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The Mafia Boss Who Covets Me

Episode 1

("Sometimes, paths cross by fate's design")

It's already dawn when Sean Parker runs desperately from four men who are chasing him after an argument at a nightclub. While crossing the street without paying attention, a car brakes unexpectedly to avoid hitting him. After stopping, a handsome and elegant man gets out of the car and stares at him.

14 hours earlier...

Sean was sitting on the couch, running his hands through his hair and nervous face. He and his sister Kate had argued over her boyfriend.

Sean never liked Brian from the day his sister introduced him. He always suspected that Brian was not a good guy, he had a bad reputation for being rude to his girlfriends. Sean, who had not said anything to his sister, knew him from college.

Kate is Sean's twin sister, being two minutes younger, her brother always tried to prevent his sister from suffering. Their parents died in a robbery when the two were still teenagers. Their grandfather, Gerard, took care of them until they came of age. Their grandfather died of a heart attack while they were still in college, leaving Sean and Kate to look after each other.

After the argument, Kate left the apartment leaving Sean alone.

"Ahh! It's no use, he never listens to me." - He said slapping his hands on the table.

Ding dong... The doorbell rang causing Sean to get up and go to the door. When he opened it, he came face to face with his best friends Annie and Zack.



"What are you guys doing here?" - Sean asked opening the door and nodding his head for them to enter.

"Geez, is that how you greet your best friends?" - Zack said dramatically.

Sean- "Sorry guys, I had another fight with my sister and I'm a little nervous." - He said sitting on the couch.

Annie sat down next to him and asked: "Let me guess, it was because of Brian again?"

Sean: *Yes, she doesn't listen to me, she thinks the rumors about Brian are false.

I heard he's even hit his exes*.

Sean spoke with concern.

Zack saw how worried his friend was, put his hand on his shoulder and said speaking.

"Dude, she'll soon realize what kind of man he is. Let time sort it all out."

Sean sighed standing up, walked to the kitchen, grabbed a can of soda from the refrigerator, whenever he gets nervous, he drinks soda to calm down. It was a habit he had. He offered it to his friends and they shook their heads refusing.

"Changing the subject, did you talk to Troy yesterday?" Annie said confronting her friend.

A month ago, Sean discovered that his then-boyfriend, Troy, had stolen his opportunity to exhibit his drawings at the Lane Art Gallery. Sean majored in Fine Arts and as an additional course he also studied music. But the career he chose to pursue was fine arts. Troy not only stole Sean's opportunity to exhibit his work, but also cheated on him with the gallery curator to get the contract. After the double betrayal, Sean broke up their relationship.

"I did talk to him, but just to make it clear once and for all that there is no forgiveness for what he did, betrayed my trust by stealing my dream and having an affair with another guy." - Sean said with an angry expression.

Zack approached and said - "Why don't we leave that jerk aside and go to our favorite nightclub to unwind and dance tonight? We all need some fun."

Sean and Annie looked at Zack and thought about it. Although he always made an excuse to go out and party, he was right.

"That's a good idea" - Sean and Zack responded at the same time.


*THUD*... - one more punch is given to a man who is sitting tied up in a chair.

"I'll ask again. Who sent you to sabotage my crew's gun shipment?" - Alex Carter asked in an altered voice.

"Boss! I found something interesting." - James said handing an iPad to Alex, it contained information about the person who hired the captured man.

James is one of Alex's trusted men, he is an expert investigator and a hacker.

Alex said, "Of course this had to be Dan Novak's doing."

Alex is the head of the Mafia, chosen by the partners and his father who indicated him before he died of cancer. Dan is from the Novak family who have always had a feud with the Carter family.

Alex looked at Nick, another of his trusted men, and spoke as he walked toward the exit: "You know what to do."

As he left the place, there was the sound of a gunshot indicating that Nick had killed the man who was tied up.

A few hours later...

It was already night, Sean, Annie and Zack were at the club dancing. Sean looks at his friends and says - "I'm gonna get a drink, I'm very thirsty." - His friends accompanied him and went to the bartender to order drinks.

While they waited, Annie and Zack were distracted on their cell phones. Sean was observing the environment and noticed that a man was staring at him. He approached and introduced himself: "Hello, nice to meet you! You are by far the most interesting person here. My name is Dan Novak, what's your name?"

