NovelToon NovelToon

Taekook: Guns And Roses

He Is Getting Released!

The sound of heavy boots echoed in the thick air of early Euphoria morning..
It roared in unison as if a herd of lions were running for their prey..but these lions were dressed in black, thick attire’s covering them from head to toe.. their dark helmets hid their handsome strict faces.. their hands held weapons to take charge on any tiniest threat..
The station which usually was filled with hustle and bustle of travellers everyday.. the station which usually witnessed some travellers coming back home in this beautiful scandalous town, or some just wanting to bask in the beauty it held, or some simply saying their goodbyes — was shut down.. in this sunny morning, the station had no one, except these black clothed lions
They marched forward without any hesitation.. taking turns right and left, climbing stairs after stairs.. passing checkpoints without any hindrance
They reached near a platform, which was deserted as well.. they held their long lethal guns forward from their bodies as if they will kill anyone who appears as a suspicious.. their eyes scanning every corner of the platform, forward and backward, up and down, right and left..
A train laid untainted peacefully beside them.. but it was this particular train they were planning to carry their search of something..
So half of them climbed aboard while another half stood out of the train to scan the area and ensure no threat is outside, as a part of their protocol
The men inside the train, ran through the coaches one by one.. until they reached at the far end of the train.. In the last coach, a leader among them held his hand up in the air, in a fist, actioning them all to halt..and they all stopped in their places
The leader spoke first
Let go of the woman..
Soobin spoke firmly, his voice held command and his eyes were unwavering
Before him stood a criminal, holding a hostage which was a woman, on a gun point.. the woman was trembling and crying in fear, in his arms.. the criminal hissed at soobin’s command
Sure I will let go of her.. after I kill her.. hahahaha
The criminal named beomgyu laughed sinisterly.. his eyes held the motto of killing..
Soobin immediately kneeled on his one knee and removed a small revolver gun from behind the waistline of his khaki pant — and pointed it at beomgyu.. his team did the same with their guns..but the criminal didn’t look scared at all..
We will kill you if you don’t let her go..
Soobin sounded intimidating as he threatened the criminal.. but it did little effect on beomgyu..
Ooo.. I am so scared
Beomgyu kicked his knees behind the woman’s back making her whimper in pain and she bursted into pool of fresh tears
Soobin growled angrily and he clicked his revolver, ready to shoot the man.. but his hands now looked shaky.. it was visible, that soobin was fighting in his mind whether to really kill the man or not..
Oh.. mister police.. looks like you’re scared of killing.. I doubt you know how to use that weapon.. it’s not meant for little kid but big men like me..
Beomgyu teased soobin.. he laughed comically in between
Soobin shouted on top of his lungs.. beomgyu rolled his eyes
You’re so boring..
I am just going to kill her
That’s when beomgyu clicked his own gun which was placed against the woman’s head.. and he was about to shoot
When suddenly another shot was fired from behind of soobin.. the small capsule like metal bullet was shot from a gun, and it went straight to beomgyu.. the criminal screamed in fear
But the bullet never touched beomgyu.. it just went pass his cheeks very closely,, if a mere inch was missed, beomgyu would have that bullet inside his cheekbones
You would have killed me
Beomgyu let go of the woman and hugged himself tightly and stared in disbelief at someone behind soobin.. the latter also turned his back..
Soobin immediately stood up and bowed at the person behind
Sunbae, I had taken care of the matter..
Soobin hesitantly spoke..
God.. I was going to die.. oh my god, he shot right through my cheeks.. oh holy shit, I would have been dead by now
I am not doing this shit anymore
Beomgyu was practically shivering as he complained
Jungkook, the chief of their team stood up and put his long range gun beside his waist..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Will you stop whining beomgyu.. I wouldn’t have killed you..the bullet didn’t even touched you..
Jungkook rolled his eyes as he strictly spoke
Hawwwh.. I saw my death in milliseconds of that bullet
Beomgyu was still in panic mode
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Just go and drink some glucose., you’re tiring me
Jungkook spoke in a command.. beomgyu pouted and bowed before leaving the coach
The woman grabbed her uniform and left the coach too..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Go rest.. you all did good.. soobin wait here
Jungkook commanded.. the other cops bowed and left the coach as well.. the chief’s whole attention was now on soobin who put his head down and stared at his feet, wishing to be swallowed by the ground in this moment..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
You would have let him kill our hostage
I was going to shoot him sunbae..
