NovelToon NovelToon

Our Mommy~

1 : MEET

hii 😉
let's start
In a park a 15 y/o is crying sitting in a bench ...and some guards are trying to tell him to go to his house 😕
you all are thinking that it's the start of a story right...?? then how come it's start from this scene🤷
you have a point 😉
not all story is start from happy family or etc...😕
the boy who is crying was from a rich family....
wonder...why I am saying "was" .... because they are no more..... yesterday in a accident all family members except this little boy .....all died 🙁
now he or i tell she ...wonder why??.... because he is a Female Ore ...yes it's rare now ....a wondering beauty 🙃
in the day of his birthday all his family members died🙁....
if I start to tell you about his nature then you will literally fall in love with this little F.O {female ore}🤷
in his family all members love him unconditionally....also the servent ....and also in the company...all know about him ...he is a intelligent boy with beauty.....
you can say a perfect one .... because of his family he is matured enough...and also can decide the solution according to problem in such a short time......
now he is all alone .... it's not like in his mansion no one live ....there are many servents ....but know right ....the meaning of having a family is something else
he is crying non stop.....all guards are looking at him with pity ...but he dont want anyone pity
he already decided ...he will be the one who will join the company being the owner and CEO yes he is young but not a fool it's also right if he don't work for his life time .... nothing will change ...he has so much money ....he don't have to work...but you know ...I already told you he is not a fool....he is matured enough...
that's why he decided to join the company
let me tell you about his nature😉
joyfull , sassy , savage , brave , matured , intelligent , rare beauty , cold to strangers , most lovely to closed ones , kind , helpful , hard working , thoughtful. 🤷🤷 in a single word -- PERFECT
you all wanna know his name ...right??
let me tell you's none othe than--
you are not supposed to be surprise right..??🙁
after endless crying...he stop.....
he saw... something which caught his eyes
two young boys was running .... running..... it's depend on their life.....
in Taehyung's eyes they are the most cutest one .... so he tell his guard to bring them here ....
two guards goes their where the two young boys caught by some mens
hey you two little boys come with us ....our young master want to meet you (politely)
they will not😡
sir please help us .... they are going to sell us 😭😭
sir please .... please.sir ... please save us 😭😭
the two youngers are crying non-stop
their body is full of wound ...some are bleeding
when they are arguing....taehyung come there with all other guards
when the ethereal beauty come there those bustard couldn't stop there's desires...and tell something that they wouldn't have--
hey let them go....we will caught this beauty (pointing at taehyung) he will be looking good under us ...what a sluty figure (to other bust-i mean other members)
that's it--
listen to this bustard...taehyung's bodyguard blood start to he couldn't control his anger and beat the shit out of those people...and then bring them in their basement...
on the other side when Taehyung saw the little boys wounded ...he tell them to come with him to his house they were hesitant but after hearing the worried and concerning voice .. they agreed
now there of then are in Taehyung's house --oops it's not a's a mansion 🤷😉
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
sit there (pointing at the couch) i will bring the med-kit😀
after some minutes taehyung come with the med-kit in his hand
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
{treating their wounds}
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
mind me telling the reason of those(pointing at the wounds)
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
and what is your names
my name is-
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
my name is-
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
my name is Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
now tell me who are you ..why is there so many wounds on your body ...and why were you running 🙁
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
I will tell you ...but can you first give us some water 🙂
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
oh..ok wait..
no need young master ... here water(give them two glass of water)
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
thanks nani 😁🤗
I will go now take care 😀
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
now tell me😕
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
actually we were orphan we don't know who is our parents or anything
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
in the orphan they force us to do all works there...and also beat us ....and don't give food to us
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
but from some days some of our friends start to disappear.... the orphan father said to us that they were being adopt by some couples ....we didn't think anything wrong about this ...until one day ...they also tell us something like that but in the end they try to sell us 🙂
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
and when we found some time we tried to escape and that's when you see us
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
are you alone here?? here is no one except us😕. !!
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
yes my all family members died in a accident yesterday 🙂 now I am all alone🙂😕🙂
that's when the personal guards arrive their 🤷
young master. we will send him to orphanage which is under your company
yes are right ...when they were telling the past behind them ...the guards were there because they don't trust anyone after the accident
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
will you abandon us 😕🥺
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
I want to stay with you🥺🥺
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
gukkie hyung ask him to give us permission to stay here...I don't wanna go any orphanage..they are bad😢😢😢
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
no kookie it's not a good manner 😕 we can't stay wherever we want🤷🙂...
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
I am also alone😕 will you both stay with me...!?!🙂
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
I will arrange school for both of you
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
you will have your own room here will be no one who will beat you here you have nothing to worry about ... we have so much food also
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
just one think have to obey me🤷 don't ever try to disobey or the consequences will be bad🙃
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
yes...yes..yess{nod aggressively}
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
we will😁
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
nani prepare the food for three of us and clean 2 rooms beside my room and also ready medical bath for both of them
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
let's go
both the youngers follow taehyung like a obedient puppy 🙃

