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chapter 1

Sarah and her friends arranged the candles carefully in a circular manner around the pentagram and drew symbols on the floor of her basement, each symbol representing the element earth, water, fire, wind, and death. She released a deep breath of frustration knowing that what she is about to do is very risky and could turn entirely useless. Trying to track a cloaked person is hopeless. Cloaked by whom? She kept asking herself that question and she thought she was the most powerful person in the entire realm she was wrong there was someone else more powerful than her and it was a huge blow to her ego. I have to finish the spell before he arrives. She thought to herself. '' Before we begin I would like to introduce you to each other. Melissa this is Elizabeth my best friend but I call her Lisa.'' She said to the two witches in front of her. Elizabeth was a light-skinned beautiful woman with the most beautiful brown eyes you can ever see, there were brown and encircled with a black circle and people say if you stare at them long enough they spackle. She had a straight nose and plump lips painted with deep red lipstick. She was stunning with an hourglass body. Her jet black hair fell delicately reaching her shoulders. She wore a black mini skirt with a red crop top and black high-thigh boots. Mal was dark skinned beauty with big baby blue eyes, and plump wide lips, and she wore a black tank top with blue jeans, and her long black hair almost reached her waist. She was breathtaking not as much as Lisa. Sarah decided to go straight to the point '' today we are going to track someone. However, she is cloaked and will not be easy to find. You all know the risks! Shall we begin?'' they replied by nodding.

With that, we began casting the spell. However, halfway through something unexpected happened. All the witches were lying motionless on the floor Sarah caught a glimpse of her amulet before it burnt out and vanished for good but it had protected her. She stood up slowly as fear of the known crept its way into her. She shockingly reached for her best friend to feel a pulse. But there wasn't any she checked Mal as well. Shit! She is dead they are dead what have I done? Oh My God! Oh My God! Oh My God! ''Melissa! Lisa! Hey please get up! PLEASE GET UP!'' she screamed hoping that the words will make them wake up as if some kind of miracle. But, they didn't move of course. It had been long before she felt the pain of losing a loved one. All she could do was sit there and sob uncontrollably it's all my fault I am a murderer I killed my best friend. They are dead because of me. Sarah blamed herself for her best friend's death. As she cried and wallowed in her grief she heard her doorbell ring. She quickly wiped off the tears on her face and walked to the door, upon reaching it, she paused to recollect herself for she couldn't show him any weakness. She then reached for the knob and opened the door and gasped. She stood there frozen her eyes getting wider with every second that passed by.

She couldn't believe her eyes as she reached out with a shaky hand and touched the face of her best friend whom she thought was dead to her surprise she was flesh and blood real and alive. For a split second, she experienced mixed emotions, fear, happiness sadness but mostly relief. But realization downed her that this could be equally been a shapeshifter posing as her best friend after all she lived in a realm where creatures capable of shape-shifting exist. '' Lisa is that you?'' she tried to say boldly but to her horror, her voice betrayed her and came out strangled as a whisper. ''H-how ar-re y-you alive?'' I stuttered however she reply she just stared blankly at me after what seemed like ages she said, '' invite me in Sarah I have a lot to tell you. I know you are skeptical but it's me, Lisa, your best friend I died a few minutes ago in your basement.'' Was all her royal highness could say? '' YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY QUESTION HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALIVE?'' I screamed at her letting out all my frustration. She was my best friend and I had just seen her die a few minutes ago and now she just magically resurrects from the dead? Only necromancers resurrect and they are extinct thanks to the royal family. Oh Hell no! I am not buying that without a valid explanation. '' if you want to come in you better explain how you are still here after all my best friend just died.'' I said making air quotes around my best friend. She scrunched her nose and frowned. '' I don't have time for this.'' That was all she said before waving her hands. Before I knew it she had brushed me aside and headed for my basement. I wanted to protest but when we reached the basement, they were all dead. '' we are too late.'' Lisa said disappointed. Wait for what? She knew this could happen. How? '' Okay let me get this straight you knew this could happen now?'' Sarah asked puzzled. '' yes I knew and I am so sorry for all I have done. I can't stay here I haven't concealed my true form if he sees me here he will try to kill me.'' She said frantically. '' what are you so afraid of? He won't try to hurt you unless.'' Sarah paused and looks at her best friend trying to look beyond her physical form to her spiritual form. Then she could see arly the dark evil aura surrounding her, the creature stood where her friend stood and the evident stench of death. Her best friend was the creature they were told bed night stories about. She was a necromancer. An evil that wasn't supposed to walk this realm. And she was right Alexander hated necromancer more than his brothers he will kill her. And Sarah couldn't blame him they are practically evil. The entire art requires human sacrifices. But Lisa is her best friend although she is a necromancer she knew her, she is far from evil. '' yes you are right you're a necromancer why didn't you ever tell me, Li,sa. I am your best friend.'' she said to her recalling those times necromancers were hunted down and burned to the stake.

