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My Possessive Mafia Hubby

Chapter 1 - Wedding

The Desires Of My Possessive Mafia Hubby
Written by Misty Plume
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Female Lead: Name: Bella Woods Age: 19 Profession: Doctor Talent: able to memorise anything after reading it once
Liam King
Liam King
Male Lead: Name: Liam King Age: 22 Profession: Mafia Boss Talent: able to make anything around Bella disappear (problems, people, clothes😉)
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Today, my best friend is getting married to the love of her life.
The ceremony was made up of white flowers and tears. When they finally kissed at the altar, it reminded me of how single I was.
After the ceremony, we were escorted to the dining room, where Marina rushed up to me in her beautiful white gown squealing.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Girl, I'm married!
I smiled as I took her hands into mine.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I can't believe it! Aren't you lucky, getting married to your high school sweetheart.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Aw, come on, we both knew he was endgame. By the way, that means that you now owe me twenty bucks.
My eyes went wide as I remembered the bet we had both made as kids.
If Marina marries Owen, her childhood sweetheart, I'd take her out and pay for a dinner up to twenty bucks, which at the time was three weeks worth of chore money.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I'll venmo it later.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Now go and spend some time with your hubby. He's going to start getting jealous of me if you don't hurry up.
She waved goodbye as she went to the buffet table.
Well, might as well make friends with the food.
I get cornered by some of Marina's relatives when I'm going to get married and pop out babies.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I'm not sure. I'm all my Dad has, so maybe in a few years.
Yeah right, dating anyone in the past has been a challenge.
There was this guy that I was crushing on in high school. He didn't recognise who I was since he was a new kid and eventually, we started to date in secret.
After a few months, he started to talk me into having s*x with him.
I declined, telling him that I wasn't ready, and he yelled at me.
Afterwards, Marina told me that Owen had heard him talking about his plan to get me pregnant so that he's have to marry me and become the son-in-law to THE Arthur Woods, millionaire and more.
The guy only saw me as a way to make money.
After I broke up with him, he spread rumors about how he had s*x with me and how I was a s*x-crazied bunny who had a daddy kink.
The humiliation I went through that week made me turn to the dark side for a bit.
With Marina's help, we got our revenge though by signing him up on Grinder.
We told the people to come by his school with flowers and a sign "Congrats for coming out, Roger!".
It happened three times before he eventually moved schools.
Totally and completely deserved.
Ever since Roger, I haven't dated anyone properly.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Bell, come here!
Marina beckoned me over and gestured towards a guy next to her.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
This is Marcus Smith, he works with my boy-, I mean husband.
Oh my 6 feet! This guy is just my type! Marina really does know me better than myself!
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Hi, you're Bella, right?
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Owen told me about you.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Well, I'll leave you both to talk.
She then reached up and whispered into my ear:
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Stop shutting yourself off. If you're worried about them taking advantage of you, you'll never find a boyfriend, let alone a hubby like my Owen.
I guess she's right...
I just need to take a leap of faith.
-End of Chapter 1-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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Chapter 2 - Punch

Marcus was... actually nice to be around.
He talked about his horses and how he owns a ranch on the outskirts of the city.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
I've actually just acquired a foal if you'd be interested.
I've never thought of buying a horse, but he makes me want to learn how to ride one.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I'll think about it.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
So, tell me a little about yourself.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Um, well there's not much to tell.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I'm a doctor at a hospital.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
A doctor? Hold on, Owen told me that you were-
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
19, yeah. I passed my exams when I was 18.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Wow, so you're some super genius or something?
I laughed.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Well, I have this thing where I can memorise anything I see. Exams are easy when you have the textbook in your head.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Wow... the more and more I hear about you, the more and more amazing you seem to be.
I blushed.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Um, I'm just going to pop to the bathroom.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
That's fine.
As I walked towards the isolated corridor, I noticed how Marcus was following me.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I can go to the bathroom. Why, do you want to go in with me?
I said it as a joke, but the very moment I noticed that his eyes were no longer right, I went to run.
In the process, he grabbed my wrist and pushed me up against the wall.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Come on, you wanted this.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
I mean, why else would you flirt with me and leave?
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Hey, let go!
He slammed his hand against the back of the wall, making me snarl.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Come on, stop playing hard to get.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I said let go, a*shole.
I reached up and slapped him across the face.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Did you really just slap me?
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Tsk, all you women are just s*x wh*res who want to take advantage of a man.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Now, take responsibility and in you go-
He didn't have time to finish. With one swift punch, he slid across the floor and groaned as his head hit the dance floor stage.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Say that again, you misogynistic a*s?
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Bell, what's wrong?
Marina rushed towards me and I looked at her.
Did I really just ruin her wedding?
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Hey, you, get out.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
What? She's the one who-
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
I don't know you, and you've offended my best friend, so get out.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Are you okay?
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Yeah, I'm fine.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I'm sorry...
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
No, don't be.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
I should be the one to apologise for introducing you to him.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Urgh, whatever. B*tch...
I raised my fist again and he scurried away like a scared little mouse.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
What an a*s...
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Come on, stay by me. I won't let any other creeps come near you, Bell.
I smiled.
The person I've always been able to count on is Marina.
But now that she's married, I think that I'll need to distance myself a little and give their relationship some breathing space.
That's it, Bella. You just have to learn to let go a little.
-End of Chapter 2-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
Thank you for reading my book! Make sure to like if you've enjoyed the story and want more. Subscribe by tapping the heart button so you don't miss any updates. Doing that would mean a lot! Leave a comment especially! I love to read them~.