*Dan Novak*.

Sean recognized the name, he knew he was a member of the Mafia.

Mafia members are recognized by name as both the Novak and Carter families are quite popular in society.

Sean had a strange feeling of dread upon meeting Dan, even against his better judgment replied, "My name is Sean. I'm sorry, but I have to get back to the dance floor."

Sean didn't give Dan a chance to respond and walked away hurriedly.

"I love guys who play hard to get. It makes things more interesting." - Dan said with a sly smile.

After reaching the dance floor, Sean looked to his side and sighed with relief to see that Dan was no longer where he had left him. He was about to go back to his friends until something caught his attention. Brian was in the club with three friends and his sister. He noticed that Kate was arguing with Brian. Finding it strange, he decided to go over to them as he had a bad feeling. As he got closer, Brian, who hadn't noticed Sean's arrival, was cursing at Kate and assaulting her.

"You vag*bund*\, you don't own me." - He said squeezing Kate's arm violently. When he raised his other hand to slap the younger girl in the face, Sean quickly grabbed his arm and said pushing him away: "You lost the love of your life. Do you really think I'm going to let you hit my sister?" - Sean was red with anger. Brian became enraged and approached him punching him. Sean's mouth started to bleed. He retaliated with another punch and then suddenly, Brian's friends stepped into the fight, realizing that one of them had a knife, Sean ran out of the club and Brian and his friends followed him. - "Don't let him get away. He's gonna pay for that punch." - Brian said breathlessly as he ran.

Sean had turned the corner and hearing that the others were almost within reach, he started running faster, he didn't pay attention to a black car coming and as he crossed the street, he realized he was going to be hit. The car braked and Sean stood motionless with a startled look on his face. He came to his senses when he realized that a handsome man had gotten out and was staring at him.

Current Time...

Alex gave him an indescribable look and frowned. He walked over to Sean who stood there like a deer in headlights. When he got close, Alex said - "You should look both ways before crossing the street. If my driver hadn't braked, you might not even be alive right now." - He said arrogantly.

"I'm s-sorry, I w-was in a hurry." - Sean stammered. Alex's way of speaking left him apprehensive and intimidated. He found this feeling strange. Alex turned and started walking back to the car and before getting in said - "Don't let this happen again". - He got into the car and told the driver to get out of there. Sean found his manner arrogant, but had no time to think about anything because Brian and his friends were still trying to catch up with him. He started running again and soon spotted the building where he lived. He entered the building quickly and soon entered his apartment.

Episode 2

Alex arrived at his house and went straight to his room. As he loosened his tie, his thoughts turned to the young man who was almost run over. The features of the young man's face wouldn't leave his mind. "Why can't I stop thinking about that guy," he went to the nightstand next to his bed and poured a glass of whiskey. "I must be exhausted, that's why I'm thinking nonsense. I'll take my shower," he walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

Meanwhile, Sean had just arrived at his apartment, wasted no time, grabbed his phone and called Kate. She answered immediately - "Sean, are you okay? Are you hurt?" - she asked anxiously to her brother. "I should be asking you that, I'm fine, I'm home. Where are you?" - Kate breathed a sigh of relief and replied. - "I'm almost there, I'm sorry, Sean, I should have listened to you." Kate started crying, and continued - "I never want to hear about Brian again, I broke up with him." - It was Sean's turn to breathe a sigh of relief. His sister arrived at the apartment and they hugged and he comforted her. The doorbell rang, Sean walked to the door apprehensively because he thought it could be Brian coming after him. Upon opening the door, he saw his friends Annie and Zack. They entered and immediately asked - "Why did you leave the club?" - They asked at the same time. Sean explained what had happened. "Dude, if I had seen, I would have taken care of that bas*ard. He had the audacity to pull a stunt like that. Luckily, you managed to escape from him," Zack said angrily for not having seen and helped his friend.

