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Resuscitation (Taekook)

Betray And Kill

A man in his 20s groaned as he tried opening his eyes. His head hurt like hell but he blinked trying his best to control the pain
But to no avail the pain didn't subside but just increased when he fully opened his eyes.
There was nothing but darkness just like the recent months of his life
(Where am I?)
He tried looking around only to groan in pain again, his neck was in no position to move. Groaning again he got to know that he's tied to a chair leaving him no escape
Claps and footsteps could be heard and the man again cursed because his head hurt by the sounds
W-Who are you?
The man spoke as he heard the footsteps and claps came to halt
*chuckles* guess who~
The other spoke cooing and the voice was enough to the man who was tied to recognise them owner
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
woah I'm honoured to be recognised by you
Seo-Joon mocks as the tied man became confused
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
Oh btw! how are you my best friend
He smiled widely asking his friend's health but this only hurt the unknown man on the chair as to why his best friend was not helping him out
Joon h-help me untie *struggles with the rope*
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
*chuckles* why would I untie them when I was the one who tied
wh-what *shutters in shock*
Man!! The no. 1 youngest CEO of South Korea is so clueless
Taehyung baby... you're such an idiot *giggles* A Handsome idiot though
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
b-baby *blinks multiple times*
And a small light was lit then
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Taehyung groans as Seo-Joon punched him hard right in his face making his nose bleed
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
She isn't your baby fúckér 😡
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
Ga-young is my girlfriend *spats punching once again*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Wh-what 💔
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
awe is your heart breaking
Ga-young cooes as she pats his cheek which was immediately withdrawn when she saw a tear slip tae's eye
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
tsk tsk... he's such a cry baby
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
b-baby please forgive me if I did anything wrong but please don't break up with me
Taehyung pleads as a few more tears slip his eyelids... if he wasn't tied then he probably would have begged on his knees because that's how much he loved her but his heart broke further when the two other chuckled at him
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
wow!! is The Kim Taehyung pleading someone *amused genuinely*
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
oh!! it's so sad *shows fake sadness*
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
but I should break up if I don't love that person right? *asks confused*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
hmm? *looks at Taehyung innocently*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
y-you.... you don't love me?
he asked hurt clearly evident in his eyes which was just stepped on by the girl
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
*chuckles* why would I love you when I already have such an amazing boyfriend
The girl hooks her arms around Seo-Joon's as but shared a sweet loving smile as shared a passionate kiss in front of the heart broken man who watched them with so much hurt that if his heart was seen then there could be seen only a fine powder of his heart
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
W-why? 💔
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
what about the times you said you love me?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
what about the times we spent together?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What about the sweet moments we shared while planning our future? 💔
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Didn't I loved you enough? 💔
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
He shouts his heart breaking with each word he spoke but the other two just stared at him blankly...
Maybe both felt a sting somewhere in their little heart but they immediately brushed it off as they saw him breaking apart in front of them
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
*scoffs* you ask me why?
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
you ask me WHY?
Seo-Joon punched Taehyung again causing Taehyung to spit out some blood but did they care?... NO!!
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
Then listen!
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
She faked her love for you because she wanted revenge... and I made her do that because I wanted revenge 😡
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
I was the one who killed your parents.. I was the one who killed your brother.. your best friend.... and lastly *bends near his face* someone you don't know but.... they adored you so much that I had to kill them too
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
What did I even do to you?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Why did you kill them if you wanted to revenge me
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
Because I wanted you to feel the same pain as me... pain of losing someone... someone you dearly love and I saw that pain in your eyes... I saw how you mourned over them..... I felt heaven *laughs at the end*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Whom did you lose that you killed so many innocent souls 💔
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
My parents you fúckér... your family killed them.... burnt them alive..... killed them brutally 💔
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
you know.. my sister..... was just a y-year old and your family didn't even... even showed a little bit of mercy and burnt them
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
They could at least let her live but no... they had to take that little angel's life too
He said as tears continuously flow down all the three people's eyes
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
I'm glad that I could take revenge for them and.... now I can even build a company with your money for my sister *laughs loudly*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
No Seo-Joon there must... must be some misunderstanding p-please listen to me... my family can never harm anyone
Taehyung pleads again defending his parents but the already broken soul which just was blinded by revenge was not ready to accept it
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
You still defend them when you know their true colours *scoffs*
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
It is because he's one of them baby... it's in the genes.. why wouldn't he support and defend his kind 😒
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
baby let's not waste any time.. I'm tired af
Moon Ga-young
Moon Ga-young
I just want to cuddle you and sleep peacefully *pouts looking at Seo-Joon*
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
sure baby *smiles pecking her forehead* just a min and we'll be done
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
no no!! joon l-listen to me
Han Seo-Joon
Han Seo-Joon
Not listening to abh of the pleads Seo-Joon pours kerosene on Taehyung and both the young people walked out leaving the screaming boy inside
Boom 💥
The building started burning as the girl threw her lighter as a new born tears escaped their eyes.... They walked away leaving behind the burning building
𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙
Hope you like this ^_^
I'll try my best to make this as different as possible and as interesting as possible so make sure to enjoy this
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A Chance To Make It Right

Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Urgh~ fúck
Taehyung groans as he wakes up from his deep slumber and winces as he felt a wave of truck run over his head as soon as he opened his eyes
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
why the fúck did I even drink so much 😫
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
And on top of it... that dream was hella weird but seemed so realistic
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
like... why would I even dream of such a thing when we both love each other so much and he's my bestie for fúck sake 😬
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
argh- I better freshen up or my head will explode any moment
He was about to enter the bathroom but froze in his spot when he heard a familiar melodious voice
Tae bear.. here's your hangover soup
A male in his 40s entered the room with a bowl of soup in his hands but tae was too shocked to react
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
He whispered in disbelief
Is he dreaming some ridiculous dream again?
How can he hear his mom when he died a month ago?
baby are you ok?
The concerned voice snapped him out of his thoughts and made him immediately turn around only to get shocked again
There he was standing all fit and fine looking as handsome as ever and on top of everything he was standing there 𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒗𝒆..
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
what happened tae? why are you crying? *worry written all over his face*
The said man didn't even know he was crying till his mom voiced it out
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*shakes his head* nothing mom I-I just missed you *hugs him tightly*
awe my baby.. it's okay I'm here *hugs back and pats his back*
Came a loud shout from downstairs and both broke the hug as the said man gave the soup to his son
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
c'mon now finish and come down or else you'll be late too
Jin ruffles his hair and leaves to send his husband off
While tae was standing with the bowl in his hands, tears still streaming down his face.
Then it hit him
The possibilities of him being reborn made him gasp in shock. But it all vanished and was replaced with pure hatred and anger as his eyes darkened when all the scenes of him dying flashed in front of eyes
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
How dare they *clench his fist* 😡
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
How dare they cheat me.. How dare they accuse my parents as murderers.. How dare they kill my parents.. How dare they play with my heart 😡
The betrayal he got from his love and hurt of his family's death clouded his mind that he ruled out the purpose of their death
Now there is no difference between him and the other two
Both are blinded by revenge
Will Taehyung make the things right? or will he avenge his parents and make a mistake?
Will the other two succeed in avenging their parents or will they end with nothing in the end?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Today is 14 December 2018
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
It means I came 2 years back... They'll appear when I take over the company
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
So I still have four months of time..... Moon Ga-young you did wrong playing with heart, I loved you wholeheartedly but you decided to break it... Now I'll break you to the point you'll never be able to love again *eyes darken*
Kim Taehyung, 21 years old College last year student, business and fashion design major Future CEO of Vantae Fashion Trends Kind hearted, humble, goofy, believes in love but doesn't after taking rebirth Cold to strangers, soft to his family and friends Kim Namjoon's and Kim Seokjin's sweet second son Kim Yoongi's one and only cute brother Park Jimin's best friend
After getting ready Taehyung immediately sprinted towards his brother's room
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
He opened the door with a bang which caused the male to finch who was sleeping peacefully on his bed.
The annoyed cat looking male sat up abruptly, clearly pissed as his beauty sleep was disturbed
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
Kim Tae-
He couldn't finish his sentence when the younger hugged him tightly as if once he breaks the hug yoongi is going to disappear.
A tear escaped his eyes as he felt the warmth he was carving for
Yoongi was confused but hugged back nonetheless and patted his back smoothly
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
What's wrong baby bear
He spoke softly completely forgetting his annoyance he felt a min ago. No matter what happens his baby bear is his first priority, not even his parents. He loves his baby bear to the core that he can even kill anyone who hurts his bear no matter who it is
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*snuggles closer*
Taehyung pushed yoongi on the bed and layed on top of him like a koala and snuggled in yoongi's crook of neck while yoongi just hugged tae's waist securely as he was used to this. Tae does this whenever he is sad, emotional or is in need of comfort and yoongi is glad to give all of his to his baby bear
He missed this.. He missed hugging his hyung.. He missed how yoongi hugged him back.. He missed the warmth.. He missed everything
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I missed you hyung
Taehyung mumbled against yoongi's neck as a new tear rolled out of his eye and landed on yoongi's skin who furrowed his eyebrows and forcefully broke the hug
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
bear what happened 😥
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
Why are you crying?.... look at me bub please look at hyung
Yoongi pleads as he cupped tae's cheeks making him face himself and wiped his tears from the pad of his thumb, his eyes filled with concern
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
bear... you are making me cry too 🥺
The teary voice and eyes were enough for tae to stop himself from crying more.
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
n-nothing hyung I j-just missed you and I wanted to hug you 🥺
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
oh my bear! come hyunie will give you all the hugs you deserve
Yoongi pulled him in a bear hug and again both fell on the bed which made them bounce a little making tae giggle and yoongi smiled at his cute brother
No matter what happens, he'll make sure to protect his baby bear at any cost
𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙
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Warmth Of The Family

