lero, Vineno, Senisa.
The Three Kings, as people called
them, were the founders of many
kingdonms on the northern continent.
Many myths tell of the birth and fall
of the Three Kings. The one closest
to the truth is the following:
Legend says that the northern
continent becamne as it is now
because of the descendants of the
winter god, Kuatra Galiau. He was an
ice beast with long black wings that
could cOver the sky, a mane as red as
fire, and a white body. When the ice-
covered god settled on the northern
tip of the land, an unending winter
Swallowed the north.
A long time passed and Kuatra Galiau
became a mountain range where the
snow never melted. Upon learning of
his transformation, Nuadga, another
god, planted a bay tree next to him as
a farewell.
The bay tree bloomed and bore three
fruit. East Wind, West Wind, South
Wind, and North Wind looked after
the fruit with great care, and soon
three children tore through the skins
of the fruit and came out into the
Their names were lero, Vineno, and
Senisa, in order of birth. The three
entered adolescence in two weeks
and were fully grown in ninety days.
They then went their separate ways
to found their own countries.
lero ruled with fear, severely
punishing convicts. His strictness
bought him both reverence and
hatred from his vassals, so he had to
constantly be on the watch for their
Vineno poisoned criminals in an
effort to give them a clean death. But
a vassal who feared his poisoned
wine secretly gave his cup to Vineno.
Thus, the kingdom lost its king.
Senisa burned his own flesh to
absolve all sinners of his land. His
vassals were not afraid to sin, so he
eventually turned into ash.
Hence, the three kingdoms fell, and
the great divide in the north
Hundreds of years later, the son of
Yeigan from Rarke wrote that the
Three Kings myth was actually "three
roads of a king."
Every so-called king in the north
hears this story at least once.
There are three thrones in the world.
All those who call themselves kings
are forced to choose one of the three.
Which would you choose?
Funereal oration
Vano oredalak Nuadga, muin janlisas
guire Rarkaddanya. Nuadga of death,
lead us to Rarkaddan.
There is a tale of a utopia passed on
from the ancient Rarkalia Dynasty.
When the great ones under the
protection of Nuadga draw their final
breath, they go to Rarkaddan.
A land where there is no hunger,
disease, or pain, at the cost of one
gold coin.
All the great generals will meet once
again past the gate, in the free land.
So ye who listen, do not fear death.
Love as you will, rejoice as you will,
fight as you will.
Rarke in the north did not fear
fighting mighty enemies.
The glory of the utopia where all
loved ones gather is their old faith.
preface of mariposa
This tale begins with a queen from
two hundred years ago. A tragedy and
a comedy of a queen who madly
loved her country, a brother who
worshipped her, and a man who loved
her as a woman.
The time will come for the dance of
the swords that could not leave the
For the arrival of those who come
back through the stream of time,
And the return of a lost butterfly,
When a blue flower that has not been
seen before blooms.
part 1 fallen glory
It all began two hundred years ago, in
a small country in the north.
Rarke was a kingdom on the border
between the north and the west of
the continent. Dolomete III was the
twenty-fourth king of the kingdom,
which remained a weak country a
quarter of a century since its
foundation. He had eleven children:
three children from the queen, and
eight from two concubines. The
eleven children were all intelligent
and talented, but the most beloved
was the first princess, Swan Sekalrid
The princess had the king's fiery hair,
and she loved Rarke more than
anyone else. The soil, the air, and
even the grain from Rarke were her
source of pride. She shared her bread
with the hungry and gave her clothes
to the cold. The people widely
praised her for the mercy and love
she displayed not with her words but
with her actions. Hence, the king
adored and trusted Swan very much,
and the rough-natured nobles
admired her as well.
As a merciful ruler to all she decided
was hers, Swan was a royal born to
reign. The old nobles and the young
all agreed about her. "Though she
has the body of a woman, she has a
better nmind and charisma than most
men," they would say.
Swan followed the cunning Thick
Black Theory, an eastern philosophy
that emphasized developing a thick
skin and a black mind, encouraging
followers to pursue their own
benefits while thoroughly hiding
themselves behind a thick mask. At a
young age, she was sharp-witted and
aggressive, believing in the blood-
and-iron policy.
She grew up on the rough land,
gulling her brothers into thinking of
her as a friend by volunteering to
train with them and thawing her
sisters' cold hearts with calculated
generosity and appeasement. Even
her natural beauty became a weapon,
for the nobles could not resist her
smile, which was like a single rose on
a rocky land.
