NovelToon NovelToon

Dark Desire

Hi butterflies

Hello Butterflies
This is my first story
Hope you all will support it
Feel free to comment about the story .. correct me if I am wrong anywhere ..I would really appreciate it
This story is based on BDSM concept
If you are unfamiliar with the concept , Google it 🌚
Also , if you are uncomfortable, you can stop reading the story .. I'm not forcing anyone to read it
I'll try to write the story in a way that it is not offensive to anyone , but if you have any issues , please let me know
And last but not the least , DO NOT REPORT IT
the work is literally My BLOOD SWEAT AND TEARS 🌚
okay .. maybe not blood but definitely sweat and tears
I think you get the point 😆
let's get started from the next episode 😁
Wait for the updates eagerly
And like and subscribe the story ..also feel free to chat with me through the comments
I'm a good listener .. so you can share anything with me
So bye Butterflies
One of the main reason I'm calling you butterflies is .....
Idk if any boys are reading this story but if it's a girl , you should be like a butterfly
Your Mysterious Author
Your Mysterious Author
And incase there is a boy reading this ..
You can be
Your Mysterious Author
Your Mysterious Author
See you guys soon
Adios Amigos

I wonder

Hello Butterflies
let's get started
One fine Morning
(enters a room )
Wake up
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
5 more minutes mom
It's going to be 6 o'clock
Your Dad already left to the farm
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(jolts awake and sits in the bed )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Omg .. I'll get ready in 10minutes
(smiles )
Okay .. Come fast
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(looks outside the window )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
it's so beautiful .. As always
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(rushes to the bathroom and takes a shower and gets dressed )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(goes to the kitchen )
(preparing breakfast)
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Morning Mom
(looks at Shane and smiles )
Morning Baby
You look so cute 😍
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Moooooom 😳
(laughs )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Okay mom .. I'm going to the farm to help Dad
What about the breakfast ??
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I'll come back soon with dad and three of us can have it together
Okay ☺️
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(walking towards the farm )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(thinking to himself )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I have never stepped outside our village
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I wonder how the city will be ?
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
will it be filled with Greenery like our village ?
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
will it be this peaceful?
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I heard Flynn say that the city is soo modern
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
It's very crowded and it's filled with amazing things to do
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I don't like crowded places 😗
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(snaps out of his thoughts)
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
What am I even thinking
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
it's not that I'll ever get to visit the city
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I'm not sad 🙂
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
okay ..maybe I'm a little bit sad
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
just a teeny tiny bit
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Because all my friends have visited the city and I have never been anywhere
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Its not that my parents won't allow me
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
it's just that I want to stay here and help my dad and mom
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Even though we are not that rich , I love it here
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I couldn't have asked for a better family
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Mom and dad loves me soo much and so do I
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I can never think of staying away from them
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I will miss the greenery and I'll miss my friends and family
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I'll also miss Grandpa Connor
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(smiles )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Grandpa Connor also used to live in the City with his grandson
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
But as he is getting old , he wanted to come back to our village
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
He's soooo good
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
He loves me as if I'm also his grandson
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I miss my grandpa Jason
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
He passed away few years ago
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I was very close to him and I felt so lost
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
That's when I met grandpa Connor .. he was Grandpa Jason's bestfriend
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(smiles to himself while thinking all these )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(reaches the farm )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
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Adios Amigos


Hello Butterflies 🦋
let's get started
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I'm here
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(sees his dad working in the field )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(runs towards him)
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
(smiles at Shane )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Good morning Dad
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
Good morning ☺️
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
What are you doing here early in the morning
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Mom told me that you left to the farm
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
So i wanted to help you
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(pouts )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
why didn't you wake me up??
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
(laughs )
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
Aww my son
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
You don't have to help me
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
I can manage
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
No no ..I want to help you 🥺 pleasee
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
(sighs )
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
Then do one thing
Mr. Alen
Mr. Alen
Deliver this basket of fruits to your grandpa Connor's house
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(happy )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(takes the basket and starts walking towards Grandpa Connor's house excitedly)
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Yayyy .. I can see Coco today
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Coco is grandpa Connor's pet doggy
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
he's soooo cute
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I always wanted to get a pet dog
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
But (pouts )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Mom is allergic to pet fur
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
so we can't have a pet at home
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(reaches grandpa Connor's house )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(sees a car parked in front of the house )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(pouts )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Does grandpa Connor have guest over ??
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(rings the bell )
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
(opens the door )
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
Oh Shane dear
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
it's you
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Yes grandpa ☺️
As soon as Shane's voice is heard a doggy comes running and jumps on Shane and starts licking his face
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(falls to the ground and starts laughing loudly)
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Coco ..hahahha..that hahahha tickles
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(sits up and picks Coco up )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
Coco let him come inside first (stern )
The doggy whines and goes inside the house
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
are you okay ?
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
did you hurt yourself ?
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
No grandpa
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I'm okay
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
This Doggy .. I have to teach him to be more calm
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
haha it's okay grandpa ..he was just excited
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Don't be so harsh on him
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
(smiles )
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
Sit down kid
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
What brings you here ?
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
I totally forgot about it
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(hands over the basket )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Dad asked me to deliver these to you
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
Ohh that's wonderful
Grandpa Connor
Grandpa Connor
Thankyou Kid
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(smiles and nods )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
Grandpa the car outside
Suddenly Coco comes back and starts barking at Shane indicating him to play with him
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(looks at the voice )
Shane Alen
Shane Alen
(stunned )
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Adios Amigos 💜

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