Soobin shakily spoke..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
That’s not what happened soobin..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Beomgyu was pretending to be an A list criminal of ours.. and your chief commanded his death on sight and safe the hostage
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
You hesitated… you did not follow the command of your chief
I am sorry sunbae
Soobin spoke defeatedly..
I just got a little scared..
He truthfully spoke
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Why did you join the force?
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Answer me while looking in my eyes
Soobin hesitantly looked up and stared in Jungkook’s deep hazel eyes..the chief had a blank look
I want to protect the people of euphoria.. that’s my wish and top priority
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
And you hesitated.. when the people of euphoria needed you the most..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Chi was just one woman you needed to protect and kill the criminal..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
In real world, there can be many people who will be in danger and it’s our job to protect them.. you can’t let your hands shake when the matter is of life and death..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Do you hear me?
Yes sunbae.. I will do better next time..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Listen soobin.. we hold guns in our hand to not murder but to use it against threat and protect..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
As much as I hate to use this gun in my hand (shows his gun).. but there is no denying it is what sometimes help people stay safe in the comfort of their houses.. euphoria trusts us and we must never disappoint them..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
We’re not cops.. you and I are not part of combat forces.. but instead we are the guardians of euphoria
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
What are we?
Guardians of euphoria
Soobin bowed as he spoke
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Now.. you will take 20 laps and 110 push ups before lunch.. no breaks for water or anything.. that’s your punishment..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
You will report to me before releasing from your punishment
Yes sunbae.. i will not disappoint you
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Your punishment starts now
Soobin nodded and bowed.. he then ran out of the coach and headed towards their cars which will take them to their main base and that’s where he will serve his punishment
Jungkook looked around the coach.. he smiled.. this job holds so much responsibility and there is no time for error even in the training, that’s one of Jungkook’s principles
They all exited the station one by one.. and finally, the hustle and bustle of euphoria was opened in this place..
After nearly 45 minutes, they reached their main base
Jungkook is the head of terrorist squad, combat squad, and investigation of A listed criminals in euphoria police station..
As he walked pass many of his colleagues, they all bowed to him.. he reverted them back with humbleness and warm smile..
He went to his work instantly.. he watched through the window of his cabin, which showed their training ground.. it was glistening under the sun and the sweat of many young cops whom he liked to call as guardians.. he smiled at their hard work and then finally started to read some files, he is investigating currently..
At around 1 pm, he checked his time and decided to head to the ground as well..
Soobin was still doing his punishment.. the young man with great determination to save people, was doing his best to not tire down..
Jungkook stood before him
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
How many are left?
Jungkook asked to soobin who was in the middle of doing his pushups
50 more sunbae
Soobin grunted as he tried to pull up his body before going back down and repeating the process
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Jungkook removed his coat and placed it on one of the bleacher.. he then laid beside soobin, his toes and palms supporting his body in the air
Sunbae.. what are you doing? (Asked with wide eyes)
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
I will accompany you..
Soobin smiled.. he has heard, that his sunbae is the most strict of them all.. he never gives up and ensures to always encourage his subordinates to their best in every task.. but soobin was witnessing this first time, that jungkook also never leaves his team alone in their struggles.. he will do the same little task to encourage his team.. and soobin felt his body recharged by just that.. they both carried on doing their pushups..
They finally finished.. soobin stood up and tried to breath calmly.. but jungkook was unfazed and he didn’t even sweat.. no wonder, he was the chief of their squad
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Freshen up and eat.. good job.. you will do great things ahead
Thank you sunbae..
Soobin smiled brightly and bowed..
Their moment was disturbed when another cop shouted from outside the ground
Jungkookshi, you have to brief the young bombing squad
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Alright..I am coming..
Jungkook ruffled soobin’s hair and walked towards Solar who was smiling sweetly..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Noona.. why can’t you brief the bombing squad? You are knowledgeable in it too
Jungkook gently asked and Solar laughed
I am not knowledgeable enough like you.. your tricks and techniques are unique and not in our manual Ggukkie.. you’re our star cop..
She teased
Jungkook huffed
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
I wish I wasn’t the star here then
Hey now.. you should own up your work… you have put your life in danger for euphoria
You deserve it Ggukkie
Besides.. our director asked for you to help them..
Jungkook just nodded and reached inside the base and walked towards a briefing room.. where they will watch a movie of terrorist and he will ask the new bombing squad for their inputs and then explain his expertise..