'' I am so sorry Sarah I wanted to te...'' Lisa was cut off by the doorbell. They both knew he was here. Then Sarah motioned to Lisa to keep quiet and to follow her. She led her to the bedroom. "I can't teleport you but I can create a mirror portal for you.'' she mind-linked her. Lisa looked surprised but chooses not to say anything. She created the portal and Lisa went through, how she will explain the stench to him Sarah thought as she walked back to the door but to her horror, Alexander was standing right behind her. She stared at him with horror; he however looked at her with a cold calculative stare looking for any form of dishonesty or lies. After what seemed like forever he finally spoke ''' who was that?'' those three words were the most horrible fearful words Sarah had ever heard. He had seen Lisa. His forest green orbs stared at her intently waiting for a reply one she didn't know how to give. His jaw clenched and his eyebrows shoot up. Alexander was incredibly handsome he had short black hair and thin lips with a chiseled jawline. His six feet height and broad shoulders only added to his beauty. She however was barely above five feet tall. He towered over her as he walked up total sweetheart and a very understanding person. Well as long as he isn't angry and well feed and there is also there is hatred for necromancers but he will never hurt her so she thought as she stood there in front of him trying to come up with a believable lie to tell the royal. Alexander now stood inches away from Sarah studying her demeanor and trying to find out what she was trying to hide, he accidentally sniffed the air and caught a distinct scent one he is very familiar with. The stench of death, the stench of a vile evil creator one that his family had spent centuries hunting for sport and revenge. ''Necromancer," Alexander said in a cold deep masculine voice. That was all Sarah heard before she was thrown across the room with an impact so hard she think she heard her rib break.

Chapter 2

''Alex please listen to me it's not what you think.'' she said as she lifted herself from the ground. Sarah was sure he thought she was siding with the necromancers aiding them to escape. And that is considered high treason. With what he just saw? If she were him she would probably think the same. ''Oh really? Tell me what am thinking right now.'' He said in a very cold spine chilling voice. He looked intimating at surprisingly sexy at the same time. ''Okay I need you to calm down. You know I would never dare betr...'' the sharp pain cursing through Sarah chest cut her off what she was trying to say. Alexander had stabbed her in the chest inches away from her heart. She staggered backwards trying to catch her balance but failed falling to ground with a thud. ''I trusted you but you betrayed me and betrayed my family. You will pay with your life for what you did to my brother.'' He said his British accent was very distinct he still holding the knife walking towards her. Something was wrong with him he was never like this; he was always that whatever this was, it had nothing to do with her. She tried to open her mouth but her voice was lost. She couldn't utter a simple word. She looked up at her attacker trying to plead with him through mind link but what she saw made her realise it will be of no use to communicate. His eyes were a bright glowing crimson red instead of his beautiful forest green eyes. Alex was in blood lust he had temporarily lost his mind due to hunger.