The next day, Sean had already woken up and was getting ready for work. He works for a record label. Since he hasn't been able to achieve his dream yet, Sean also studied music and works in the area he studied. His role in the record label is to make jingles and provide support for electronic devices. He always had fears about his job because he didn't like the way his boss, Jerry, looked at him. "I need to get out of this job, Jerry is marking me and I don't want to know about him. He looks at me in such a strange way that it makes me nauseous. I'll do my best to stay far away from him." he thought. While Sean was jotting down the equipment that needed fixing on the clipboard, he didn't notice Jerry approaching him, when he realized his presence, it was too late, he couldn't give him the slip. His boss approached and said - "Be in my office in 2 minutes. We need to talk." Sean had the impression that Jerry didn't call him just to talk. Even knowing that he was about to have problems, and not the kind related to work, he couldn't fail to show up, after all, Jerry is his boss. After arriving at the office and knocking on the door, it was opened and Jerry nodded for him to come in. Upon entering the office, his boss locked the door. "My dear, you need to relax a bit. You know you're a very special guy, with that beautiful face and wonderful body. Sean, you're asking to be appreciated this way." - he said, making him lean against the desk in the office. Jerry put one hand on each side of his body and came even closer and then started running his hands on Sean's thighs. The young man felt disgust for that disgusting old man trying to force himself on him. His boss tried to kiss him by force, but he managed to turn his face and then pushed him away. Sean tried to run, but Jerry grabbed his arm forcefully, making him twist in pain.

"You imbecile! If you don't want to give in willingly, you'll do it by force. You'll like it so much you'll ask for more" - Sean tried to break free from his grip, and in the middle of the attempt, Jerry ripped his shirt straight towards his right nipple. He stepped on Jerry's foot, who screamed. When he saw that the old man was distracted by the pain, he took the opportunity and ran out of the office. He ran without looking to the side, and when he was about to turn the corner, he bumped into someone and ended up falling to the ground...

Suddenly, a hand appeared in front of him to help him up. "Are you okay?" - the man with the deep, husky voice asked. He took the hand and got up, replying, "I'm fine. Thank you."

Only after standing up, still holding the man's hand, he looked at him and realized that it's the same man who almost hit him with his car. Alex also recognized him, giving a half smile. Sean then noticed how incredibly beautiful he was and couldn't look away. Alex didn't let go of his hand. The two seemed mesmerized, Sean's breathing was irregular, and his heart started beating faster. They heard one of the men clear his throat, and they snapped out of their trance. Sean quickly pulled his hand away, and Alex broke the tension by saying, "Looks like you enjoy being hit. Couldn't stop this one, sorry." He chuckled, noticing Sean's nervousness. This time, Alex wasn't arrogant. His expression showed he was genuinely happy to see someone.

"I apologize for that" - Alex observed him intently, as if admiring him. Sean always stood out wherever he went. Alex noticed his torn shirt and asked, "What happened to your shirt?" Sean looked at his shirt and remembered the incident in the office, his nervousness returning. He looked at Alex and said, "This was a warning that I should always follow my intuition about certain people."

Alex found his response strange, and Sean looked back and saw Jerry walking towards him with anger. He looked at Alex and said, "I'm sorry, but I have to go." As he started walking, Alex grabbed his arm, took off his jacket, and put it on Sean.

"You can't go out there with a torn shirt." He furrowed his brow and said, "I can't accept it. I wouldn't know when I could return it."

Alex stepped closer, placing his hand on Sean's arm. "Don't refuse, you don't have to return it. Besides, I have a feeling I'll see you again."

Sean just nodded, excused himself, and left. He couldn't linger because Jerry was after him.

"I definitely want to see you again, kid. You're not like the other young men, you caught my attention without even realizing it." Alex thought. He turned to James and said, "I want you to find out everything about this young man. His name, where he lives, don't let anything about his life slip. I want it done for today." James simply nodded and left to fulfill the boss's order.

Meanwhile, Sean got on his bike and sped off after putting on his helmet. While waiting at a traffic light, he began to think about the man who had been so kind to him. Unknowingly, he smiled. Sean had never been interested in another person after the disappointment of his last relationship. "Why am I thinking about this man? He would never want anything with me," he said while still stopped with the bike.

He quickly arrived at his apartment, but before running to his room, Kate stopped him. "Sean, why are you home early and where did you get that jacket?" He looked at his sister and gave her a summary of what had happened, from the harassment of his boss to the moment he met the man who helped him. Kate then said, "My God, Sean, Jerry crossed the line. But who is this man who helped you? Is he handsome?"

Sean laughed at the question and replied, "Handsome is an understatement, he's the most gorgeous man I've ever seen."

