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-Fifty Shades Of Poison [Jikook]-

Oméga Rules!

Important Caution! - This story might contain : • heavy sm*ut with gifs/pics • cúrsing • Alpha , Omega , Beta! • Enigma : A most powerful species in the wolf history which is rarely pointed out in fictions. • harm to teacher-student relationship! • purely fanfictional ⚠️
The Yonsei University was filled with Students laughs , Teachers murmuring , Parents talking and many more activities. The place was pretty beautiful!
The bell rang as students started gathering to their classes.
A man in black suit , with blonde hair smiling at every teacher , greeting the students walks in with his sweet pheromones. Making the be it Student Alphas or teacher Alphas growl in dominance!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Good Morning class! I am Park Jímin your new Chemistry teacher!
All the omegas howled in anger because they saw their Alpha mates and Other unmated Alphas growling in dominance.
The class started!
There , There , There comes a boy in black clothes...Totally like a hidden kidnapper. He was just 17 mins late for the 30 mins class.
"May I come in?" He asked in his husky voice. Jímin looked behind to see him. But he was hidden.
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
You are late! And you are not in uniform. Why so?
"(without looking at the teacher) Just let me the f*uck get in! This is my dress code. Don't you dare question in it!" Neither the student looked at the teacher and nor the teacher looked at the student.
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(smiles) Please get out before I kick your balls young lad!
He snorted and was about to walk out!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
What is your name by the way Mr King?
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
J , Jeon J!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
I asked only one name tho! Now get lost!
"Wow , He smells like a sub omega but look at him kicking out the true blooded enigma...He has guts man! Imagine his dominance under us!" The classroom alphas , betas started murmuring. "look at this b*itch acting so dom- how dare he disrespect our prince charming?" the omega girls spatted angrily!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Alright , Put your head on books...Or I will break your heads ! (slams the table) No more words about that late comer!
The alphas stopped talking...But the omega girls didn't. And as a result- Jímin smiled just and holding a book hits the head of one speaking omega making her fall down on floor. Everyone were shocked seeing that act of a teacher.
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
This should be between this class! You speak about this matter to your parents or anyone else? I hit her with a book , next time I would hit that person with a steel rod! (smiles) Now , Take page 48! The project for today!


Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
How cheap that student was specifically how the class omegas screamed anger at me!
Hóseok (Submissive Omega)
Hóseok (Submissive Omega)
And look at you , hit her with a book? Seriously min?
Jímin rolled his eyes while sticking his tongue out at Hóseok!
Jín (Dominant Omega)
Jín (Dominant Omega)
(twists his ear) I heard something Park Jímin!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(winches in pain) Hyun- Hyung! I am sorry! I- can explain-- (pouts)
Jín (Dominant Omega)
Jín (Dominant Omega)
There's a bad news for your deed young man! This University is going to vain!
Jín was a Music Teacher and he was known for vocal cleaning! Hóseok was a dance teacher , he was known for strict dancing!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
?? what bad news?
Hóseok (Submissive Omega)
Hóseok (Submissive Omega)
Well , We can't do anything about this! We couldn't even stop him. He is here !
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Who is he Hóseok and Jín Hyung , stop making me desperate!
Jín (Dominant Omega)
Jín (Dominant Omega)
Your enemy , The one you hated the most!
Hóseok (Submissive Omega)
Hóseok (Submissive Omega)
Jeon Júngkook! The one you hated the most in your past!!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin angrily walked out of the staffroom and suddenly bumped on someone.
He realised the person he bumped in had hard chest , big muscles , white , manly handed.
"I am sorry---"
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(winces in pain) CAN'T YOU SEE , YOU BLIND STUDENT!
Jímin looked up to meet the terrific person.
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Now I know why I felt your scent familiar ! You bítch dared to follow me till this university!
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
oh excuse me? I am a teacher here working since 7 months ago!
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Not like you own this University! Ugly piece ! I can't believe your still the ugly person now also.
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(smirks) Oh , and what about you ? Still didn't dare getting near any girl? Lmao !
It hurted Jímin a lot when he got "ugly" title back , he used to have body insecurities back then and he would swear to god that he would have again! Because Júngkook is back!
Jímin sassily with a internal pain walked away.
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
(smirks) But that a*ss remained still l*ustful! Ugh WHAT AM I THINKING ! I have a girlfriend! fck!


"Ahh~~ , Yes right theree-- uhhmmm~~~ aahhh~" The atmosphere turns dirty in the boys restroom. Students walking by heard all the mocking words and dirty slips. Yet , The pheromone they smelt made them let them do it without anyone disturbing.
It was Júngkook after all , f*ucking deep and disgustingly his gf , Elli!
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
(grabs her hair)
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
(móans) ~~uhmm~ sp~ ahh
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
(leans to neck)
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
(stops him) Ahmm~ not there- no marking!!
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
(glares) (th*rusts roughly) Watch me be a monster here!!
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
(winces) Aahh~ there , yes that spot~ ahh!
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Don't scream ! Are you planning to let the whole Korea know that I am f*ucking you!
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
Elli (Oméga) [likes koo for fam & money]
(glares) Don't you dare insult your gf like that! (pushes him) My legs are trembling yet I am letting you do!
Elli angrily walked out wearing her clothes but without shoes. She held the shoes in her hand. She is going to use the Ladies Bathroom to wash her body.
Júngkook walks out wearing everything perfectly. Because he wasn't dirty at all ! He didn't had any sweat , stinky smell , or even his díck had c*um. He wasn't much satisfied.
"oooh~ ahh~" Another móan? Kook got interested in the móan and thought of thirdwheeling. But when he followed the voice , he saw-
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(puts the bandaid on the finger cut) Ahh~ oohh~ yff~ Why does it hurts so much!!
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
.....(rages) This b*itch is literally móaning...
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
This móan was like a small music to Koo , he felt his member twitch. But for heaven's 168293698th time sake. He never knew why that happened because he ignored it.
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Stop staring at me 'afraid of girls' boy!
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
(snaps out) Fyi , I have a gf and Why tf are you móaning! (growls)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(walks towards Koo) Aww , did I turned your large gourd on? (whispers) Daddyh~
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
Jímin (Submissive Omega)
(giggles) Go f*uck off! (pays attention back to his finger cut) Damn this finger.
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
Júngkook (True Blooded Enigma)
(licks min's cheeks) Your middle finger isn't worth for másturabating short guy. How about mine?
Author : New Jikoo 18+ oneshot's coming!

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