2 : CARE

let's continue 👁️👄👁️
now the trio in taehyung room
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
but we don't have any clothes 😕
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
don't worry I have some new clothes tomorrow we will go for shopping and bring what you need 🤗okay... and make a list what you want today night after dinner ☺️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
now both of you open you clothes 😕
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
(first want to know why ...but then remember taehyung's word) okay😕
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
(same as kook)
after the both open their clothes...all wounds are now visible 🌚
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
let's go i will shower both of you 🙂
because they have so many wounds taehyung help to shower them and call a doctor to check and treat those wounds
in three day those wounds will be okay with the help of this medicines and they are not so healthy so take care of them and they some mental torture so be good with them for some month or 1 year after that they will be okay
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
okay ..thank you doctor
after the doctor goes taehyung also goes to his room and sleep they already have their dinner
taehyung is a morning person so he always wake up early after doing his morning routine he goes to wake-up the twins
the door wasn't locked so he knocekd and after hearing a sleepy voice come in he goes towards the room
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
both of you wakeup or there will be no breakfast 🤷
the youngers wake-up at this moment when they heard that and goes towards their bathroom
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
I already prepared some clothes for you come downstairs and then we will be going for shopping
: okay
both of them replied in a hurried tone
after the breakfast now they are in a car
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
both of you listen just brought what you need you don't have to think about money and also if you want any type of beverage then brought them okay...!!
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
will you not come with us😕...!?!
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
no..I will go to direct Gucci ....I have to brought some suits for attending office 🙂 from today I have to handle all the work 😊and I promise I will take care of you both
: okay🙂
both of them said after understanding
after shopping the trio goes to cars .... their bags are with guards in another car
in home
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
babys i have to go to my office now so I will be late okay tell nani what you want to eat and also take the medicine other servents will take care of the things which you brought ... okay!! you don't have to do anything just rest for three days okay then I will arrange some tutor and school 😊😊
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
okay and take care of yourself 🙂😊
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
and here this is phone okay there is my number...if you want anything call me and if anything happen tell me immediately 😊
after understanding the feature of the smart they both said :okay 😊
and then taehyung goes to office


