Where did I ever go wrong? I find myself thinking this a lot, so much so, that it's not helping my situation in the slightest. I'm afraid, of everything. I hate the person he's turned me into...I feel like everything i do is not good enough.
He's insane and that without a doubt never fails to cross my mind, i never fail to remind myself...Maybe if I had made a different choice, i'd still have my friends, the people i cared about.
I can't even be myself anymore because he's made me so skittish.
"Hi YN!!" a voice called out to me, the voice was soft and warm, without a doubt it was ochaco, better known as my best friend, or you can call her Uraraka; But I'll always call her 'Uravity'. She was waving her arm's in the air frantically calling my name
"Hi there miss Uravity"
"It's been a while yn-chan!"
"It's only been two months since summer break, this is a new start from...Everything"
The truth was, you weren't used to things at all. Public school, from you're not so good memory you could vividly remember that you had been attending since elementary; however you got pulled out by you're mother who wanted you to attend homeschooling, her reason being she wanted to teach you by herself saying, her words exactly;
"Those teachers can't teach for shit! They have their heads so far up their asses for no good reason!" Oops, excuse the language.. However that should be the least of you're concerns.
"It's a new place.."
"look at it this way y/n chan, you'll be able to make wayyyyy more friends then just me! and we'll have so much fun together...I just can't be to overpricey with my money..I gotta save up.."
"Fun" was certaintly one way to put it..Fun, going through this hell-hole.
"Ahh!! yn chan!! i think I see the boy i helped with the points! oops! hes about to fall!!"
She always was a good person, the best of the best. She wanted to be a superhero...
But why did μè ¿üìñ I |¿ ?
Walking to the classroom...1-A was it called?...You we're a bit late, ok a "bit" is a big understatement. Since Uravity left you to go somewhere, you believe she had to go to the bathroom, but while she was there, you left and tried finding you're class, resulting in you being lost.
"ah! bravo yn, bravo! lost once again, i swear i need a tracking device, poor Uravity is probably searching for my *** right now "
Finally finding the class was a breath of fresh air, you we're late, but you found it. When you walked in, you expected to be yelled at, even perhaps never to be allowed in the school again, as actual "Heroes" we're never late when it comes to facing danger, but you had a different mindset, you had a belief that everyone makes mistakes.
entering the classroom, instead of being yelled at you we're just met with some students staring at you, while others we're on their phones it seemed.
"Um, hello"
"You're late!" said a boy with dark blue hair and glasses, doing a wierd karate chop with his hand...
"forgive me, i got lost on the way.." you apologized as the wierd boy stopped his hand movements, looking at you as he adjusted his glasses
"No matter! go and sit miss...?"
"yn" i replied, seeing him tilt his head
"What a cute name, that is.." for some reason there was blush coating my cheeks? what the ****...I never blush, this feeling is weird, i don't like it.
"WELL ARE YOU JUST GOING TO STAND THERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE CLASS-ROOM?! DUMB ****?!" a booming loud voice seemed to shake up the whole classroom, causing even the kids on the phone to now look my way. I stared at the blondie, motionless at first, he looked like a angry chihuahua... Or is it just me?
"Sorry to bother you, you're royal highness, I'll make sure to never be such a inconvenience again" I take one last look at the shocked boy and sit directly behind him, I'm positioned to where i'm infront of the blondie, and a boy is behind me with green hair that resembled broccoli...Or is it just me?
He seemed rather harmless to me..
"I was only being polite, I meant no foul meaning behind it"
The boy's glare softened as he made a "Hmph!" noise; before looking away.. Asshole looks like a person who pretends hes a hard *** but is usually a big softie.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention, what is my quirk? well, if anything it's more like a villains to be honest.
I can twist my words, making people hear exactly what they want to hear, a form of manipulation that makes them see me as a close person, it can last for up to years if i felt like really manipulating someone good enough...But like my quirk, theres muliple forms of manipulation, so I also have the power to change into a specific person in someones life, the person I'm manipulating, and make them listen to me...The side effects? well, if the person somehow breaks out of the trance, i bleed out of my eyes... It hurts like hell, i should know, practice makes perfect after all.
Wow...She's so pretty. How do i describe such a goddess? ...Ochako is like a ray of sunshine... Is that how you say her name? it has a pleasant taste on my lips, her hair..Dark brown, her eyes..A light brown, and those pretty pink cheeks she has...Am i in love? no
am i?
.....Just kidding. I probably had you fooled, right? the look on you're face is adorable yn chan. So pretty. No, how could i ever like someone like "Uravity" as you call her, no. no. no. I need to find some way to make you love me, even if it means using you're best friend against you....
The way you argued again Kacchan was admirable, everything about you is admirable...
I remember the first time i saw you..
You we're walking outside, wearing you're pajamas, at first i found it strange, but you looked so cute..
How could I stop seeing you? When that smile you gave me, it melted my heart. I was at my most vulnerable, and you smiled..At me...
How could I not watch you? How could I not cry myself to sleep every night just thinking about you.
ï çæñt G¿t ŷ©U ¿ut ¿¿ Myŷ ¿ea!
When you were there...You we're just THERE for me, surely it's not unhealthy right? YOU can't be unhealthy, you're like my addiction, it's SAFE to say i CANT live without you...My whole life is centered around you...
Don't you see, yn chan? You're Mine..
And Katsuki,
oh...I'm sorry yn chan..Was that to light of a sentence for you? what's that yn chan?
You think I should break their necks with the chainsaw, then have them hang upside down, and cut up their body parts to sell? and then to finally top it all off, feed the bodys to the sharks?? ~~ :D
I knew we're meant to be for a reason :)
Why is Katsuki talking to you?
....Why are you blushing?
.......And worst of all, why are you giving him you're number?!
