what now? Is some wolf messing with me or am I hallucinating? I thought
"That I cannot tell you why but your fate is now intertwined with moonstone, go find them the warriors once you find them shall assist you. I am only her messenger farewell" said the voice and the white light vanished along with the voice.
What is going on.....................Who was that and what's with my fate being intertwined with the moonstone?. As I lifted my rucksack it felt heavier when I opened it, it contained a huge chunk of meat. I gave my wolf full reign as she consumed it as it was her last meal. After she ate, we both fell asleep.
.Waking up I realized that my paw was now healed gratefull I then shifted back to my human formed grabbed my rucksack and headed off into the forest I grateful for this new purpose. Who knew why it was important but it made me feel important, it made me feel like I belonged somehow and I didn't want to lose that feeling no matter what.
As I let myself drift over the drastic change in my life her words kept going on repeat in the back of my mind
''Your fate is linked with the moonstone..."
Ight so my name
Byeeeeeeeeeeee for now
If you wanna follow me on Instagram my BTS and BP fanaccount is blinkingarmy_._ and personell acc. is "areee_._"
Taehyung P.O.V
I woke up with a start sweating profusely........ The same person came in my dream again, it had been a while since she had last appeared now she was back. She said I was the chosen one and I must go into the forbidden forest. The forest is forbidden because it is a dangerous place woman why are you sending me!!!!!! this was so frustrating, she even started to give me visions during the daytime and everytime she did I was left to nurse a dramatic headache. I had had several sleepless nights because of this dream and it was starting to affect my personal life, no one likes a grumpy Alpha. Why do I keep having this dream?
I got up with a deep sigh and dressed myself preparing for another gruelling day of work and trying not to snap peoples heads off. My Beta and Gamma greeted me in the hallway giving me a list of things that needed to be looked after. This had to end soon I thought making up my mind to talk to Yoongi Hyung, Yoongi Hyung was my Beta, he was older than me and wiser so I often sought his opinion on things he was a mystic and often had visions too but unlike me he had always been having them since he was a child..I called my Gamma "Seokjin Hyung gather the pack in the mess hall " " Yoongi Hyung follow me please " I ordered them.
Yoongi: What's wrong Alpha?
Taehyung: Let's talk in the conference room .....
( They enter the room)
Yoongi: What now? Is it the dream
Taehyung: Yes! Hyung it's killing me, I can't sleep and concentrate at all how can I perform my duties with all this going on ......
Yoongi: Kid I'm sure you don't want the pack to be affected by this, then why don't you go to the forbidden forest?
Taehyung: But Hyung you know I can't leave the pack also since it is a forbidden forest shouldn't I like not go there?
Yoongi: Well you are not helping them by dozing off most of the time... that's my thing kid go find the moon goddess in the forest she's calling you there for a reason plus its not really that dangerous just a few rogues other than that everything is basically myths.
Taehyung ponders over his words and nods at his hyungs calm logic.
Yoongi: I swear sometimes I doubt you are the Alpha you act like such a 10-year-old.
( Taehyung rolls his eyes and pouts again)
Yoongi: You are the Alpha for heaven's sake this is such an important task you have been chosen for do you have any idea ???????!!!!!!!
Taehyung: Bu bu .b...but wae :(
At that moment Seokjin enters
" If you two idiots are done let's go the pack is waiting, " Seokjin says
Taehyung: Okay Hyung
Yoongi: Taehyung think about what I said please ...........and stop acting like a kid -_-
( Whatever Hyung _-_)
I then followed hyung out of the room finally acknowledging the burden of my task that was finally catching up with me.
Authors P.o.v
Yoongi follows Taehyung out of the room. The trio heads to the mess hall where a podium has been set up for Taehyung to address the pack.
"My people for a long time I have been with you and taken care of you now I must leave. I have been given a noble and divine duty to fill so with a heavy heart I must leave you and journey to the forbidden forest I hope you will all support me"
All the pack members watch with their mouths hanging open. A silent murmur went around the room everyone trying to take in what their Alpha had just told them.
"I know this is very difficult to digest but I want your permission to leave for the dark lands to complete this quest " .
Everyone was silent for a long life then one by one all the pack members bowed their heads...............................
"Long live the Alpha!!!!!!!!!!" everyone collectively shouted
Taehyung smiled knowing he had his packs approval.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Authors Note
Yay, another ch done (imagine me doing a happy dance while listening to hann i'm weird I know but I don't care). Thankyou to whoseoever reads this I am really glad you read it and liked it.
Once again thanks and like , comment and vote.
BTW who do you think the golden Alpha is? Is Y/N a female or male? What will happen next .......
