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Am I Truly A White Lotus?

A Rusty House

Snorlax [Author]
Snorlax [Author]
Hello my dear readers!!
Snorlax [Author]
Snorlax [Author]
This is my first chat story... So If I make any mistake you are free to correct me in comments.
~This story's 𝙢𝙖𝙞𝙣 concept is Yaoi (Boy's Love) and quick transmigration… So if you are uncomfortable with this concept kindly step back from this story 𝙣𝙤𝙬… This story may contain some foul words, torture scenes and sometimes 18+ content (which you will be informed before the scene). So if you feel uncomfortable about it… You may skip that part~
~I feel that, I have made things clear from my part. I hope you enjoy my story… Unless you are one of the people who just 𝙧𝙚𝙥𝙤𝙧𝙩 for fun and drag others down~ :)
**So before starting I would like to make some things clear about the symbols, and it's reference**
*....* Expressions/ Gestures/ Actions performed [....] Talking through mind / Thinking (....) aside i.e. characters can't hear it
Snorlax [Author]
Snorlax [Author]
Let's start~~
~At a rusty house~
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*cough* *cough*
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*adjusts eyesight *
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Why is it so dark? I never turn off my light when I go to sleep
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Where are you?
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ Did we move places again? I don't remember though... What's with this unfamiliar place? And did I sleep on floor?]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*Opens the door*
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
The place was filled with cob webs ,rats running here and there and the worst of all the smell of the rotten eggs. The person standing there was struck at the moment
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*mumbled*Where am I?
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*Looked left*
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
You finally woke up! I have been waiting for you since the sun rose
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Here ...take this bun...I saved it previous night
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
*Hands over the bun to Viola*
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*Too stunned to speak*
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Hey Viola! Speak something....We need to reach the festival soon
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
It's the best time to earn some money.
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ Why does this kid keep calling me Viola? And this name sounds quite familiar.]
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
hummph...Looks like you are still half asleep
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Hurry up Viola! We need to go .
Margaret holds Viola's hand and started walking
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[I am confused]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ I want to speak but everything looks so messed up]
But the confusion ends when ...
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*Left Margaret's hand*
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[I saw myself in a big piece of broken mirror. A kid was standing with tattered clothes (more like rags) long brown hair but what differed the most was the dazzling SKY BLUE colour of the eyes.]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ By the appearance I guessed she was a girl]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[BUT!! ]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ It wasn't me !!! I am a Man... Holy Moly]*studden shock after realising*
Somewhere else
What a fool...*sigh* He won't make it *cold voice*
Back to the world
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Ahh! This isn't me
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Nothing...Sis [ Sis would be better right? I don't even know her name..ughh]
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
O my little Viola finally accepting that Margaret is your sissy😗😗😗
Soon Viola (or we can say someone who possessed Viola unknowingly) matches up the dots/hints and came to conclusion
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
The names are familiar, appearance is familiar but an unfamiliar place .
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*low whisper* I guess I figured it out.
Snorlax [Author]
Snorlax [Author]
Hope you guys will enjoy the story..😊
Snorlax [Author]
Snorlax [Author]

Viola is a BOY!

