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Taekook: Red Thread Soulmate

Night terror

The journey of emotion is a great fairy tale travelling through the path is a great happiness, expressing all the emotions through your eyes. The deep meaning of emotion, the pain felt once was the beginning of the sorrow that was yet to come, the beautiful memories once felt in the deepest sorrow. The prideful love was lost behind. The pain of losing our soul is so strong, making us trembles in every steps of life.
The beginning of journey seems like a fairy tale two souls are searching for each other, where one was once forced to leave the country and his love behind just because his family found about the work the person he loved does.
“Fairy tale is a beautiful journey of love where a flower bloom with great gentleness, but when a fairy tale converts into a nightmare that gives a chilling shivers down the spine creating a great terror in someone’s life.”
The life is a great mystery of Pandora box, when the time comes for an event to occur in our life no one held the power to stop it, we just hope for a miracle to appear but only to be crushed down giving us a terror of our life, where we found our self lost in the densely desert of sorrowful mountain crying for a guardian angel to save our life from the sadness we kept in our heart.
The journey of life is full secrets, holding a mysterious behind a journey. Every steps of life is making our heart trembling with sorrowful steps. The happy days of life are long forgotten. The love of life was snatched from him; the only small bean of happiness was forced to be separated by him. The happy family is just now a fairy tale, they were lost in fiery war of blood making the siblings orphan. In the small duration of time the happy family was broken into millions of pieces.
The night starts with the deadly Goosebumps, sending shivers down in everyone’s life. It’s the time when evilness spread throughout the town. The mafia starts the journey of terror, spreading fear in life, but the terror they hold have a painful story. Every evil soul has a painful path.
Everyone was sleeping on the full moon night but some people were still awake handling their dark business under the nose of government but the darkness terror only spread when evilness reach its peak. Every sound of gun banged in body tearing the flesh spreading the drop of blood in the dark alley.