The bright side was after today he might not remember their encounter. '' Alex please hear me out, I didn't betray you and your family. It was Lisa I just found out myself I couldn't let you hurt her you would also have regretted it. Besides she is on our side.'' She mind linked him because she still couldn't find her voice. At this point Sarah had lost so much blood. Alex let out a dry and cold laugh one which sent shivers down her spine. ''Oh really and how do you explain murdering my father in cold blood and kidnapping my brother? Not to mention Daniel is devastated.'' He snarled viciously his voice dripping with so much venom. Okay this is defiantly not about me. It's that stupid Demon. Sarah thought to herself cursing the vile creature. ''Alex you need to snap out of this I never did any of that. It's me Sarah please listens to me. I will never hurt Nicolas he is my soul mate. I am in as much pain as you, if not even more every day I wished I was taken instead.'' She used the mind link once more to remind him of who she was. He paused for a moment and Sarah felt a wave of relive wash through her thinking she had finally gotten to through to him but little did he know that her victory was short lived and she hadn't gotten to him but instead her was staring at a pair of swords displayed on her wall as decoration. And instantly she regretted going for the real swords instead of the plastic ones. She never thought it would be used against her.

Note to self get rid of the swords she thought bitterly. She watched as he drew one of the swords. ''you're lying your only saying that because death is staring right at you.'' He said as he twirled the sword around playing with it and making her extremely nervous. He plans to kill her he won't stop until she was dead. He lunged at her with the sword like his entire life depended on it. Sarah knew if didn't get out of there now she will sure die so she did the only logical thing she could do was use the very last remaining strength she had to teleport to the only person she knew she could trust her best friend. She appeared in the living room. She prayed to God that her best friend was home. ''Lisa I need your help please come to your living room.'' She heard distant footsteps coming towards the room. ''Oh My God did he do this to you because of me?" Lisa asked worried for her best friend's life. ''b-blood I n-need b-blood Lisa.'' Was all she could manage to whisper after finding her voice. Lisa game her a sceptical look but went to her fetch the blood after what seemed like seconds she returned with two blood bags. She carefully gave them to her friend while curiously waiting to see what she would do with the blood. She watched in horror as her best friend chocked down the blood hungrily swallowing and staining her living room rug. She then noticed her friend's wounds healing instantly like a vampire would. After Sarah's wounds had healed completely she finally noticed the look of horror on her friends face. She just stood there frozen looking at her. ''oh Common you're a necromancer and your shocked about seeing a hybrid?'' Sarah teased her as she got up but it seemed as though Lisa didn't hear her. ''I'll take a shower then we will talk you have a lot of explaining to do.'' Sarah winked at her friend trying to ease the tension and walked toward the bedroom to take a shower.

As she walked into the bedroom she couldn't help but cringe, the room was so pink it looked like a thousand pretty princesses puked in it. Not a single thing in the room that wasn't pink even the door. For a necromancer her colour choice seems so girly. But that was typical Lisa. She walked into the bathroom took off her clothes and washed off all the dry blood. She tried so hard to ignore the whole pink thing. Even the soap was pink. After she felt she was clean enough she walked out of the shower and dried herself off. Since she was alone she grabbed a towel, the closet was just next to the toilet. She walked out and grabbed a one of Lisa's gowns thankfully her obsession for pink didn't extend to her clothes. I turned around and screamed Nicolas was sitting right behind me on a chair staring at me. I heard Lisa foot steps run towards me I turned to look at her standing there with two fire balls in her hands ready to launch them when I looked back at the chair he was gone. I took a deep breath and smiled at her. ''sorry I thought I saw someone, it must be my imagination.'' She tried to brush it off. ''come on we have a lot to discuss.'' Lisa said urging her best friend to follow her. She was slightly worried but she brushed it of thinking it was just the trauma.

The two reached the living room to Sarah's surprise there wasn't any sign or proof that the bleed on the floor just a few minutes ago not even the smell of blood. She made a mental note to ask her about what spell she used to clean the mess up. They both settled down on the couch. '' why didn't you tell me about you? I am your best friend after all.'' Lisa said looking upset. Oh hell no she not going to put all the blame on me Sarah thought to herself. ''just as you didn't tell me your necromancer? If you ask me I guess were even.'' She replied to her friend not even a trace of guilt or remorse because she didn't feel any. ''yes your right I guess we both had our secretes.'' Lisa said looking very sad. Typical Lisa she always exaggerated things. Sarah thought rolling her eyes. '''Hey look at me.'' She said cupping Lisa's face with her hand. ''I didn't tell you because didn't want to endanger you and I know you felt the same that's why you hide your necromancy stuff from Me.'' she said then instantly retracting her hands from her face realising how dangerous her friend was. She looked slightly offended but smiled it off. ''I am sorry too. But from now on lets promise no more secretes.'' She said with a smile to which Sarah returned a smile of my own. ''so... let's talk about what you saw in my basement you with the witch.'' Sarah said desperately trying to find out what she saw.