It’s not that euphoria is always in danger.. but it also doesn’t mean, danger is never lurking around and waiting to pound.. so it was always best to be prepared
As jungkook was briefing.. outside the police station, a young cop was running hysterically
He was not even breathing but running with his hands up in the air and his eyes held great fear..
The man kept shouting as he ran inside the base..
He is coming out..
He is coming out..
He stared at everyone who looked at him with raised eyebrows.. but yeonjun had those words stuck on his lips and he chanted them like a mantra as he ran..
He is coming out..
He is getting released
Yeonjun even shook other cops while screaming those words at them..
He finally walked straight to the briefing room.. where he came to know jungkook will be.. he didn’t even knock and pushed the door open..
Yeonjun held his shirt around his chest and with fear spoke he looked at the people inside the room.. his eyes almost popping out of his socket when they landed on Jungkook
He is getting released in three days
Yeonjun spoke and all attention was on him.. everyone was waiting for him to say more
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
What happened yeonjun?
Jungkook asked alarmed
He is getting released in three days
The young cop repeated again
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
Jungkook started to walk towards yeonjun..
Kim Taehyung..
Yeonjun slumped on the ground, and breathed heavily against the cold floor.. he sure has ran a lot
Jungkook stilled on his place.. his body went numb instantly..
And the others in the room, squealed in fear
We’re doomed
Yeonjun restlessly breathed out..
The devil is coming out
He just doesn’t know how to calm down..
The demon king of euphoria is coming out soon..
Our peace is gone
We’re all going to die
Yeonjun spoke to no one in particular but to himself..
The team looked at jungkook who seemed to have gone dazed by just two words
Kim Taehyung!

Rumour Has It!

It took a while for jungkook to gather himself.. the name after so many years, shivered his skin and he felt instantly weak.. that was one of the effect that Kim Taehyung has caused to not just him but the whole of euphoria
But there was a difference between euphoria and Kim Jungkook..
No one has ever known Kim Taehyung in and out, like Kim Jungkook..
Sunbae, we’re doomed.. our peace is destroyed
Yeonjun’s voice finally snapped jungkook back to reality
The chief looked around the young cops.. they all held fear in their eyes, a such a known effect of Kim Taehyung..
The man, Kim Taehyung is not even out yet.. not even freely roaming the streets of euphoria right now, and yet his name was enough to cause mayhem among the people
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
You guys, take a break.. we will discuss this tomorrow
The chief commanded and others nodded, and rushed out.. they all did one thing, remove their phones out and call their loved ones as if a riot was in the offing to destroy euphoria
Jungkook then kneeled before a restless yeonjun.. he made the young boy stand up and then take him to one of the chairs available in the room..
Jungkook kneeled before yeonjun who sat and tapped his shoulder to calm him down.. when yeonjun was calm enough, the chief asked..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
How did you know he is coming out?
Jungkook frowned as he questioned
I had taken a prisoner to the main jail.. after handing the criminal, I was about to leave when the chief director of the euphoria jail took me to his cabin..
He told me specifically to tell you and our director that Kim Taehyung is coming out of the jail.. he has already called our governor
Yeonjun gulped and shivered as he spoke about the horrific moment when he got the information
Jungkook was confused now.. his eyebrows knitted harshly..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
How can he come out.. he is sentenced for 10 years in jail..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
He can’t just come out after three years of servicing his jail term..
Yeonjun nodded.. everyone in the town knew Kim taehyung is sentenced for 10 years jail..
I don’t know hyung.. director lee said, last night he was summoned by taehyunshi to his cell.. and just like that, the devil declared himself that he is coming out in three days
Jungkook’s eyes widened
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
He can’t just come out on his own
Jungkook squealed in anger and shock
He can I suppose
He didn’t ask permission.. he just declared of coming out of jail.. and honestly, when has he ever asked someone’s permission.. he is the most freest man over here
I dont even understand why did he let himself be in a jail in the first place when it was so easy for him to ignore his penalties
Yeonjun questioned while thinking to himself of the answer
Jungkook looked away.. he knows the reason, but will never admit to himself
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
You go drink something..
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
I will talk to our director
Kim Jungkook
Kim Jungkook
I suppose we are going to be soon visited by our governor
Jungkook brushed his hand in his hair.. he was frustrated but mostly his heart was beating at an uneven pace because of that name.. so he rushed to his cabin, wanting no one to see his miserable state
Meanwhile, yeonjun went straight to a water cooler and pour some of the liquid in a glass..
