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The World Weakest Prince Is Actually The Strongest

Chapter 1:My Daily Life in High school

My Name Is Mizaki Ushino I was Born In a Welty Family My Mother is The CEO of one of the Biggest Trading Company in the world And My Father Is The Son of the Prime Minister of Japan I've always Have an Easy Life maybe Luck is on my side?




"Brother! Hey Brother"

"If you don't wake up You will be late for school"

"just five more minutes"


After Misari Woke Me up I got up to my bed And Take shower,I've head down the stairs and head to the Dining Room there I see My Mother,Father,Little Sister, and my Brother whom are siting side By side I take the sits next to Misari And Start to eat,This has been our rottin for Many years We never Talk to each other will eating A Few Minutes I headed to the parking on the front of your House and get on the car Drove by one of our Servants....

"Good Morning Young Master"

"Morning Sebas-San"

"Young Master Is their a place whare you What to stop by"

"None Just drop me off In the Main Game of our school"

"as you wish"

20 minutes Have Past and we arive at the Main Gate of our academy...

[This front Gate never failed to amaze me]

"Sebas-san Come pick me up at 5Pm"

"As you wish but Why 5?"

"well I got club activity today"


I've enter the School Gate and headed to our classroom and headed to the seats next to the window at the back whare we always Seat...

[Hmmm as always nobody have yet to arrive maybe I'll take a nap]


The door of the room open once more and Behind the dore is a Average Height girl with Black eyes And Black Long Hair her name Shizuku Aizawa She is a Beautiful And Talented Girl who many Call the Goddess of Our School.....

[Ohhh He's Sleeping as always]


she continues to stare at the boy who is sleeping in the corner in the back of the room...


'Abel run'

'Catch that Boy,Don't let him scape'

I open my eyes because of that nightmare that I have when my vision got A little bit Better I can seea Figure of a girl with long Black hair who is stareing at me....

"ahhh Good Morning Mizaki-kun"

"Good Morning Shizuku-san"

after that brief introduction the atmosphere change from Lively to acward...

[Come on Mizaki think of a topic]

"ohhh What is with this Odd atmosphere"

Become I've even came up with something some have already Enter the room and join our conversation his Name is Lucius Arcale

he's an exchange student from London USA..

"Both of You really are a bad combination"

"Huh,are you picking a fight with me Lucius"

"ahhh,no I just"


"I'm sorry"

"Listen up Lucius-kun"

Shizuku San Scolded Lucius until the class begain, an entire day have pass and I've completed my club activity,I headed down to the stairs and went to the Front Gate whare I will be waiting for  Sebas-San to pick me up.

[it's getting to late I think I will have to Commute on my way back]

While Im walking On my way to the station I saw a light

I move On to the Source whare the light was

As I approach The light Gets brighter and Brighter this is bad I can't see whare I'm going


when I open my eyes what I saw is an unfamiliar ceiling Whare am i Wait something is not right

"w-w-w-what the hell is this"

Chapter 2: Royalty and Reincarnation

When I woke up I saw an unfamiliar ceiling Wait Whare am I

I look around my surrounding and I saw my self in a mirror

at that time Memory's started to poured in to my head I was Abel Von Eclipse the 3rd son of  Gastone von Eclipse the king of Eclipse Empire

I was banished by the Kingdom's Official because of my lack of Magical power and people only saw me as a Hinder to the Empire's Growth Even do my Family is against it the have no choice,the least they can do is to entrust me to Their Trusted friend Elizabeth and Victor Leonheart they were once a Knight under the direct order of the King

we are leaving in to this un named Village,whare I'm know as Avel the son of the two Former Knights

"Whare home"

"Welcome home Mom,Dad"

a girl with a small figure and long Black hair greeted the two people who open the door,she was my little Sister Claire

"Welcome home Mother, Father"

"How have you two been while we go out hunting?"

"I been a Good Girl You know"

"I see I see tody will have meat since we got an a Boar During our hunting"

"yay did you hear that big Brother"

"Yah but you will get Fat if you eat to much"

"Ahhh brother Soo mean"

We all laugh Because of Claire cute look

a week later I'm still wondering how did I got Transferred to this world as a different person

well it not like I have An attachment to Earth it's just like I feel bad Leaving my Little sister thare and My childhood friend

wile Thinking I made up my mind that I will Try to find a way back to earth and visit them when I could But first I need to train to improve my Physical Powers and Magic ability in order to do that I need to enter a School

2years have passed and it Now time for me to go to school,

(it's my first time Enrolling to a School in another world I wonder how school life here)

After I Pack all my things I went to Say Goodbye to my Family

"Be careful out There Avel"

"Be sure to write us a letter when you arrive"

"Big Bro Here"

Claire Give me a bracelet With a Clover Design in it

"Thank I'll take goo care of it"

"Do you're Best Out there"

"I will"

After I said my goodbye I headed to the road

because of my sword training with father I'm sure I will be able to pass The Physical exam in this world No matter how skilled you are if you don't have magic or unique Skills You will still be Labeled as Failure.

