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Legends Return


In the year 2016 Esports Began to Rapidly increase in popularity by the year of 2018 it had cross the Multi Billion Dollars industry

And It along with it's rapid growth More and more Esports Games Like CS:G,Valve and other games emerge

By June 2018 A company Named Sun Entertainment Lunches it's first MOBA Games Called Legends What set it apart from other Esports games is that it had a Huge Hero Selection and it's unique Game Mechanics instead to the typical 5v5 moba

Legends is A 5v5v5 it's a tree team competitive game The tree teams will fight against each other In the usual moba Stayle Destroying Torrents and bases of the two Opposing team

After the first month of it's release it already gain more than one hundred million Player and in the following Month the Company release a new update whare player from different platform can now play together bring the Mobile,PC,And console player all together

Following those release The Company Announce it's First Esports League Called 'Legends Professional League'or also known as 'LPL' and it bost a one hundred million dollars price pool, In an instance Huge Esports Organization Became interested

Along with Huge Brand of Company that are looking for profits The League Player from across the world became interested

The first Season of the league ended with Vern Esports winning the whole tournament

But All Games are not perfect some players complain about the set up of the Game whare some play on Mobile and some on PC Or console

To address those issues the company Implemented a new rule on its tournaments a Best of tree Games The first two game will be held using Mobile and PC while The third match will be played using Console The company take the Mobile and PC as the two main Device to use since it's the most used Device by Most of the players

This not only fix the Problem of The players complaining about the Device the the other uses but it also Increase the Overall difficulty of the game

Since One player needs to be versatile on the use of those three Devices but also a mastery of Heroes and strategy

For the Legends Second year it cross to a one billion users With the rise of popularity comes also the rise of The Leagues popularity and the rise of investors the price pool had be rise to Half a billion dollars after a 6 years Legends became a multi trillion dollars industry With over five billion users around the globe

People Are Eger to Try The game wether they are Kids or Adults,

for some players this is a Way of life, Since The leagues Founding Many had tried to became a Pro But also many had Failed to do so In it's 8 years of Professional Esports One team stand out

A team composing a of Members that had unique and extreme talent on can hardly deny that They are the Best In the world

The teams performance is Impeccable with each of their match the whole venue is almost full of their supporters

With their captain "Ender" The team's Performance resulting on 5 World Championship 12 Major tournament victory and 35 Minor league victory they are called Polar Esports

The miracle team That every one what's To be a part of one day Disappear.

Ch 1: Sister's Struggle part 1:

I'm Tachibana Nozomi I was born on A Poor Family We leave on a small house With my Mother, Father, and my two younger Siblings

We may not have The money to afford Luxury But We still leave as a happy family

My Brother and I Gets along Well he always help me wen I need it

One day we came across this Game Called Legends at that time it's Rise on popularity is un presented We both enjoy playing it

There comes a time when during Weekends my brother would take me to a internet Cafe and there we would play together

I Hope that this time will last forever but Reality is Harsh due to poverty my Brother Left home Without notice he only left a note saying 'I will be leaving the house Don't look for me'

My mother and father tried to look for him but they couldn't find him

Six years had pass since my Brother left us And now I'm currently 18 years old and studying in a Private school

I ask my parents that I should just go to a Public school but they insisted because they already got me a scholarship

My father work on a construction site of a big company but his wage is not enough to Give us all the things that we needed My mother is staying at home since she had a poor health so my father Said the she should just stay at home.

For us Eating three time a day is considered a huge blessing

the twins some time sneak out of home to collect bottles that can be sell it's hard to look at them like this so I force my self To do a multiple Par-time job As a waiter, Cleaner,ect.

But another problem occured My mother's health worsen we don't have enough money to take her to a hospital,And to add to that my Scholarship had been terminated since the company that offers the scholarship goes bankrupt

I tried to Endure it For the two whole years and now

"Zo..mi..Nozomi.. oi Nozomi!"

"Ahh sorry Aiko"

"Geez spacing out During Afternoon here"

Her name is Asamiya Aiko she is my best friend since I enter Highschool and she is also one of the people who dint look down on me because Im a Daughter of a poor family

"What's this Aiko"

"Bento? What else could it be?"