Also, I am open to any suggestions! Thank you
Taehyung P.O.V
After completing all my paperwork and stuff to put Yoongi temporarily in charge I packed my bag and got ready to leave. As I was leaving a thought crept into my mind
'Will I ever return. . .'
I took my bike looking at it fondly and rode out. I wonder what's out there, ever since a pup is born one thing is drilled into their minds "Stay away from the forest" .......... I had never gone out of the pack lands before because after all, we are the only wolf pack in Korea so why bother. I sped onto the highway enjoying the wind and speed.
'I hadn't been amongst humans much except for a few important occasions even though we did do a study about them to prepare us in case we encounter them, they were quite facinating with their cute little quirks '
I was quite nervous though what if they really are wild, what if they realise I'm supernatural. what if .. what...if they capture me. A few humans were no match for our strength but a large group of them, especially with their wolfsbane guns, were deadly to us. A shudder went down my spine thinking of the time an Omega from my pack had been captured by them. The mist usually concealed us so we never really had any trouble with the humans, only humans with the "Sight" could actually see us.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't see a brown wolf coming out of the woods that lined the highway in time.
I collided with it harshly and flew off of my bike and the last thing I remember was seeing a white wolf wait . . . wasn't it supposed to be brown . . . my head got dizzier and dizzier until a lavender scent began to overwhelm me. Then the world turned black.
I had decided to go to the human realm after much debate, I had a human grandma (or so I'd heard) maybe she would take me in and help me out until I got on my own feet. As I was creeping out of the woods I didn't pay any attention. Suddenly a bike slammed into me. Since I was in wolf form I didn't really get that much hurt, but...... I couldn't say the same for the bike guy who btw was kinda cute and in a good shape (God! Y/n STOP GOOGLING AT A GUY WHO JUST CRASHED INTO YOU). Oops! I quickly shifted and went over to him praying he hadn't seen me in my wolf form cuz that would lead to some complications..............
The dude had fainted and I couldn't leave him to die considering it had been my fault this happened so I just took him to the place where I was staying in the woods
Taehyung P.O.V
When I woke up I was in a forest? wait forest ?!? wasn't it supposed to be a highway that I was on.
Taehyung: Hello !.... Is anyone there.
Y/N: Umm.... yes hello to you too.
Y/N: Dude ......... shut it! I just saved you, ever heard of a thank you ??
Taehyung: Well Miss apparently I had an accident on a highway a now I'm in a forest, ever heard of panic.
Y/N: Ooooh! nice one ......
Taehyung: Thank you I pride myself on my ..( gets interrupted by Y/N)
Y/N: if you're the king of trashy comebacks! (Y/N falls down laughing clutching her stomach
what a meanie.........
Seeing me silent the nameless person comes over and ruffles my hair
Y/N: Oh come on I didn't mean it.......
Suddenly I feel as if there was an evil presenceall around us and out of the corner of my eyes I saw a black figure. Accidentally I let out a growl... As soon as I do it it feels as if whatever it was is gone. Y/N stares at me wide-eyed wow her silver eyes are so pretty wait! weren't they brown. When I blink they are brown again was it just my imagination.
Nix (Taehyung's wolf ): Dude! you just growled in front of her stop thinking about her eyes.
Oh God, I just growled in front of her I must get away from here damn! why am I so dumb.
I immediately take off..........
I went over and ruffled his hair while I was apologizing, he went stiff and all of a sudden let out a growl, after a minute he relaxed. I looked at him shocked he was lost in another world then suddenly it was as if lightning struck him. He jolted back to the real world and took off!
I ran after him what was up with that dude. I reached a clearing in the forest. I shifted to track his scent. As soon as I did an amazing scent filled the air.
My wolf immediately scanned the surroundings and the person she saw was .......
wait he was my mate NO WAY! I JUST MET HIM.
Taehyung walks towards you .. you slowly back away. Seeing you backing of he quickly turns into his wolf. Woah ! you couldn't help but be Jung shook(see what I did ;)) His wolf was a gorgeous midnight black with shining gold eyes.
Golden eyes ?? wait that meant that he was an Alpha!!. OMG, this is ... I don't know what this is but omg my mate is someone I just met and he is an Alpha I am truly shook. He slowly crept forward towards and touched noses with me. I was literally panicking, my heart was beating so fast that I could literally hear it srsly it was so loud that I was sure even tae could hear it. Tae where did the nickname come from? The wolf came even closer and licked my face. Eeeeeew it felt dis-.................. so nice. My wolf nuzzled into the black wolf. I will never be able to live that down................
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------So what do ya ppl think ?!?!? I know commenting is a waste of time (i think that too sometimes) but please like\, comment and vote I am desperate.
And if you wanna know more about me follow me on my Instagram and you can ask me whatever you want? I'll give you a shoutout if you do.
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