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I'm Not a Simple Omega

Episode 1

I am an OMEGA... but one with money and a good family, yet still an Omega at the end of the day.

To help you understand, let me explain the life of the poor and miserable omegas, and a bit more.

In a wolf pack, there are categories, levels, status, or whatever you want to call it.

Alphas are the leaders of the packs, followed by the Beta and Delta, which are second and third to the Alpha. There's also an Alpha Supreme, the ruler over all the Alphas in the world.

Then come the warriors, and lastly, the omegas.

The misfortune is that one does not choose how to be born; there are entire families born as betas, deltas, or warriors who fight to attain the highest position... which is to be chosen by the Alpha.

Warriors are those born as such, they are stronger; betas and deltas who were not chosen can become warriors if they enlist... much like humans who join the military.

But omegas do not have this privilege since we are the weakest. As I explained, we don't choose where to be born; the Moon Goddess simply creates us this way…

I am the daughter of a well-off beta family, and my brother is the Beta of the Alpha Supreme, so I hardly see him as he is far away, performing his duties.

My father was the beta of this pack's former Alpha, and I was NOT born as a Beta, a disgrace for the family.

My father loves me, I know, but he can't always be there to help me, protect me, and take care of me since he has to work in our company.

He knows about all the mistreatment I've suffered over the years; not even my family's money has been enough to prevent me from being bothered.

Well, I think I've strayed a bit from what I wanted to tell you…

Omegas are seen as the sexual playthings of the pack's warriors simply because we don't have a definitive role. So, while they haven't found their mates, they believe they have the right to possess us whenever they want, as we can't refuse a superior's demand—they take advantage of that.

This is unfortunate because when we find our mates, many of us are no longer virgins, and others are rejected because it's embarrassing that their mate has been taken by many—a complete stupidity.

I am upset about this, and it's worse that the Alpha of this pack turns a blind eye and the Alpha Supreme does nothing. I tried to communicate with my brother, but I couldn't reach him, and I don't know why. Could it be that he hates me for being an Omega?

In two weeks, I turn 18, and a few days after that, I have my first heat. My father will hide me for 3 days so no one can approach me. He bought me inhibitors to make the scent of the heat more bearable, though it won't completely stop it. After this, heat comes every 6 months until I find my mate, but as of 18, these damned wolves seek to mate with us even if we are not in heat and don't want to.

I am scared; I can't deny it because I do not want to be forced into a relationship, nor do I intend to save myself for my mate since it's much better for me if I never find him.

But... if I am to have sex, it will be because I want to, because my body desires it, because I chose with whom, and not because my mating instinct compels me, and certainly not because of these idiotic wolves who think they own the omegas.

Episode 2

Today marks my 18th birthday and graduation... yes, both events coincide, and although it's a momentous day, it's also when my fears begin to emerge. It's because my friend had a rough time after coming of age and her heat, all due to her being an Omega.

During my school years, I endured relentless hardship, and in the process, I befriended another Omega. She turned 18 a month before I did and underwent her transformation.

Regrettably, when she went into heat, despicable warriors took advantage of her.


"Recalling from her friend's perspective"

They invaded her modest home... unfortunately, she doesn't share the luck I have of being born into one of the wealthiest families within our pack.

Over two out of the three days of her heat, they paraded in and out of her bedroom since the intensity of a first heat is overwhelming, or rather hard to manage because we're unaccustomed to such sensations.

However, that wasn't the end of it all because among those warriors was their leader, who turned out to be my friend Patricia's mate.

The wretched leader, upon seeing her already taken by his men, instead of assisting her, joined the queue and took advantage of her during her last day of heat. He dismissed the others, keeping her to himself.

That day, he possessed her until he was sated. When her heat ended and she woke, she was enveloped in the sweet scent of her mate, who indeed lay beside her.

Confusion set in, for she had no memory of how he found her. All she did was watch him awaken, rise from the bed, then bathe and dress without uttering a word.

When he finally spoke, it was only to reject her as his mate and destined one, which nearly destroyed her.

The agony she felt was heartrending. Somehow, she accepted the rejection and retreated to bathe.

An hour later, she collapsed on my doorstep, utterly broken. My father helped me lift her and bring her to my room.

My father, the former Beta to the previous Alpha, called the family doctor and stayed with me, knowing she was akin to my best friend and sister.

I live with just my father. He was the Beta to the previous Alpha of our pack. One day, our family was assaulted in a targeted attack. My brother had already passed, so it was up to my parents to fight. Despite their best efforts, my mother didn't survive the savage battle and died along with my unborn sibling since she was pregnant.