A few Hours of walking I mange to arrive at the front of the Hero Academy The entrance exams are divided to 3 Part Magic, Written,and physical out of the tree I'm pretty sure I will be able to pass the physical and Written test.

"Alright Let's Do this"

I step in side Of the academy,here Commoner's and Royalty are Separated,with lead to the royals Having All the Good privileged and one you passed the entrance exam you will be appointed to a Royal To be a personal servant

3hours after The Start of the exam I'm heading to the physical Examination room whare everone will receive their Quest to Fulfill,I'm sure I did goo during my Written exam but my Magic sure will Gate low score since I have a very low mana pool So I have to atlest Past the physical exam to Enter The academy,a teacher handed down a paper for all the examine.

"Hmm Hunt 10 Goblin huh"

even if Goblin are the weekest among the Monsters out there hunting 10 of it is absurd furthermore I'm still an 13 years old well you can absolutely see the mistreatment of the teachers here in this academy Even if I whant to join the other academy this is the only one That accept Commoner As student,well let's just get on with it


In a Room Filled with Teachers a Gloomy atmosphere are being emitted by 5 of the teachers

"there sure are a lot of Lowly insect Taking on the academy huh"

"well we can't help it,the principal always Want to help the Commoner's"

"well leave it it's not like all of them will pass"

"yah but there is one thing that concerns me!"

"what is it Endo Sensei?"

"This kid Isn't this His royal highness failure son?"

"hmm Avel it sure does sound like Abel of the royal family,but I heard that The kind have been Trown at such a Yung age"

"yah But just in case we have to Take care of this kid"


"both of you Don't bother too much make sure that both of you will not drag us down"

"yah yah we will"

Chapter 3:Quest And Encounter

After I left the academy I headed towards the City Gate tto Go to the Forest to hunt Ten Goblins

"If I remember correctly the Forest in the East is more Suitable for Low Ranking monsters so I should go there"

after arriving at the forest I look around,

(hmm sims like this won't be a big deal)

Goblins are Always rooming around the Forest,They are classified by Rank From weakest to Strongest,They are called Goblin They are common monster that appears On Forest with little magic The are also those High Goblin the poses Self awareness but aggressive against Human and Demi Human

There is also the Goblin Champion with larger Body build But slow movement,Goblin knights With full body Armor,Goblin necromancer or commonly known as Necromancer they poses Magic Ability to summon and command low ranking undead they all serve The Goblin king a High ranking monster That needs 5 High Ranking Adventure to take down.

Some time past Looking around the Forest I finally come With a Group of Goblins That Are Grouping up against a Boar.

(Bingo,Dint Expect to see 5 Goblins At the same spot,lucky)

I took my sword out of it's shelf a Hide my self in to the nearby bushes,as I step closer And closer I'm finally at my streaking range,I Jump Up to caught them off guard I cut one of the Goblin On the back,I bent my hands upwards towards the Goblin in front of me and slice it in Half,I keep killing all the gublins  one by one till all are dead.

(hmm That's easy Having good physical strength Is good but I need to learn how to increase my magic Energy for me to be able to Use Magic on combat)

I put back my sword in it's shelf and took out a small knife and I cut the right ears of the fallen goblins,once I've put them in the bag I start to look for 5 more Goblins so that I can complete my quest,Then I've heard a Scream I run towards the Voice and saw 10 Goblin Fighting 2 Female waring a School uniform.

(Aren't those the uniform of the Hero Academy if I stay here those two will get killed I need to help them)


In the Middle of the forest A Figure of a 2 female student and 10 Goblin Fighting each others.

(At this rate We will both die,I have to do Something)

"Sis You have to go Out of here I'll crate a distraction so use that moment to Run!"

"What I'm not Going to leave you behind"

"If you don't leave both of us will die, Besides With my energy even if I run away they will catch up on me!"

"No if we can't get out of this together , I'll Just choose death than leaving you behind"



"Both you you just sit tight and Relax"

when I open my eyes I saw a Figure of a boy Cutting the Goblin in Half

(who is that guy?)

Author's Note:


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