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Card Game

Episode 1

Somewhere near a forest

Bandit1: So you tell me that these cards are really what we need?

Bandit 2: Yes! We just need to hide from the military leaders and we are safe!

Blaze: Well I don't know about that.

Bandit 1: How the fuck did he find us already?

Balze: First card: Double sword!

Bandit 2: I think it's time to use my card too. Card activation: Sword!

Blaze: So that is just one normal sword! Second card: Blazing swords!

Ryker: Blaze watch how you use your cards, you can use only five cards in a mission these are the rules.

Bandit 1: What the hell is with that cape? Oy Oy Oy is the leader of a division.

Blaze: I know already that Rey!

Bandit 2: He doesn't have any card at him right now.

Ryker: My card I always have my card with me.

Ryker puts his hand on his cape and grabs it and the cape transforms into a sword!

Ryker: First card: Transformation! Second card: Fire sword!

Bandit 1: I don't care who he is! Card activation: Centaur! Hmmm, this will be useful!

The first bandit uses his card power to grab the second one and run into the forest.

Blaze: Captain it seems that they have escaped!

Ryker: This is it!

Blaze: We don't go after them?

Ryker: No, we will just lose too much time and energy.

Blaze: If you say so!

In the forest!

Bandit 1: We escaped!

Bandit 2: I told you that these cards are the best!

Suddenly, a strange power was felt by those two.

Stranger:Well look at that! If it wasn't the meal I had expected.

Bandit 2: This much power!

Stranger: Card beast mode activation!

The screams of those two were heard by anyone near the forest and even Blaze heard them.

Ryker: This sensation, is like now twenty years!

Blaze: I think we have more important things to do captain.

Ryker: Yes you are right. We need to see the tournament fights and see who will be our colleagues.





Ryker: In this world things are simple. The official people who have cards are named pure ones, the ones without cards are named simply humans, and then some people buy and sell cards on the black market, Many times those cards have the power of monsters so the names of those cards are beast cards. In this kingdom, we are the thirteenth division of the army, we are classified based on the mana that cards use. I am the leader of the thirteenth division, so basically, the division that gets the trash out for others. Also, the one thing that gives you a lot of power is the activation of your true card power.

Episode 2

At the Stadium

Ryker: So why did we come here?

Blaze: Because...

King: I told so, and I am happy that at least one in this team respects what I say.

Ryker: I am not like anyone else. I think that you know that?

King: I know but at least pretend to be like us.

Ryker: I will try.

King: Good now let's look at these fights.

Announcer: The first fight will be between Osborne and Cain.

Osborne: The best one to win!

Cain: You think you can beat me?

Osborne: What the hell?

Cain: Card activation: explosive fireball!

Osborne: What the hell? Card activation: Rock wall!

Ryker: They can use just five cards!

King: This is the rule. And they can be changed just when a deadly battle or war is going on.

Ryker: You are sick!

Cain: This card is a low-level card! How much percent of your mana uses three? How pathetic, my single card use fifteen mana percent of my energy.

Ryker: How stupid!

Blaze: Watch your language you are next to the king!

Ryker: I don't say that to him. But I say this to the people who think that if you use a high mana card you will win.

Even if what Ryker said was normal the Cain attack blow the opposition away.

Announcer: So Osborne the one who lost will be sent to the thirteenth division! And Cain will be sent to the first division. The next fight is between Betty and Kevin

Blaze: Beat him up! Sister.

Ryker: You have a sister?

Blaze: Yes. Betty is my sister.

Kevin: Why the hell are you watching me?

Stranger: So you have noticed me! You are a strong one.

Betty: Why you are not paying attention to me?

Kevin: Sorry! I promised to end this fight with one move.

Betty: You are kidding me!

Kevin: Card activation: Giant shuriken!

The shuriken flew direct toward Betty but then he changed direction and go up to the top of the stadium.

Stranger: That attack was meant to hit me. I am sorry kid you are too weak to fight me now.

Kevin(thinking): He evades the attack. The second card activation: String!

The string catches the shuriken and with a few moves, Kevin makes the shuriken move back to him.

Betty: Card activation.....

Kevin: I am sorry I used a second card! And this is my third one: Shuriken dismembered!

All the parts of the shuriken fell to the ground and catch Betty in the middle like in a prison.

Announcer: The second battle ends, and Kevin will go to the second division and Betty to the eleventh division.

Ryker: I have seen enough! Blaze you will give the list to the new members tomorrow.

Ryker left and go to his home is found at the end of the town. While he sleep he was tormented by the nightmares of his family's deaths and the monster that killed them.

Ryker(sweating): Why? Why do I feel the energy of that monster in the forest? It doesn't matter! Looks like is around midnight, so maybe is better to go for a walk.

?: Oy Charles!

Charles: Let me go to my palace. My father awaits me. See you.

Stranger: Is nice to have someone that rich to watch over you and meet all your requirements.

Charles: I don't know you!

Stranger: No you don't, but I know you.

Episode 3

Charles: Look, man, I don't want to fight, I just want to go home.

Stranger: Then I will be quick! Beast card activation!

Charles: Wait a minute!

The body of the stranger starts to modify just a little in the upper body making his arms longer and with claws and full of fur.

Charles: First card activation: Golden chains!

Two chains of gold start to go directly toward the stranger but the stranger evades the attack.

Stranger: I was thinking that you will be more fun! Six slashes!

Charles try to evade the attack but he stepped away just from a claw the second one hit him and injured him.

Stranger: I think this is the end of you, Son of The King. Consumption!

Ryker: Second card activation: Fire sword!

Ryker blocked the attack of the Stranger.

Stranger: That is something new. You blocked my attack with a card that is a sword, but this ability that I used should eat any card's energy and destroy it.

Ryker: Third card activation: Long Sword!

The hilt of the sword was extended like a wire! But the sword was at a distance by the Ryker and even flew to the neck of the Stranger. But the neck of the stranger got taller and strengthen so it can't be cut.

Ryker: So this is a beast card!

Stranger: You are an interesting person I give you that. You are stronger than a lot of men but still, you can't kill me.

Ryker: Fourth card activation: Power Sword!

The sword became more little and thicker with a stronger cutting edge that can cut any metal and rock.

Stranger: That form is formidable but I have enough for a night. Maybe we will see on another occasion. What is your name human?

Ryker: My name is Ryker! The Banished Ryker!

Stranger: I see that is a nice name.

King: What the hell? Ryker, what happened?

Ryker: Let's say that he found a new friend to play with. And that friend was one who use beast cards.

King: What rank was that beast?

Charles: I think it was SSS+!

King: I see, I will get the doctor right away. Ryker thank you for getting my boy home.

Later that night in the palace.

Charles: I don't tell you, father but Ryker was the one who saved me.

King: So Ryker fights an SSS+ rank beast card and survives? We are talking about the leader of the thirteen division.

Charles: Yes but his sword, was something exceptional. I can't go and do the mission that I have for tomorrow so I will give that mission to the Ryker division.

King: You are sure about that?

Charles Yes!

Ryker: So this strong is the beast card, the one that killed my wife and child used this card just to murder them.

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