Only a couple of years after she first
bled, she became the only princess
who knew how to utilize her sex,
instead of considering it an
irreparable weakness.
Though she was beloved by all her
blood, she did not truly return their
love in the slightest. Her brothers
were talented and gifted with the
masculinity she was not, but they
had no ambition, like satisfied fish in
a little pond. The concubines'
children who dared to get in line for
the throne were imbeciles Wrecking
Such were her opinions about her
siblings, except Peijak Dollehan
Rarkalia, the sixth prince of Rarke,
five years younger than her.
"Rest assured, brother, I will protect
you from now on," she told him.
"And I will protect you, sister, when I
am groWn. I swear it."
She smiled at him. "You've got a
She took note of her half-brother's
potential. She gathered all the love
that could have gone to her other
brothers and sisters and gave it to
Peijak, who looked just like their
father and therefore like her.
"I will protect you." As she had
spoken, Swan eliminated the
remaining supporters of her two
brothers, who destroyed each other
fighting for the throne. She was soon
praised as the sole true heir. Thus,
she solidified her road to the throne
even before the age of nineteen.
When she reached twenty-one, the
king met an untimely death not long
after his fortieth birthday.
After the king's funeral, Swan
married the margrave from House
most beautiful throne in the world.
In the process of securing her
accession, she destroyed her
professor, Yeigan, and handed those
young sisters who remained in the
palace to her supporting houses.
Brionake, the largest house of
warriors, and sat on the coldest and
It seemed as if a peaceful era under
the rule of a queen was to commence.
But alas, her ambitions did not aim at
a peaceful reign.
A year after a bitterly cold winter, the
most horrifying war since the
beginning of time began.
"Until when should the people of
Rarke fight over small lands in this
cold?" she declared. "Shall we leave
the rich, fertile lands with golden
crops to the hillbillies in the south
and continue to hold our breath for
the coming of winter? If you truly are
patriots, shed your tears and rise. If
you understand the duty of force,
follow. Raising my shield and sword
for you, even at the risk of my owWn
life, is the future I seek. I will fill your
bellies with food and let you strip off
your thick coats and run about the
fields freely. Prince Consort Margrave
Brionake will be given a dukedom
and will rule Rarke as regent. Sir
Peijak Dollehan will go to war with
me as the commander of my army."
Her unexpected ambition thus
Countless nobles stood by the queen
In the solemn, suffocating
atmosphere, the queen placed her
Sword on the left shoulder of her red-
haired and blue-eyed half-brother,
Peijak, who was said to be a superb
swordsman. The two, soon to be
written as the worst queen and
knight in history, swore to each
in front of her throne in Norte
"I, Swan Sekalrid Rarkalia, as the
successor of the Bay Tree and the
Queen of Rarke, swear to be fair to
you. Your life, death, glory, and
everything will be as they are done in
my hands. All you will achieve from
this day on will be in my name."
"As you wish, my queen. Saturga
guire Rarke."
Thus, Peijak Dollehan officially
became the queen's knight.
No one dared to oppose the twenty-
six-year-old queen with the greatest
knight in the country, Peijak
margrave in the north, Belbarote
Paseid of Brionake, House of
Dollehan, on her left, and the best
Warriors, on her right.
A conquest began that would last
eleven years. After five hundred years
of peace, neighboring kingdoms fell
without even putting up a fight at the
sudden invasion. Though Rarke
retreated from time to time, they
were never defeated.
"All rise and stop the queen of Rarke.
Else, you will meet your doom
splattered with blood," exclaimed the
king of a small kingdom at death's
No one could stop the cold-hearted
queen, who developed new ways of
war, burning castles, changing or
blocking water supply routes, and
building roads in the mountains
instead of declaring a war and then
fighting out in the field as the others
did. One by one, her enenmies
Even the nomadic country in the
west swore their loyalty to the queen
after being chased to the edge of the desert.
She finished her preparations
to march to the fertile south. This
only took her two years.
Swan was like a goddess of war, as
good or better than men at sword
fighting, archery, horseback riding,
spear-throwing, and even hand-to-
hand combat. She also had the
merciless ghost of war, Sir Peijak
Dollehan, by her side. The queen
stood at the front of her army and
granted love to her soldiers and
shameless death to her enemies.
Peijak worshipped his only sister and
kissed her blood-soaked hair. "I
respect you for your love for Rarke. I
love you with all my worthless body
and mind,"
She reached the age of twenty-eight
after twO years of war.
