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Rebellion Empire : The Spy Princess

Mission 1. The legendary Slaughter Queen

| Seina Carrianne |

In the battle field Many people die, Spy agent plus Assasin like me, It's just normal to kill people who deserve it.

I Seina Carrianne The Most powerful Spy agent and an Assasin in MATA, most of The members of MATA has feared me, when they see me. It is because on my innocent face and i have a deadly Killing intent.

I was in my Major mission that The commander Appointed, My mission is to Kill the Assasins in the other agency, it is because They steal our Secret Experiment and it's our "MATA".

The MATA was the most precious Experiments that we invented, as one of the Inner members, I have to be responsible on what will happened to the Mata.

As the experiments name.... it's our agency's name, because it's so precious that Not all of us can protect it from the outsiders.

I was in the Titron's head quarters, which it was our enemy's territory, i was using my witchcraft that's why they didn't know that im inside.

When i was walking in the main Halliun (Control room) I heared someone walking outside, i immediately hide in the Bars and Silently monitoring the man who's walking in.

I saw him so tall and Has a handsome face, " Haiss.... *slap my self* You can't get blushed to that man... his an enemy!" I whispered. The man heared something around my bars where i was hiding,

He turned around and walk towards the bars. I was nervous that he'll find me, but luckily Someone called him and it distracts him from going after me.

I heared their Conversation with his boss,

"Agent X You should be careful, The slaughter queen might be outside, Monitoring the halliun, make sure you kill her so that the MATA will be ours *serious*" The boss said.

I clearly heared all of it, i smirk and continue to monitor him.

The Man Nod and hang up, He sigh and walk to the Inventory of Halliun, I followed him, but he see me. He attack me with his Energy sword.

"I see you slaughter queen!" the man said.

"Hmm... Agent X From titron Head quarters, You're betraying your commander and Gonna steal the MATA?!" as i Attack him back.

"It's an honoured To meet The legendary slaughter queen of Mata Head quarters. The most famous of all.. *mock*" Agent X said.

I was annoyed by his speech, it looks like his insulting me in my code name.

"Tsk... Stop talking and Fight me! *Annoyed*" I said, He smiled at me and Attack me with his energy sword, I use my witch craft and attack him with my Uranium sword.

He was severely injured, "Huff* huff* I didn't expect that The slaughter queen will use his uranium sword on me huff*, but do you think I will be defeated by that thing, I WONT.....!"

He suddenly attack me at his Own strength and A Strong lightning Was hit on him and a strange magnetic portal Consume me, then i see myself inside of a Black hole.

A strange Color like a tunnel Make me dizzy, it's like putting me in the another wor... l.d....

| ERA of 1567 | Kingdom of Osiraya |

"So noisy.... *dizzy*", A Noisy crowded place, it's so annoying. I opened my eyes and see my self handcuffed and All of the people was shouting to... Beat me?

"where the f*ck am i? *confused*" I murmured,

There was a man walking towards me, He was Chubby and old, like is he a chubby titan? He stared at me like a pervert and Pinch my cheeks.

"Girl, be obedient and If you can get out of here alive, you'll be free or not you'll be my playtoy tonight *greedy*" The man said.

I was mad and shove my face,

"Im warning you dont push me, and let me out right now or else, you all will face the consequences! *threaten*" I shouted at him but he ignored me. "*what the hell?!*" i whispered.

"Now That she agreed to Fight with the Somian (Huge slave) Let see who will win! *happy*" The chubby man said.

I was shocked and didn't know what to do,

"Hey, How can i fight with the handcuffs! I WILL DIE YAH KNOW *shout*" I shout at the chubby man.

The chubby man stare back at me, I was making a Mad face but he sees it as Cute face....

"If you could get out in that handcuffs and defeats the somian you will have your freedom Cute girl. *greedy*" The chubby man said.

I was so annoyed and any second i feel like there's an earthquake, but i was mistaken because it's the Huge somian and i feel like im having a belly fight in here. his 7 feet tall and im 5'2 feet tall.