"Ehh but It's yours I can't take this"

"Nope that one is for you Since I have mine here"

"But .."

"No but's Nozomi You skip Breakfast right"

"How did"

Before I can Ask my question she continues

"If you don't eat breakfast and Also skip lunch you won't be able to Focus on the class right, besides mom made those specially for you"


"She said this is a Way of thanks for always helping me on study so she made extra so don't hold back my mom and I will be mad if you don't accept it"

Aiko look At me with A determine eyes

"Ehh..ok I'll accept it"

"Good let's eat!"

She smiles while she opens her bento boxes

But every one in the school is not happy on Aiko's doing

"Oi Aiko Isn't giving a Bento to A beggar is a bit too much"

3 girls Step in they are the once that always bully me inside and outside the school I couldn't do anything since she is a daughter of the principal

"Huh You got any problem with what I Do Jaiden?"

Aiko look at them with an angry eyes A look that You will only see on an angry anime characters with her words Jaiden And her crew Stiffen

"Hmmp you are no fun Aiko let's go girls"

They walk away but I saw Jaiden Look angry at me,I know why she is a huge fan of Aiko one of our school Top Player in Legends she also a Top stude she's been ask to Play for our barcity but she refused

"Don't mind them Nozomi they are just jealous"

"Umm by the way Aiko aren't you going to join The Legends barcity?"

"No I only play it to past time"

"Really we are the same huh"

"Ehh you play Legends too?"

She ask me with a surprise expression

"Well I used to play it"

"Ohh so you stop witch season did you start playing it?"

"I think is way back season 2"


She froze to her place

"Ehh Aiko hello" I wave my hands in front of her Eyes but she dint respond until

"Ahhhhh Nozomi"

She hugged me and I got surprised

"Your one of the OG player huh I'm so lucky I had a friend that starts Playing Legends ways back Before season 3"

I got confused and our other class mates is staring at us

"Oii you two keep it down will yah were trying to focus here"

Said by one of our male classmates

"Ahh sorry,I got surprised and lost my composure"

"Why did you even do that"

"Eh you dint know Nozomi?"

"Know what?"

"You know people who played Legends During season 1&2 are considered Strong player you know every one On The Esports industry of legends will do anything for a S1 or S2 player and also there's one thing that's Interesting is that they said that those people who play in Season 1&2 had a different play style mechanics"

"ehhh I dint know about that"

"Say show me how you play"


"Come on Nozomi please"

"Ehh ahh sure but I haven't play For a very Loong time"

"It's fine win or lose Its alright"

"Well ok"

"Right after school come with me ok"


Ch 2: Sister's Struggle part 2:

Nozomi and I continue to talk about legends

"Still Legends became this big in a span of 8 years"

"Indeed it is,look over there those boys are focusing on there grind I'm sure they're planning to join our School Legends barcity"

"Even school now had a barcity for it huh"

"It is because of its unique mechanic and huge money On every tournaments got the eyes of the public,even so I think it's Mostly because of the all star Team"

"You mean the Polar Esports team?"

"Yeah They are considered the greatest of all time but they still got disband"


"Well they say it's because of the CEO of the Company that got involved in a incident and the whole company got bankrupt,all of its Player Despaired some Became part of a new team and some Retired but you know what interesting?"


"The captain of Polar Esports is said to buy the whole Polar Esports company and re brand it to what is currently know as Horizon Esports not only that in a span of a few year the business grow big over time from fast food chain restaurants to Fashion and entertainment industry they all had a Brand on each sector"

"Really the head of that Company might be really smart"

"Indeed it is, Ender's Life story is also as interesting as his Journey from a Esports Player To a Multi Trillion dollar Individual even the high society called him the Gifted by the God"

"The Gifted by the God huh That's to cringe, either way what is his life story any ways"

"What I'm impressed there's still an endangered human species huh"

"Hey what does that mean?"

"Jokes aside you really don't know?"