She had her first child on the
battlefield. It was the child of her
half-brother, not her husband, who
was ruling back in the palace in her
After a small battle, Peijak came back
bloodied from destroying a town in
the south to find Swan glaring at
herself in the mirror.
He fell down and cried. "Sorry. I'm
"It's my fault for not predicting this.
Not yours."
She was pregnant but had not gone
back to the palace for two years,
because of the war. Things had
changed. Instead of wallowing in
despair, she sent a letter to her
Duke Brionake replied to her letter
and did not blame her for having
another man's child. "Even if it is a
son, I will keep it a secret if you make
our child the heir."
"I will, Belbarote. Belbi, I truly do not
know what to say."
Though she did not wallow in
despair, she did feel terrible at this
moment. The wifeless husband gave
a bitter smile.
"But come back to the palace and
tend to the affairs of state, Your
Majesty," he said.
So, a yearlong truce was pronounced.
The nobles were starting to grow
tired of the long war, which they had
expected would end in a few years.
Those who raised their voices with
concern that the queen had no heir
held a feast. Small kingdoms in the
south who trembled at the news of
Rarke's invasion were delighted and
sent tribute disguised as gifts. The
people prayed the war would end at
Seven months later, the queen gave
birth to a son. The child looked like
his mother, and hence like his father.
Two months later, Swan led her army
back onto the battlefield, despite her
vassals pleading her to stay and rule.
From then on, Belbarote came to
visit her on the battlefield from time
to time. She did not blame him for
leaving the palace, for she had
promised him a child. He implored
her to end the war and rule her
country whenever he visited.
Peijak, who supported her ambitious
plan to conquer the entire continent,
opposed Brionake and claimed he
was a coward. "You seem to have
grown scared even of the littlest
things since you got locked up in that
castle and started playing with paper
instead of a sword, Your Grace."
"Though you may be winning war
after wa, the people of Rarke are
tired," Brionake snapped in reply.
"Do you not realize that the number
of widows will increase if the drafted
men do not come home, and we will
sOon run out of food because many
are taken to forced labor? Not all of
that can be replaced with plunder."
"If you mean to stop my sister, I will
not just stand aside."
Duke Brionake glared at him,
revealing his personal hatred. “The
only reason you're still alive after
laying your hands on Swan is because
you are protecting her:"
While her two supporters' animosity
toward each other grew day by day,
Swan carried another child. It was
The queen decided to compromise.
She promoted Peijak Dollehan to
commander-in-chief. She decided to
return to the palace for two years to
straighten her country's affairs. Not
long after her return, she gave birth
to her second child. Another son.
Belbarote pleaded with the queen,
who only showed any kind of passion
at the continuous reports from the
battlefield, even after giving birth.
"Your conquest has yielded enough,
my queen."
"A little more. We will soon reach
In less than eight years, they reached
the final border in the far south. With
the richest and the most beautiful
kingdom, Morgana, left, she ignored
her advisors' words.
"A little more, a little more, and the
north and the south will unite, and
this continent will be named the
continent of Rarke," she repeated
She was now the age of thirty-four.
She even ignored her husband's
pleading and returned to the
battlefield, to experience the
moment of uniting the country with
Peijak, who had been faithfully
keeping his place on the battlefield
for their grand triumph.
But under the rule of Dernajuke IV,
the Blond King, Morgana was an
enemy of vast strength that she had
not faced yet. The legend of the
undefeated army crumbled like a
sand castle. The Rarkian army
And they were defeated.
To Swan, facing defeat was
something unforgivable that shook
her soldiers. "I will not return before
her very core. After repeatedly
advancing and then retreating, she
roared in rage at the dead bodies of
I crush those sons of whores!"
The purpose for her war with
Morgana changed from patriotism to
merciless hate. More people died,
and the war turned into a war of
attrition. Even at the cost of
countless lives of her soldiers, Swan
slowly advanced and reached Olzore
at last.
Olzore was a nature's gift of a fort,
said to have not once fallen since it
was built. There was a narroW valley
and rough lands in the front, and a
valley with a shallow stream of water
behind it.
The queen's army attacked without
hesitation, but utterly failed. The fort
did not fall to her attempts at
infiltration, ambush at night, or
battle. It mocked her.
Filled with hatred, the queen ordered
a new operation so vast in size that
no one had ever dared to think of it.