"do i really have to fight that? *shocked*" i whispered.

The somian Got out on his handcuffs and Was starting to attack me, luckily My Uranium sword was still with me. I cracked my handcuffs and get my uranium sword, I ran towards him like i wasn't afraid to fight him.

"It's so easy to kill people if they deserve it *happy*" I said while i jump and Slay my uranium sword at his neck.

The people was shocked that i killed the Huge somian, When i killed him i stared back at the chubby man,

"Hey.. Do you think im joking earlier? When i get out on that handcuffs You all will suffer the consequences *smile*" I said.

The chubby man was mad and He get his Sword to fight me but I gave him a last warning and walk out.

"Im warning you... Dont let me see you again, or else it will be your funeral day *dangerous smile*" I said and ran to the Main gate.

All of the people inside of the stadium was murmuring about the news. I heared it because im a slaughter queen... And as a spy i can hear all of the story they were talking about.

When im outside in the stadium, im still confused of where place am i.

"Does this still oskawa? Do am i lost? When will i get home? *confused*" I said to my self.

I was Worried about the place and didn't know that a Plaque was coming in my way.

"Hey little girl, if you dont want to die, get out of the way! *shout*" The guard said. I turned back and stare at him.

He was startled and cant move. There was a man in The plaque and he asked the guard, I heared their conversation even in afar.

"Your Highness, It's a little girl who have a killing aura *scared*" The guard said.

"Really, a girl who has a murderous aura? Interesting! \*smile\*" The man said as he get outside in his plaque.

End of chapter 1

Mission 2. Prince Regent of Osiraya

The man was going out in his plaque, I stared at him with shock.

"*His handsome and Has a Good body, his fit to be my husband *Proud*" I whispered.

The man was staring at me like i have A mistake.

"You little girl?... Do you have a place to go?! *cold*" The man said.

I shake my head and turned around,

"Stop right there! I saw you leaving at the Xalex Stadium, Do you know what kind of place did you just enter? *serious*" The man said.

I gave my self a deep breath and maintain my Lady attitude,

" Mr. I dont know What kind of place did i just entered, but I know What im doing. If you have some more questions please just leave it in another day if we see again *bow*" I said and walk out.

The man Was silent as soon as i Walk away, But any minute later i heared him taking an order to Follow me, to investigate my origin.

"His cunning, I dont know this place, but i think i might do something to cover my self as a new person *serious*" I said.

The man's guard was starting to follow me, every footsteps i made he will know.

And that time i was suspecting that this place was kinda different in oskawa in 2735. I jump at the Rooftop and I noticed that His been Missing my footsteps because im in the air and not in the ground.

"Im so clever, *proud*" I said.

it's been 10 minutes since I was jumping and jumping just to Get out in the man's guard. I saw a Strange tower, like the famous Tower in England.

I go in that tower and i saw the man in the plaque, I didn't expect that his a prince, no, no A CROWN PRINCE.

I stop at the first roof in the abandoned House. I saw them Marching To the Strange tower, The man in the plaque and the other man Besides him.

"Are they Royals? They seems like A Mortal enemy!? *Confused*" I said.

I jump down in the roof and Silently Follow the Guards inside in the tower.

"There's so many people in here, I need to get upstairs," I was Having a trouble on Finding a staircase so I just jump up and Making a careful Hiding Place just to listen on the Speech.

I sit in the Straight bar Line in the rooftop,

"representing His majesty, King Adamian maxell Vendex II, And his son Prince Adamian Louis Vendex III, The holy goddess of The Wind and Sun, You may Bless our Newly Crowned, his highness Adamian Louis Vendex III as the Future king of Osiraya, Please bless his majesty and his son *bow*" The Priest said.

I possess all of the elemental witchcraft and They dare to say Holy goddess,.... I Seina Carrianne Was the goddess of Wind, Earth, Fire, Life, Water and Sun, and I think they are kinda insulting my name as a goddess. "Why do people like them, like to Insult people? *helpless*" I said.

As i Watch them doing their rituals, I didn't realize that The man in the plaque was the newly crowned as the future king of Osiraya.