suddenly met

I was on my way to the university as it was holding welcoming ceremony when saw a man struggling with his car. After struggling with my thoughts for few minutes I stopped the car in front him and asked if he wanted a ride or help from me on which he was hesitant first but finally decided to travel with me, on the way asked him his name but the next happened gave me shock.
After hearing his name his quickly turned my head towards him in totally shock state. He got confused by his action and said
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
ah is something wrong with my name sir?
after hearing his statement he came out of his trance
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
no it’s just familiar never mind
he internally face palmed myself for shuttering and lack of words on which he only made ‘oh’ sound and giggle on my reaction now he was feeling like digging pit for himself. But little giggles of the man sitting beside him was making butterflies dance in his stomach
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
// relax yourself tae he is not your kook maybe their names are similar but they are not one// he thought to himself
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
oh by the way may I know why are you going to KIM university, if you don’t mind in telling me
he asked with little curiosity and keeping his gaze on the road at first he was little hesitant in telling him and for awhile turned his gaze towards him and noticed that he was playing with the ring on his finger which was looking familiar to him before he could say anything he cut off him from his train of thoughts in between
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
yeah I have no problem in telling because I don’t why I am feeling safe to tell you, actually I am selected as new professor of French there
his voice was having lots of excitement and he can see spark in his eyes on his statement he just nodded my head to show that he understood what he told me and soon silence engulf them.
After travelling half of the distance he noticed him again playing with the same ring in his finger while looking out of the window
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
//why this ring is looking familiar to me? Why this guy is making these butterflies active? Why he is looking like kook to me? Why they have same name? // he thought to myself
He cleared his throat to gain his attention in which he was successful he turned towards him and asked
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
do you need anything sir?
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
no….no I just want about the ring in your finger you know just curious to know about if you are married or engaged
He tried to his best not make him uncomfortable by his question for awhile he looked at him and then at the ring. It made him feel like he has made him uncomfortable for which he quickly apologized
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
oh I am sorry to make you uncomfortable by my question let’s forget I ask you this
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
no it’s just I have never told this about this to anyone it’s just bring the memories of the person I loved with whole my heart and I was forced to leave him in the toughest part of his life and I feel very guilty about it but whenever I see this ring I feel like he is always with me, hope I can meet him soon
he said with the sorrow and guilt in his voice
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
may know his name may be I know that person as I know almost everyone who live here and I can help you in it?
he said with confidence in his voice
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
you can?
he asked with so much hope in his voice on which he just nodded his head
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
oh I don’t know his name
he said on which he quickly towards with the face saying ‘are you serious?’ he quickly defended himself by saying
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I know it’s just crazy to sound like that but he never told but
he took a little pause in between
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
// why feel like it’s same as my story because I never told kook about my real name// he asked himself
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
but it’s hurt to know that you know the person you loved never told you his real just for my safety he was controlling himself for too long then his parents died I remember how he have to send her sister far away I don’t know where I hope she is safe where ever she is
he said all this with pain his voice but continued his story which was making me feel like he is telling about him
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
do you know what is the best part?
he looked confused why he suddenly asked him this but he quickly shook his head as no to ask him to continue
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
it’s just that too much to say and although I don’t see his face and name but he told me to call him tata because it’s what his loving one’s call him
after hearing these lines he quickly shoot his head towards him and applied the break making him scared but he soon calm himself down
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
do you know him sir?
he asked with fear and excitement in his eyes
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
oh yeah I met him but don’t remember where
on his statement he made an ‘o’ but before he could say anything he told him that they reached his stop he quickly bowed his head said thank you but before he could go out he gave him his card by saying if he wanted any help he could call him and with that he went into the university and soon got lost in the crowd
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
I’m really sorry kook but I can’t tell you my name and about me just for your safety I know you are a hurt and might be in pain but still you love me and I am happy to know that you still love me and waiting for me but I promise that we will meet soon but till that time it need to stay like this unknown to each other
with that he made his way towards the parking area.
While he was parking his car he got the call making him groan in annoy without seeing the id he pick up the call and was ready to shout before he heard jin hyung’s loud voice scolding him
Kim Seokjin
Kim Seokjin
before he yell at him with his loud piercing voice and he told him that he is at parking area and he was late as he was helping the new teacher of his university after hearing this he apologized said it’s ok and to come in soon
Kim Taehyung
Kim Taehyung
//how did hyung reached first// with that thought he parked his car and went inside.