"We'll tear down that valley, Peijak."
Her generals followed the order with
pleasure, for the queen believed that
the word "impossible" was a mere
assembly of meaningless sounds.
They secretly constructed an
enormous plan that would take two
years to complete, only to satisfy the
queen's determination to take down
a single fort.
Not knowing that Rarke was in
danger of falling apart because of the
war that had lasted nearly ten years,
Swan focused only on the imminent
The Rarkians continued to fight little
battles to fool the enemy, deploying
countless soldiers and starting to dig
through the valley and build tunnels.
They weren't enough. Swan started
to draft workers from the nearby
conquered countries. She even
brought people from her homeland
of Rarke into forced labor.
One day, three months before the
end, those who were tired of war
rebelled in Rarke. A messenger
arrived at the queen's camp.
"I have been ordered to bring Queen
Swan Sekalrid Rarkalia back to the
palace, Your Majesty. By force, if need
She laughed at the messenger. "Who
would dare order me to go anywhere?
Duke Brionake will suppress the"
He cut her off. “Duke Regent's
An arrest warrant with Duke
Brionake's seal fell near her feet.
Brionake was the head of the
rebellion. She lost half of her army
and her right wing.
Those who had praised her brought
her down, saying that she was mad
for war. Her beloved people and the
man she trusted with her life turned
their backs on her. The shocked
queen forced Peijak to flee and
returned to the palace alone.
She saw her children at a palace that
now felt inexplicably foreign. She
couldn't recognize them, for she had
abandoned them at birth. She didn't
even know their ages.
"You've grown so much," she said.
"You must be..."
"It is an honor to finally meet you,
Your Majesty," her eldest son said.
It was a hard blow.
Her ears, which had remained deaf to
all the people's tearful pleadings,
opened at last. She realized her
madness at the single uttering of a
The nobles forced the befuddled
queen to kneel. Some supported her,
saying that she would be a sage
queen now. Those who feared she
would take revenge on them raised
their voices and sentenced her to die
for neglecting state affairs.
Her armor, which felt like a second
skin after almost half her lifetime,
was thrown into the furnace.
Her husband kneeled in front of her.
"I loved you."
She chuckled at the paradoxical
nature of the first revelation of his
true intentions."I still cannot believe
this is my end."
"Forgive me."
"I do not blame you."
"I failed to protect..."
"You protected Rarke."
“You. I failed to protect you."
He had aged quite a bit over the
years, but he sobbed like a child in
front of her. Time had left its marks
on the face of this man who had
sworn to belong to the queen.
The war had begun when she was
"It's...how old am I now?" she asked.
She did not even know her own age.
conquest that had started with a
loving desire to enrich her people
had starved them instead and turned
Rarke into a living hell.
What a foolish life it was. The
"You will soon be thirty-seven."
“Ah...and you will be thirty-nine. No,
"Forty. It's been a long time."
She could not speak anymore.
Thirty-seven years of ferocious
fighting. All she had left was land
rotten with blood and the
resentment of thousands.
She embraced her destiny without
tears, letting her husband's cries pass
like the wind, unmoved by them. It
was like he was shedding her tears
through his eyes.
In ineffable self-loathing, she asked
for one last thing. "Belbarote, I ask
that you be gentle with Peijak. He...
his only fault is that he stayed by me,
like a moth drawn to fire. I will pay
for everything."
Belbarote's wet lips touched her dirt-
covered forehead. She smiled,
thinking it was quite warm.
Two weeks later, the sentence was
carried out on the scaffold for all to
see. It was the end of a twisted
patriotism and rancid madness. With
the death of the tragic queen, her
horrifying conquest disappeared into
Thus, the bloody war that left an
unhealable wound between Morgana
and Rarke ended with Morgana's
Belbarote Paseid Brionake, the first
king of the Brionake Dynasty,
ordered that Rarke end the war with
Morgana under all circumstances,
even if it meant they had to sign an
unfair treaty. Dernajuke IV, the king
of Morgana, and the first emperor
(ValarjefI), did not miss the chance
to elevate Morgana as the only
empire on the continent.
The twenty-fifth Queen of Rarke,
Swan Sekalrid Rarkalia's path was
recorded in history. She would be
remembered as an innovative and
ruthless strategic genius, the Iron
Queen, a tyrant.