The Kim family except for the head or more precisely Kim Namjoon was sitting in the dining hall having their breakfast
Taehyung was enjoying every moment with his mom and hyung. Tears filled his eyes as he tasted his mom's cooking after a month and having breakfast with them is just cherry on top
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
(what's wrong with him *furrowed his eyebrows*)
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
(He's been behaving weirdly from the morning)
Sure Taehyung was soft with his family but never did he behave like today going on telling everyone that he misses them. It was weird... just weird
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
Tae calls jin still eating while jin just hums telling him to continue
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
can I take a day off to college please
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
jin stops eating, putting the spoon down he stares at tae with a raised eyebrow. It's surprising jin with yoongi who also stopped eating because before this tae never missed his classes.. not even when he had a high fever then why now?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
just... *shrugs*
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
Kim Taehyung *raised an eyebrow*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
ahem *clears his throat* I j-just want to visit the company
Taehyung shutters nervously looking everywhere but the two humans.
Again the two were surprised.... because tae not only bunked the classes and now he's going to visit the company?
Tae himself knows why they are reacting like this.... because before this he never wanted to take over the company because he wanted to explore more things in his young life and at last was forced by his parents to take over the company... Taehyung did hate his parents for this and was cold with them for a few months and he regretted that every minute when they were killed... so now he'll never disappoint them.. never ever
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
sure *smiles*
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
and while going make sure to bring your dad his lunch box because he forgot again *sighs*
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*giggles* ok mom!! I'm done.. I'll get ready bye
Tae kissed their cheek and went away happily
Kim Yoongi
Kim Yoongi
he has changed..... *says looking at the direction tae went*
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
I feel it too....
Because he was a total brat before... definitely not rude or like any spoiled rich brat but just a cute brat who whines like a baby if he didn't get anything he wanted, who acts mad till he gets his way but now he's acting all mature and that doesn't suit him well.
Kim Seokjin, 45 years old Kim Taehyung's and Kim Yoongi's biological mother Kim Namjoon's Husband/Wife Ex partner/CEO of Vantae Fashion Trends currently house husband/wife Kind hearted, humble, handsome and Beautiful but short tempered, overly soft and gentle with his both sons Never mess with his family or you'll never see the sunrise again Cold to strangers
Kim Yoongi, 24 years old Kim Taehyung's dear brother Kim Namjoon's and Kim Seokjin's elder son Kind hearted but only to his loved ones, very soft only with his brother A music director and has his own entertainment company which is no 1 in this industry Has a crush on his brother's best friend but hasn't told anyone yet Jung Hoseok's best friend
Taehyung was standing in front of his future company. A tear rolled out unknowingly as he watched the building. This building holds a lot of sweet memories of himself and his ex-girlfriend
Though she broke his heart and he's angry at her.. he still had wholeheartedly loved her and no matter how much ever you try but the stain still remains
Wiping his tears he walked in and was greeted by the Watchmen at the main door while the workers inside were stood in shock to see The CEO's son in the company
Sure he was handsome and some were even drooling over him but he paid no attention as he stepped in the elevator
*knock knock*
"come in"
A faint voice was heard before a lady in her 20s walked inside the CEO's cabin
Mr Kim is here to visit you sir *bows*
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Taehyung is here?
The CEO asked amused and surprised that his son even visited the company
he is sure it's Taehyung because he knows yoongi is too lazy to go to his own company let alone come here
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Sure!! you can leave *smiles faintly*
*bows and leaves*
and not long after the door opens again and a young man enters greeting his dad energetically
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
hey dad!! afternoon
Taehyung smiles widely sitting in front of his father
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Hey tae 😊
Namjoon was genuinely happy because tae came to the company because as I said tae was not at all interested in the company
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
here is your lunch you forgot
Tae placed the bag in the table while namjoon smiles sheepishly because he again forgot the lunch
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Thanks tae but you didn't have to come all the way here to give me this... I could have had something from the canteen
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I'm not here only to give you this dad umm..... can I tour the company dad? *aka hesitantly*
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
Oh course you can!!
Namjoon exclaims in excitement almost immediately. If anyone from the company would have seen him then they would have almost had their eye balls out of their sockets seeing the CEO acting like a child
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
😅 *smiles sheepishly* of course you can son
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
*giggles* ok then.. I won't disturb you anymore
Tae knows why his dad is behaving like that so he just laughs and gets out of the cabin to tour the building
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(According to my memory they work for the Park company but I never once did notice jimin talking about it.... am I missing something?)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(If Mr Park was involved then he wouldn't stoop that low to kill his own son right?)
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Am I missing something or..... am I just overthinking)
Taehyung had come to senses and calmed down and thought about that night so he decided to investigate before jumping into conclusions but....
who knows what will happen in the future
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
(Moon Ga-young Han Seo-Joon you better be ready to face my wrath *gritting his teeth*)
𝙏𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝘾𝙤𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙪𝙚𝙙

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