Lisa's eyes lit up instantly ''I saw the witch it was a girl about our age wearing a black gown.'' She whispered paranoia evident in her eyes. Sarah sat there looking as expressionless as she could but deep down she was panicking. ''well what did she look like then? You know I hate suspense'' she said as boldly as she could muster, while pretending to look irritated towards her silence. ''I saw the girl that poisoned the king. She is a maid in the castle her name was Susan. But as I was about to fully see the witch that help her I died the other me died. The only thing I saw what her hair colour. She was a brunette like you. Now that I think about it yours is almost identical to hers.'' She concluded. Staring at Sarah brown long locks.

Chapter 3

While Lisa was busy staring daggers at her best friend's hair she didn't notice the wave of relief that washed down her friends face. She even let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. ''how did you see all that and we didn't?'' Sarah had to know what spell she used. Lisa visibly froze her lips trained into a thin line. She just stood there staring at her friend. Then she smiled. ''remember I saved your life few minutes ago.'' She said letting out a nervous laugh. But her friend just stared at her not amused. ''well, I took the magic meant for the uncloaking to perform I dark spell one which caused our deaths. But I knew your amulet would protect you. If not I swear I won't risk your life.'' She said looking extremely guilty. ''so that's why it never worked'' I mumbled absent minded. ''Melissa is dead because of you.'' I said trying to push back the tears threatening to fall. Lisa just smiled saying

''you are wrong she is not dead she is alive. At least she will be very soon she is actually a necromancer. Not as powerful as I am but yes powerful enough to resurrect.'' She said consolingly try to get her best friend to calm down. Just great she will resurrect soon Sarah thought to herself. She looked at her friend her chocolate brown orbs trying desperately for any hint of uncertainty but she only found sincerity and absolute certainty. ''that is a relief that she will make it. Do you think she saw what you did?'' Sarah asked faking her relief. ''no but if she is close to the other dead bother she can harness the memories from it.'' Lisa said with a distant look on her face. That's when her best friend noticed she was zoned out like she was busy searching or listening to something she couldn't hear. '' how do we find her then?" Sarah asked. It took Lisa about seven seconds to acknowledge her. ''I already did. I am heading there now.'' Lisa said looking at her with a proud smile. Great I need to get out of here Sarah thought inwardly. Then a brilliant idea got to her.

Meanwhile at Sarah's home, Alex freezes when he saw the wicked creature that tore his family apart disappear he went into a rage and began t trash things in the house. He went about breaking every single vase chair table etc. after what seem like an eternity of trashing and vandalizing Sarah's furniture he decided to take a break and feed with a foggy mind he went to the kitchen hoping to find blood to consume. Even in his mindless state Alex's love for his family never faded he remembered his brother Nicolas always kept a few blood bags in the fridge in this foreign house for he didn't know why or what he was doing there anymore all he knew was he was extremely angry and hungry he found a few blood bags which he consumed like a pig snorting moaning, groaning and chocking the blood down some of it spilled on the floor and all over his clothes. It took about four to five bags before he regained consciousness. Only then, did he ten notice he was at Sarah's and he had thrashed the entire place. He was relieved she wasn't home to see him like this he had no memory of what happened to him the moment before or what he did to Sarah. He stood up and ran out with full vampire speed he needed to get away from all the drama s he decided to go to a small private cottage in the border of their realm. It was isolated and nobody will find them there. He couldn't stomach what would have happened if he had met Sarah at home.