Under the cold dew of the north, all
she left behind were resentful cries,
seven books of war, and two sons
she'd barely even spoken to.
to Be Continued
"Ill call for you once everything is
taken care of. Trust me and wait,
Pei," Swan had told him.
So, he had trusted her.
But not so long after, the news of the
queen's imminent execution reached
even Peijak, who was hiding in a
small town in the fallen Rhine
Kingdom. He had faithfully followed
her for his entire life, and he could
not even imagine losing her. As soon
as he heard the news, Peijak took his
surviving troops and knights and
rode to the palace of Rarke.
Ten days later, the stone wall
surrounding Muiyadro greeted him
glumly under the gray, drizzly sky.
Peijak stared at the severed headhung under the wolf banner on the
Her red hair, as beautiful as twilight,
was shorn at the neck and matted
with rotting blood.
"A lie..." Peijak murmured.
Her murky blue eyes stared into the
southern sky as if to mourn the
unfinished deed. The bodies around
her reeked of hearts rotten from
betrayal. Swarms of maggots and
bugs crawled in the pools of blood
and rain.
Peijak cut off the rope and held the
rotting head of the queen with his
shaking hands. He slowly caressed
her rotten cheek.
"A lie.." he said through clenched
teeth. She dedicated her life to this
country. She was a good queen who
didn't hesitate to risk her life to give
her people rich land to farm. She was
a great queen, the first in the history
of Rarke to achieve such magnificent
accomplishments of expanding the
country's territory and rebranding it
as a country with an indestructible
army instead of a weak one. Without
even thinking twice about it, they
betrayed that invaluable leader, who
will be incomparable to all those who
follow her...
"A lie. This is a lie."
Peijak raised his head. His view was
blurred by the rain and his angry
tears, but he could still see the whitewolf banner on the wall as clear as
His furious cry spread across the
rainy field like thunder.
"Sir Dollehan, the enemies are
coming," one of his men told him.
Peijak pierced the ground with his
terrifying pitch-black spear. It was a
precious gift, with so great a meaning
she had not been able to give it a
name, so Peijak volunteered to
become an actualization of its
meaning himself.
He pierced the queen's head on his
long spear. Then he turned her head
away from the south.
Her blank eyes stared at the palace of
"You ungrateful fools of Rarke!"
Peijak fixed his eyes on the Brionake
banner following the soldiers
running toward him to arrest him
and his troops. It was Belbarote
Paseid Brionake, the new king of
Rarke, and the man who was once the
"I detest you! Usurper Brionake! I
detest Rarke!" Peijak cried out as he
glared at Brionake, who was now at
the front.
Peijak turned away from the
betrayers and spurred his horse. The
knights of Rarke who had once
worshipped the queen chased afterhim. Those who followed Peijak until
the end rode south without stopping
to get away from their pursuers.
Then Peijak and hundreds of knights
loyal to him kneeled in front of Fort
Olzore, the fort that had defeated the
queen after years of war.
"1, the sixth son of the former King
Dolomete the third of Rarke, brother
of Queen Swan Selkalrid of Rarkalia,
request refuge at Morgana."
Creaaaak. the front's Door opened
Peijak wept at the grand sight of
Olzore opening its door after so
many days. As he took each step
across the border his respected and
beloved sister could never cross,
Peijak let the rage build inside him.
Morgana was entranced by all the
information the man who once
fought in the fields with the queen of
Rarke had to offer. Pleased with
Peijak's loathing for Rarke, the king
of Morgana granted him a title and
As proof of his loyalty to Morgana,
Peijak presented all the original
copies of the letters the queen had
supposedly written herself and
founded a new house. It was the
beginning of a new force of power in
Morgana, named Mariposa.
Thirty-two years later, as he met an
end to his life stained with hatred
and madness, Peijak Dollehan
Mariposa prophesied, "Tell Rarke.
The queen you betrayed will return
with me."
And two hundred years passed.
chapter one
There was a small town in Galabua of
Rarke, near the forests at the
southeastern border. Though it was
small in size, it was a busy town, full
of life, with travelers coming and
going. With rundown houses built at
an arm's length of each other and the
fields spotted with ripening crops,
the place looked almost like an
undeveloped vacation site.
Its people were peaceful. They didn't
even feel that threatened by being
not too far from the Gerad border,
where there was a war going on.
Rather than showing hostility, they
mingled like family with the
merchants and travelers who came
with news from the outside.
It was a serene land where there was
no man too rich and no man too
poor. Life was easy there.
