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The Dragon Spirit S1

episode 1: The entry of Drago

Master Fu: Everyone, Listen, The one whom the sacred dragon sword will choose, will get extraordinary immortal power. The sword can feel who is the real dragon spirit and eligible for the dragon sword. All of yours training is completed, so I am going to take the sword.

Kuruyama Benke: I am not here to get the dragon sword, I am here, only to unleash the animal spirit power inside me. That's why I joint this martial arts school.

Master fu realises that kuruyama has the animal spirit of panther.

Drago: May I come?

Master fu: Who are you?

Drago: My name is Drago. I am not from this town. Can i join this school? Please master. I respect you.

Master fu: At first, as you're not from our town , you have to defeat any one of my students whom I will choose.

Drago: I can defeat all of your students.

All students except Sakyo and kuruyama attack him but Drago uses his extraordinary flame powers and a huge flame dragon unleashes and defeat everyone.

Sakyo: A worthy rival.

Master fu: If you had unleashed your power already, then why do you want to learn?

Drago: I learned from tensen valley. I am here to get the dragon sword.

Master fu: okay. But I will give you the sword in 1 condition. You have to defeat everyone who will unleash their powers. Now they didn't unleashed theirs like you.

episode 2: Drago's real motive

Master fu: Drago, I want you to come to my room right now.

Drago: Yes master.

Master fu: This is the dragon sword.

The dragon sword chooses Drago.

Master fu: congratulations! now it's yours. But I want to ask that what's your motive? The sword never choosesthe wrong or bad person.

Drago: I am actually from tensen valley where Sakurai kuruashi and I learnt martial arts. He was more worthy than me. One day, we both became capable to release our powers of animal spirits. I had the flame dragon spirit. Sakurai had the dark dragon spirit. He was more powerful than me. He defeated every student and killed them. He also defeated and killed Master Antison. That time, I wasn't that much powerful to defeat him. I knew I can't defeat him. He also killed my lovely brother, Daichi. I realized that I need more power and I have to become stronger enough to defeat him. So, I left my town and reached here.

episode 3: kuruyama vs Drago

kuruyama: Hey Drago, I am kuruyama. My animal spirit power has unleashed. It's a dark jaguar. Will you fight with me?

Drago: Sure!

The fight begins!

Kuruyama unleashes the dark jaguar power and Drago unleashes the power of the flame dragon. Kuruyama attacks dark slash punch but Drago escapes from the attack. He attacks his special attack, Dragon destructor roar and a flame dragon comes out and causes destruction. Then Kuruyama attacks his special attack, Dark jaguar roaring destructor but it doesn't harms Drago too much. Drago attacks Leg slash and right flame hand smash but kuruyama doesn't gives up. Then both unleash their powers. The flame dragon smashes the dark jaguar and kuruyama gets out far. But it's not deadly or fierce. Drago didn't used his full powers till now. Sakyo sees him and says: Hmm.. He is much more powerful than I thought. Be prepared, I am a strong rival for you.

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