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It's Not Easy To Love You

Chapter 1 The princess

The whole eastern state was worried and was in great danger. Every single one was waiting for the commons of emporer. From concubines to commoner everyone want to hear next move of emporer.

Before two days eastern state was attacked by the northern state General Lee. The emporer sent this commander Jason to fight with his army but Jason was so inexperienced that he lost the battle and soldiers in the war within two days. Emporer was in delimma, he have his last option and only option which is do not want want to use. But everybody know if he want to save his kingdom he have to.

“where is she? ” asked emporer to one of his minister

“Your majesty, she must be in forest” answer the finance minister lan.

“Does she know about condition of war”asked the emporer

“May be your majesty. Actually she haven't came back since last five days”answered minster lan hesitating."

“ What! Why haven't you inform me? ” ask emporer angrily

“ I'm really sorry your majesty you where already worried about war so I thought it wouldn't be convenient to... ”

“ What inconvenience. Let me remind you minster lan she is my eldest daughter and princess of this state. Now go and find her and ask her to meet me it's urgent”ordered the emporer

“ As your wish your majesty. I will be taking my leave” saying this minster lan leave emporer hall.

“ Princess ! What princess ,she isn't capable of that title. What is that special about her. Don't know why emporer always pamper her and that rebellious princess Ellena don't even care about this kingdom. Now I have to find her” minister lan talking to himself leave the palace.

Minster lan called one of this subordinate and ask him to find princess Ellena by next morning.

Ellena was in the forest at her small warehouse which she made years before. She used to came here when she fell alone or frustrated. She was practicing here,living here and sometimes sleep here. She is always with her maid cum friend Cindy.

Cindy was with Ellena since childhood whose mother used to serve her mother. After the died of her mother she was always with Ellena. Ellena was only nice to her. Whenever Ellena is in Royal Palace she use to train the soldiers for war so she has the team to 1000soldiers which are equivalent to 10000soldiers. But she won't allow them to join war unless she join the war which she was never allowed despite of her capabilities.

Ellen was as usual practicing with her sword.

“ My lady, did you know the situation of war?” asked Cindy worryingly

“ What to know about war.. ” smiled and answed ellena

“ My lady our state is in big trouble, we lost our all soldiers, even commander Jason is about to lost tommorow and neighbouring countries are also not helping us”

“ Cindy, what do you think I don't know about this”

“ I know each and every move of both sides, I already warn your majesty about this but... ”

“ My lady if you know then why don't you help his majesty”

“ No his majesty is very capable according to himself and he himself assure me that he don't need my help then why should i”

“ My lady but now he need you help, now would you help him after all he is father”

“ .My father,.... ”

“ You must have forgotten but I haven't Cindy my father was died with my mother now I am just orphan, remember it” answered Ellena angrily

“ Leave this topic Cindy if he need help then he have to beg me.”

“ Now go and pack the luggage I am heading to country side and will be back by afternoon”

“ OK my lady”

Telling this Cindy , Ellene put her sword in, cover her face sat on horse and move toward the state.

On the way Ellena pick the baggage Of some fresh fruits and grains.

In the state every person was tensed. People was. Helpless in front of decision of the emporer. Childrens were crying, common people are worried, and soldiers were disappointed. Ellena was heartbroken watching this but was feeling sorry for able not helping them. She handover the baggage of food and grains to one of the commoner and ask to distribute among people. People feeled happy receiving food after two days. Ellena also feeled happiness after looking there smiling faces.

Ellena then returned to the place in forest there she saw minister lan standing there along with five soldiers and Cindy standing beside.

Chapter 2 The Request

Minister lan, “ Greeting, princess ellena”

All the soldiers and minster lan greet Ellena by bowing down. Ellena get down from her horse and walked toward them.

“ What made minister lan to come here and greet me. ”

“ Are you doing well? You must not be sick or drunk minister lan, are you? ” asked wickedly

“ Your highness it's not time to joke around ”

“ Jokes, you also know minster lan that I never joke, I am just telling the truth, am I right cindy”

“If his majesty haven't ask me to bring this trouble personally then I will never come to this rebellious princess” thought minister lan in his mind.

“ Your highness you must be knowing situation of our state so his majesty ask you to return to palace” says minster calmly

“Oh situation, what kind of situation.... . And it was his majesty only who said that he don't need my help or guidance in the first place and now he is asking for help” answed ellena

“ Your highness you have to return to save our state ,we all need you”

“ And what if I disagree”.

“ His highness was afraid about this so he sent this official letter to you you can have a look”

Minister handed the letter to Ellena. Ellena took and read it. It was written that according to command to the emporer princess to return to the Royal Palace to complete her duties. Ellena smirks.

“ This is what I expect from his highness. He always used to order people around him. Whatever go and tell his majesty that I will be back by evening” answered Ellena.

Ellena handover the letter to minister and ask Cindy to pack all her stuff as they have to leave. Minister lan leave the place by greeting princess Ellena and wish her to come back soon.

