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My Obsessive Hubby Is My Enemy

Chapter 1 - Undeserving

Female Lead: Name: Leona Light Title: Lady, daughter of Count Light Profession: Strategist Personality: competitive, intelligent, mature (depending on the situation), fair Secret #1: She is a secret hardcore fan of tragic romances Secret #2: She has memories from her past lives
Male Lead: Name: Darius Knight Title: General and Duke Profession: General Personality: cold, unemotional, doesn't let things show very easily (on the battlefield) Secret #1: He has a soft spot for small animals Secret #2: He (does not but totally does have) a possessive obsession over a blond-haired colleague
Let the epic romance begin!
Life is given to everyone for a reason.
Our actions, good or bad, determine what kind of life we lead.
Perhaps that's why I've been given a gift...
Perhaps I was rewarded by God, perhaps I saved the universe, who knows.
Regardless, life is given and taken away for a reason...
... and it seems like I was given something on top of life. An ability to live another life after death, memories still intact.
My past lives never feel like my own, they never feel personal enough.
But the experiences? The knowledge? That all feels like my own.
With that experience, I decided to make a difference.
I protected my country and kept peace throughout the continent.
I needed to make a big enough name for myself to deter war itself, make it an impossible dream.
And that's what I did.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Leona, the carriage is here!
My older brother called out my name while I raided my tent of the very last book on my bedside.
I felt awkward in my ceremonial garb.
Many women weren't recognised as being nobility. They were simply ornaments or tools to be sent off in exchange for material goods.
I was the exception to that rule.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Leona, I'm serious, the carriage needs to leave now!
Leona Light
Leona Light
I'm coming.
I didn't want to leave my small tent.
The scent of fresh grass mixed with the scent of blood from the medical tent, along with the sharp aroma of antiseptics was what I was used to.
The clean city air with frills and tulle wasn't the life for me. It never was.
In all of the lives where I've assumed a woman in nobility, it's always turned out the same way.
Either I died an early death or I was married to someone else from nobility.
However, there was an undying rule that I seemed to always find uncomfortable.
In every life, I had found a soulmate. Someone who I had fallen in love with so hard, that my heart could barely remained contained.
However, shortly after finding my soulmate, I was always met with death.
Marcus, Blaine, Hughes, Kieran, Theodore, ...
I remembered all of their names. Everytime I acknowledged my love for my soulmate, my life ended in a brutal way.
That is why I've steered away from romance and into the hellscape which is war.
I rushed out to meet my brother, the book from my nightstand standing out to him.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
I've never seen that book before. Is it a romance?
My hopeless brother and his desire to make me a normal noblewoman who is utterly obsessed with romance.
Though he tried to introduce me to a few men, thoss encounters ended up the very same way.
They walked away in shame or were simply attracted to a more... delicate type of woman.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Oh, General Darius!
My bottom lip stiffened.
Remember when I told you that romance had no place on a battlefield?
No epic romance would to be found here. Only blood, death, and I guess rivalry.
And that man, the unemotional bàstard who is walking towards our carriage right now?
He's my biggest rival of all my lives combined.
The bàstard cold General, Duke Darius Knight.
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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(。♡ ‿ ♡。)

Chapter 2 - The Rival

My brother worked under Darius Knight, and I hated the way that he gazed at him with pure devotion and respect.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
What's the matter, General Darius?
The man's lips remained as straight as a board, all while his gaze shifted towards me.
I didn't engage with him. My arms crossed, my eyes out of the carriage window.
I was finally going to escape him, and here he is, taunting me again.
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
It appears that my carriage is currently indisposed.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Wait, what happened?
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
The wheel's axle broke, it won't be repaired in time for the parade.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Oh, you're welcome to ride in our carriage!
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
No need, I will find my horse.
I frowned.
That man... he irritated me so much.
Leona Light
Leona Light
What, is the measly carriage of a previous Count too far below your standards, General?
He stopped and turned around. Our eyes met, ice and fire colliding in a fierce battle for dominance.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
General, please excuse my sister. I'll have to insist that you accept my invitation.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
There is enough space for all three of us.
The man broke our eye contact, a small triumphant grin appearing on the cornerside of my lips.
I always make everything a competition between us.
"Who-breaks-eye-contact-loses" is one of my favourite games to play in the main tent.
I've won 154 times while he has won a total of 76 times.
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
Just refuse already, so we can, get this silly parade over with-
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
Wait, what?
I turned towards him, utterly shocked. He wasn't supposed to accept! He was supposed to make up some excuse like he normally does!
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Excellent! We're leaving now. Any luggage, you can leave with the driver.
I was still dumbfounded.
Two days in a carriage, stuck with not only my lecturing older brother but my insufferable rival as well???
He trusted his luggage to the driver and slowly climbed into the carriage.
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
I'll be in your care, Lady Light.
I glared at him, my lips fixated in a deep scowl.
I can't believe him, taking advantage of my brother's respect and admiration just to irritate me.
Urgh, wearing this uniform is so uncomfortable...
My brother insisted that I wear it for the commoners to see, and I agree.
It strikes joy and hope into their hearts, and tells them that the war is finally over.
The victory parade begins here at the main camp and leads up to the capital through various different towns and villages.
The whole parade will last two days.
Two days of sitting in this carriage, travelling with this bàstard icicle.
Kasier suddenly jumped in, and shut the door before taking a seat next to the General.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Off we go!
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
This is going to be so fun.
I rolled my eyes as I stared out the window. I felt irritated immediately after I realised that Darius Knight's eyes were fixated on me still.
I won't flinch. Just pretend like he isn't there.
He doesn't exist.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 3 - Balance