In Alleyways
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[As per my speculation this girl must be Margaret]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Margaret did we reach?
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Not yet..Keep following me
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Margaret was walking in front and Viola was walking behind her
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[I guess I am too addicted to the novel I read last month]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ I am even dreaming it ...and in this dream I am Viola!!!]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[And Viola is a boy....His actual name is Vick because he didn't talk much in his childhood... so orphan around him named him as Viola]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Though I also misunderstood him as a girl....and why not? anyone would guess he was a girl with this appearance]
Blue eyes were rare in MC's world
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ The appearance is the same as the portrait I drew few weeks ago of his childhood with my imagination]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ A boy always misunderstood as a girl by the people because of his long hair and weak body]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[ And why won't I be able to figure it out easily?... ofcourse i can... because Viola/Vick had become my favourite character in the novel “ I Am The Leader of My Own Destiny” even after reading so many novels ]
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Ok enough staring at the mirror....let's go Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Then this must be orphan same as Viola]
Back to story
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Viola even though was just a fictional character but for me he was an idol I looked up to]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[He became one of the greatest character in the novel. Though like many novels there were some tragedies but he pierced them with his intelligence, bravery and positivity.He wasn't someone with great physical power but there was also noone as brainy as him]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Ahh! Here I am again fanboying over him]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Well's a dream!!! that kindaa feel so true...gotta enjoy it.]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*Happy balloons rising high in his mind🎈🎈* ( means in his own little world)
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*smily face*😸
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Are you done with day dreaming?😇
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*The balloons of his thoughts bursts*🎆🎈
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*whisper* no
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Come on we reached.
They both were carrying two basket of flowers which Margaret picked while Viola was sleeping
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
So you go and sell these Tulip and Daisy
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
I will sell the others...We might be able to make some penny...right(whisper) ..*hopefull*
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
And remember to come back at the clock tower before the sun set.
This wasn't new for these kids. Since birth they were left alone. (Viola was found when he was 5 years old).Though some of their necessities were filled by the help of other teenager orphans. But they never were taken to the orphanage as those teenagers knew the orphanage is just a name... in real it was a hell for them
Not many orphans on the street were left now as some were kidnapped, bitten to death, starved to death etc
Margaret and Viola grew up together but Viola never spoke much
Now Margaret was 12 and Viola was 8 years old
Though they had already suffered so much that it looked like their mental age was much of an older person
They lived in that rusty house. It wasn't a rusty house few years ago. It was a house with the giggling sounds of the kids(orphans) from the streets having a warmth as similar as the warmth of a family
Little Margaret
Little Margaret
Adieu (means bye)! Go now don't laze around.
Margaret leaves to the other side
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Huh! Out of all the best scenes in the novel why do I have to dream of Viola's childhood.
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
I don't remember anything interesting from his childhood...It was just a miserable past which was shown in the flashback in few pages
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
The capital was illuminated even in the day as this festival was held on the occasion of King's 89th birthday
There was quite hustle bustle around the area where Viola was trying to sell his flowers
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
( was pushed by someone while running. )
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Ouch! It hurts so much. This pain feels so real..
One of his tattered shoes got fully torn while limping
There were many people selling cotton candies, jewellery,fresh fruits, steamed buns etc.
Viola was enjoying sightseeing those delicious foods. He felt so hungry but still wasn't able to make a penny.
The sun was about to set
Viola headed towards clock tower
Margaret was already there
Margaret was able to afford only two buns
They shared one half half and stored other one for the next day
The routine continued till five days.
At this moment everything felt so real to him

White Lotus System

For these five days Viola suffered....then since last two days he was having stomachache, headache and cold fever.He felt as if God was punishing him.
Inspite of his pain...he didn't let Margaret go alone ...They went together and helped other orphans from the different alley
Margaret always helped Viola . But she couldn't deny when Viola requested her to tag alone as they have to make money to feed themselves and stay alive
But Viola was always suspicious of something
He felt as if something was monitoring him
One day a small kid was found dead because of malnutrition . The kid was the same one whom Margaret and Viola helped selling flowers.
Now it wasn't just a dream for Viola
It hit him that everything is real
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
But why? No I mean how? *low whisper*
He was sitting in the room.( from scene 1)
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[The hunger,the pain ,the smell of the house , the fear of death felt so real.]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
It's defini..tly.. not a dream any...more.(low whisper)
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Then what is it?.....Time travel? Rebirth? Am I dead? But how? And why only this world?]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[Even though it felt real but still sometimes it feels as if my mind is here but my body is somewhere else experiencing something even more painful ]
So many questions clouded in his mind
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Or is it a mission like the famous game “Catch the Prey” in my world? I did feel someone monitoring me
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
I won't be surprised as it became suddenly popular but I never joined it
Time stopped
^...^ for sounds effects
Congratulations! for finally using your brain.
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
*Totally shook*(shocked) (someone who told he won't be surprised )
Oh yah!... Good evening player03723 a.k.a Mason.
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
You know my real name? Who are you? What's with the tag number player03723? *Speaks in one breath*
Hold on a second. Breath first and now let me first introduce myself and answer your queries.
I am System723.
As you have successfully found out the clues and made the conclusion of mission world.... you are now officially selected as a player of “White Lotus System”.
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
[I was just blabbering but it is true!!!! Like seriously? Is my life a joke?]
[Also I can hear you]
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
um haha ..I guessed it. You know I have read many novels .
They are just some fictional setup ...not everything is true
Lil Viola
Lil Viola
So that's it anything else?

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