And he was staring at me for the whole ceremony. I suddenly Feels chilly In my bones and jump down in the other side of the tower.

As soon as i jump Down the guard of the man was waiting the entrance and caught me.

"Im doomed... """ i whispered.

the guard walk towards me and bow, I thought his bowing at me for his respect, and i was about to order him when the prince suddenly speak.

"You may arise, Benedict *cold*" The prince said.

"Your Highness, the girl was in there and We caught her *show respect*" The guard said.

"I already know, you may Go now, and im going to talk to him *cold*" The prince said.

The guard nod and leave, and it was me and him in the entrance.

"Little girl, Since i caught you, you should obey to what i said from now on *mock*" Adamian Louis Vendex III said. I turned around and Shouted at him.

"Hey Mr. I mean Your highness, I was gaving you a forgiveness earlier for saying Him instead of Her and now you're Making me obey to you?! *pissed off* Im so sorry, who do you thing you are to order me sir?!" I said as i slap him hard infront of everyone.

King adamian II saw what I've done and was shocked, he was silent and stared me at a murderous aura,

"Do you know who am i?! *pissed*" The prince said. "Im sorry, I didn't mean too" I said, because the people was staring at us.

He sigh and turned around back to his father,

"your majesty, im sorry that you saw what my girlfriend did, It is because She's mad at me ever since she wake up, so please if you mind..... *smile*" The prince said.

I was in shock "GIRLFRIEND?! *confused*" I whispered.

The king smile and gave His orders to leave the tower, Adamian Louis Vendex III carry me in a princess style and Bought me to the palace, when we arrived to his royal bedroom he put me down.

"Since Your in my palace, you should behave. And i knew that your a strong Girl, And luckily i needed a strong Pawn in my Game, If you like you can get it, if you dont want you can get out in my palace *cold*" The prince said.

I didn't have a choice but to Be his pawn at the moment in staying in his palace, He want me to act like his mistress and be his life savior.

"His so powerful, His thankful that i agreed, or else there's no one who'll take care of his needs if his in danger *smirk*" I whispered.

As he Get outside in the bedroom the servants has entered the room with full of gowns and dress just to fit me,

"hey do i really need to get dressed by that Gown?" I asked.

"Yes your Highness, it's the crown prince's orders, to serve you *show respect*" The maid said.

"okay.... But can you find another dress, it's too long and i dont like long dresses, maybe you can find me another pair of dress where it's on above my knees only *forced smile*" I said.

The maid nodded and Get a new pair of dresses, They dress me and Groomed me just to make me "clean".

" You dont need to overdo it, im already cleaned, \*hehe\*" I said. it's was my first time to be groomed as a spy outside of our MATA head quarters.

End of chapter 2

Mission 3. The Future Queen

| Adamian Louis Vendex III |

A life with a painful past, that making me regret all of the things I've done right now. I Crown Prince Adamian III, the first born son of my father King Adamian II.

Being one of the royals in osiraya can make you feel like a real god living on earth. As one of them, I've experienced Living like gods that servant servers us and worship us.

I have 10 younger Brothers and 4 sisters.. 7 of my brothers are personally killed by me and 2 of my sisters are killed by me personality too. And the truth behind of this is I dont like Siblings...

I Dont want an enemy To the throne, that my father originally Prepared for me in the right day i sit on it and bare all of the responsibility as a new king of Osiraya.

The hatred that My mother make in my heart suddenly change all of me. From being a Ordinary Crown Prince to a Cruel and ruthless Crown Prince. I don't fear anyone, even if it's a girl or a baby. Some of the People called me the cold prince. But i have some reason's why I, their prince Did that....

Ever since i was born in this world, I thought my life would make me happy and be like a normal person. My mother, the queen, is always with me In my early childhood. I have experienced all of the happy times that a normal kid should experience in their lifetime.

I was 15 Year old when my mother left me in all alone. I can't believe that She leave me and Put me into a horrible nightmare in my whole life.