let's continue 👁️👄👁️
taehyung entered the office building with so many guards around him in the office all knew who Kim Taehyung is ...
after looking at their new and young boss they all are mesmerized....taehyung is looking like a king ....who don't need any crown ....he is walking with elegance and a very cold aura around him🤷🤷
or i say a queen...🌚...!!!
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
they are in middle of the office where all employee are there for some announcement
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
me Kim Taehyung..from now on i will be handle all the works and I am the new CEO of Kim empire and all our don't try to create any problems in my company when I am the owner of all these if any of you have problems please resign today or tomorrow... the day after tomorrow I will appoint some new worker ...and tomorrow I will fired some unwanted trouble of my company...❄️❄️❄️❄️☺️
after handling all the works he decided to go home
it's already 09:30 in night and he didn't eat anything
in this time the news of a young CEO is now a headline
all know about KIM TAEHYUNG and knows that he is flawless boy with so many talent but he don't go school because he is home schooling..and he decided to go directly college
so no one knows that's he is a F.O
when he is about to go towards his car his phone started to vibrates
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
hello baby☺️
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
umm...hyung ...kook want to ask you something📱
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
📱hyung can you come quickly...I am hungry 😕
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
why baby🙁...!! I already told everyone to listen to both of you why didn't you eat dinner 🙁📲
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
we will eat with you😚....that's come come quickly📱
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
aish🤦.. okay baby hold on i will come quickly ☺️📲
then he hang up and hop on the car
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Driver : okay young master😊
after some minute they reach
good night young master😊
2: guard
2: guard
good night young master
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
good night😊
he goes towards the hall
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Butler uncle ....go bring the papers from the car and bring them to my room then you can go
he goes towards his room
after freshing up he goes downstairs at dining hall
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
nani serve the food
and then he sit in his chair
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
both of you sit
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
they both : yes
while eating they the twins are peeking at taehyung and it didn't unnoticed by taehyung so he asked
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
if you wanna ask something you can ask but after eating come to my room then ask😊
after eating
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
good night nani you can go😊
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
good night Butler uncle today you don't have to stay😊
both : okay young master
in taehyung room
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
you sit in the bed
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
now tell me
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
ummm...can you help us in something 😣
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
tell me first
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
we have a friend who was also with us can you bring him here he is so good😢
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
tell me what's his name
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
umm...his name is Jimin
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
okay tomorrow I will bring him after that you will tell him the rules okay😊
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
you don't have to be nervous around me 😊 just tell me if you need anything
that's the time taehyung start to spoil them with everything 🙂🙂.... let's see what will be the future 🌚🌚
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
now both of you go and sleep next week you will join school and I also have classes tomorrow and I also have to rest 🙂
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
good night😊
both : good night hyung😊
in twins room :
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
guuk hyung ...he is so good with us...he also agreed to bring jimin for us😁
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
yes he even didn't ask anything ☺️ we will obey him 😁
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
okay let's sleep we have to be better so we can take care of jimin
next day :
taehyung's bodyguard bring jimin with them according to their young master
it's only 7 in morning
young master this is the boy you asked for🙂
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
it's okay can take your leave😊
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
hi young boy
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
hey why are you crying 🙁
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
will you also beat me😢😢..I didn't did anything 😢😣
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
no young boy you remember jungkook and jungguk right🙁😊
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
they are now here so they ask me to also brought you here... that's why you are here....don't worry I will don't beat like those people 😊
now jimin look at taehyung .....and he is staring at him now like no tomorrow 🤦🤦
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
angel 😳😳
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
thanks young boy 😊
that's when he realise that he said it out loud🤷🤷
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
nani bring guuk and kook here and tell them their friend is here
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
ohh... jimin what's your age..??
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
ummm....5 😣
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
you want to study😊???
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
yes😣 will you help me😣
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
don't worry they will tell you everything
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
you all talk I already call the doctor to check him and w I will send clothes and other necessity with someone and don't go out without my permission 😊 he is little so I will choose all things according to him okay
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
I have class to attend bye 😊 and don't wait for me in dinner because I will probably be late
after attending classes...he send all necessity for jimin and yesterday he also told nani to prepare a room for jimin
days goes by that and now the trio have no wounds on their body- thanks to taehyung
they only meet at morning breakfast
now it's Saturday... today taehyung will not go anywhere
all 4 of then in dining room
taehyung is preparing breakfast for all of them
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
good morning hyung😁
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
good morning hyung😁
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
good morning hyung 😁
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
good morning all of sit I prepared all the food ...let me serve them
you don't have to😊 sit, i will
nani serve the breakfast
all take a bite of the food
let me show the food
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
delicious 😳😋
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
is it really that good 😊!!
jimin(5 y/o)
jimin(5 y/o)
hyung can you cook for me 😣🥺🥺🥺 I didn't eat anything delicious like this
jungkook(7 y/o)
jungkook(7 y/o)
I also wanna😣
jungguk(7 y/o)
jungguk(7 y/o)
can I have also😣
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
sure I will cook breakfast for all of you everyday then😊
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
tomorrow you three have to attend school
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
I already managed everything 😊 you just have to study well and be the no.1 student 😊okay
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
and also if anything happen just go and tell head teacher he will manage okay...or you can tell me have the phone right😊!!
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
I already manage my all work of tomorrow morning so I will go with you to your school and remember the owner of the school is KIM TAEHYUNG so don't let anyone bully you
yes...taehyung brought the school in his that the trio will face no problem and be comfortable
he also appoint a P.A
you remember right...he said he will give job to some people
so the P.A will be with him tomorrow 🌚🌚
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
Kim Taehyung(15 y/o) F.O♀️
tell me what you want to do

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