As Sean recounted all the details to Kate, Alex had finished the meeting in the building and was walking towards his car. As he got in, James began to brief him on the information about Sean. "Boss, the young man is named Sean Parker, 25 years old, lives in the Garden Residential Building, studied fine arts and music. Lives with his twin sister Kate Parker, his parents passed away when they were teenagers. He is single, often goes out with his friends Annie Hastings and Zack Walker."

Alex looked at the paperwork James handed him with the information about Sean, saw his picture, and after reading about his life, he thought, "You have a busy life, my little angel. We'll meet again sooner than you think."

Alex realized he couldn't deny the strong attraction he felt for Sean. He also noticed that the young man felt something too and was already planning to see him again. Something was stuck in his mind. Alex remembered that when he bumped into Sean, he seemed to be running away from someone and was nervous. He noticed that Sean changed his demeanor after seeing Jerry and then spoke to James. - "I have one more thing I want you to do. Find out what happened to him today, I didn't like the way he acted when he saw that old man. I have a feeling something happened." - James just nodded. Nick, who was sitting next to Alex, said - "I noticed that too. I think that old man did something to the boy. He seemed afraid of that old man and the way his shirt was torn. I don't have a good feeling about this." - Alex's expression changed, he had a somber look.

Episode 3

Hours after the order to investigate what happened between Sean and his boss, Alex punched the wall, his expression filled with hatred. James and Nick reported the harassment that Sean was facing from his boss and how he was treated poorly for not giving in. They informed him about Jerry's advances, how he had overloaded Sean at work for not agreeing to go to the old man's house, and when Sean left with torn clothes, Jerry's secretary overheard what happened and was sure that the disgusting old man had tried to force something on the young man by the noise she heard coming from the office.

"How is this happening within the record label and I am not aware of anything? I may be the boss of the Mafia, but that doesn't mean I will accept harassment. After all, I am the Principal Partner. The record label is mine," Alex spoke with fury.

"Mr. Alex, forgive my intrusion, but I must ask, why are you so specifically interested in this boy?" Alex frowned, thinking that the reason for his actions with Sean was obvious. "I thought you knew, Nick. My reasons are quite explicit." Nick widened his eyes, "So, the boy really caught your interest? I am glad to hear that. He seems like a good person." Alex smiled with the support of his security and right-hand man.

Meanwhile, it was already nightfall, Kate was at work, and Sean had just come out of the shower when suddenly the doorbell rang. "Ding dong." Sean, who was completely naked except for a towel wrapped around his waist and still wet, walked to answer, thinking it was a food delivery he had ordered through the app. Upon opening the door, he widened his eyes and was surprised by the person standing in front of him. It was Alex, who smiled provocatively at how the young man was.

Alex. A lot of lewd thoughts ran in the man's head. "It's difficult to control myself like this. My weakness is exactly this, when you just came out of the shower, wet hair on your forehead and messy. Those lips, how I want to bite them. I would rip off that towel, push you in, take you and make you wrap your legs around my waist while I bite your neck and drive you crazy with your moans. I would make you mine with such intensity that you wouldn't dare be anyone else," Alex thought, in a trance, mesmerized by the sight of Sean who had just come out of the shower, blushing like a tomato with so much embarrassment, he didn't even know what to say, although inside he was ecstatic to see Alex again.

After composing himself, Sean finally spoke, "I-I'm sorry, I thought it was the delivery guy with my order. I didn't think I would see you again, especially like this, without clothes," the young man said, lowering his head. Alex smiled and replied, "It's okay, don't worry. I appeared in your apartment unannounced, but I have a good reason. I need to talk to you, Sean, and I couldn't put it off." The younger man furrowed his brow, feeling strange and said nodding his head, "Okay! Come in! I'll wear something, please wait here and sit down, I won't be long." Alex nodded, agreeing, and sat on the sofa. While he waited, Sean, who was extremely anxious, ran to his room and grabbed a light gray sweatpants and a white shirt and got dressed. He put on his slippers and returned to the living room. Upon arriving, he immediately asked, "How did you know where I live and my name? I don't remember mentioning that to you."