It was My mother's 5 month on heaven and I visited her grave to gave respect on her for taking care of me for the past 15 in a half years. I was Crying in front of my mom's grave, Until i noticed that someone was crying near me. I heared it and followed it,

When i followed the noise, i saw a Little girl, her age is like 13 yrs old. I gave my handkerchief to her, She looked at me in the eyes. I noticed her beautiful Cyan Blue eyes, It was beautiful and only the royals from Synx Kingdom have that Eyes.

I asked her... "Hey, what are you doing in here? *gentle*" I said. She Looked down and answer,

"I was lost. My mom and me got separated In the crowd.. Im scared *sob*" The girl said.

"It's oky, Let me help you. Im a Crown prince Of Osiraya, You can come with in the palace so your mother can know that you're in the palace *smile*" I said.

She was shocked that She heared me saying that im a prince, she immediately Stand up and bow at me.

"Im sorry Your Highness for my rudeness, *bow*" The girl said.

"It's okay, you don't need formalities, uhm... I just want to ask your name.. What's your name? *nervous*" I said.

She smiled, "My name Is Seina Carrianne, I am the eldest princess of Synx, It's nice to meet you, your Highness *smile*" She said.

"Your... A Princess?! *shocked*" I said. She nods and Laughs,

"Im sorry your Highness, for making you shocked, Im just scared to tell my name to the strangers. *smile*" Seina Carrianne said.

I didn't expect that she is the Eldest princess and The most pampered Daughter of King Axel I, I still remember her first time visiting in Osiraya, She was still 4 yrs old and i was 6 yrs old at that time, She was so shy and didn't even talk to me in the entire Day.

And now she's back, I dont know why They're In the Kingdom, I hope it's not My Step mothers schemes, all against my will.

"Your Highness, Please allow me to sent you back to the palace, *respect*" I said. She nods and Followed me to the Chariot.

I escort her Carefully and Hold her hands when she Got inside in my chariot.

"princess, Please be at ease, I will sent you back to the palace safety, *smile*" I said.

"thank you for sending me back, Prince Adamian. *shy*" Seina said.

It was 10 minute ride in the Chariot, And she kinda tired, She was Going to sleep and i place her head to my shoulders so that she can have a good sleep.

"*she's so Cute, when she sleeps. I cant Imagine being married to a Girl like her, *smile*" I said Silently.


We reached at the Hekbon Palace, Seina Carrianne was still asleep in my shoulder, so I made a decision to carry her up to the palace.

When i get to the throne room, I saw her mother, Queen Isabella was worried sick from separating from her daughter.

"Dad, Your majesty. Princess Seina and I are back *respect*" I said.

My father and The royals of Synx Immediately Turned their back on us, They saw me carrying Seina and Queen Isabella was worried.

"Is she fine, your Highness?! *worried*" Queen Isabella said.

I nod and Let the butler take her to the guest room in the palace. My father King Adamian II, smiled and Asked me to Come near him. I walk towards him and Bow,

"Why father want me to Come near? Is there something That father want me to answer? *bow*" I said.

"It was nothing, i just want to know if your fine and Didn't got hurt. And i want to ask if where did you find the Eldest princess Seina Carrianne? *curious*" King Adamian II said.

The king and queen Of Synx was curious too,

"I saw her crying into the bench, near at the park where i was walking back to my Chariot, I saw her Crying and I asked her. She said that she's been separated to her mother, *gently*" I said.

"Yes it's true, we've been separated to each other. I looked for her everywhere but i can see her, Thank you Your Highness for Looking for her *smile*" Queen Isabella said.

As Soon as i answer their questions, Father told me to wait for seina to wake up. I waited for 30 minutes in the throne room and then she came.

"Father, the princess is here, is there anything you want me to do, now?" I asked.

"Louis, Dont be disrespectful to the royals of snyx, Eldest princess seina Carrianne will be engaged to you and she will be your future queen *smile*" King Adamian II said.

I was happy that She'll be my queen in the future, but i pitted her because, she'll be in my side forever if we became married and have kids. "*kids?...*" I whispered.


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