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The Singer of the Bar

Episode 1

My name is Lola Hernandez, I am from Guadalajara, Mexico. Since I was fifteen years old, I became an orphan, the only child with no family. My parents were murdered on their ranch, and I witnessed their death. I couldn't report their murder to the authorities since the people who did it were influential and only wanted my parents' land after they declined to sell it. One night, two men dressed in black forcefully entered our home and first killed my father, and then my mother. I hid in my room, listening to everything, and they were looking for me because they couldn't leave any witnesses. I escaped through the window and ran, and ran, and ran until I reached a lonely highway. I walked so much that I don't know how I ended up at a bus station. I had fifty pesos in my pocket, saved from my own earnings. I got on the bus and headed towards Mexico City.

On the bus, tears began to flow. I left my dead parents' bodies behind and wondered how I would give them a proper Christian burial. If I returned, I could also be killed. It was an internal struggle, and I felt immense sadness. On the bus, a woman approached me…

STRANGER: Hello, girl. Is something happening? Why are you crying, such a pretty girl with a red face? Nice to meet you, I'm Martina...

ME: Hello, I'm Lola Hernandez. I'm sorry, I don't know you...

STRANGER: I know, sweetheart. I saw you crying, and that's why I approached you. Look, this is my phone. If you ever need something...

ME: Wait, I don't know this city. I just lost my parents and came in search of work...

STRANGER: Perfect, you're a very pretty girl. You could work at Willian's bar... hmmm... Girl, I'm looking for young people to work as models in California. How old are you?

ME: I'm fifteen, but I don't have a passport to go to California. I've never been anywhere until today...

STRANGER: Don't worry. Here are my details so you can find me...

ME: Wait, I have nowhere to go. I don't know Mexico...

STRANGER: It'll be very easy. Willian will be happy. You'll be one of the sirens at the bar, and it will bring us lots of profits, especially if you're a virgin... Perfect, if you want, you can come with me to the apartment...

ME: Thank you, really. I have nowhere to go. Thank you so much, ma'am...

STRANGER: I'm Martina...

And that's where it all began, by trusting unknown people due to my innocence. This world is very horrible. Sleeping with men I don't desire. Today, I am Willian's singer and woman, a disgusting man who stole my virginity. I wish I could escape this life, but I don't know how to do it. When I sing, I am happy, and it reminds me of my childhood when I was happy, before the suffering started. My parents were still alive back then. Now, I'm nineteen years old, and I've been here for four years. One day, a man arrived, whom everyone nicknamed Lucifer. I don't know why, but he was beautiful, with blue eyes, brown hair, and very tall, with a gaze that scared and made me uncomfortable...

I am 5'6" tall, not very tall. I have blonde hair and honey-colored eyes. They say I'm pretty. I'm the youngest siren, Lolita. My hair is long, reaching my waist. I have a beautiful body, and I can't complain. I look very similar to my mother, and many men want to be with me. But since I became Willian's woman, thankfully, I am forbidden. Willian is an incredibly arrogant man, and I feel disgusted by him. When he touches me, those are the worst nights of my life. I am not happy. I wish someone could save me...

Who will be the prince who will save me? I read many stories of princesses. I wish I could be one, where my prince would rescue me. I am like the princess in the tower, Rapunzel, waiting to be saved...


I am a billionaire businessman who is 29 years old, but in the underworld, I am a dangerous mafia known as Lucifer. I am Russian but have been in California for a long time. I have two sisters whom I adore; I don't have parents as they died in a car accident. Since then, I have dedicated myself to taking care of my sisters and managing my businesses. Everyone fears me, and I won't allow anyone to trample on me. My best friend, Patrick, is an American and my right-hand man. We have known each other for over ten years. Today, Patrick invited me to the bar called The Mermaids, and I was mesmerized by the singer, a beautiful young woman. She had blonde hair, honey-colored eyes, and an amazing body. I wondered why such a beautiful girl would be in a place like this. She must be the same age as my sisters. I will investigate who this young woman is because I want her for myself.


I am the owner of The Mermaids bar and I am 40 years old. Ever since I saw Lolita, I was captivated by her. I did not want her to work selling her body, so I proposed that she become my wife in exchange for protection from any man. I was her first, and since then, she is only mine. She only sings at the bar, and I don't want anyone to desire her. She belongs to me, and if anyone dares to try to take her away, I will kill them. I know she is with me involuntarily due to circumstances, but I don't care. Her body belongs to me.