“ My lady, are you really going to help country ”

“ Cindy, I am going to help becouse this is also my country I was born here, raised here, lose my parents here. This are my people, my family, how can I let them die without any fault.”

“But my lady for that you have to follow his majesty”

“ I know that and I have my own way to deal with it, don't worry ,you just go and pack up”

It was about to sunset and Ellena was also ready to set back to palace. Ellena and Cindy both get on the horse with the luggage.

The emporer, ministers, and soldiers were waiting for princess Ellena to come. And here Ellena come with a bang in the palace.

After entering the Royal Palace Ellena ask cindy to take luggage to her room as she is going to met his majesty.

Ellena get down from her horse and head toward the courtroom to met the emporer. Ellena was standing at the door ask the guard to get permission of his majesty to met him.

Guard inform emporer about arrival of princess Ellena. Emporer allow princess to come in.

Ellene enter the courtroom and bow down,“ Greeting your majesty”

Emporer dismiss all the soldiers and ask Ellena to stand up.

“ Welcome, my dear princess. I know you are upset from me.. ”

“ Sorry to interrupt your majesty but I would be better if we don't talk about this and come to bussiness .”

“ My child.. ”

“ Wait your majesty I am not your child your have died along ago person standing in front of you is just the princess Ellena of this state”

“ OK we will talk about it later on. ”

“ So coming to bussiness ,as you know about condition our state against northern state. ”

“ I know your majesty, I have already warned you about it. ”

“ Now I am regretting for not listening to you, so would you please lead our state.. ”

“ Wow your majesty first you rejected me, insulted me in front of whole count calling me inexperienced and now you want my help. ”

“ If I lead the state then I will only be shameless of not having self-respect ,right your majesty” defended Ellena with harsh tone

“ I know that I disrespected your suggestions but now I the emperor of eastern state is requesting you for help. ”

“ I know you won't help your father but please for the sake of common people lead the state” requested the emporer

“ Fine your majesty as you personally requested me, I will be accepting your request but I have a condition ”

Chapter 3 The condition

Ellena asked emporer that if he agree to her condition then only she would think about helping him out.

Helplessly the emporer agree that he will agree to all her conditions.

"My condition is that your have to announce among all the common people and that I will be commander-in-chief of this state. Each and every soldier should follow my command without any objection including the soldiers of commander Jason."

"OK I agree to your condition"

"My second condition is that you or your concubines will not interfere in my business no matter what"

"As you wish"

" Tommorow morning I will announce you as new commander of easten state now its in your hand to save our state.I hope you won't disappoint me my child. "

" I am doing this only for my nation, not for anyone else, your majesty please keep this in your mind. "

" As for the victory, by tomorrow evening it will be ours. Now if you have discussed then I will take my leave , your majesty."

Ellena turn to leave,

" Ellena you can call me father there are no official here."

" Sorry your majesty my father had died along with my mother and as for you, you are just emporer of eastern state whose command I have to follow. Now I have to leave and prepare for the war Tommorow. "

"Good night your majesty"

Ellena leave the courtroom with tears in her eyes. Even the emporer was also having years after hearing what Ellena says.

Ellena went to her training round and call all her soldiers there.

"soilders, as you know the condition of our state has become worse, now his majesty have given us the opportunity to show our capability, our strength, and we have to do our best to save our state and people. So my dear brother get ready, polished your skillsand sharpen your weapon and recollect your spirit, so that we can show them real. strength of eastern state. "

" But commander we are just 1000 and they are ten times then us how r we going to win this" asked one of the soldier ."

" I know they r ten times then us but we will not not fight with our strength but with proper strategy."

" we will win this by our brains not only with our weapons."

" Now go tomorrow morning will be ours and sunset will be our winning sunset. I believe in you all, I believe in our Hardwork ,so you have to believe in yourself and my decision. "

Motivating the soldiers she went in the weapon room and called chief hawk.

Cheif hawk was main commander and teacher of Ellena. Hawk is also the uncle of her. Ellena was very close her uncle hawk and he is always ready to help her out. But he hate emporer as he also consider him as murderer of Ellena's mother.

" Here comes my tigress ,ready to eat her prey" said chief hawk happily

Hearing this Ellena turn and hug his uncle, " how are you doing, I miss you alot"

"me to my daughter, I am fine but this state isnt"

" I know that's why I am here to save my mother land"

" Good I was waiting for you only, "

"and I was waiting for change of mind of emporer " said Ellena sadly

"Ellena I know you are upset but he is your father and you can't change the fact"

" that's the problem I can't change anything" cried Ellena.

"leave this first we have to think about tommorow's war , becouse if we lose tommorow then there will nothing left every thing will be over. "

" Uncle I have planned about tomorrow but want to discuss if it will go as I am thinking"

" yeah sure if you have thought something then it will definitely work, after all you daughter of my great sister."

"so uncle how about this I will show you on map"


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