Alex replied, "My bad, I didn't introduce myself. My name is Alex Carter, nice to meet you," the man said, raising his hand. Sean looked at him in astonishment, just like it had happened with Dan, he recognized Alex because the man had a reputation for being the Mafia boss and desired by many. "My God! This can't be real. You're Alex Carter, the Mafia boss? It can't be, first one and now another mafioso," he said in astonishment. "It seems like my reputation precedes me. Well, yes, it's me. How you know about my reputation, you can imagine that it was easy for me to get your address," Alex said.

Sean became calmer, he didn't know how, but he realized that he didn't need to be afraid of Alex.

The little boy asked: "All right, you said you needed to talk to me, right? What's this about* exactly* ?"

Alex's countenance changed to gloomy as he remembered what Sean had been through at the record company with Jerry.

"Sean, I'm the senior partner of the record company and I ensure that the staff there provide a good service. I'm not the type to tolerate certain despicable acts, such as sexual harassment or abuse of any kind" - Alex sighed and continued speaking...

"I noticed that when we met earlier today, you looked like you were running away and scared. Judging by the torn clothes and the red marks on your wrist earlier, yes, I noticed that too. I can get an idea of what happened. But I want you to tell me the truth.

*"Has Jerry been harassing you and burdening you with extra work because you refused him? Did he try to force something on you today?"

The young man swallowed dryly and put his hands to his face to hold it in, he didn't like to talk about it, the memories made him feel anxious.

Alex, who was sitting next to him, put his hand on his shoulder and said:

"I imagine it can't be easy to talk about this with anyone, but it's something that can't be ignored."

Sean got up from the sofa, looked at Alex and said:

"Look, I appreciate your intention, but this is my business and nobody else's. Please don't pry." - Sean said in exasperation. He didn't want Alex to interfere because he didn't want to be responsible for anything bad that might happen to Jerry, even though he deserved it.

Alex, who had an ineligible expression on his face, looked at his security guards and said: "Excuse me, I need to speak to him in private. Only call me if it's urgent."

Nick and James nodded and left the apartment.

As soon as they left, Alex turned to Sean, who was still sitting on the sofa and made him lie down without giving him time to say anything. He climbed on top of the smaller man, held his arms above his head and made him spread his legs with his own, keeping his legs in the middle.

Alex still held his arms above his head and brought his face a sigh away from the young man's face.

"What are you doing?" - Sean asked the man with the words struggling to come out of his mouth.

Alex smiled, came close to the younger man's ear and whispered in a husky, sexy voice.

"What does it look like I'm doing angel?"

Sean sighed with desire, the attraction he felt for Alex was hard to deny.

The man looked at him and said: "You don't have to protect that scumbag. He almost committed sexual abuse and you protect him? What if you hadn't managed to get out of there in time?what do you think would have happened*?"

It was only then that Sean realized that Alex was really willing to help him and was worried about him.

"*Why are you so keen to help me with that old man? Why are you so interested in this story?" - Sean asked, staring at him.

"Why I can't explain it at the moment, but you should know that ever since I laid eyes on you that night I almost ran you over, you haven't left my mind. I feel an immense desire to protect you."

Sean was speechless, he realized that Alex was also feeling something for him, even though they had only just met.

"*I believe in you and I want to make a deal.

If Jerry does anything from then on, I'll let you know. Can we do it like this*?"

Alex just nodded, neither of them moved, Sean was hypnotized by the scent of the man on top of him and Alex couldn't leave because he was one step away from kissing the smaller man.

As he bent down to kiss Sean, James appeared and spoke:

"Boss, sorry to interrupt, I've just found out where the man who was complicit in that delivery sabotage is."

Alex stood up quickly and spoke: -

"I'm sorry Sean, I have to take care of some business. I'll be traveling for work tomorrow, when I come back in a week I'll have a party at my house, you're invited to come and if you want, you can bring your friends and sister."

Sean didn't respond and Alex continued:

"Just one more thing. What did you mean by another 'mafioso'?"

The young man had forgotten to mention Dan, but he quickly replied:

"That day when you almost ran me over, I met someone at the club. Actually, I hadn't even noticed him, he was the one who approached me trying to start a conversation. He is also in the Mafia. The man's name is Dan Novak."

Alex's expression turned frightening. He didn't want Sean to meet his enemy.

The man started walking out of the apartment, saying:

"For your own good, don't let that man get close to you again."

Alex left without explaining or saying goodbye, leaving Sean with a lot to think about.

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