As he was drinking, an elder cop snaked his arm around Yeonjun’s shoulder and spoke
Elder cop: did you bring the message of Kim taehyung being out soon?
Yeonjun gulped down the water and bowed first.. and then nodded
Yes sunbae.. the director of the jail conveyed the message to me
The elder cop rubbed his forehead and then sighed
Elder cop: god, days were so peaceful for three years over here.. he was in jail and his people stayed low.. these days, I am going to remember so badly..
Sunbae, do you think, he will create havoc again?
The elder cop again sighed.. “he is a nightmare of this town.. but also the godfather”
Yeonjun’s eyes widened
The elder cop continued to speak.. “Do you know, rumours are there that our Kim Jungkookshi was the one who betrayed him.. I think he is coming out to kill him”
Sunbae, how is that possible.. was jungkook Sunbae close to Kim taehyung..
The elder cop shrugged his shoulders and spoke.. “no one knows the real reason of how the police department managed to get Kim Taehyung arrested and make him accept his defeat.. but everyone knows that Jungkookshi was one of his allies.. and he was promoted as chief instantly after the devil was put behind the bars.. Jungkookshi was a rookie 3 years ago, he wasn’t even a proper cop back then.. You and I even don’t have that privilege to be promoted straight as chief”
Wowww.. but Sunbae (Jungkook) has done so many great works for our department
Yeonjun pouted and the elder cop nodded in acceptance.. the latter further said, “Ofcorse, our Jungkookshi is the pride of our department.. he has risked his life many times for us.. and it was a good bet by our governor to let Jungkookshi be the chief of combat.. and after Jungkookshi’s great work, our new director made him chief of investigation team and terrorist squad one year ago.. “
Wow.. I had no idea..
Yeonjun smiled and walked away from the elder cop.. but now he can here many whispers and gossips.. everyone talking about two men, Kim Taehyung and Kim Jungkook..
“Did you know, Jungkookshi killed Kim Taehyung’s wife.. and the devil was so sad that he accepted his defeat”
“Did you know Jungkookshi was best friend of Kim Taehyung..”
“No.. no.. no.. he pretended to be Kim Taehyung’s best friend while he was studying for police department.. he then gathered all secrets of taehyung and then revealed it to the department.. that’s how the devil was captured”
“If Kim Taehyung comes out again, that means.. his people will hunt for Jungkookshi”
Yeonjun blinked as his ears caught many rumours.. he went to the training ground..
He saw Solar noona and his other friends discussing something as well..
Did you hear all the rumours.. god, they are insane..
They all nodded
I heard.. that Jungkookshi was in love with the governor of euphoria.. and he played undercover for him to capture Kim Taehyung.. they all studied in the same university.. Jungkookshi was a close friend of taehyunshi.. but our governor was damn hurt by the death of his family because of taehyungshi’s parents.. that’s why our governor made it his personal mission to bring taehyung behind the bars and Jungkookshi helped..
Is it true?
Yeonjun asked excitedly..
The filing department told me.. Jungkookshi was a lover of taehyungshi.. and something really bad happened and Jungkookshi made it his mission to hurt the devil of euphoria
Dude.. you and beomgyu have such different rumours.. which one is true..
They all looked at Solar who sat on the bleacher tiredly.. she removed a cigarette out and started to smoke..
Please.. noona.. tell us..
You have been here before all of us..
I know I know..
I was there when Jungkookshi was promoted.. he was such a fragile boy when I first saw him..
He is so different right now…
3 years ago.. governor Park, brought this delicate Kim Jungkook before us and simply announced that he will be the chief of combats.. ..
And then he announced that Kim Taehyung is captured.. our governor himself went to the hearing.. and do you know, that devil master had only one trial.. the court simply accepted the demand of our governor and announced a jail term of 10 years for him.. there was no questioning or investigations..
But what made that happened?
Yeonjun frowned..
No one ever spoke about the truth.. people made their own assumptions..
When Jungkookshi was new..
Rumours were that during his training period.. he developed his strength and offered to capture Kim taehyung for promotion.. he then went undercover, became good friends of the devil and his friends and family.. and 3 years ago, Jungkookshi shot taehyung in the arm to stop him from running away.. it was said that taehyungshi was caught in committing human trafficking
The young cops had their eyes wide opened and they made a disgusted face..
That’s bad..
Yeah.. selling people for money… is so sinful..
He deserves to be in jail..
We all agree on that.. despite knowing the truth..
Do you think.. jungkook Sunbae will be in danger with the devil out..
