From My very first memory. That I can remember. I have always known this small dark damp and moldy room. From the drapes to the old wooden bed and walls covered in cobwebs. I am fast asleep on my bed that is shoved in the back right corner of this moldy room of mine. under a blanket made of wool, I am ***** from my head to my toes.
I look like a 14-year-old boy yet for a vampire boy my age is 114. that is still young people. My family is none other than the royal family of all vampires that are hidden across the world. humans and monsters don't get along for many different reasons. my room is hidden behind a wall up in the untouched northern tower where no one enters. for the door is jammed shut. The walls of my bedroom are tall and made of stone, my bedroom is in the tallest tower. The tower looks like it is reaching for the night sky. the towers are taller than anything in the town below them. the towers look over the kingdom below. yet no one knows that I am alive in this small room in the tallest tower. people of my father's kingdom. they wake up and go through their day-to-day routines as I grow older and weaker by the day today. my bedroom window is boarded up from the outside so as to not let the sunlight in my room. I am stuck in this room by magic to hide me in this bedroom from the inside and out and the only one that can open my door is my father from the outside of my room. yet my room is hidden from my father and my older half brothers and sister. I have not been given a name. I can tell you how I look. my skin is like a white porcelain doll and soft to the touch. my ears are pointy and my silver hair is longer than I am tall. my eyes shine red when starved for human blood they light up in the dark ( like a cat when light hits them in the dark). normally my eyes are ice blue in color.
. yes, my father is king yet also a vampier of all the races in this kingdom elves and humans vampires beast-men, and fairies. the dwarfs have their own kingdom along with the werewolves and ogres. they live in the underground kingdom in the dark mining towns and blacksmiths are how they trade us for food they have underground lakes and rivers and magic stones too anyone can use magic but we vampires can't use magic. that's why I am stuck in here only a human, can find my door but can not open my door for only the blood of my mother or father can open this door yet my mother was killed by a vampire hunter. after I was hidden away for my safety her maid and bodyguard were put to death for failing to protect his queen only problem was they were the ones who helped my dead mother hide me from everyone tell my 115th birthday which is tomorrow. the magic spell will break and my bedroom door will open to anyone. and in my current state of health, a human could kill me.
as I sleep here on the old wolf furs upon this old moldy wooden bed my body is covered in dirt and I can't move I am completely ***** under the old black woolen blanket. as I was put here the day I was born. To protect me from my older brother from killing me, For my father will give the crown to the strongest vampire. as I am fast asleep in my bed which is the corner of my room. I can hear rats running around on the stone floor and everything else in the tower that I am locked away in . as for my thirst for human blood it has become ever so strong. yet I have also been sleeping for the last 6 years. To try to stay sane, for all there is in this room is rats and cobwebbed covered walls and a bed. It happened to get really boring real fast. As for today it just so happens to be my 115th birthday. which means the magic spell has been broken and has vanished without a trace. as for the door to the tower itself is jammed shut. I am still stuck here for even though my bedroom door is no longer hidden and sealed by a magic spell, there just so happens not to have a door handle on this side of the door. yet I can't also lift my head up from my bed, for I am in a hibernating state. Only the royal family can hibernate. But I can still hear everything that is going on around me. I just can't do anything to anyone. a week after my birthday the door to my tower gets removed ever so loudly and two men are talking to each other. for I can hear every word being said and every footstep they take. and the way they are talking is interesting.
"well this old tower is in need of repairs really badly," said the first man's deep voice . "yes it sure does and then some but we still need to clean it up first for god knows what has found its way into this upkeep part of the castle," said the second male voice in a grossed out manor way of speaking. yeah, I will get the maids I brought with me right on that said the first male voice in a matter-of-fact kind of tone. "HEY YOU YONG HUMAN MAID GO GET THE OTHERS THIS INSTANT AND CLEAN THIS TOWER FROM TOP TO BOTTOM THAT'S AN ORDER" yelled the both of the 2 male voices. yes, right away your royal highness's said the human girl maid. as the sound of her feet can no longer be heard. "Do you remember ower stepmother?" said the second male voice. " yes I remember her before she was killed she was pregnant with our father's child yet we are not allowed to talk about her Samuel !" said the first male voice to the now known named Samuel. "yes I know that father said that yet her portrait is hung right there Benjamin?" said Samuel. yes, I can see that Samuel yet I don't really mind for she was a nice woman yet we need to fix this place up for are father before he returns home said Benjamin to his younger brother Samuel As my half-brothers had stopped talking. a large team of maids is now in my tower to clean the place for are father for his return to our family after being alone for so long. for you see father thinks he had lost two victims when my mother was killed by the vampire hunter. my Mother did give birth to me in secret and the only two other people that had known about me were killed by my father for they had kept the news about my birth a secret for they had sworn to protect me to their grave if need be. as I was not yet old enough to be found yet by my father or brothers or my sister for a newborn vampire is very dangerous to even another vampire for they are born with a large thirst for vampire blood for they did spend 9 months being fed by their mother's blood.
**As maids are cleaning the tower. That was my mother's before she was killed\, I can smell their blood and hear their hearts beating in their bodies. To the point of waking me up from my hibernating state. All I want is for one of the human maids to open the door to my old\, dark bedroom. From the other side of my door\, I can smell the yummy scent that smells **so good. **I can't help but drool over its sweet smell of blood. As Their footsteps get ever so closer. On the other side of my door. For it's the door that is stopping me from drinking them dry. (for the door is very strong). It is overwhelming to me that I can't sleep anymore. I am no longer in my bed. For I am ready to jump the first human that opens that door. I am crouched down like a wild cat to catch their prey. My eyes are glowing bright blood-red in this dark room\, and my fangs are bare to see as I am hissing at the door for being in my way. (my long silver hair is hiding my ***** body from site). As I wait ever so quietly for any sound of that door to open or movement. Any minute now!. As that door slowly opens and some young woman walks into this old room of mine\, she didn't see me when she walked into my room\, for when I tilted my head to the side looking at her like I am a wild animal. For this happened all in a quick second. As I attacked her so fast\, she didn't make have time to make a sound. For I have my teeth cutting into her neck ever so deeply. Only for the blood in her body. As her blood is pouring into my mouth with each gulp. The taste of her sweet blood is something can't get enough of. As she looks at me\, as she is about to die in my soft embrace. My tears are falling\, for it just tastes **so good in my mouth. I want so much more blood. As I let her go. Her dead body falls to the floor at the same time. I can hear a woman screaming from the doorway behind me. That's when I started feeding off of the maids in my tower. Killing them on my way down the tower. As the screaming and the taste of their blood are captivating me to kill more. And for more tasty blood. The human blood that I have consumed is helping my strength return to me. As I am becoming stronger and stronger with each human I kill. The bodies pile up higher. As I am starting to finally feel full”. And my eyes turn back to my ice blue colour, just like my mother's eye colour. And the screaming has stopped. I am feeling ever so tired. When I started to fall over where I am standing. Someone, near me, caught me in their arms before I hit my head on the floor. Little did I know that person was none other than my own father, who is holding me, for I am fast asleep in his arms and ***** and covered in blood. Yet my father is crying happily as I am soft sleeping breathing in his arms and most of his maids are now dead. As my father looks around the room. My 12 older brothers walk into my tower to welcome are father back home they all stopped in their tracks, in sock for I am sleeping in our father's arms. Father is sitting in his large armchair.”father who is that you are holding”? Asked the oldest in the room. “Well I am thinking of a name to give him, yet he is the son of my dead wife Serena and myself, so that makes him your half brother”. Answered the vampire king happily to his oldest son, James.
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