When the doctor finished examining my friend, he reported extensive injury from excessive sexual contact. Her vaginal walls were damaged and would need time to heal. To avoid risking infertility, he prescribed her contraceptives, and so we complied. She stayed with me.

This event profoundly affected my father, leading him to an extreme but perhaps necessary decision, considering I am also an Omega, soon to come of age and experience my heat.

End of flashback

Patricia: Are you ready? It's time for our graduation.

Ivette: Absolutely, you look stunning, my friend❤️

Pati: Not as much as you, but let's go, your father is waiting, and we should leave the ceremony early for your transformation.

Ivette: I love dad, but sometimes he can be a bit much.

Pati: I would have loved having someone to care for me like your father does for you, Ivette.

Ivette: Pati\, my dear\, I'm sorry\, I didn't mean to... _She's cut off mid-sentence_

Pati: Don't worry, I'm doing much better, and undoubtedly, your father and you have been a tremendous help in overcoming this ordeal.

Ivette: Alright, beauty, you know I love you. Now let's get going.

Pati: Ha ha ha, alright love, off we go.

They grabbed their purses; Pati had been staying with Ivette's father, the former Beta, since the incident.

He had taken her in as a daughter, even seeking legal guardianship despite her being of age.

For werewolf men, leaving home was tied to financial independence or finding a mate. Omegas often struggle as they typically belong to the lower class, and Pati only had an aunt who visited occasionally.

Ivette's father: How beautiful you both look, my daughters.

Ivette: Thanks, dad. You do realize I get my looks from you, right?

Pati: Thanks, Beta Jeff. You look quite handsome too, don't you think, Ivette?

Ivette: That's right, my dad is very handsome.😉

Jeff (father): Thank you, daughters, and Pati, you can just call me Jeff, or dad.

Pati: ??? Dad?

Ivette: Exactly, Pati. This is your graduation gift.

Jeff (father): Yes, as of last week, you're legally my daughter.

Pati: [astonished] 😳 Is this for real?

Jeff: Indeed, my daughter.

Pati: [tearfully] This is really happening to me [sigh].

Ivette: Yes, sister. From now on, your name is Patricia Bezos.

Pati cried harder, unable to believe the kindness of her friend's father and her friend.

Following the wave of emotions and a quick makeup retouch, Jeff drove them to the graduation venue and made sure his men would protect them from any harm.

Naturally, a few fools tried to intimidate, but this time, they were not permitted to, especially by her father's men.

The event proceeded normally, with minor hiccups. Soon it was time to leave for Ivette's birthday and transformation celebration.

Pati: Love, we must go, remember today is... someone interrupted them.

Lindsay Miller: Leaving so soon, my dears?

Ivette: That's right, darling. I have to rush off with my love for some more exciting activities 😉

Lindsay: Finally admitting it, ha ha ha, you two are quite the spectacle.

Ivette: Why not join us for some fun? We could use a tad more entertainment.

Pati: Ha ha ha [gives Ivette a peck] Indeed, sweetheart, a little extra action wouldn't hurt.

Lindsay: You're crazy, but how about I lend you my guards to show you what a real man is like?

Pati instantly tensed up, memories flooding back. Ivette noticed and tried to calm her.

Ivette: Ha ha ha, that won't be necessary. We can enjoy ourselves just fine, but thanks for the offer. Maybe they could be of use to you, umm... the scent of arousal is so strong here. Oh, don't tell me you liked my proposal, ha ha ha. Alright, gorgeous, you know where to find us. Bye [blows her a kiss].

They turned to leave, and Pati couldn't help but burst into laughter at the turn of events, given that that particular she-wolf had definitely gotten a bit hot under the collar.

Episode 3

Jeff: Are you ready, princess? In a few minutes, I'll start your transformation.

Jeff had marked off an area in the forest behind his house, where his trusted men were in charge of the work because he wouldn't expose his daughter to danger.

Ivette: Absolutely, Dad, I'm ready and very excited.

Lilith: Let's go, Ivette! It's time.

Ivette: What?

Lilith: Silly, I'm your wolf who has just awakened, and I'm ready to emerge. Just trust in me.

Ivette: Ha ha ha, sorry, you caught me off guard. What are you waiting for? Oh, by the way, what's your name?

Lilith: I'm called Lilith, and my mother sent me to look after you.

Ivette: Your mother?

Lilith: Don't worry, we'll have time to talk later. Now focus.

Ivette: Okay, I'm ready. You take over.

Pati: You've got this, sister. I'm here for you.

Ivette: Thank yo—aaah! But what... aaah, it hurts so much, aaah!

Lilith: Stay calm. It's because it's your first time. Don't resist; let it happen, and it'll be easier and less painful.

Ivette: Hurry up, Lilith, this hurts so much, aaaaaah!