Chapter 3 - Afterparty

Right after the luncheon, the after party began. All of the guests went to a rented out hall on the other side of the hotel.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Drinks are on me.
Everyone cheered while Marine hugged me.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Hey, don't do that. We set aside enough from the budget.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Just take it and say thank you. Consider it another part of my wedding gift.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Speaking of wedding gift, I wanted to give you these.
I handed her an envelope and she looked at me, smiling.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Ooh, it is a gift card?
Opening it up, her hands began to tremble as she screamed at the top of her voice:
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
My friend's new hubby came running up, concerned.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Look at these! Tickets to Italy!
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
You b*tch, you didn't!
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I know that you wanted to go to Italy but it was too expensive, so here.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Two weeks at the best hotel available and a personal tour guide who will hand-pick your itinerary to your preferences.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Bells... I can't accept this.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
It's too bad, I threw out the receipt. It's non-refundable.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
No, Bells, this must have cost a fortune.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
You really didn't have to.
I smiled and squeezed her hand.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
My best friend is getting married. This is the least I could do.
Owen and Marina are in love, and they truly care for each other.
I just wanted to make sure that they started off their marriage with a bang instead of going to a rundown cabin for two weeks.
It did cost me a small fortune, but it was all worth it when I saw her nearly cry.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Okay, I've decided! You're going to find some guy and you're going to date him.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
We literally just had that fiasco, Marina.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
That's because he knew who you were. Go to the bar lounge and find a handsome stranger to f*ck!
I gasped in shock.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
What? I'm serious, Bells. Come on, you only live once. You need to learn how to accept men. They're going to hurt you, of course they are.
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
Me and my Owen had a rough patch, but we made it through, and look at us now!
Marina Davis
Marina Davis
So go and find someone who you love.
After that, Owen and her whisked themselves away to the dancefloor while I awkwardly tried to avoid her relatives trying to introduce me to their sons or nephews.
I need a drink, and champagne won't cut it.
Perhaps I'll check out that bar Marina was talking about.
I walked out of the loud hall and across the lobby to the open bar.
I slipped into one of the chairs and took a glance at the bartender.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Whiskey, please.
The man nodded as he went and began pouring me a glass.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Thank you.
I put the exact amount on the table and he took it.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Hey, b*tch!
I turned around and grabbed his arm before it touched my shoulder, slamming his head against the wooden counter.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Let go of me.
I snarled and tripped him put using my legs, making him fall to the floor.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
I thought that you'd learned your lesson, guess I was wrong.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
You b*tch... hey, I was just joking, you know? No need to get so angry.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
It's not my fault that you cheated on me with the poolboy.
We immediately began attracting attention.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
I'm sorry that you're a wh*re who can't seem to get off enough.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
Did you hit your head too hard? Are you becoming delusional as well as misogynistic?
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
What about our kids? You hit Stacy, she's only a child!
People around me immediately began whispering, pointing their fingers at me, calling me an 'adultress' and other such words.
Bella Woods
Bella Woods
You really are pathetic, you know that.
I got up from the bar and walked away.
Marcus Smith
Marcus Smith
Think about our kids, honey! Think about them!!!!
This guy just ruined my whole evening...
-End of Chapter 3-
Misty Plume
Misty Plume
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