I have been working at The Mermaids bar since I was twelve years old. I am Mexican, and I am William's right-hand woman. I do everything he asks me to, including finding young girls to satisfy his desires and make money. I love him, and to make him happy, I will do whatever he asks, even though I hate Lola. Ever since she arrived, she stole his attention. I will do everything to remove her from my path. There is a man who showed interest in Lola, and I will ask him for money in exchange for giving her to him without William finding out.

Episode 2

A while back, Martina, who was from a beautiful department, is bigger than the ranch where she used to live. She asked Lola if she lives alone.

Martina: Yes, I live alone but I come here occasionally. I live in California where I work. And tell me, Lola, do you have any family or are you alone in the world?

Lola: Martina, my only family was my parents. I'm alone in the world and I'm still a minor.

Martina: Listen, Lola, I want to talk to you honestly since you don't have any family and nowhere to go. I propose a deal; I work at a well-known bar called Las Sirenas, and you are very beautiful. They will hire you immediately and you'll have a place to live, money, and most importantly, food.

Lola: A bar? I have never heard of a bar, and I have never been outside my house. Explain it to me. If I could have all that, I would like to work...

Martina: It's easy. Tell me, have you ever had a boyfriend?

Lola: No, I have never had a boyfriend. I am very shy...

Martina: Perfect, you are a virgin...

Lola: What does that have to do with the job?

Martina: Let's get to the point. It's easy, men would pay a lot of money for a virgin...

Lola: So, you are saying that I would have to sleep with men for money? My mother taught me values...

Martina: But your mother is no longer here, girl. Think about it, who would hire a little girl like you who is alone in this world? Someone could harm you. With me, you could find a future, money, look at me, look at my apartment, and I am doing well...

Lola: But I am scared, I have never been with any man before. My mother taught me that I should have my first time with the man I would spend the rest of my life with, my husband, and that hurts a lot...

Martina: We are in different times, little one. It's the 21st century, and it hurts a little bit, but afterwards, you will like it. You don't know how pleasurable it is. I love sex, especially with the man I love, my WILLIAM...

Lola: I'm scared...

Martina: Listen, girl, if you're going to waste my time, it's best that you go and don't look for me. Live on the streets, alone and abandoned. I gave you an option and you didn't want it. Opportunities like this don't come twice, and besides, you will get to know another country...

Lola: But I am scared. Fine, I accept. You are the only person who has helped me. When would we start?

Martina: We leave in three days. I have to get you some papers so that you won't be illegal, right?

Lola: Alright, Martina. Thank you...

Lost in my thoughts, I am scared of what Martina proposed, but I don't have a choice. My life is ruined without parents, alone in this world. I have to lose my virginity to a man I won't even know. Oh God, I want to be like other girls who study. My dreams of being a singer are shattered...

Three days later...

Martina: Lola, get ready. I bought you new clothes. We are going to do your makeup, and you have to appear older. Look at this dress. We already have your papers. They will call you Lola Smith at the airport. Act normal, with no nerves. Don't ask too many questions. I will explain everything to you. You are going to California for vacation, okay?

Lola: Alright, I will obey you so that nothing goes wrong...

At the airport, Lola did everything Martina told her, and they managed to board the plane. Lola was nervous; it was her first time on a plane. The ordeal of poor Lola, an innocent girl whose dreams are destroyed, working at this bar, being manipulated by a woman who plays with Lola's mind. She takes advantage of the girl's loneliness and helplessness to do whatever she wants with her...

To be continued...

Episode 3

We arrived in California and everything is different here, much more beautiful 😃 I wanted to enjoy this, but Martina was in a bad mood, and it scared me a little...

Martina, I'm hungry, could you please give me something to eat?

Martina: All right, Lolita, we'll eat at the hotel's restaurant tomorrow. We'll go to the bar, which is two hours away from here, in my car.

Lola: All right, Martina, but isn't it too early?

Martina: You need to work, kid. I'm spending a lot on you, and we're nothing. I'm only doing this out of charity, but look at all the money I've spent on you. You have to pay me back.

Lola: But I thought...

Martina: What did you think, girl? Did you think everything in life is free? You're mistaken, little one. Nothing is free except death.

Lola: All right, Martina, I'll pay you back. I promise. You're the only one who has cared about me, and I'm grateful. I'll do whatever you ask.