Yeonjun spoke fearfully
I really hope that doesn’t happen..
Because no matter how ggukie became a chief.. he did achieve his title with his hard work over the years..
And catching Kim Taehyung was never an easy task.. and even if someone got as lucky as capturing the devil.. making him accept the penalties, would be a dream that can never be fulfilled
But ggukie did manage to do that..
So he deserves the great title
Ggukie is more invested in his duties then all of us
Yes I agree.. he is the best Sunbae
I just fear.. what will happen of euphoria now..
They all nodded
Kim Taehyung was the wind.. and euphoria feared to breath this wind right now


The weather was gloomy at the euphoria jail centre.. the thick grey clouds took control, while the sun decided to shy away on the hell place.. the nature was barren around it, dull and boring.. as if the nature wanted to punish the criminals inside the jail cells.. but then again, these criminals were banned of morning light, or a bright day or a starry night.. which was fine, they all didn’t care about the nature too
However, today, is different for these jail mates.. a row of cars enter the area, and parked one by one outside the weary place
A man wearing suit, all dressed and elite, walked out of a car which was in between many cars
The man looked angry and stressed
It was evident from his face, that things were out of his control.. he looked at his guards who were ready with their guns to protect him..
They all walked inside the jail and were soon welcomed by the authorities there
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Where is he?
Governor Park Seo Joon hissed as he spoke and walked ahead
The director of the jail who was following him closely.. spoke.. “he has decided to have lunch today with other criminals”
Seo Joon stopped in his track and looked at the director with a piercing gaze making the latter nervous suddenly..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
What do you mean today? Doesn’t he always eat with others..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
I want to see his cell..
Seo Joon demanded and the director only nodded with a sigh..
They all walked towards a cell which was heavily protected with many guards, metals and locks.. the cell was left alone from other cells.. in fact, it was the only cell on the top floor of the jail..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Open it..
Seo Joon angrily demanded.. the director gestured a guard to follow the order
When the door of the cell opened.. the governor was beyond angry..
The room had velvety bed, nice and elegant furnitures.. there was even a fluffy couch, television, a telephone and a bar cabinet..
Seo Joon was furious by now..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Is this how he has been living here? This was suppose to be his punishment cell not a hotel room for vacation.. it fcking has antiques as well..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
What’s wrong with you all? How could you allow him to have such luxurious lifestyle in a jail? It’s unfair to others and a disappointment to our laws..
Seo Joon demanded once again furiously.. the director sighed and spoke, “No offence governor park.. this was the only way to keep him here.. his men, has threatened us that they will hurt our family if Kim Taehyung doesn’t get what he wants.. you know very well, the least you got was to bring him behind bars.. he won’t adjust as per the laws.. and our hands are tied..”
Seo Joon frustratedly rubbed his forehead.. he was very angry..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Let’s go where he is..
They all nodded and took Seo Joon to the cafeteria of the jail..
When they entered the place.. they see criminals circled around and two people fighting with each other in between them.. the two criminals were ready to kill each other, they were choking one another’s throats
And in the middle of the crowd.. on a grand velvety chair, sat the godfather of euphoria, drinking whiskey while enjoying the fight..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
This made everyone stop and look at seo Joon.. they only now noticed the presence of the town’s governor.. Seo Joon was staring at the leader of these hungry foxes
They then looked at the godfather who wasn’t amused by Seo joon’s presence
The great mafia gestured to continue with a nod of his head and once again the two criminals started to fight and the others cheered while ignoring Seo Joon..
Seo Joon clenched his fist, he walked in the circle and pulled the two criminal apart.. one of the criminal was about to punch Seo Joon when his guard pointed his gun at the criminal..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Fine.. take a break..
The godfather chuckled while staring intensely at Seo Joon..
Kim Taehyung, the ruler of mafia world in South Korea, sat in a vintage attire.. he had a green retro suit on with a sleeveless blazer, and a neck tie summing up his handsomeness.. his hair was neatly sleek and push back, a little curved from the front, showcasing his old schooled nature.. his eyes held the darkness of the world.. it would be rude for a mafia like Kim Taehyung to wear the clothes as other criminals… and no one ever dared to object him..