.... Why yn chan?
You're enjoying this aren't you?
You MADE me like this
I love you yn Chan
Even if you don't know it yet.
oh~ the things you do to me...
If only... You could see.
Haha... No pun intended. :)
.....At least, not yet anyways.
......I love you, forever and always...
...Remember these vows, for when I marry you...
...Their important to me...So it should be important to you...You're mine, why else do i do the things i do?
to hurt you? no, my dear...To burn those that hurt you...In a fire of their own blood
.......And that's why i say this with peace...
:) Good bye Kacchan.
"Destruction Domination"
It felt like hours until the guy with black hair and a yellow scarf around his neck stood up out of a...Sleeping bag?
"Hello class" his voice was deep and strict, he didn't seem like a bad teacher, but you'd be sure to expect the best from the most famous highschool..
"UA High" It was famous for it's heroes, from Almight, to endeavor, to all types of famous heroes coming here..I don't understand how i got in, but I do know that my education is beaming.
"It's nice to see bright faces, please talk amongst you're peers as the first day you will chat and get to know them, but do not wake me..Under any circumstance's.."
"But sir, what if we have to use the bath-"
"Firstly, you didn't raise you're hand, secondly, i don't care" and with that, he was back to sleep.
This is a pretty chill class, from what I could tell so far, of course that means excluding the angry Pomeranian...But then again, can't he be compared to an angry Chihuahua..?
"Hi there!! You stood up to Kacchan, that was so brave, my name's Midoriya" just as i was about to leave to find Uravity, i hear a soft and seemingly innocent voice.
"Oh...Thanks? um, my names yn"
"That's such a pretty name" the brocolli complimented, noticing his appearance, he had green curly hair and freckles spread all over his cheeks, admittedly, he was cute.
"Thank you?"
"..Anyways...i-i was wondering" before he could finish I heard a soft feminine voice
"Hey yn, I looked all over for you! Oh, hey deku!"
She had a light blush on her cheeks, wheres the tea? because it's burning hot! I think I ran into her crush.
what a pity it wasn't on me... :(
"o-oh! hi..Uraraka"
"It's so nice to see you both, i'm glad i finally found the class.. I was looking everywhere for you yn chan"
"I'm sorry, miss Uravity but I didn't want to be late for class"
"Ahh!! yes but you could of waited!" there was an adorable pout on her face..
Chatting with Deku..And Uraraka was fun; admittedly things were going smooth; until there was a voice
Low and behold..The angry Pomeranian
"DEKU!!!" he called
Deku flinched but otherwise had a calm emotion, as if he was used to his..Friends? nonsense.
"Yes kacchan?"
"They are my friends kacchan"
Deku had no response to that, was he seriously quirkless? How did he get into class 1-A? Oh wait, Uraraka said she gave him a lot of her points..
But then, without a quirk...How is he expected to pass this class..
"Kacchan, one day, you're words are going to come and bite you..In the butt"
okay...This is getting out of hand...I stepped infront of deku and raised my voice,
"Listen here, angry Pomeranian, me and Uraraka will always be his friend, quirkless or not he is still a human, treat him as such"
"well...It wouldn't be a very pretty situation if I did"
his face was adorable to me, his face reminded me of a cute dog, admittedly he reminded me of a bitch. A cute bitch nonetheless.
Deku pulled on my sleeve, turning around I was met with a bright smile
"Thank you yn chan!"
"You're welcome deku" ...?
he had a little blush on his cheeks, oh hell nah, I ain't stealing Uravitys man, pushing Uraraka in front of me I smiled
"Well, i have to go...Talk to other classmates"
Truth was, i didn't really know how to start a conversation, I was mostly at my house all the time, I was a introverted person...So finding friends was hard enough.
i heard a voice, turning around it was the blue headed guy with glasses..
"What you did, standing up to 'Kacchan' as Deku called him, was...Vey heroic of you!" he smiled, a little blush on his cheek...He was cute.
"Um, thank you...I guess I just wanted to help and make the situation..Go away..Haha.."
"Well...Sit with me at lunch!...Please"
did I make another friend? I should start standing up to people all the time..Ahh, but then again, I don't want a lot of friends, i still need 'Me' time.
"Sure..Um Lida"
He blushed when I said his name, ahh shit, he's seriously making my heart go haywire.. Too cute...Did i mention cute people overwhelm me? or the fact that they make my heart increase it's blood flow?
me and Lida chatted for a while, I was unaware of the the burning eyes that held onto my figure talking to Lida..
Walking to lunch was fun, i convinced Uraraka and Deku to join, at this point i wasn't sure what to call the young broccoli.
As Deku and Uraraka talked, my eyes stayed focus on lida as he kept fixing his glasses and talking to me..Is he shy?
I was observant when i wanted to be and it seemed like he was shy talking to me, the stutters in his voice told me enough...
Without thinking, I grabbed his hand to try and calm him, completely unaware to the burning eyes peircing my very being
"Ah! y-yn chan"
"Yes? Oh..I'm sorry, you just seemed nervous, so i was trying to help"
he held my hand, his fingers interlocking with mine...This moment was so surreal, I had never held hands with a boy...So this was...Awkward...I didn't know if I liked the feeling or not.
"t-thank you...Yn"
I smiled, a light blush adoring my cheeks, he was just too cute...Wait, was I simping? shit...
"Ah, yn chan! look, theres the lunch!" I felt a hand rip me away from Lida, noooooo...
Oh well.
"Wait...Deku, could you slow down?"
"Look! there's the lunch line!! Let's go!"
This brocolli..Is weird.
"Okay! Deku...Just" i groaned, trying my best to keep up with the boy...As Uraraka and Lida chatted somewhere else..
Uraraka save me...
Oh Yn...No one...
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