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My Last Day On Earth

Graduation Day

It's the day of her graduation from high school, with excitement and joy she couldn't sleep for the whole night, she just kept thinking and hoping when will the sun rises,


It's time to say goodbye to my high school life, with a beautiful smile on her face ,she woke up & rushed towards the bathroom, took a quick shower, nicely put on her uniform ,well washed and pressed, '

after the graduation event, "I need to prepare my college applications for one of the famous arts institute, that I have been waiting to apply since I was a kid, with loads of confident & excitement she encouraged herself.

'Rural Arts Academy ' one of the best well known college,'' for its artistic creative painting with illustrations and sculpture making,

Students from all over the world will be eager to get in, I just hope that my application will pass soon . keeping my finger crossed till that time,


Shit! It's already 8.30am,


I am going to be late for my graduations event, why mom didn't wake me up earlier has she forgot what day today, agh..!

anyway before that let me introduce myself I am Ami , 21yrs old just about to get graduated from high school today, and in future hoping to get into my dream college,

' I will just cut my intro till that ,

''I need to get ready and head over to school soon,


I didn't notice until now but the whole street has been empty all the way ,

That's weird why is it so quite today, huh?

I think mom and dad already went to office, it's so hard to have a parents who are workaholic 'I will just send them a text,

"Ok "venue & timings done, "they better show up,

'She packed her bag, got on her bike paddled herself towards the school,

"after reaching the school gate "she noticed that no people were to be found, from her house till her school,

She stopped her bike near the supermarket in front of her school before going in,

The shop is opened, but I didn't see any shopkeeper or the other customers, she picked a bread and a juice head over to the cash counter, she kept 10$ & came out thinking something is not right,

Before hopping on her bike she stood there in middle and looked around "that's strange where is everyone?

Am I still asleep?

Is this a dream?

if it is then' I should better wake up" she pinched herself twice to wake herself into the reality,

"Ouch! That hurts, '

Her heart started to beat faster with fear and anxious, she looked down on her red and swollen hand, she can feel the pain, and then she noticed,

"I cannot believe I am saying this ,"but I think this is not a dream, it is a fucking real fact that 'everyone in the city is disappeared,

She throws her bike and ran all over the shops screaming in top of her voice"

Is anybody there?


Can anyone here me?

Please! Help me",

With sudden realisation , she took out her cell phone and dialled her parents number'' there number was switched off, she rapidly dialled all the number in her phone one by one" friends, family, teachers ,neighbors but unfortunately all the number she dialled is saying weather its switched off or not reachable,

'She felt like a helpless bunny, stuck in middle of a unknown place , she collapsed on the ground with tears in her eyes," she didn't know what and why all these happening to her ,without knowing what to do next, she just sat there in middle of the road crying calling for help,

Her faith , her hopes and her dreams are being shattered with sadness and despair &her only thought is about killing herself is the right thing to do , so she can wake up from this horrible nightmare.

Strange voice

' she just sat there feeling lost and exhausted,

just when she thought she lost all her hope, suddenly,


" tone lighted up her phone with a text message from an unknown number"

"Please come to your high school auditorium to know the truth"

She clinched her fist & thought to herself " there is still hope for her even though this text seems little strange but she felt relieved that she is not alone anymore,

She got on her knees and ran towards the entrance, and reached the auditorium,

she looked around but couldn't find anyone, she searched the entire auditorium but still no signs of peoples,

That tiny spark of happiness vanished into thin air, her curve smiled lips turns into a loud cry"

she sat there and stared at her phone,

After some time she received another text saying" do you know what today is?

"It's not just a text but it seems like questions ,what today is?

" yes! Today should be the happiest day of my life, but instead it has become worse nightmare,

She typed and replied to the text saying that today is supposed to be her graduation day but it seems that it has been changed into something else ….

She pressed sent and sits quietly and waited for a reply back,

just with an instant of time she got a reply saying that today is not just her graduation day, it's more serious then that "today is actually the end of the whole world…!

Everyone has died & vanished without a clue, not even a single fly,

As soon as she saw the text, her eyes bursted into tears that' she couldn't control her emotions, she smashed her cellophane into pieces with anger and broke down on her knees then fainted on the ground,

'It's so dark"

'I can't breathe "

Am I dyeing?


Am I already dead,

I am not feeling any pain and not able to move my body "

"I think I am traveling to an unknown world to join with those people who already disappeared.


why can't I see them?

Am I in a different realm "hell or heaven?

Should I call for help but why can't i feel my throats, I am trying to call for help but why there is no sound coming out from my body,

Is this some kind of a punishment?

"A Sin or karma?

she became week and helpless "she fainted in middle of the auditorium until,

A bright light and a familiar female voice called out to her,




A warm voice filled her ears, slowly she opened her eyes' looked around

'the voice started getting stronger that felt like it was coming from beside & sometimes behind,

Her limbs started shivering '' that haunting voice made her restless, she ran outside the auditorium door,

Passing classroom to classroom, went down the basement and reached a storage area, to hid herself from that haunting voice, but the voice still chased after her.

Choice for life

'She went below the desk to hid herself from that haunted voice'

'She closed her eyes tightly and blocked her ears covering them with hands '

suddenly that haunting female voice changed into a male voice,

A voice that she knows very well , who she aware of very easily,

"Dad is that you?

Where are you dad? Please help me I am scared…

She continues sobbing and feel suffocating as she cried her heart out,

"Ami" Stop crying"

'A familiar voice passed down '

"Ami "let me help you, please stop crying ,and listen to me first," am not your dad but I am here to help you, I will tell you what is happening and also a solutions to this horrible crisis, only if you stop crying,

She held her breath for five seconds and wiped her tears and clenched her fist and started questioning,

Where am i?

What's happening to me?

Where is my dad & mom and everybody?

Who are you and what did you do to them?

Where are you? Why don't you show your face?

As she kept asking questions like a rapid fire game , a pin drop silent surrounded her, not even a single reply for any of her questions,

later gently he answer "I cannot answer all the question but I can tell you something useful;

" This is the end of your world "

It's the cause of today humanity, which made god of distractions raged into furious,

its 1pm a wonderful afternoon all the humans will wipe out,

when clock hit 12 midnight today whole universe will collapse and will not leave even a tiny particle to survive,


"Unless what? she asked desperately

Unless you choose between the two options that I will give you,

that may not save everybody but you can save yourself.

"Two options, what's that? she asked

First option: you're the last human being on earth now,

"Do you want to live?with more intense he said ,'

You can have whatever you want on earth,

live however you want,

no need to fear of anything or anyone until you die on your own due to old age or sickness,

"Until you die, the earth won't die, it will live along with you, but you may not able create a new century but you can create your own life and live happy,

She felt very disappointed that she didn't got the answer that she was looking for, her life was always been a misery, the only hope she had is to get graduated and join for her favorite college and start a new life, meet new people, experience new things,

But instead she left alone,

ok fine but pls give me some time and I need to think and I tell you, the voice disappeared.

they say human mind is fickle, it swings right and left,

Especially when it comes to women, there mood, there mind even there life can not stay the same,

right now Ami got stuck in middle of a dilemma .

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