The carriage ride felt so awkward.
Darius simply sat there while my brother and I kept up casual conversation.
Eventually, Kasier decided that it was grand time to mention my fruitless love life.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Hey, now that you're back in high society, I was wondering if you'd be willing to meet some friends of mine.
Leona Light
Leona Light
Friends? From what I've gathered, your 'friends' are Grade 3 àssholes who only see me as a way to boost their rank.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
I promise you, that's not true!
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Listen, meet with them at least. I'm not proposing an engagement straight away...
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Y-Yes, General?
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
It's hot, could you open up the window?
I immediately became irritated. Hearing his voice just makes my teeth grind.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Oh, of course.
I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms.
Leona Light
Leona Light
*mumbling* What, is the ice cube afraid of melting?
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
Lady Leona?
I glared at him.
Leona Light
Leona Light
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
You seem flushed.
Leona Light
Leona Light
Kasier immediately got up and pressed his hand against my head.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Gosh, you're burning up, Lena.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Where are your pills?
What he is talking about can be explained in a short story.
For generations, certain members of nobility were gifted with powers.
My family have, you probably guessed it, Light powers.
You might wonder what the use of light might be. Well, it's simple.
Light is a reflection of time, and with our magic, we heal and modify.
For example, I could make this whole carriage turn into a rusted, rotten mess.
I could heal a gash on someone's arm.
Some of my descendants were able to heal back complete and functional limbs.
We are a family of doctors, who were never truly recognised before I stepped up as strategist.
I studied medicine, in my past life and in this life, and when I wasn't in the tent planning, I was healing the soldiers wounded in battle.
There is a slight issue though.
I have too much power.
Imagine a vase which refills faster than you can pour. That is what my body is like.
Therefore, I need to limit how much power I absorb from the elements with little pills.
The particles in the pills absorb my power inside of me and turn into different vitamins.
What happens if I don't consume these pills? Well, I overheat and eventually die.
That's why being on the battlefield was so good for me. I healed so much and used so much of my power that it was kept at bay from when I was 13 to now.
Leona Light
Leona Light
I didn't think I needed them... I took some before I left-
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
Driver! Stop the carriage!
Kasier rushed out and immediately began searching through my luggage.
Darius leaned down while I panted, sweat running down my neck.
He then slipped his hand into mine, and I pulled it away.
Leona Light
Leona Light
What are you doing?
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
It will help.
Leona Light
Leona Light
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
Will you trust me?
Leona Light
Leona Light
Not as far as I can throw you. Get your hand...
Suddenly, the whole carriage went pitch black.
The carriage door slammed shut, and I felt him press his hand against my eyes.
Darius Knight
Darius Knight
Don't fight it. Let me in.
Darius began pushing his darkness power inside of me, my body lighting up like a star.
His power felt like water after walking in the desert for hours.
I absorbed, gulping down every last drop he offered until I was practically glowing as bright as the son.
I then reached out and grabbed his other hand, gasping as I felt my light power move into him.
My body began to slowly lose its shimmer, and I felt for the first time in my life that I could breathe.
Eventually, when I had my full, I opened my eyes slowly, only to meet Darius's serious expression.
Leona Light
Leona Light
What did...
Leona Light
Leona Light
What did we just do?
The door opened and Kasier rushed inside with the empty pill bottle.
Kasier Light
Kasier Light
There are none left!
Leona Light
Leona Light
I turned back towards Darius, who didn't say a word.
What did he make me do just now?
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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