new journey

kook pov
After thanking the I made my towards the building which is known as KIM university .at first when heard the name I got confused that who the hell keep the uni like this, in my curiosity I asked bogumie hyung what is the name behind the name of uni he told me that the owner of the uni kept after his and his lovers last name the reply I gave after that how romantic it was by shrugging all the thoughts a realization hit me that I do not asked the name of the stranger but I came to realize that he have given me his card but their one thing that was strange about that the he was a wearing a mask and his eyes were same like tata it can be possible that he is my tata if he would be him, he would surely told me.
While I was busy with thoughts I felt a hand on my shoulder making me flinch at my spot, I quickly turned to look while holding the place where heart is to calm myself, I look to see a tall man in front of me wearing all black
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
oh sorry to scare you( he said in apologetic way)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
It’s ok (sweet voice)
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
uhmm I have never seen you around here, are you new here?
he asked in confusion written on his face
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
yeah, I am
I was slightly hesitant while telling him about me
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
oh sorry I forgot to tell you about me I am Kim Namjoon and friend of the owner of this uni
he exclaimed with smile which were showing his cute little dimple making him cute
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
nice to meet Mr. Kim. I am Jeon Jungkook new teacher of French here
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
( I said while bowing in respect)
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
oh! So you are the kook whom Bogum was talking about you are really a cute man just as he told
on which I got more confused after his statement
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
don’t get confused we all are good of him and stop all those formalities you can call me by my name(he told with a smile which a gently returned back)
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
sure Mr. Ki- I mean namjoon but can I call you hyung as you seem elder than me
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
yeah sure whatever suits you, ok shall we go to bogum now because he is waiting for you since morning
on which I only nodded my head.
pov end
Kook was walking behind Namjoon like a lost puppy until they reached near the stage where bogum was talking with many people and they all were standing in a circle. While making their way towards them kook asked namjoon if they all are also their friend on getting a slight nod from the said person they continue their way towards them. On reaching at a short distance namjoon asked him to stay there while go towards him and surprise him on which he just nodded his head and stayed on his place after that namjoon made his way towards them and slightly jumped on bogum making them loose their balance and fall on the ground on which all the member started laughing and help both to stand on their feet
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
yah! Namjoon hyung you scared me to the hell
he exclaimed with shock face on which he got smacked on his head making him groan
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
and what is this for?(while rubbing his head )
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
no cursing words child you are safe that he is not here otherwise you know the consequence(with a teasing face )
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
opps sorry
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
you should, but by the way did I scared you little kitten
he said teasingly to bogum and evil smirk on his face
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
did you just call me little kitten?( challenging voice )
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
yups bro
namjoon exclaimed on which bogum only sighed in defeat and said in teasing while others were laughing their hearts out
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
by the way do you want anything Mr. whipped man”
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
no I fine with everything I just came here to drop your lost friend and I am only whipped for my world handsome do you know he is only one in this whole world ?
yeah only one
all said in unison where as kook was standing there like a lost puppy trying his best to understand what’s going on between the friends
Min Jimin
Min Jimin
but you know what hyung he is the only one who can only control Taehyung although he is the youngest but most scariest among us
the man with orange hair exclaimed and other just nodded in agreement with the youngest
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
oh by the hyung you just said my friend who is he?
Kim Namjoon
Kim Namjoon
you can see yourself the one standing behind me like lost puppy unaware about his surroundings and our talks
On seeing the person behind he quickly ran their and engulf him by bone cracking hug.
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
“a-h h-y-u-n-g I can’-t b-re-a-the
on hearing his struggling voice he quickly retract the hug and smiled sheepishly said sorry while rubbing his nape
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
you are not all looking sorry-
before he could say further he was smacked on his head
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
and what was that for?
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
for being late and being silly
he said with a serious face
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
sorry but not sorry I was late because of that stupid car of yours which do not know how to work and you called me silly but we all know who is the most silly person here
on completing his statement he found other giving him death glare making him shut his mouth because if once hyungie became angry no one can save you from him just like jinnie hyung.
Min Jimin
Min Jimin
yah! Bogumie you will not introduce him to us
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
yeah sure, come let’s introduce to them kook
he exclaimed while motioning him to come with him.
Bogum’s pov:
Slowly we made our way towards my other friends.
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
so everyone this is Jeon Jungkook here he is my friend from France we studied in the same university their but don’t take tension he is from Korea itself just went there for studies and some genial reason
I said and explained further seeing their confused looks and further added
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
so kook these are my friends
I said while looking towards him and slowly my friend started introducing them with either hug or hand shake but hand shake was just done by lazy hyungie I mean yoongie hyung who was as usual showing his cold face sometimes he really make me feel scared means how can survive without smiling or laughing first one was heseok, jimin he was literally clinging on him than it was yoongi hyung who as usual said one line and went next his boyfriend our little mochi sometimes I really think how they get in relationship I mean one is as cold as ice and other what to say about him he is friendliest before kook while I was busy with my thought I look to see that kook was calling me
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