But there's no place without
exceptions. Even in this ordinary
town, there was a celebrity whom all
the residents found odd. She was the
second daughter of the horse dealer,
who had recently gotten a very
handsome deal with the royal family
of Rarke. The girl was a head smallerthan a grown man and had dark-red
hair that shined even redder under
the sun. Her eyes were of the same
shade. She was an unusually pretty
girl for a small country town.
But the reason for her fame was not
her outstanding beauty or virtue. The
men in the town were all country
bumpkins who did not have eyes for
distinguished beauty to begin with,
and they had all watched her grow
up. There was nothing to marvel at
about her appearance.
And her character? The girl, who'd
just stepped into her twenties a few
years ago, was as fierce as the old
man who sold beans, whom all the
townspeople agreed was the fiercest
of all.
Her reason for fame could be
summed up in one word.
Reuyen, the daughter of the only
horse dealer, Jess Detua, was a
Though a couple young men had
recently gone to war by choice or by
force-for even a peaceful town like
this could not escape the impact of
war--leaving the town quieter than
before, Reuyen was at the center of
all kinds of trouble. She was both
idolized and envied by the local men
until fairly recently.
Everyone knew that she was the
daughter of a man who raised and
sold horses, so her remarkable
equitation made sense. What didn't make sense was her swordsmanship
and archery, even taking down birds
flying in the sky, which no one had
taught her.
Young, competitive countrymen
challenged her for no apparent
reason and tried with all their might,
but like the headstrong girl she was,
Reuyen beat their pride to the
ground without hesitating. Her
mother baking bread as an apology to
the crying, broken men became an
everyday sight in the town.
If that had been all, they would have
just thought she was gifted. But it
The only place with books in the
town was a tiny old bookstore. This
meant that the only way to gatherany kind of knowledge and
information in specific areas was
through learning from the town's
visitors. Yet Reuyen was erudite
enough to teach the outsiders
When it came to the ancient history
of Rarke, even the eighty-year-old
hunchbacked teacher stopped his
lectures when Reuyen was around,
for he could not follow her. Though
some argued that her words were
made up, most of them were true,
and there was no way of verifying the
When someone asked, "Where did
you learn all that?" she replied, "I
don't know," made a sulky face, and
changed the subject.
One day, bursting with curiosity, the
adults of the town all went up to her
father, Jess, and questioned him. The
funny thing was, not even the father
knew how or why his daughter knew
the things she did. What was even
funnier was that the so-called genius
girl never admitted to being a genius
herself. Today, her reaction was the
"I understand that I seem smart,"
Reuyen said to the crowd that had
gathered, "but it's not right to say
that I'm a genius. So, stop asking."
"Then what are you, I say?" an old
man asked.
"I don't know. But you all should be
aware, the east wind has turned theother way, so it's going to rain a lot
once the sun sets. Why don't you go
and bring your laundry inside or
"What? Really?" The old man looked
up to the sky, which held not the
slightest hint of a cloud, with a
curious frown.
"You can doubt me all you want, but
do warn Lea. It looked like she was
putting out her vegetables to dry."
It would rain if the swallows flew low
and the cumulus was high. Her
predictions were not one of those
hit-or-miss sayings. Just how did she
know them, specifically? She was
right most of the time, but there was
something about her.
Everyone thought she must have been hiding
"How long are you going to stay
huddled there, gentlemen?" she
There wasn't even an inkling of
respect in the question she spat out
as she held up a bundle of wood. The
adults soon started eyeing each other
and then they all dispersed. A
stranger might have laughed at them
for scattering away for shelter from
the rain when the sun was still
shining strong, but they knew that
Reuyen was right seven or eight
times out of ten, so they had nothing
to lose in believing her this time.
"Thank you, Reuyen! Time to bet if
you're right again!"
Reuyen swallowed a sigh as she
watched the adults running like
She put the bundle of wood down at
the doorstep of the smaller room in
her father's house. Her little brother,
who was resting his head on a hard,
wooden pillow and picking at his
teeth, looked up with a blank
expression on his face.
"What are you up to, sis?"
"Sidan, stop just lying around and
help me move the wood. Is that all
that's over there?"
"Why are you bringing it inside?"
"We didn't fix the shed leak."
Sidan tilted his head and looked at
the clear sky through the old window.
Clear as clear could be. After sulking
for a bit, he dropped his toothpick
question. The Detuas had learned
through experience that every one of
Reuyen's words and actions had
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To Be Continued
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