"Nope not a clue I don't watch TV or had the luxury to Pay for An internet"

I'm having trouble paying up my tuition fee and Struggling to put food on the table so I don't have time to for Internet

"Well It's only on the documentary but They say Ender Is Born on a poor family that he is force to Leave his house to do a gumble to try to get in one of the Team in Legends But he failed Countless time it's also said that he's been force to leave on the streets and beg for Food just to had something to eat"

His story are just like me Struggling in life,It got me wonder if I can also do the same But I've seen many people who tried to be a Pro failed and I can't just stand playing games while my family struggle

"By the way Aiko is Ender his real name?"

"No his real name was never release on public and his face is Always cover with face mask so we don't know his real Identity all we know is that his family name is Tachibana"

Hearing my Family name Got me surprised but Tachibana is a common Family name so it's impossible

"Still I dint know that he also had A Tachibana last name huh"

"Now that you mentioned it,It is maybe his your brother"

"There's no way Tachibana is a Common Family name so it's impossible further more a Person who had everything to be my Brother is just a Wish full thinking"

*Ding dong*

The bell that Rings That signals the end of lunch Time after a few minutes our teacher enters and starts the class

After a few hours the last lesson end and while I'm getting ready to head home the teacher ask me to Come to the Faculty room

I Got in to the room and there our advisor is waiting for me

"I think you already know why I called you here Nozomi"

"Yes,as of now Im still Short on funds to pay my tuition fee but I will absolutely pay"

"Hahh last time you also said that but you can't just say that forever it's been two months Nozomi if you don't pay up You will be kick Out of the school"

"I promise I will pay my tuition this moth please just give me a little more time"

"Fine I wait till the end of this month,Your a Great student Nozomi It would be A Waste for you to leave the school so I'll try and And use my authority to extend your tuition's deadline Till the last day you may go"

"Thank you so much teacher Asada"

"Don't mention it"

I bow and leave the faculty room while I'm walking in the hallway a Group of boy come Right in front of me

"Yo if it isn't Nozomi your as beautiful as ever"

"What do you want from me Toro?"

"Hey hey don't be like that have you think about my proposal You can earn a huge amount of money just by spending a night with me or even so I can be your boyfriend if you like"

"Sorry but I refuse I may be in need of money but I will never Spent a night with a guy for money my ahh"

Toro Grab me by my shoulder and push me on the wall

"WoW brother Toro is going at it haha"

"Go get her captain hehe"

Instead of helping the other boys just laughed at me

"Let's me go of me"

"Come on Nozomi It will be fun"

"Oii what the hell are you doing to my friend"

Some screm On our right and a moment later A Bag Came flaying Towards Toro and hit his Face


"You bastards is this how to treat a girl if you all don't get out in front of me I will report this to the principal"

"Chee Let's go boys miss Body guard had arrive"

Toro leave's and Aiko Run toward me and huged me

"Nozomi are you ok Are hurt any whare"

"I'm fine thanks for saving me"

"Don't mention it does idiots,just because they are part of our barcity and a Son of a Welty family they pick up on others the are below them ahhh my blood is boiling I just what to choke them"

I can see a stem of smoke coming out of Aiko's head

"But why are you here Aiko I thought you already got home"

"Well I came to pick you up'

"Pick me up why?"

"You show me how you play Legends it's a Promise right"

"Ohh yah"

"Then let's go already"

Aiko drag me away toward A car waiting for us out side


In a Building with a Logo of A Sun it's One of the Biggest companies in the whole world two man are sitting and facing each other

"So this is all what you Gather?"

"yes sir our Sale from all of our stores and the rating of our entertainment branch had all surpass last year's Record"

"Ohh what about the Horizon heavy industry"

"Yes sir we also got our first contract on building Smaller ships to be use in the SDF that conclude my Report sir"

"Good you may leave"

The Other person leaves the Room and the the other Seat on a chair

"I think it's been Loong enough"

He push a button on a phone that's on the table and a person Answer the call

"What can I do for you sir?"

"Yes I think it's been a Loong time So I what you to Go and Pick up my Family"

"At once sir"

After a beef exchange the call ended and the man Relax him self

"After Six years I will finally be able to see all of you again Mom,Dad Little sis and cute Twin sibling"

Unknown to Nozomi her life will change from this point on wards.

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Step Into A Different WORLD!
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