yeah kook do you need anything
on which he only shook his a no and continued
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
hmm hyung I was thinking who is that world handsome person and Taehyung you were talking about
he said in low voice on which I shuffle his hair causing him to pout making me and others chuckle at his cuteness but before I could say anything others stopped me by saying that they have work to do and meet Taehyung about the meeting so we bid our good bye and I carried on explaining about the people he asked
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
so kook as for your question the world handsome is namjoon hyungs boyfriend who you will meet soon as per for Taehyung he is the CEO of kim corporation and owner of this university and our one of the friend and he is elder than you and younger than me
while I was explaining he just nodded his head in understanding way making me shuffle his hair on which just got a cute glare and then we made our way towards the auditorium for the ceremony.
On reaching their we took our front seat and we noticed that it was already started so we quietly sat their watch the performances by the previous students and latter the principal started giving his speech, in the middle of the speech kook called me
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
I just hum in response and look at his direction indicating him to continue which he got and continued
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
is that the Taehyung hyung you were talking about
he asked curiously pointing towards Mark making me chuckle at his silly mind
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
no kook he is not he just take care of university while Taehyung is busy with his office and other works and could not make till here but it is said that this university was build for his lover as it was his wish to take care of a university as a principal and also teach their as a language teacher but unluckily they got separated but they made a promise to each other to meet, so he build this university for him and said that whenever he will come back he will hand over this university to him and he himself will work only as a CEO of Kim corporation but he meet the new teachers separately to see if they good on their or not
I explained him in detail so that he can understand it clearly but what we can say that someone is a curious baby here we can’t stop him from thinking
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
if his name is not Taehyung hyung than who is he?
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
oh for that you need to know that he is Mark Lee
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
oh so he is the one who stole your heart
he said while nudging me playfully making me chock on the air
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
yeah kook you are right but for god sake you are not allowed say it aloud
I said managing the blush which was trying to crept on my face which got failed by the look of kook which caused him to earn a playful punch on his arm and a death glare from me but just rolled his eyes and muttered a small whatever which was not audible if not hear carefully
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
and now no more question?
I said on which I got a small nod making me smile at his cuteness but got failed again because he again asked a question making me groan but I answered but also threat him by saying it is the last question if he asked further his Gucci will be burned on which he pout and glared cutely
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
but why he is not here if it’s his university?
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
oh that he do not like to attend the ceremonies after his love left him, he do not feel like attending them because according to him there is no use if he can’t have his love ones with him
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
oh but how do you know that much about him because through the column of my memory you are here for just like only one year
he asked while looking slight confused by my knowledge
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
actually namjoon hyung’s boyfriend told me”
I told him making him understand
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
yah! Young man no further question
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
pleasssssse hyungie just this one
he said while showing puppy eyes which no can’t resist making me sigh in defeat
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
ok but it’s last
on my statement he just nodded his head
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
ok his name is kim seokjin
after completing I turned to look at tae when I do not got any response
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
hey kook are you alright
I asked with worry in my voice
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
yeah hyung but did you just said jin hyung’s name
he asked with sadness and excitement in his voice making slightly panic by the sudden change but I just nodded my head because I was not knowing what to do at time but before I could react further he asked me if he can meet him today but as I was not sure I asked him I will tell hyung that you want to meet him but he said not mention his name due to some reason I just nodded my head and we continued to listen the speeches delivered by different teachers but in between kook called me
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
hyung is Taehyung hyung rude to others like if I make a mistake while meeting him?
he said while fidgeting with his thumbs clearly showing that he was nervous I slightly shuffling his hairs making him pout again
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
yah! Hyung why are you spoiling my hairs
he said while glaring at me cutely making me laugh at his cuteness
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
don’t laugh at me?
he said slightly punching my arm
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
okay but why are you soo cute
he made an huff sound on my statement and glare while looking at me and turned to look towards the stage and started smirking
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
why are you making creepy faces?
I asked him by getting slightly getting confused at his action
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
oh about that you have to look on the stage that your boy is glaring at you
he said playfully, I did as I was told to when look towards the sight of my boyfriend glaring at me made gulped down harshly
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
oh god I got in big danger
I said while getting scared of him
Jeon Jungkook
Jeon Jungkook
yeah yeah you are oh let’s forget about that what about the question I asked you just etart preparing yourself for the punishment of jealousy
he said teasingly but ended with scared voice
Park Bogum
Park Bogum
of course you can forget about but what about that but what about me really what a friend I got *huff sound* and about the thing you asked don’t get nervous and scared because he is a polite person and love his teachers and colleagues very much but if get on his wrong side then no can save them he will become a pure devil at that time
I said to him while making him assure of my words and like that we spend our full ceremony with little chit chat and enjoying the performances held by students. After awhile the teachers were called in the reception area for the meeting, so we left the place.

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