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In Love With Villian

character intro.1

Ameli Williams(Fl)
Ameli Williams(Fl)
Name : Ameli Williams(fl) occupation: students Age : 19 love: reading novel, male lead nature : strong,caring towards family and friends and cold towards others, bossy Hate: Male n female lead of the novel secret: ceo of Ali company, (she had no role in the novel in which she time traveled)
Luna Williams (fl mom)
Luna Williams (fl mom)
Name: Luna Williams (fl mom) occupation: famous designer and ceo of the lun company Age: 40 love : her husband and daughter hate : two face people , gold digger ,
Noah Williams (fl father)
Noah Williams (fl father)
Name: Noah Williams occupation: ceo of William company Age : 42 love : his wife and daughter hate : same as luna
katherine Williams (past fl)
katherine Williams (past fl)
Name : katherine Williams (past fl) Age: 20 occupation: student (medical) love : reading novel and villian of the novel hate: male lead and female lead of the novel
Sophia smith (Bff of fl)
Sophia smith (Bff of fl)
Name: sophia smith (fl bff) Age : 19 occupation: student love: fl and family and her friends hate : gold diggers, two face people nature : bold ,caring, friendly secret : designer future ceo of Smith company
Isabella Davis (Bff of fl)
Isabella Davis (Bff of fl)
Name: Isabella davis (fl bff) Age: 19 occupation: student love : family and friends specially Amelia hate: same as sophia nature: kind , friendly, strong, cold towards strangers secret: ceo of bella company
Benjamin Smith (sophia dad)
Benjamin Smith (sophia dad)
Name: Benjamin smith (sophia dad) Age : 42 occupation: ceo of smith company love : his wife and daughter hate same as isa
Evelyn Smith (Sophia mom)
Evelyn Smith (Sophia mom)
Name: Evelyn smith (sophia mom) Age: 40 occupation: had her own design company love: her husband and daughter hate : same as isa
Emma Davis (isa mom)
Emma Davis (isa mom)
Name: Emma Davis (isa mom) Age : 40 occupation: had her own company love : her husband and daughter hate : same as others
Elijah Davis (isa dad)
Elijah Davis (isa dad)
Name: Elijah Davis (isa dad) Age : 42 occupation: ceo of Davis company love: his daughter and wife hate : same as others

character intro 2

Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Name: Lucas Blake (ml) (villian in the novel that katherine was reading) Age: 20 occupation: student (business) love: Ameli ,his family and friend hate: who ever look at Amelia and hurt his family secret : ceo of LAN company Nature: possessive toward fl , act sweet in front of fl and family , cold towards others
Jack Blake(Ml dad)
Jack Blake(Ml dad)
Name: Jack Blake( ml dad) Age: 42 occupation : ceo of Blake company love: his wife and son hate: two face people ,gold digger
Hannah Blake(ml mom)
Hannah Blake(ml mom)
Name: Hannah Blake (ml mom) Age : 40 occupation: ceo of her own company love : her family hate: same as jack
Oliver johnson(ml bff)
Oliver johnson(ml bff)
Name: Oliver Johnson (ml bff) occupation: students ( business) Age : 20 love : his friends and family hate : same as others secret: ceo of his own company
Liam's Brown (ml bff)
Name: Liam Brown (ml bff) Age: 20 occupation: student (business) love: his friends and family hate: same as others secret: ceo of his own company
James Johnson(oliver dad)
James Johnson(oliver dad)
Name: James Johnson (oliver dad) Age: 42 occupation: ceo of Johnson company love: his family hate same as others
Anna Johnson (oliver mom )
Anna Johnson (oliver mom )
Name : Anna Johnson (oliver mom) Age: 40 occupation: designer love: his family hate same as others
Richard Brown(Liam dad)
Richard Brown(Liam dad)
Name: Richard Brown (liam dad) Age: 42 occupation: ceo of Brown company love: his family hate: same as others
Ella Brown (Liam
Ella Brown (Liam's mom)
Name: Ella Brown ( liam mom) Age : 40 love: her family hate : same as others occupation: had her own company
chloe Miller (Novel Fl)
chloe Miller (Novel Fl)
Name: chloe Miller (novel fl) Age: 20 occupation: student love: john and money and power hate: lucas
john Garcia (novel ml)
john Garcia (novel ml)
Name: john Garcia (ml in novel) Age: 20 occupation: student love: chole n money.. hate: lucas

chapter 1

chapter 1
In the corner of the bed katherine was reading her favorite novel
the name of the novel was you are my first love..
katherine Williams (past fl)
katherine Williams (past fl)
Today I will surely complete the novel... ( I am so excited)
she started reading
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Today I will confess my feeling to chloe..*I am a bit nervous *
lucas saw Chloe from afar and he went toward her
But when he came near he was shocked to see
john Garcia (novel ml)
john Garcia (novel ml)
"You are the one I wanted to find, to tell that I need you all my life, from this day on till the rest of my life." would you like to be mine forever..miss Chloe Miller ..
chloe Miller (Novel Fl)
chloe Miller (Novel Fl)
( I am so happy .. that the one I love is proposing me) yes I would like to be yours for the rest of my life MR. John Garcia
both John and chloe was happy that they are finally together... they both kiss each other..
on the other hand lucas saw all this and was heartbroken to see her lover was happy with other guy
lucas went away from their leaving both chloe and john there with a heavy heart
At lucas apartment
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
why .. why .. can't you see my love for you chloe... I love you so much but still you left me and choose john
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
I have always love you since from the first day of the college.. yet you always avoided me...
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
why can't you love me like the way I love you...
He was cried the whole night
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
No I can't see you with someone else.. I will surely make you fall for me
Lucas Blake (Ml)
Lucas Blake (Ml)
I will do everything to make you mine...

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