Ivette's bones started to break – or at least that was what it felt like. She couldn't stop screaming because it seemed her wolf was large, which meant the transformation was taking longer.

Jeff: Daughter, just let her take control.

Ivette: Yes, do… do… Lilith... do your thing... aaah!

As soon as Ivette let Lilith take control, everything happened very quickly.

Jeff and Pati were amazed when they saw Ivette's wolf form – not to mention the guards.

Lilith: Ivette, you can look now! Ha ha ha, why are you closing your eyes? See how beautiful we are. Now I'll move my paws.

Ivette: We are white; you're so beautiful, Lilith.

Lilith: We are... because you and I are one.

Lilith ran nonstop up to the boundary she was allowed. Upon reaching it, Lilith gave a mighty howl at the grand Moon as if announcing her awakening. At that moment, her sister-friend joined her side.

Pati's wolf: *bows* Princess\, I'm your guardian\, sent specially by your mother.

Lilith: Don't do that, Ariel. No one here knows that the Moon Goddess is my mother, not even Ivette, so that's unnecessary. I don't want to be treated differently or to be killed out of fear.

Ariel: Alright, princess, I believe it's time for the girls to listen in, or they'll notice.

Lilith: Okay, but don't call me princess. That's an order.

Ivette: Lilith, are you there?

Lilith: Yes, I'm here. Just taking a moment for myself and getting used to setting my paws on the ground again.

Ivette: Great! Lilith, I want to introduce you to my best friend and now sister, Patricia. I'll leave you to chat with her wolf while I just enjoy the view.

Pati: Ariel, let me introduce you to my sister, Ivette. You talk to her wolf; I'm here if you need anything.

Ariel: Thank you, Pati, but we've already introduced ourselves.

Pati: What? When?

Ariel: Just now, when you couldn't hear me.

Pati: Sneaky! So, shall we run?

Ariel: Pri—... Lilith, shall we run?

Lilith: Of course, let's see if you can keep up!

Lilith and Ariel ran toward their father, Jeff, having a blast. Once they arrived, he hugged them and admired their fur.

Jeff: You are both quite large for mere Omegas. Undoubtedly, the Moon Goddess has a purpose for you both, and I will guard and protect you with my life if necessary.

Lilith: Thank you, Jeff. I promise to look after my carrier.

Ariel: Thank you for helping Pati and for making her part of your family. I promise to look after Ivette, too.

Jeff: Thanks, my daughter, but you must also learn to look after yourself and not let others get past you. I will always be there for you both.

The girls reverted to their human forms, and Jeff had already prepared two long silk robes for his daughters, so when they changed back, the nanny covered Pati while he covered his daughter.

Jeff: Let's go inside. It's time to cut the cake.

Ivette: What? There's cake 😲 Let's go fast!

Pati: Ha ha ha! I forgot how much you love cake!

Ivette: Especially if it's chocolate. I love chocolate!

Jeff: Well then, let's go in. You girls get dressed, and I'll prepare the table.

Ivette: Thank you, Dad. I love you.

Eagerly, the two dashed up the stairs to find something more comfortable to wear for eating cake with their father. After a few minutes, they appeared at the same time from their rooms and broke into uncontrollable laughter upon seeing each other.

Jeff: Okay, my girls, it's time to cut the cake.

Pati: First, we should sing 'Happy Birthday.'

Jeff: Alright, on the count of three.

Pati: Okay, 1… 2…and 3!

Jeff and Pati:

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday, dear Ivette

Happy birthday to you!

👏👏👏 Congratulations!

There were plenty of hugs and presents as it was Ivette's coming of age. Jeff brought out a bottle of wine to toast with his daughters since this would be their first taste of alcohol, and it would be under his supervision.

Jeff: I'd like to propose a toast... First off, I want to thank the Goddess for blessing me with a daughter as beautiful and intelligent as you. I'm also grateful for having an Omega with us who, though challenging, taught me never to look down on anyone. My daughter, you know I love you with all my heart, and the decisions I make are for your benefit; I don't want to see you hurt. And while speaking ill of the Alpha may seem like betrayal, I must admit he is doing a poor job; his father would be ashamed had he been around. I want you to know, the moment I first held you in my arms, I felt immense joy; my heart beat fiercely because I knew you would be the most precious thing in my heart just like your brother, Jacob. And when I lost your mother, you were my strength to carry on. I love you, my daughter, and always look after yourself... Patricia, thank you for being here too, for you are now my daughter as well, and forgive me for not having protected you sooner, but like Ivette, I will cherish you as a treasure... Cheers.

Ivette and Pati: Cheers [tearfully]. Dad, thank you for everything.

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