Martina: Oh, little one, of course you'll pay me. Haha. You're valuable merchandise, and William will pay well for you. Yes, Lolita, of course you'll listen to me.

Two hours later...

We arrived at the bar. It was a big exclusive place, unlike anything I had ever seen before. There were many women dressed like mermaids. They were beautiful, some dancing and undressing. I was surprised and embarrassed by the public nudity. We reached an office and knocked.

Knock knock knock...

From inside, a deep, strong voice said, "Come in."

William: Come in, it must be Martina with fresh meat for my bar.

Martina: Hello, William, dear. Look, here you have it. Let me introduce you to Lola Hernandez, or should I say Lola Smith. Haha.

William: What a beautiful girl. There was something in her eyes and her body. I definitely wanted to try her first. I liked her a lot.

Lola: That man devoured me with his gaze. He was handsome, but it terrified me. He looked at me with desire. Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Lola.

William: The pleasure is mine, little one. Martina, leave us alone.

Martina: What? Alone? Why do I have to leave, William?

William: Martina, leave. I need to talk business with this young lady.

Martina: All right, William, but be careful. You know that she's mine. You hear me? She'll only be here to work.

Martina left, and I was alone with that man. I was nervous, wondering what would happen. Would I have my first time so quickly?

William: Well, Miss, tell me, how old are you?

Lola: For a moment, I was scared. Yes, sir, I'm 15 years old.

William: You're underage. Well, have you already had your first kiss?

Lola: No, sir.

William: Perfect. Today, you'll learn how to kiss. Come here, sit on my lap.

Lola: I felt nervous. I got up and took slow steps until I sat down. That man touched my legs, removed his hands, reached my waist, my neck, and kissed me. I had never been kissed before, and it wasn't bad, but he put his tongue with desire in my mouth.

William: Perfect, that's how you kiss. And you look delicious, Lolita. Do you want to work here, sleep with many men? Sometimes, there are violent gentlemen.

Lola: Upon hearing that, I got scared. No, sir. It frightens me. I thought it would only be one man.

William: No, darling, you'll sleep with many, unless...

Lola: Sir, anything, but please, don't let all those men touch me. They would hurt me.

William: Perfect. You're falling into place. You'll be mine, only mine. You'll have to sleep with me. You'll be my woman, and you'll only work to serve drinks.

Lola: I was very scared. Being this man's woman didn't appeal to me, although he wasn't ugly. But being with many men was worse. Sir, all right, I accept. But I would like to work here as a singer. I love music, and I don't have an unpleasant voice. If you want, I can audition.

William: All right, I like the idea. I need a singer to attract attention from many men. Here, wealthy men come. You won't be one of them, but tonight we'll be together. I'll assign you a room. Get ready, shave, and wear what I leave on the bed.

Lola: All right, sir.

William: Goodbye my mermaid, you may leave and go swimming. Tell Martina what I told you, do you hear me? Or else, I will send you to a group of men who will abuse you, do you hear me...

Lola: Alright, sir, don't worry...

I left there and wanted to scream and cry. A girl like me, being in a place like this, I hate my life. Tonight will belong to that man, and I have no way to escape...

Martina: Is something wrong, Lola? You look thoughtful. What did William tell you?

Lola: He just told me to rest today and work tomorrow. I told him that I like singing and he will give me the opportunity.

Martina: That's strange. Your virginity is valuable, but well, whatever he decides is fine. Now, I'll leave you, little one, I'm going to find my man...

Knock knock knock

William: Come in... What do you want, Martina? I'm working...

Martina: Your prize has arrived. I want us to be together now. And one question, why doesn't that girl start working today? And why will you give her a singing job? Her virginity is valuable, William...

William: I am the one in charge here. Don't try to assume roles that don't belong to you. Get out of here, you stupid woman. You ruin my desire to touch you. Do you think you can come here and act like you own me? You're mistaken. I want you to leave my office right now...

Martina: But my love, I'm sorry. I won't say anything else. But make me yours if I deserve it. You know I love you, I'll do whatever you ask...

William: Fine, come over here. I will lower my pants, and you can give me oral sex. Make me want to touch you, that's what you're here for, right...

Martina: Yes, my love, whatever you say...

Meanwhile, Lola...

I'm here in this room. Tonight, I will stop being a girl and become a woman, William's woman. Martina can't find out, she would kill me. But I don't know what to do...

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