Well, at least Seo Joon did dare to object him and that’s why Taehyung was in a jail.. but Seo Joon got lucky by jailing taehyung due to a certain person., that’s a tale for later
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
To what honour do I owe governor Park Seo joon’s visit in my humble dorm
Taehyung was very amused as he spoke.. even his chuckle sounded deep and intense
The other criminals laughed..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Sit down gentlemen.. we shall hear from our governor like good citizens
Taehyung gestured the criminals who laughed and snickered at Seo Joon before taking their seats
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Kim Taehyung.. how dare you, declare to free yourself.. that’s against the law.. you’re sentenced for 10 year penalty..
Taehyung shrugged his shoulders.. he even laughed because he found Seo Joon’s words very funny..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
How did I dare, you say?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Don’t you know.. euphoria is mine..I am above the laws which I allowed t to take place
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I am allowed to go home.. besides I was really bored here
Taehyung licked his lips and removed a cigarette pack out of his pocket.. he then pulled out the thin and fragile white stick, and placed it in between his lips before lighting it up shamelessly.. making Seo Joon go even more mad
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Did you sign my release papers?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I was waiting for you..
Taehyung let out an artistic smoke from his intoxicating cigarette
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
I have come here to warn you..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Don’t think.. you can easily just walk in and out of a jail..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
I will never allow that
Seo Joon growled
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You talk too much
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
It’s a good thing.. your father served us and even took a bullet for me when I was a child.. that’s all what saves you right now
Taehyung held a dangerous deep voice but he was not smiling anymore.. he smoked through his cigarette and dominated the whole jail with his shadow
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Seo Joon gritted angrily and then turned to leave..
When taehyung spoke again..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What will happen if your wife and baby girl dies while they are walking on the street..little Mia’s school must have gotten over, she must be holding her eomma’s hand tightly right now.. I heard, you are planning a second baby, your wife must be so excited.. are you planning to take them somewhere beautiful in the coming summer break.. imagine, what will happen when they never get to see tomorrow?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Hmmm, I wonder what will happen..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Imagine.. if your blind grandmother has a sudden stroke and dies while waiting for you in the house balcony..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Wouldn’t that be a tragedy?
Taehyung was mindlessly speaking as he played with the cigarette stick in between his long slender fingers and watched the smoke turn into foggy wind before him.. it made him thrilled
Seo Joon, however, was halted on his tracks and turned with bewildered scary eyes
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What will happen when my men attack the whole euphoria.. creating a riot if I don’t get released in a matter of three days
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Wouldn’t it be such a loss of lives for a single man?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You shouldn’t be so mean seojoona
Taehyung now looked at Seo Joon who seemed to be very speechless in the moment..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
You wouldn’t dare!
Seo Joon whispered out but everyone heard him right..
Taehyung smiled sweetly and then wetted his lower lip before speaking
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Seojoona.. I don’t have moral values.. you got me into a jail only for one reason.. but did you really think, jail is a hell for me
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
People like me who stay in hell only embrace another hell..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Are you so naive seojoona? Did you forget, Kim Taehyung rules the underworld.. this jail is just my another playground
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Now how about you sign those papers or else watch euphoria burn..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Don’t you have conscious in life
Seo Joon dared to speak..
Taehyung laughed and it echoed in the room..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I was born in the smell of guns, seojoona.. the blood in my veins only speak of doing dark deeds and that’s what I have done
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Don’t forget.. euphoria is nothing without me and my ancestors
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You should be grateful of us
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I am a mafia by birth.. you have to learn how to lead a town as a governor
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I was born in the aesthetic gore of blood.. weapons are nothing but my toys.. and they will forever be..
Seo Joon looked away.. sometimes, he too couldn’t suppress taehyung’s piercing gaze
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
Don’t hurt anyone
Seo joon’s voice sounded pleading now..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Bring the papers
The director got it instantly..
Taehyung pointed at Seo Joon.. and the director gave the governor the releasing papers who reluctantly signed them all..
Taehyung would be out on his terms and no one has the audacity to stop him..
Seo Joon looked at taehyung after feeling defeated
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
What would kim jungkook think of you?
Seo Joon had little hope still.. the name should rile Taehyung up but the mafia looked unfazed
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Kim Jungkook,. Will die
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Has he should
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I will kill him personally..
Seo Joon
Seo Joon
It’s a lie
Seo Joon growled
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
The old me is dead.. I have business to take care ..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
You should go to your family before I change my mind.. kiss your wife, hug your baby girl tightly, seojoona.. life is too short
It was another warning..
Seo Joon only stared at taehyung angrily..
Taehyung actioned the other criminals and once again they formed a circle and a fight broke out
Taehyuny was being entertained
Seo Joon left the place with disbelief

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