Sarah had finished formulating her brilliant plan. Now was the time to execute it. ''you're a genius Lisa. I am so proud of you. Oh God I forgot about Alex, I have to go help him he is in blood lust and it could be dangerous for anyone near him. So let's split up ok. You go for Melissa and I'll go help Alex lets meet back her at midnight.'' She said not having her friend the chance to talk she teleported out. This left Lisa baffled. She wanted to go with her as back up. Sarah appeared in what seemed like an abandoned house the only thing visible was a bed a wardrobe and night stand. ''where are the bodies?" she yelled out to someone. ''Easy there. You scared me.'' A dashing six feet blue eyed hunk emerged from what seems to be the basement of the house he was the same man she saw sitting on a chair at Lisa's house. Oddly he had a striking resemblance to Alexander. His neck length hair swayed by his sides adding to his beauty.

His ocean blue eyes seemed to sparkle under the light. He looked as her as a smile crept its way onto his plump pink lips. For a split second Sarah forgot to breathe and just stared at him. She forgot why she was yelling or why she had rushed here to warn him. He stood there looking at her with a puzzled look on his face she had rushed here yelled and now she just stood there saying at him. ''why were you yelling? Is everything alright?'' his deep alluring voice said. That's what broke her out of the spell. ''The bodies I sent here where are they? She yelled looking around like a crazy person. ''Calm down I moved them to the basement.'' He said as he casually sat on the bed not aware of the danger tracking them both. She frantically walked pass him heading for the basement. I need to cloak her so Lisa can't find her but first wipe her memories.

He followed behind closely behind her but didn't interrupt or question her ridiculous behaviour. When the reached the basement to Sarah horror Melissa was conscious and hovering over Lisa supposed dead body but the body was a rotten corpse instead of Lisa and it seemed to look like a male's dead body. She looked up at the two her eyes looking from Lisa to the male behind her. Sarah was unsure of what to do because she didn't know if Melissa had already retrieve the memories or was just about to. She tried to look as calm as she could. ''how could you? What kind of person are you?'' Melissa's sharp and angry voice made her flinch due to the amount of hatred dripping from her voice. Sarah then decided to play innocent trying to confuse and deceive her into questioning what she saw. ''what are you trying to say?" as she concluded her sentence she heard the most terrifying scream she had ever heard and felt the worst pain cursing through her body. Her heart literally stopped for about a second she heard him fall to the ground with a thud. Her whole life had just died right in front of her. She felt frozen, sick, and was unable to turn around to look at him. ''I am not a fool I just saw you. You cloaked the maid and helped her escape. At first I didn't get it but now that I saw him, he must have been the master mind. All for What? power?'' Melissa spoke but she could only see her lips moving she couldn't hear a single word for she was currently in her own personal hell. ''too bad you won't be queen. He will soon be dead for good and you will life a long miserable life. They say the pain of losing a soul mate is the worst pain ever.'' Melissa cackled. But all Sarah heard was'' he will soon be dead for good'' the seven words were all she needed to have hope and she regained her composure. He is not dead yet I can still save him what is the best way to kill a bloody necromancer. Let's see how you can resurrect without you head. Her vampire instincts surfaced as her fangs elongated and her eyes turned blood red. Melissa didn't know of Sarah being a hybrid so she was surprised and a little taken aback she lost focus for she didn't see Sarah move on time before she knew it she was right in front of her. She didn't have time to defend herself as she used her bare hands to rip her head of her body letting it fall the ground. She even went through the satisfaction of kicking her body to the floor.

In a flash she was by Nicolas knelling beside his still body unmoved. ''Nicolas please don't leave Me.'' she cradled his body n her arms and cried. ''I can't live without you please don't do this to me.'' Sarah sobbed uncontrollably. Looking at her dead lover Sarah suddenly lost the urge to live. ''I refuse to live in a world where you don't exist my love.'' A tear rolled down her check as she grabbed a piece of wood using her magic she raised the wood aiming straight for her heart. Sarah believed if she killed herself she would be reunited with her sweetheart once more. So she gave his body one last look and released the pointy wood. See you soon my love. Were her last thoughts.

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